
Young Writers Society

ATTENTION STORYBOOKERS: Your input is needed.

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Thu May 23, 2013 10:50 pm
Ego says...

Hello, all. Some of the older members and chat lurkers know me, some of you don't. I'm Ego, a former Storybook Tycoon responsible for storybooks such as Necropolis, the Uprising, and Four Treasures.The Storybook Forum is in absolutely SHAMBLES, friends. It's at the lowest per-month posting numbers since 2007 (Six years, people. SIX YEARS).

Per the Head Honcho himself, Nate:
- Storybooks are currently hovering at about 650 posts per month (although May is already at over 700)
- In late 2007, storybooks went from a couple hundred per month to almost 2000 per month in a very short period of time.
- By March 2008, there were 4,000 posts.In April 2008, there were over 7,500 posts.
- Since then we've been declining, but mostly hovering at 1,500 to 2,000 posts, til recently.

This is unacceptable.

So my questions to you are as follows:
- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?
- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?
- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?


A short survey.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?
How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?
How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?
My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________
Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:

Thanks in advance. YOUR input will make the Storybook forum once again THE place to be on YWS. For those of you that have already responded to my blog (by inexplicably writing your own blog o.O), please repost you answers here.
Got YWS? I do.

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Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Thu May 23, 2013 11:20 pm
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crossroads says...

As I said on my blog..

I don't normally do surveys. However, I find the initiative admirable, and I agree with every word Ego said in his post.

Hence here I go. Forgive the possible lack of relation between the questions and answers - I'll get to talking about each point eventually xP

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

I would say, a workshop of some kind - perhaps even one lasting for more than a few hours (because frankly, one can't really even touch every aspect of SBing in a few hours, now, can they?) - would be lovely. It would come in as quite refreshing, I'd say.
I do know there's a bunch of really, really good SBers, but I also think there's a whole lot of new people, those who perhaps have never tried it nor even thought of it, and they should be introduced to it.
On the same note, I believe there should be a place in the forums or such where the new members would be able to get acquainted to it - perhaps with a list of experienced SBers who could lead them for a while (in no means connected to the Budddy System, but working in a similar way)..? I can't tell if that'd help, but I do know that many new members say something along the lines of "I just found the Storybooks tab" around the beginning of their second month on YWS.
I mean, I know, it's on the top of the page, not like it can really be missed..but frankly, those who know me can probably tell I love Storybooks, yet if I wasn't introduced to it via PM (and not quite nagged, but persuaded for sure to join) in the first place, I'd have only thought of them as of "something interesting but not really up my street". More direct communication between the older SBers and potential ones would be a great thing.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

The two things bothering me the most, even more than repetition of the same old topics, is
1. The fact people seem to not really care, and
2. There's just not enough communication going on.

Let me elaborate a bit.
Of course, Storybooks are meant to be fun and no one should be forced to participate more than s/he could - but I've seen examples of people thinking along the lines of "well this is just an SB, not like grammar matters, or the quality of actual posts, or caring of spelling other people's names right". It makes me sad to see that happening, frankly. To me, SBs present an amazing way to get your imagination flowing, learn to cooperate with others, develop your characterization and so on. I do understand that most writers work on their projects seriously and like to think of SBs as of sort of getaways which are way more easy-going than their poetry or novel or whatever the project is.. But I tend to think of SBs as of novels written by many authors.
And I'm not asking for people to let go of their masterpieces or fail exams in order to pay more attention to the SBs - but for heaven's sake, use spellchecker, that's the least you can do. To be honest, I'd rather see people posting rarely but posting posts of reasonable length, with proper-ish grammar than seeing people posting random posts of four sentences written like by hand of a child who's native language surely isn't English (not that I don't salute non-native English speaking children joining - but again, spellcheckers are your friends, it's experience talking if nothing else).

As for communication, I'm fairly sure that's a problem many are aware of. Yes, there are DTs, and while I can live with no plotting, I still think that's not enough. Google Docs aren't hard to make. Pads are not hard to make either - or even chat rooms. In order to get an SB going, especially to make it good and perhaps encourage someone completely random to follow it and read it, people ought to collaborate. Talk all the time, discuss plot points or ideas, give each other more information about the characters.. That way, not only the SB itself gets better, by putting together ideas of more than one person and including everyone in the plotting and thinking process, but people get closer to each other. Which has nothing to do with this, but I'd call it a great side effect.

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?

As I stated above, workshops of some kind and better connection between the new members and the more experienced SBers would work wonders.

Also, I think it'd be nice to have Storybooks featured - weekly or monthly, perhaps - the way Literary works are. After all, we are all writers, and we do like other people reading our words, and I'm sure it'd be lovely to see the name of the SB you're participating in honorably mentioned somewhere for all to see.
And besides, it might encourage people to proofread the posts at least a bit before posting c:

On the same note, a place where people could "review" SBs might be a nice idea. Not as officially as it is with the Literary works, yet not as casual as writing "hey just stopped by to say I love this" in the DTs (especially since people wouldn't do that, because then they'd be getting tons of notifications for somehting they're not even a part of).. I'm not sure. Perhaps it's worth a thought..?

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Well, honestly I'm not sure what to say here. I'd go back to the mentor/mentee kind of thing..perhaps a new SBer who wants to start his/her own SB should be appointed a mentor of a kind, an older and/or more experienced SBer to oversee the whole thing, at least for a while..? I think it might work, and lead to some interesting outcomes.

Also, it'd be nice to have a sort of Stroybook Tea Party.. For the people to gather together and basically talk about things like this, or brag about the SBs they're in, or point out some weaker points for others and ask for advices and such. Due to large number of members, it might need to be restricted - perhaps those attending could be chosen by some criterium, maybe by having at least one SB in their past which had over 100 posts, or has finished, or lasted for a few months, or some other notable achievement.
Yet, I know, it's elitist and maybe doesn't sound so good at first glance, but I think it might be nice and encourage people to pay the whole thing more attention. Maybe the Tea Parties would be held somewhere off the site, and it could be more of a rumour, since we all like to uncover mysteries..

Maybe I should write a novel instead of rambling here. But I do still like the idea xP

What would also be good, is giving some sort of admin powers to the people starting SBs. However, that's not originally my idea, I just agree with it, so I'll let VeerenVKS explain that in his own post xP

The Quick Survey thingy c:

-In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

I haven't even been here for six months.. O.o
But I'm sure the number goes over 10 anyway.

-How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?

Three, I'd say, or something around that number.

-How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

The ones mentioned above, others died way before reaching that number.

-My favorite storybook I ever participated in was is Wonderland Rift 2 run by Alvarin - though I can't not also say Long Live the Living, which Alvarin and myself thought of but would never be possible without the marvelous crew we got together.

-Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers, in no particular order:

..oh, that's six already. I don't say there aren't others - there definitely are, some of them being new and seeming very promising..and some others being too old for me to be acquainted to (but I know of them because I stalk old SBs, yes) c:

Well, that's it <.< Don't expect me to do a thing like this again any time soon..after all, I'm pretty sure I got you fed up with reading my survey replies anyway xP

Again, I salute the initiative, and I think it's awesome that people are really taking their time to answer and give it some thoughts.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu May 23, 2013 11:24 pm
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veeren says...

Spoiler! :
Of course my first blog is about storybooks

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

I have waaay too many ideas for this, but just so you won't be bored, I'll list my favorites.

From an aesthetics point of view, the storybook pages look just like every other forum (except maybe squills), blue and bland. Perhaps if storybook pages (atleast the homepage) were able to have a custom banner, like our profiles, they would feel more welcoming- er something. Also, I think DT pages should be more like clubs; a wall for general comments and where (as I believe AriaAdams said) people who don't participate in the SB but follow it can show their love, an about page to describe the SB, and a a forum, for more specific discussions about the SB.

Maybe you'd ask, 'why not just make a club for the SB then?'. Because most SBs don't survive long enough for a club to be worth the effort

Also, I'd love if people were able to be given administrative privileges on the SB's they make. Like they- wait, I don't think this belongs in this section.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

The users. You can change SBs all you want, but when comes down to it, it's those participating that make SBs run. You can't make someone stay invested in an SB, just as you can't make them stop SBing either. I haven't SBed for very long, compared to some, but recently, I've noticed a very wide gap in the ways SBs are run. I'm not saying there should be a fixed set of rules for all SBs to follow, rather that the fact that each SB is different is what makes SBing unique, and confusing. Less experienced members, coming from one or two small SBs, might be overwhelmed by the changes they see in a larger SB, and that can be demoralizing.

How to fix this problem? I dunno. I'm just hear to tell you what the problem is

Also, it's the sheer amount of SB's that are made and ignored that makes the SB forum look cluttered, confusing, and difficult to maneuver to newbies. To fix this, I'd propose making it cost points to post an SB once more. This way people will be less likely to post on a whim. They'll really think of an SB they'll commit to if they know they can't just make a new one the next day. And with it, they'll receive their plethora of features to help make their- wait, still wrong section.

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?

First off, I've always wanted to have storybook clans, or groups, or whatever. It's hard to explain, and kind of silly, but it would be awesome to do.

Like people who represent poetry vs people who represent prose, except without the genres. Like say there was one group of SBers, the Reds, and another group, the Blues, and they both were like clubs, and their respective followers represented their clan in their signiture and such, and all that jazz. Now with that, there could be clan wars between the two (or more) clans. While any member could co-mingle with other clan members in different SBs, clan SBs could be a way for the groups to compete with one another. The whole clan can come together to try to make a storybook that's more entertaining than their competitors'. This competition can be judged by all of YWS, and just like novels or poems, can be reviewed for points. User cans critique on characters plot, and even brag about why one clan is better than the other.

That way it could be just like reading a novel, since we all know SBs are just novel written by many users
And since competition brings out the best in us, the thought of beating the enemy clan(s) will be motivation enough for an SB not to die out.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Administrative privileges for the SB owner. Yeah.

Since my idea is to make SBs costs points again, the SB creator might as well get a return investment. I've been in a few SBs where the creator wasn't able to assert proper authority over their own creation simple because in order to do so they'd have to 'tattle to a mod'. If an SB owner could have more rights on their SBs, this wouldn't be a problem.

Some privileges should be:
- Being able to set who is allowed to post on the SB (by the profiles accepted, posted on the DT, PMed, etc)
- Being able to delete posts
- Being able to customize SB page (color, banner, etc)
- Being able to set moderators and moderator privileges
- I'm too lazy to think of more, but you get the idea.

That way, being the owner of an SB will give you some authority other than the word, 'this is my SB'

There's probably plenty of other things tugging at the back of my mind, but I want to make this short.


In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

About 15, give or take a few.

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?

Maybe four.

How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

Maybe three.

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________

My favorite series will always be Wonderland Rift, started by ERANBEAR and continued by Alvarin.

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:

Only five huh.
Well in no particular order:

-Vypsies (ShadowVyper)
-Area (AriaAdams)
-Madam Highness (Alvarin)
-Lucy (LouisCypher)
-Myself (DeadPeter) Cogic (CowLogic)

I'd name more but that'd be violating the rules.
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Fri May 24, 2013 1:02 am
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niteowl says...

Honestly, I was never crazy about SBs. After some failed RP attempts waaaay back in 2005, I did my best to avoid them. However, I've started to get into them recently, so I'll put my thoughts here. Also, I love Hunter/Dono/Ego. :P

What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

I think more guidance for new members/novice SBers would be great. A Workshop would be good, but there should also be something more permanent so that more people can benefit. There's a little in the General Storybook Discussion thread, but not much. There should also be effort to include and engage with new people (it feels like the same people participate in every SB).

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

Continued activity. A lot seem to start out with several replies/interested members, but they lose steam quickly. There could be more ideas that appeal to a broader range of writers. Sometimes drama ends up on the DT, which shows up on the homepage. That can't be a good advertisement to join SBs. :/

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?

More variety with genres/formats. I always thought of Storybooks as too much like RPGs, which never appealed to me, so I tend to go for ones that have a more realistic/historical bent. More focus on quality and continuous posting.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks are handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

I think it'd be awesome to have some sort of incentive to post and remain active. Probably not points, but maybe a gift? Badge? Like there would be a small reward for creating a profile, then making your first post, then posting multiple times in the same SB, starting and running their own, etc.

Also, it'd be interesting to try more things other than the typical RP format. The FAQ says there's a different kind where one person starts the story and another continues it. This would probably require more outside plotting to work, but it might be worth a shot.

A short survey.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?
How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?
2 ish (they're sort of active but seem to be dying)
How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?
My favorite storybook I ever participated in was The Mystery of Crime run by Blackwood
It's a cool idea, and I hope we can revive it.
Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:
RedBird (His idea brought me into this, although it died :()

ETA: I've mentioned points a couple times, and I've seen other people suggest charging points to post in Storybooks so I thought I'd clarify my thoughts. I do not support charging points, especially when posts are low and the cost for literary works are high. I also don't think awarding points would be good, not because I think SBs are unimportant but rather that points are meant to encourage reviewing. I do think a positive incentive of some sort for posting and maintaining an SB is a good idea. This could be points or something else.
Last edited by niteowl on Sat May 25, 2013 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri May 24, 2013 1:24 am
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Blackwood says...

Well I may come back and elaborate on this properly later.
Personally I know I have been very busy (as I am now which accounts for this brief reply)
But something I have taken note on in storybooks is the lack of diversity in genres. The vast majority of storybooks are dytopian, sci-fi or (more few) fantastical. I think that storybooks need to be advertised as available in a wider range of genres. (I attempted at this)

Another point is commitment to storybooks. When I started story-booking i joined storybooks that sparked my interest. When one or two people don't commit it discourages everyone else and then no-one commits and the storybook dies. I feel very disappointed when this happens. (for example i really got passionate about the first storybook i ever joined and then everyone just gave up on it) I think that the seriousness on joining a storybook needs to be emphasized. I think a solution for this may be a more formal establishment of storybooks. I have seen alot of storybooks with inadequate openings, more like they are questioning the idea rather than establishing one. Or they may be a crude paragraph that has not been laid out properly. I think that if we differentiate two different threads between formal and informal storybooks more clearly it will help. Informally could be for a quick start while formally can be properly laid out with every member commit as per agreed in some sort of set of rules that you join to hounour.
Just skimming through storybooks its easy to tell those with proper openings and a strong beginning scenario from those with overused or messy first postings.
I think that creating a more formal and strict layout for some storybooks while maintaining an area for less serious ones or ones where people who are new to storybooks and want to give it a try, will help.

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Fri May 24, 2013 2:59 am
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Omni says...

I think this is great. I was trying to reply to your blog but it wouldn't let me, so I'll do it here.

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

First off, who's we? Mods? Admins? You, Ego?

Let me be clear that this is not a rant against Rydia. I love all of the mods and admins. They are awesome at their worst and what they have to keep up with everyday demands respect and admiration.

Well, I think better communication from mods and admins for the Storybooks section. The only two on the YWS team are Rydia and Threnody. Threnody is not active on YWS anymore and Rydia has a lot of other things to do on a daily basis and well, she can't keep up with the storybook section.

So, without mods that can actually keep up with the storybook forum, there are a lot of simple things that members cannot do that are not getting done.

Of course, communication in general would be nice. That would help the storybook forum immensely.

Also, basically everything every person above said would help. I'm not going to re-write it because of time crunches.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

Oh goodness. There's a lot. I've already mentioned one huge problem above, so I'll see what else I can name.

I'll delve into the communication more. The communication is broken on two levels: Forum-wide and throughout each and every storybook.

There isn't enough communication throughout the entire forum. There are a lot of storybooks that die off because the wrong people join it or there's another one just like it.

Storybooks also die off because people don't communicate enough. This is a serious problem. The DT is nice, but it doesn't serve the purpose, for a variety of reasons, so many that I care not to put them out here.

I really could say more, but I don't have a lot of time, so I'll just leave it at that.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Get more mods, but this is a process that takes awhile.

I don't think that YWS as a whole doesn't focus enough on the Storybook forum, so I think that this should happen more.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

I have only been participating in SBs for four months, but I've learned a lot through my more than 20 storybooks that I've participated in.

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?

Quite a few surprisingly, about six.

How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

About three or four.
My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________

Well, it's hard to pick just one. So I won't, but there are a lot that are great in a lot of different aspects.

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:

Well there are a lot more than five that are amazing, but I'll list the few that come to my head first.

-AriaAdams: She's in a lot of storybooks, but she makes it work. Her posts always captivate me, no matter how long or short it may be.

-VeerenVKS: He's not in that many storybooks, but the ones he is in are always great. Every single one of his characters have this subtle hint of humor, but he makes it in such a way that it is seamlessly great.

-Dante: I admire him with somewhat of a grudging respect. He knows how to get on the nerves of even the best of people, but he has a great ability to spark interest in even the dullest of storybooks.

-Starleene: Even though she is not active here anymore, she is still the best of the best. She has a unique way of writing that always intrigues me. I hope she does come back.

-LadyPurple: What can I say. Her writing is awesome! There's not much more that I can say.
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Fri May 24, 2013 4:47 am
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EloquentDragon says...

The Questions:
Spoiler! :
Reposting this from my blog yo, maybe simply for ease of reference.

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

New ideas. I'm at a loss myself, for the ideas themselves. But fanfiction and roleplay is exlusive, and I would like to see more original ideas for Storybooks. Maybe there could be a sort of "cloud area" where SB starters can go and bounce new ideas back and forth.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

The writing. I know this sounds harsh, but generally the people who post on the SB forums are not very good writers. (Skilled, experienced, ariculate, etc.) This isn't a problem in and of itself---the problem is that we tend to ignore these people, blowing over inherent flaws in sentence construction and repeated grammar and spelling mistakes, etc. I know this isn't the emphasis of the storybook forums---but shouldn't our emphasis being on helping writers to improve? I think there should be a place where Sb writers (and I mean those who solely seem to post in the SB forums) can go to recieve tips on their writing, linking to their posts or whatever. Something that specifically appeals to these writers, in particular, while helping them imrpove their writing in general.

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?

I am, personally, a very big plotter and control freak. Which is why I generally try to avoid storybooks and that forum in general. However, the discussion thread forum and titanpad are often times impractible for plotting. I think there should be a more hands-on approach to figuring out a SB's plot. I don't know how this would look---but having a plan laid out I think would be a great help before you actually start writing.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks are handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Things can get messy in the actual forum. Very messy. And active SB's get pushed down by other active SB's, and it's hard to look things up as they get buried. (Less of a problem now that we can suscribe though)
I'd like to see a genre format: SB's catogorized by what they are. Romance, fantasy, and action-adventure in their respective forums. I realize that, as a SB progresses, the genre can shift, but I think that mostly, they should be sorted out by their main emphases.

A note to fellow Storybookers:
1. Don't get personal. I see this happen so much. Someone gets mad for someone stepping over their plot idea or character, and the whole thing just shuts down. These things aren't something you can control---go with it and remember these things are just for fun, don't be a perfectionist

2. For Starters and "Mods:" Don't limit your SB to "first-person POV" only. I know this creates a more "flowing" sense to the whole, and third person POV posts can get long, but if someone wants to try third, works best from that POV, etc., you shouldn't hinder that. Personally, I think it's more interesting if the POV is varied, and third works better for some characters (i.e., villains) that need to be used by everyone

3. Challenge yourself. Don't stick to the same character, or the same POV, or the same types of SB's. Branch out a little. I don't understand people who use the same character for every single SB they every do---if you're so in love with them, write a story about them!

4. Try to at least have some consistency with other posters. Don't go off the wall here. If your SB is about vampires, don't make your character superman. Simple stuff like this. Try and add some realism to your SB, make the storyworld convincing

5. SETTING. This bugs me the most. Either a. Everyone is walking around in a white world, with only a few props every now and then, or b. Everyone is writing about a completely different world. This ties into to #4

6. Have fun, yes. But also try to improve yourself. This relates to #3, but please, please. Try to follow basic grammar rules. Take some time writing your posts, learn from others. If you need help, ask for help. Don't allow yourself to fall into bad writing. If you aren't improving, then there is no purpose to a storybook.

The survey: (Pass it on.)

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

Two, possibly three. I'm not a big Sb-er, but the ones I do join I actually care about

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?

One, sadly. (I swear, I had nothing to do with the death of the other one!)

How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

Uh... we're supposed to count? One, I believe, The Silver Bullet Club, started by Shin

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________

The Silver Bullet Club, Shin and Loyal Heart

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:
-Shino (name changed)
-Italian (name also changed)
-Loyal Heart
(These are peeps I now from my personal experience, which is very limited)
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

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Fri May 24, 2013 3:10 pm
Caesar says...

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

In my opinion, there should just be... more. I dunno. I look at the Storybook forums as of now, and all I see is same old, same old, same old genres, and same old people. Now, I know there aren't huge numbers of YWS members we're ignoring, but there are many more than those who SB -- and I'm not saying we should Nazi everyone into SBing. But we could try to gain a broader audience, especially among new members, or people who haven't ever really SBd. Perhaps workshops is an idea, something to show those new the ropes, but also more publicity. I dunno how you'd go about that, but perhaps the SBing forums should be given more attention. Hell, even a casual mention in the Welcome Forums might do it. I dunno. But a way to get people interested and involved, and that can only be done through more publicity.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

Tough question. I feel like I already addressed it above. It's always the same old people, doing basically the same old things, myself included (and perhaps more so than others). It lacks that spirit, the passion I heard about and witnessed in some of the older members, those who SBd around 2011, I guess. So, what I'm saying is that it seems almost 'elitist' in points. You have the generally better members, doing closed SBs, usually in the same style and genre and such.

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?

As I hinted at above multiple times, I'd love for it to be more open, and friendly/interactive for newer members, and for those with all kinds of experiences. I guess this is just a personal thing that depends on people, though. No technical way or way they're concretely organized, I think that works. I'd have some suggestions, yes, but that's only if suddenly a whole lot of people post more. As I was saying in my original trail of thought, though: SBs should try to have, in equal shares, new/less-experienced SBers and more experienced ones, working together cohesively for a better SBing experience.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Nah, I really can't say here. I just think they should be publicized more, especially among new members, fresh with ideas, that can be molded into skilled writers. The experienced ones should run things, host others, dispense tips, and so forth. Which is done quite well in the SB workshops, but those are very few... mostly because those hosting them are quite busy, yes, but not all has to necessarily be on a workshop scale. Even posts in forums (which are somewhere in the KB, yes, but that's a grave), in which people reply to and get answers. The General SBing Forum, that's dead, and when it's not, things usually get like, three replies. Both the KB and that forum should be, I think, revamped in some way. New members should also be encouraged to try to participate, and ask if they have questions -- but they should know who to ask, and where. That should also be a thing. There should be some sort of way for new members to easily find experienced SBers and ask, and for experienced members to know what the less experienced SBers are confused about.

Yeah, these are just things off the top of my head.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

God, I dunno. At least ten.

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?


How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

Very, very few that I can recall.

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________

Leaving this blank, cause I can't think of any SB I truly enjoyed a lot.

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:

I can't think of any amazing SBer, so I'll list those whom I deem good (some, not all! Off the top of my head). Keeping this to mostly present ones: AriaAdams, Griffinkeeper, Ego (even though we only interacted briefly there), Alvarin, Rydia. There are more, but a limit is a limit.
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Fri May 24, 2013 3:36 pm
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barefootrunner says...

Hi all! Okay, tackling this survey...

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?
Amen to Aria on that! Storybooking is not the most accessible of areas in YWS. We need more publicity! Storybooks are worth so much more than they are getting! I really like all the ideas people are suggesting, like an aesthetic freshen-up and especially making SBs cost points again. That way, they have more value.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?
I think there are too many SBs at a time and they are mostly of low quality. There is little to no commitment among SBers in YWS. I sometimes imagine SBs as dogs — people think they're cute at first and give them lots of love, but when they grow up, they get bored and abandon them. Then they buy another cute puppy to take home. We need people to take responsibility for their SBs and care for them until the very end!

I also think there too few solid characters in SBs. Most characters by far are female teens. These girls work in the military, go to mars, run around shooting the place up and — oh yes — they can all kick a guy's ass. It gets hard to be realistic when a troupe of girls march around sticking knives into people's guts and seem able to survive anything. I know there are more girls than guys in YWS, but I think we should all make an effort to juxta-gender — when last did you experience the five o'clock shadow, girls?

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?
Featuring SBs would be awesome! It motivates people to keep their homes clean when they know they'll be getting visitors. It also gives SBs some much-needed publicity.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months? Oh dear... That's hard... Perhaps something like 5?

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month? Very few. Only one or two.

How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts? Only one.

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________ I don't think I have a favorite. Most SBs I participated in died away too soon! I liked the earliest SBs I joined the most, though. The current ones just don't have that zing.

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:
Hmmm... I decided to skip this one since I haven't seen much Storybooking action recently — I'm sticking to only one SB at a time at the moment so that I don't get overrun and neglect one or another.
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Fri May 24, 2013 4:27 pm
Charlie II says...

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?
Keep it alive until I'm free from exams.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?
The misconception that dead SBs are a bad thing. Some SBs last for a long time and others don't: this isn't such a big deal. They're excellent training grounds for improving writing techniques.

- What would you like to see happen to make it a more appealing option for writing?
Easy distinction between SBs that have slow-paced low-time-commitment and fast-paced high-time-commitment. Drop-in/drop-out SBs where characters aren't owned by single writers.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months? Maybe 1 or 2?
How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month? None. >.<
How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts? None...
My favorite storybook I ever participated in was either Necropolis or Pokébook by Ego / Lumi.
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
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Fri May 24, 2013 5:28 pm
Sassafras says...

What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

I just want to join a SB that stays rolling for a while. I think having a Storybook workshop would be great, just something where we all can learn the rules and get tips on how to maintain a storybook. Also, it would be great if we can get something different that would attract a lot of new characters. I'm not much of a fan of romance-based SBs, but it seems that things get too relationship-based too quickly. It would be absolutely great if I could be a part of a SB where there's more action and conflict than there are people trying to pair up.

What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

Obviously, the thing that kills SBs are people dropping out. When it's obvious that people are losing interest, it gets a bit harder to post. Storybooks are more than a one person effort. It's hard to keep things going when no one can post their POVs. Also, things die when there's only a couple that dominates the post. I try to discourage "back and forth" postings, when two people pair up and try to carry on their own storyline within the Storybook, because no one wants to log on and see ten new messages in a SB carried on by the same people.

Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

I just think we should get some fresh people, fresh ideas, and fresh SBs. Spray everything with Febreeze and start over.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri May 24, 2013 9:44 pm
Craz says...

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

SB's can get pretty out of control if the owner isn't there to dictate it 24/7. I believe that including myself some of you recall when one SB had to be deleted because of the gay rights debate that ensued that eventually ended up destroying the SB. The owner should have much more power over their own Storybooks, but also be much more clear about the rules.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Besides making it cost to create a SB, I think that the Storybook forum should be more organized, according to genre. Like when someone clicks on the Storybooks forum there should be sub categories like action, adventure, romance, etc. Or it can be done much like Literary Works are, and can be sorted as such.
Storybook owners should be allowed more power over their SB's. They should be allowed to ban certain members, delete posts, and be the ultimate dictator. And if needed they should be allowed to delete Storybooks that died out or put them in the SB Archives.

la encuesta (the survey):

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?

I think around 10... I have a bad memory.

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?


How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?

I think only 2 got around that close, but I very much doubt it.

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was The King's Quest run
by KeiPie

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:





"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Sat May 25, 2013 2:13 am
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CowLogic says...

- What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?

You can stay classy. Just kidding. Actually, I'm completely serious. The storybook setups definitely got it's flaws, but doesn't everything? Just look at Communism! Wooo! Anyway, I like that people are still writing formally and not using "LoL" or "LkjJOP" to demonstrate their point. The forums is still pretty classy and people do, for the most part, put effort into keeping it that way. So stay classy.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?

Me. Just kidding. Actually completely serious. I am in no position to judge people who do this, since I do it a lot... actually, wait, I AM, because I can EMPATHIZE with them! Judge away Cow! Thank you, Low.

Ahem. People like me have lives. At least, I like to think so. Let me iterate what I mean by "have lives." What I mean is that, while we may show no emotion in the real world, inside our minds we are constantly freaking out and stuff, and we are lazy and bad at organizing time, so when a butt- I mean- cart-full of stuff happens constantly in our lives because of many different commitments, we aren't good enough at organizing our time to keep posting on our storybooks, which holds up everyone else, consequently making them lose interest, consequently making you think it's pointless to keep posting, resulting in a dead storybook that resembles Eleanor Rigby's funeral, except this time, not even Father McKenzie is there.

So basically, we sell our souls to be part of a storybook, then accidentally cause it to die out. Take my word on this, I have first hand experience. I think the only reason that the other's haven't strangled me yet is that they can never take me seriously. Wooo!

So the flaw, rather than a lack of committment, is often the fact that we have lives outside of YWS that take up so much space in our minds that yes. I don't have a second half of that sentence for you. But what I do have is an idea. Perhaps if we all quit school, work, and any other things we do, we will have more time to procrastinate write storybooks.

I'm just kidding. Don't quit life.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Get like a Boss Tweed type mod or something. We could democratically elect a Storybook mod every two months. That way we always got the active people. The downside to this is that Alia would probably serve twenty terms and rule malevolently, as she claims she would.

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?
8 or 9 I reckon.
How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?
How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?
4ish give maybe.
My favorite storybook I ever participated in was _____________ run by ___________
Either The Silver Bullet Club by Shino (funnest to write for), CEL by Omniyus/ Aquestioning(funnest to comprehend), or The Second Motherland War by Me and Omniyus(it's my brain baby).
Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:
I don't follow rules!
1.) @Starleene - I hope you're okay! (Ex-Favorite YWSer)
2.) @VeerenVKS - this kid makes me laugh once in a blue moon. A nice accomplishment I'd say.
3.) @AriaAdams- she is in over five billion storybooks, yet all her posts are long and fabulous. Live long Alia.
4.) @Aquestioning - me and Omniyus got into the SB business together after a little go at a "Character Chit-Chat" then we opened up a fast food chain together. He is also in over 5 billion storybooks.
5.) @Alvarin - don't know her too well, but she's involved and all that jazz.
6.) @ShadowVyper - you're my best friend. Maybe. (And you write swell)
7.) @EloquentDragon - This kids came out of nowhere and blew my socks off. Great SBer and writer.
8.) Honorable mentions @Blackwood , @megsug , @niteowl , @BlackNether12 , @janika , @Dante , @_____ insert your name here.
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Sat May 25, 2013 2:20 am
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crossroads says...

The downside to this is that Alia would probably serve twenty terms and rule malevolently, as she claims she would.

...I'm not sure if to say thanks or glare at you. Malevolently.

Why would me being the ruler be a downside? ;A;

Apologies for interruption after I've already stated my opinion xP
• previously ChildOfNowhere
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Sat May 25, 2013 3:54 am
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AlmondEyes says...

What can we do to make YWS' Storybook Experience better for you?
Decorating the SBs to make them stand out.

- What do you think are the main flaws or weaknesses that Storybook Writing on YWS has?I think the main flaw is that people don't stay committed to the SB they join, and then other stop as a result.

- Finally, what are some ideas you have for the way Storybooks and handled on the site to improve the overall experience?

Finding SBers who'll actually stick to the SBs they join

In how many storybooks have you participated in the last six months?
Too many to count

How many of those storybooks were active for more than a month?
Not too many. Most just stop posting.

How many of those storybooks had more than 75 posts?
Not very. I could only say for sure is one SB

My favorite storybook I ever participated in was ____________ run by ___________

The silver Bullet Club run by Paracosm, or WonderlandRift 2 by Alvarin. There are other, but I can't think of them at the moment. I'll come back and add them.

Up to 5 Past or Present AMAZING Storybookers:[/b]

1) @Dante(LoyalHeart- )As annoying as he can be :)

2) @Alvarin- Love the chick (No homo :P)

3) @AriaAdams- Even though her posts are annoyingly long :P

4) @ShadowVyper- You rock :)

5) @VeerenVKS - Thanks for putting me on your list....

@Dakushau , @AdvernturerDaniel, @Pencil2paper, @BlackNether12, @ChocoCookie, @Dakushau, @EloquentDragon, @LadyPurple, @methrirr123, @Shinda, and anyone else I missed. Peace, Love and Hair Grease!!
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."
— We Bought A Zoo