
Young Writers Society

Potterbook v.2 (Closed)

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Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:11 pm
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Iggy says...

All copyrights go to Queen Rowling and the original owner of this SB, Queen @CelticaNoir.


It is Halloween at night, 1981; and incidentally, it is also the birthday of a very cheerful little one-year-old girl, Alice Potter. However, it was also the last day she would experience any form of happiness for a long time; for it was also the day where she became the Girl-Who-Lived. With both her parents dead and a godfather rumored to have betrayed them, she is left at the doorstep of her aunt, Petunia Dursley, and her family.

However, on her eleventh birthday, she receives a letter telling her that she has been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, she thinks it is a hoax at first, but when the Gamekeeper of Hogwarts comes bursting in through the front door and curses her cousin’s face into a pig snout, she is quite ready to believe him.

And so our story starts, with a little girl standing on Platform 9 and Three-Quarters, carting around school supplies and a snowy owl named Hedwig. Who will she meet? And will the Girl-Who-Lived actually live up to her fame? A complete rehashing of the Potter books, with similar plots but different characters.



Spoiler! :
(The professors of the SB will be NPCs for the most part--and canon as well. Which means that the Headmaster is still Dumbledore, and the Head of Houses are still McGonagall, Snape, etc. You're free to use them as a MINOR part of your post; don't make them do anything they wouldn't do, and please, keep them in character.)


There is a limit of one character per person, one person per character. This may change once the storybook begins. New characters may be added on if requested.

There will be a limit to both Houses and genders to get an equal balance.

Currently not accepting any more characters.

Spoiler! :
1. Alice Lily Potter - F - Slytherin - Iggy

2. Demetria Highlander - F - Ravenclaw - RoyalHighness

3. Edwin Stanshall - M - Hufflepuff - TakeThatYouFiend

4. Ophelia Bernard - F - Hufflepuff - kayfortnight

5. Jessika - F - Hufflepuff - Aquestioning

6. Arria Colufort - F - Ravenclaw - AfterTheStorm

7. Samara Devereux - F - Slytherin - ScarlettFire

8. Derek Cormick - M - Gryffindor - WhiteTiger93

9. Candice Lloyd - F - Gryffindor - Buggiedude2340

10. Alastair - M - Slytherin - Avalon

11. Allen Selwyn - M - Gryffindor - CelticaNoir

12. Levi Stump - M - Gryffindor - Sunshine

13. Rosalie Edmunds - F - Ravenclaw - PenAndSword

14. ? - F - Ravenclaw - ReisePiecey

15. Spot reserved for RurouniOfLife


Gryffindor: Derek, Candice, Allen, Levi [full]
Hufflepuff: Edwin, Ophelia, Jessika [full]
Ravenclaw: Demetria, Arria, Rosalie [full]
Slytherin: Alice, Alastair, Samara [full]

Character Template:

Please remove everything in parenthesis.

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all

[b]School Year:[/b] (Between First and Seventh Year.)

[b]House:[/b] (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff?)

[b]Blood Status:[/b] (Pure-blood, half-blood or muggle-born?)

[b]Wand Description:[/b] (You can either use [url=http://www.springhole.net/writing_roleplaying_randomators/magicwand.htm[/url] or make up your own.)




[b]Pet:[/b] (A cat, an owl or a toad.)

[b]Up for love:[/b]


Please make sure all OOC posts go in the DT.

Spoiler! :
AfterTheStorm was here
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:24 am
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Iggy says...

Spoiler! :
And thus, we begin. Make sure all posts start out like this: Name | House | Location

Alice Potter | Slytherin | Platform 9 3/4

The blue Sedan sped off, inhabited by a family of three who didn't bother to say goodbye, or even look back. Alice Potter stood there, with two luggages full of stuff purchased by money she never knew she had until three days ago, a cage with a beautiful owl, and a ticket clutched in her left hand.

Eleven years ago, on a bright and sunny morning, Petunia Dursley opened the door to fetch the morning newspaper for her husband and instead found a newborn baby on her doorstep. Her screams awoke the child and she started to cry.

The child was Alice, and after reading the letter attached to the baby's blanket, Petunia reluctantly adopted her niece. Alice grew up with hand-me-downs from her aunt, which were long and baggy on her. She was fed less, if any, sweets than her cousin Dudley was, and thus she grew up tall and lanky while he short and fat. Her uncle hated her, her aunt resented her, and her cousin lived to taunt her.

Alice was a very unhappy child, up until four weeks ago, when a letter arrived through the mail slot. It had a fancy seal on it, embroidered with an H, and her uncle was hellbent on not letting her read it. An abundance of letters soon came and kept coming, eventually causing the family to run to a "vacation" which was, in reality, a shack in the middle of an island where Uncle Vernin was sure they would never be found.

But then a huge, hairy man broke down the door and Alice's world was turned upside down.

"Are you lost?" Alice turned to see a male policeman staring at her, one that worked at the King's Cross station, one that Hagrid had called a "Muggle."

"Yes, sir. Where is Platform Nine and Three Quarters?" she questioned, the hand holding her owl's cage tightening for comfort.

The man gave her a strange look. "There is no such platform, of course. Young lady, where are your parents?"

Dead, she wanted to say, but opted for "I don't know."

"I see. Well then, come wi-"

"There they are!" Alice cried, grabbing her suitcases. "Off I must, officer. Thank you!"

Ignoring his shout, she quickly ran past Platform Nine and blended into the crowd, slowing once she was sure she lost him. Then she resumed panicking.

A owl's hoot, one that wasn't from her dear Hedwig, caught her attention and Alice navigated towards the sound. She spotted a person, about her age, with a cage, and she hurried towards them. "Excuse me! Please, I need your help to find this.. platform," she said, huffing as she stopped in front of them.

The wind started to pick up and unconsciously, she flattened her bangs with her hand, not wanting to reveal her scar to this person just yet. All she wanted was some help, someone to take her to Hogwarts so she could finally understand who she was meant to be.

Could be anyone.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:45 pm
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kayfortnight says...

Ophelia Florence Bernard | Hufflepuff | Platform 9 3/4

I felt ridiculous. Mom's wearing a gown, of all things, to see me off, and Dad a tightly pressed suit. At this point they didn't look like the aristocrats they wanted to be so much as stuffy caricatures of such. Sad, considering they were aristocrats once.

I knew I wouldn't be wearing this outfit at all this year besides at the station for pickup and dropoff, so I'd chosen something that doesn't stand out anywhere near as much. A nice pair of slacks and a dark green blouse. Simple, yet still elegant. Of course, I still drew much attention, with my hair braided up about my head, Sir M (my longhaired black cat) resting in my arms, and my parents trailing behind me in their ridiculous getup. Still, I have my dignity.

Mom mused aloud, "Now where was Platform 9 3/4, again? It's been so long..."

Dad mumbled something about it being a crazy wizard address. I finally turned and told them, "Look, I know where the station is. I've read about it. I know you know, Mom. Why are you acting like this?"

She sighed. "Love, we can't come onto the platform with you if you want any hope of social standing at school."

"Why not? I mean, I understand it might not be a good idea for Dad to come on to the platform, as a muggle-no offense, Dad. But I thought you didn't have any family here right now, so it shouldn't matter."

"Remember the Malfoys? Related to me by marriage?"

"Mom, every pureblood family is related to yours by marriage. But weren't they going to send their son to Durmstrang?"

"They changed their minds. He's going here now. Imagine if you could befriend him. His family is one of the highest ranking pureblood families, you know."

"Mom-" But they were already leaving. I shook my head and groaned. Yes, I would try to elevate our family again while here, but they seemed to think that should be the only thing I should focus on. Ugh.

I head towards the platform. On my way, I spot a redhead girl who looks lost. She's carrying an owl cage under one arm, so I have no doubt she's heading to Hogwarts. "Hello. Do you need help finding Platform 9 3/4?" I smile a reassuring grin. Mom and Dad would say I'm wasting my time with her-based on her clothing alone, her family isn't very monied. But she needs help, and besides, not every aristocrat dresses rich.

She says softly, "Yes, please." Poor thing. She looks completely nervous.

"I'm Ophelia Florence Bernard. But you can call me Ophelia." I glance down at Sir M in my arms, and suddenly I know how to make her smile. "And this is the exalted Sir Mousenipper. I named him when I was very young and thought it sounded refined. You can call him Sir M."

She smiled, then started giggling. "I'm Alice Potter, and this is my owl, Hedwig. Nowhere near as 'refined' a name as Sir M, though."

It took me a moment for her name to sink in, but I didn't say anything at the moment. The girl's gone through enough in her life without me going crazy over her name. Instead, I guided her to the barrier.

"Mom told me stories about Platform 9 3/4 for years. You just step through this barrier, like this." I stepped forward and heard Alice cry out as I disappeared. I reached an arm back and beckoned. She lightly grasped it as she stepped through. "Here we are. Want to sit with Sir M and I?"

She agrees and we find a place. The car is empty now, but I know it will fill up quickly. I spot her scar...If I had any doubt about her identity, this would've confirmed it.

Still, I know she won't just get admiration from the other students. After all, I've experienced teasing from some because I am well-dressed and others because I tend my parents' farm. There is no winning.

I lean forward and whisper, "There are still You-Know-Who sympathizers at school. Some of the pureblood families had members who fought for him during the war." Like Mom's.

"Thanks." She watches me intently, perhaps wondering of my motives. Unfortunately, I don't know my motives.

"Don't mention it."
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:38 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Alastair Valji - Slytherin - Platform 9 3/4

Walking onto the platform I wasn't sure what I was looking for, I didn't know how to get on. My parents left me a stupid amount of money for these supplies, two wands, one red, one black. Even then I'm not sure how to use them, I sighed. Then there was the letter, the only other thing left to me besides the wands.

"Find Alice" was all it said, that was it, no last name, no signature besides my name. Walking forward I stood with a girl between the two platforms of 9 and 10 looking around, no one seemed to notice me and were carrying on with their business.

I watch as a redhead and a long auburn haired girl, I was just out of earshot of the two but I could watch as the long haired girl stepped forward into the pillar and she just disappears. An arm pokes out beckoning the redheaded girl forward, she steps forward as well and disappears into the pillar, so that must be how I get onto Platform 9 and 3/4.

I make my way over pushing this the cart with all my supplies on it and the selfish logic of my mind telling me that doing this I was going to crash and make a fool of myself. That never comes, I find myself on a platform with other people who noticed I had come though but say nothing about it. I made it onto platform 9 and 3/4 I huff a sigh of relief that it wasn't going to outright reject me for some unknown reason and make me look like a damned fool.

After showing my ticket and getting my things loaded onto the red train that was loaded with people already. I suppose it was time to find a seat somewhere, but the only opening place in the car was next to that of the red headed girl I saw from before. Damn it, can't be alone on my ride to this Hogwarts place I sigh again knowing I would forced to socialize with the two.

"Excuse me mind if I sit here?" I ask the two in my usual feminine voice.

"Not at all, you may sit," the red head said.

"Thank you," I said.

There was an awkward silence following, maybe I could get away with not talking to these two. But the red head wouldn't have it, "so tell us who you are?" she asked.

"I'm Alasta" I said in such a way that they wouldn't question it, but technically I was telling the truth.

"What's your family name?" the auburn girl asked.

"Valji, what does it matter?" I replied.

"Valji! you're one of the pure blood families that fought in the war," she said in a harsh whisper.

That got my attention quickly, I didn't know anything about my family, or where they were. "What?" I asked giving her a rather curious look. "You know, the war that happened, the pure bloods who fought for You-Know-Who?" she said.

"Geez, you don't know anything about your family do you?" she said.

"No," I gave a frustrated sighed, "everyone keeps to harsh whispers and no one really bothers to tell me anything about my parents,"

The auburn haired girl who told me her name was Ophelia Florence Bernard, told me all about how my father was a Death Eater who fought for this guy named Voldemort. He had pure bloodied ideals, my mother didn't share his ideals. She loved my father and refused to leave him despite there difference in ideals, Voldemort disappeared eleven years ago. Afterwards a lot of Death Eaters either came back saying they were bewitched or were in imprisoned in some maximum security place. My mother had disappeared shortly after and no one was sure what happened to her after that. But the popular belief is that she went to live in the muggle world.

I began to cross reference a lot of what I know with the information told to me by Ophelia, telling her I was abandoned all my life. The woman who took care of me, who the muggle police say wasn't my mother because I looked nothing like her.

"Did your parents leave you anything?" Ophilia asked.

"Yeah, a vault with a stupid amount of money in it, two wands and a letter." I said

"What did the letter say?" she asked.

"Find Alice, that's it," I reached into my pocket and pulled out the folded up letter and handed it to her.

"That must be a coincidence," the red head said.

"Why?" I said looking at her.

"My name is Alice Potter," this must be a stupidly huge coincidence or someone is playing their stupid hand at this stupid game we all call life.

Sometime latter I sighed after such a long conversation, "must be hard to learn you're the daughter of a criminal," Alice said.

"Yeah, it is, and my life is only getting better" I said sarcastically as we pulled into the station at Hogwarts.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:02 am
TakeThatYouFiend says...

Edwin Maxmillian Stanshall| Hufflepuff| Platform 9 3/4

Edwin loved busy stations. No not busy. Bustling. Edwin liked that word. Bustle. But it wasn't just the word he liked, he liked the way that people oggled and boggled at him as they walked by. Half of them didn't even know they were doing it, but is was so hard not to, after all, how many times do you see a eleven year old boy in a top hat and tailcoat, the latter adorned with enamel pin badges, wearing a tinted blue mirror monocle? Not very often. And Iif you do perchance see one, chances are it's Edwin.
Another thing Edwin liked about large crowds was the way you could watch people without them noticing. It was even easier with an enchanted monocle. Edwin zoomed in on a girl standing by the entrance to the platform. A witch. You didn't need a monocle to notice that, not many people carry snowy owls. Edwin guessed the porters had been bespelled not to noticed the excess animal population of the station.
Personally Edwin was not in favour of owls. He was a cat person, and indeed, wrapped around his neck like an expensive fur lay his cat. It had draped over him in quite a leisurely way, flicking his tail and purring. It looked like the sort of cat that had had a nasty scrap with a steam roller, and had won. He had a lovely ginger coat, and a smug face, and it was obvious he took orders only from Edwin. The cat's name? Flute. Back when Edwin was still learning the flute his elder brother had stormed in and declared the playing sounded like a cat howling, and hurled a spell at the flute. It turned it a cat, scratched Edwin and ran out of the room. It had supposed to be temporary, but his brother hadn't worked the spell right and it hads stuck. His parents weren't sure whether to be proud their son had done such difficult magic or angry at the loss of the flute.
Anyway, after the young witch (that Edwin thought he recognized from somewhere) had disappeared through the wall Edwin decided to do likewise. He pushed his trolley through before taking a run up, and performing a perfect cartwheel through the wall. He got quite a few stares from the wizards and witches on the platform, as he imagined he did from the muggles on the other side. But it was worth it; Edwin had wanted to do that ever since he was told how it worked.
Once on the other side Edwin took his luggage and boarded the train. He didn't receive quite as many stares on the wizarding platform but he had a fair bundle of nosey eyes following him as he climbed onto the train. He basked in their attention like a salamander in a furnace. Being strange was just so addictive.
His mother had told him he would have trouble getting a girlfriend if he continued to be so weird. But Edwin thought were he to get a girlfriend whilst pretending to be normal it would be practically under false pretext. If he were to get a girlfriend he would want someone who wasn't so fussed, or even liked, his strangeness.
Once aboard the train he found himself an empty carriage and sat down. Now the only ddifficult thing to do was keep the carriage empty. Edwin was rather looking forward to reading his book and a chatty neighbour was the last thing he wanted. But Edwin knew a way of maintaining an empty carriage. All it required was no dignity at all and a small element of egocentricity. In total three people came to see if the carriage was free and as soon as each opened the carriage door Edwin said "Please, sit next to me." while pulling strange faces and patting the seat next to him. They all went speechless and went away fast. It seemed like he had got a carriage to himself.
Last edited by TakeThatYouFiend on Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:57 pm
WhiteTiger93 says...

Derek Alexander Cormick - Gryffindor - Platform 9 3/4

"Dad?" Derek asked, spinning around quickly. His father has vanished without so much as a goodbye. It was just like him, too. He has been acting rather strangely towards Derek ever since he had gotten his letter into Hogwarts.

"Dad!" Derek's excited voice rang through the hall, running into the kitchen. "It came! It came!"

His father's endearing smile was quickly wiped off his face when he took the letter and saw the broken seal across the envelope. A barn owl stopped just outside the window, almost as if he were smiling at Derek, before taking off once more, into the sky.

"I thought you said it didn't matter if you got into Hogwarts," his dad replied, his eyes never leaving the letter.

"I mean, yeah, I have you and Kyle, but it's HOGWARTS, Dad. I'm going to HOGWARTS!"

"Yeah, Hogwarts. Yes, I suppose you really are going, aren't you."

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he took off towards the only barrier between him and his new home, his sandy hair whipping around his face.

"Derek! Derek, wait!"

He turned back and for just a moment, he thought he saw his father in the crowd. He wasn't smiling, but he didn't look to be frowning either. It couldn't be though, could it? He started to wave, his right hand halfway raised, when the air around him turned thick and hot. A train horn sounded, making his ears ring, and Derek now could only see an ordinary brick wall.

He was too excited to be worried about his dad, though it hurt just a little that there were no goodbyes. The people around him were screaming to their loved ones while Derek stood alone. His father would never face anything that reminded him of Hogwarts, magic, or other people like him again. Derek had wanted to ask him if he would ever look at him the same, the way he did before his Hogwarts letter came, but was too afraid of the answer.

Derek frowned, his palms so sweaty his bags kept slipping from his hands. Mr. Whiskers hissed loudly when he dropped him for the second time that day.

"Sorry," he whispered.

Derek boarded the train gratefully, looking around. Most of the other kids had already found a compartment with friends, talking animatedly about the year to come or leaning out of the windows yelling last minute requests to their families.

After allowing one last moment of self-pity, Derek sighed deeply and grinned. This was his year and it was only going to be as big as he could make.

He slid open a door to a nearly empty compartment. It held only one awkward little boy with rather large ears, who sat on the edge of his seat almost nervously. He looked up surprised at Derek when he walked in.

He grinned "Mind if I join you? I'll make it entertaining," Derek asked, happily. "I promise!"
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:51 pm
TakeThatYouFiend says...

Edwin Maxmillian Stanshall | Hufflepuff | On the train

Edwin looked the boy up and down. He looked pretty ordinary and most wouldn't notice anything peculiar about him. He was the sort of boy who you could walk past in the corridor hundreds of times and not notice. But Edwin looked carefully. And he saw he was (metaphorically) jumping up and down with excitement. Edwin considered repeating the creepy eyes and seat patting that had so effectively frightened of the others who wished to enter his carriage. But after a little deliberation he decided against. The others had just be girls, but he guessed he might want to be friends with this boy later.
This took a fraction of a second. What he said was "but of course! I am deeply in need of entertainment, take the floor!"
The boy looked a little surprised at his eccentricity (not unusual) but came in and sat down.
"So, what's your name?" asked Edwin.
"Derek, " replied Derek.
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Edwin Maxmillian Stanshall, at your service."
At this Flute jumped down from Edwin's shoulder. "Terribly sorry, where are my manners, " said Edwin. "We haven't introduced cats. This is Flute."
"This is Mr. Whiskers," said Derek, "I realize the name is cryptic in origin yet I do not doubt you shall be able to decipher its deep inner meaning. "
Edwin smiled. He could tell he was going to get on well with this boy.
Last edited by TakeThatYouFiend on Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:28 pm
AfterTheStorm says...

Arrabella (Arria) Colufort|Ravenclaw|Platform 9 ¾ and the Hogwarts Express

“I, for one, have never seen such an unseemly group of first-years in all my life.”

Arria glances up at her father whose deep voice is tinged with annoyance. “How can you tell, Father?”

He seems as if he suddenly notices the dark-headed girl at his side, his features drawn back into a disproving frown Arria is too accustomed to. “Dear Arrabella, look around.” Her father gestures about the bustling platform. “Use your deductions.”

Arching an eyebrow, Arria examines the families blindly bustling around her. A majority of parents seem shocked by the existence of this particular platform. “Why are some wizards confused? I don’t- oh,” Arria realizes. “They’re muggles.”

Maddox, Arria’s seventh-year brother, touches her shoulder roughly. “Muggles, and a whole bloody lot of them at that.” He smirks at her and adjusts her black cloak. “Just stay with Erik and I and you won’t be brought down by their ideals.”

Moments later a shrill whistle pierces the commotion of the station, signaling departure time on the Express has almost arrived. When her mother smothers her in last-minute warnings about keeping up her habits of flossing, when her sullen father actually smiles a farewell to her, when her older brothers walk onto the train alongside her, Arria feels as if she had been swept up into a whirlwind that she somehow missed occurring. When had her father last acted proud of her? She can't help but to grin and wave to her parents standing aloof on the pavement.

“Arria, follow me,” Erik, her fifth-year brother, commands while he tugs on her arm. She follows her brothers up the train steps slick with steam and into the first section of the Hogwarts Express. “Since you’re smart and people generally like you, Maddox said you could ride with us to the school. You’ll avoid getting in with the wrong crowd that way, if you know what I mean.” Erik hefts up his bag to store above Compartment 13, mimicking the eldest brother’s actions.

“The wrong crowd?” Someone shoves their way through the aisle behind Arrabella so she steps aside.

“Like mudbloods and others who lack—oof.” Erik finishes shoving his heavy bags in storage. He turns back to his little sister. “You know how to judge people, how to read them like a book. It’s a good trait to possess at Hogwarts, Arria. Not everyone is worth your time, and not everyone is what they first appear to be.” He smiles his typical omniscient smirk before he tries to ruffle Arria’s dark hair. She had seen his attack impending though, so Arrabella ducks out of her brother’s reach (accidentally bumping into a grumpy second-year) and glares at him with her intense green-gold gaze. Erik laughs, shoving his last carry-on item onto the hallway shelf.

Arria watches her siblings with rapt curiosity. They seem so sure of themselves here, she notes. Maddox and Erik slide open the partition door in unison, revealing an older group of students. Quickly and naturally she silently assesses each regal face.

Intently surveying her brother’s friends seated inside Compartment 13, Arria fails to notice the figure sauntering up behind her. “Here, allow me to assist you with your luggage,” a boy’s voice says, breaking her thought process.

“I am highly capable of handling this—”Arria turns to face the owner of the voice and stops mid-sentence. A boy around her age with startling platinum hair smiles gently at her. “On second thought, er, thanks.”

The boy introduces himself courteously as Allen while he lifts her baggage into an empty shelf. When he finishes, he gestures to the final backpack that Arria grips tightly. “Would you like for me to store that away, also?”

Arria’s eyes widen and she swiftly clutches the proffered pack to her chest. It suspiciously squirms and wriggles at the sudden movements. . .

“Thank you, but that appears to be all I require help with.” Arrabella nods towards the open compartment where the older students relax, chatting to one another. “Would you like to sit with me and my brothers’ friends?”

One last whistle squeaks throughout the train as the Hogwarts Express prepares for its journey.

Allen’s lips slightly pull upwards. “After you, Arria.”

Together, they claim a seat in Compartment 13 while their first passage to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry begins.
"And after the storm..." ~Mumford and Sons

You can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Got Squills?
Proverbs 31:25

Spoiler! :
Made you look.

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:43 am
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Ventomology says...

Candice Lloyd|Gryffindor|Platform 9 and 3/4

Something about going back to Hogwarts nagged at Candice's mind, something not-quite-good. But as she weaved through the ridiculous crowds at the station, she pushed the thought from her mind. It simply would not do to miss the train to Hogwarts, namely because she didn't have a good way of getting there otherwise, and because, well, of other reasons.

Bursting through the column between platforms nine and ten, Candice turned about. Oh good, the train hadn't left yet. Of course, a glance at the clock told Candice that she wasn't safe yet. Hauling her luggage ungracefully behind her, she flung herself onto the nearest compartment and listened as the first whistle blew.

"Well," she muttered to herself, "wasn't that exciting? Hopefully someone else will jump on right this second so you can make... oh, never mind. Just don't admit it, Candy." Still panting, she checked over the suitcase to make sure the travel tags were still in order. Of course, they weren't; the new one her parents had brought from Thailand was missing already. Oh well, they'd send her another soon enough.

Satisfied, she unzipped the front pocket so that Knot, her toad, could climb out. He looked rather worse for wear, having been stuck in a bouncing suitcase as she raced through London. He croaked crossly as Candice lifted him to her shoulder.

"At least I've got you, Mister," she said sternly, taking a firmer hold of her suitcase handle. Then, humming a song from a muggle movie, she strode into the train aisle. It was never too late to- drat. Candice stopped herself from thinking the phrase immediately. "Think of biochemistry and that wonderful little molecular-kinetic-energy spell you created last year," she said aloud.

Huffing in her self-lecture, Candice opened the first cabin door she saw and stopped. Eurgh. This was not how it was supposed to work. The cabin was full of gossiping sixth-years, and they were flirting with each other. She slammed the door shut and continued opening doors until she found herself completely fed-up.

Candice stopped outside the next door, calming herself. "Alright, Candy. You're going to walk in here and ignore whoever was there first. Unless they politely ask you to leave, in which case you probably should so that we leave a good-" she cut herself off. "Ha ha, funny, Candy. Let's not think about that."

She grabbed the handle of the cabin door and swung it open, grinning as widely as she could. Then her smile fell off her face. Of all the cabins she could have picked, it had to contain first-years. Ha ha, it looked as though Candice would go friendless this year as well. Muggle science textbooks would have been a good thing to bring.
"I've got dreams like you--no really!--just much less, touchy-feeley.
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone
surrounded by enormous piles of money." -Flynn Rider, Tangled

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:00 am
Sunshine says...

Levi Stump I Soon-to-be-Gryffindor I Platform 9 3/4

Rory and Emily Stump were not particularly excited to be on a place crowded with scientific oddities, but Lucy Stump sure was.

"You'll have to tell me all about it, Levi! You have to write a lot, as often as you possibly can! Tell me all about magic and the School..." Lucy couldn't contain her excitement, grasping tightly to her brother's hand. "You will, won't you?"

Levi doesn't even have a chance to mutter the due, 'Of course, Lucy' before their mother takes her other hand and begins to pull her away. "Magic isn't everything, Lucy. You'll see Levi again at Christmastime, and both of you will catch up on your schooling."

'Catching up on schooling' seemed like a terrible way to phrase what one does at Christmastime, but Levi didn't say so.

He waited a very long time for Lucy's letter. She didn't seem like she had magic, but she was his twin sister, so she must have it. They were very similar n every other way... why was this different? The letter never came.

Levi hugs his mother, the smell of neutralizing baking powder still hanging off her everyday clothes. His Father, who only offers the weakest of smiles.

"Get it to Ravenclaw, Levi. They're a good group, skills that'll teach you all over the intelligence map."

Levi has to bite down hard on his tongue in order to prevent sassing his Father back. Rory Stump was a very intelligent man, and Levi was smart enough to honor that; but also smart enough to know that his Father's perspective was a dump one.

"I wish I could go with you." Lucy murmurs, looking longingly at the spot where, every once in awhile, a child would disappear.

"Maybe next year?" Levi says, even quieter, quiet enough so that his parents cannot hear him.

Lucy frowns, shaking her curls. She knows more about Hogwarts than him, and she wasn't even going. "I love you, Levi."

Levi was an eleven year-old boy and usually was turned off by such abrupt shows of affection, but he also knew the truth in his sisters words. He embraced her in a hug, a hug of evens, a hug of what-am-I-going-to-do-without-you. He turns around after a few eternities, because he knows Lucy will be trying not to cry, and he absolutely cannot stand when she does that.

Levi Stump doesn't look back when he runs into the wall.


He is a bit, although not very, late. He bustles onto the train, and Copernicus squawks at him irritably. He rushes into one of the first compartments he finds, lined with other eleven year-old boys. They are all extremely boring, making the same old farting jokes at each other, even when the train jolts into action, even when the excitement is hard to contain.

The train ride is him, alone with his thoughts, a particularly dangerous thing to be happening on the eve of something new. Absent mindedly, he pets the top of Copernicus' talons, until the bird scrapes his hand. Levi yanks his hand back, holding it so the blood doesn't get every where. The darn bird already liked Lucy better.

The train stops, and Levi is bustled away with all the other first-years. In front of them stands this GIANT man, and Levi is awed by his presence. He's got to have the deepest voice... He doesn't even realize where he's going until he's about to tip into the water, his hand caught by someone behind him.

"Careful!" The voice says, a mixture of kindness and a reprimand.

Levi is pulled back to land.

"I'm fine. I mean, thanks, I guess." And then he gets a good look at who saved him. "I mean... yeah, thanks."

Last edited by Sunshine on Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:04 pm
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WhiteTiger93 says...

Derek Alexander Cormick - Gryffindor - Hogwarts Express

Derek had barely given the first girl who walked in, he vaguely remembered her saying she was named Candice, the time of day. When she had walked in, she had smiled widely at them until she realized they were first years and apparently not worthy of her. Well, maybe that's not exactly what she thought, but it was still rude nonetheless.

Derek suddenly wished he had his luggage with him. There were quite a few fun things in there he could use. When his father dropped him off at Diagon Alley to pick up his school supplies, he had snuck into one of the joke shops and bought a few goodies his dad didn't need to know about. Nose-biting teacups, fanged frisbees, and dung bombs galore, how was he supposed to help himself? He frowned, angry that he hadn't thought of shoving his fanged frisbee in his pocket before leaving.

"Well, I know I promised entertainment, but I'm having a hard time thinking of anything to do on this train. How much longer again?" Derek asked.

The girl barely looked up from her boring book when the compartment door opened once again, revealing another boy around his age. He introduced himself as Levi and his eyes skimmed over Derek and Edwin until they landed on Candice.

Derek laughed silently as the boy tried to make conversation with her. She obviously was happy on her own, and sometimes people were just funny that way, but he didn't seem to take the hint.

Derek grimaced a little. They were all going to Hogwarts and why anyone would want to talk to a silly girl when there was still so much to do and see was a mystery to him.

"You know what?" Derek asked Edwin, a mischievous half smile starting to form. "I think I might have a look around the train. Care to join me?"

"What? Why? What are you going to do?" It was the first time Candice had addressed him directly.

Derek faked an innocent expression, widening his mossy eyes in a doe-like expression. "I only want to find the trolley for some licorice wands. I have no idea whatever else I could get into! I'm just a harmless little eleven year old." His voice sounded sugary sweet and but he knew that was the only thing about him that was anywhere close to innocence.

Derek was bored, something that would probably become a problem very soon, and he was about to stir up some fun.
Last edited by WhiteTiger93 on Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:49 pm
TakeThatYouFiend says...

Edwin Maxmillian Stanshall | Hufflepuff | Still on the choo-choo

Edwin grinned. "Such a walk," he replied, "would be most pleasant, and I would be delighted to join you." He then turned and looked at the older girl, Kandoo, I think her name was, and said in mock angelic voice, "Don't worry about us. Nothing but a whimsical stroll I assure you."
Once outside he turned to Derek, and took a great glup of the air. "Finally, fresh air! I think there must have been 'someone' in there polluting the atmosphere with unpleasant overtones."
Derek laughed. They both knew who they were talking about; Catface (whatever her name was) was like an overbearing stormcloud in there. It didn't help she was a foot taller than them both.
Derek asked "Any ideas? I had a few tricks but they're all in my luggage..."
"Well I do have something, " Edwin said gleeishly, "that I picked up earlier. Nothing to drastic: I am not planning on getting expelled yet, but should be rather amusing anyhow. "
"What is it then?"
"These." Said Edwin, waving a large packet in Derek's face. "You can't get them in the shop. These are Berty Bot's every flavour beans. But not quite every flavour; Just a select few."
"What do we do with them?"
"You notice we are the first carriage in the train the trolley comes to? Also we know that Catface (Derek laughed at this) likes Berty's Beans. I saw some in her luggage, and an empty packet in her pocket."
"How did you see in her luggage? " interrupted Derek.
"I've got a monocle with X-ray setting. " explained Edwin. "Anyways, we just do a quick swap. With any luck she'll buy some, and then we have ringside seats. It should be a good show, there are a few red hot chilli pepper seed flavours in here. What do you say? You game?"
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:43 pm
RoyalHighness says...

Nova Highlander | Ravenclaw | Late to the train!

The whole Highlander crew was late to the train, as per usual. Nicholas, Nicole, Ned, Napoleon, Nancy, Nova, and little Natalie pushed, shoved, ran, tripped, fell, and skipped their way through the crowd to the Hogwarts Express. Nicholas importantly loaded his luggage, indifferently kissed his mother goodbye, and went off to find his seventh-year friends. Nicole giggled with some sixth-year girls about something going down in one of the compartments, and hurried to find out for herself. Ned and Napoleon, the twins, argued over what kind of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes would be preferable for their next big prank to celebrate the beginning of their fifth year. Nova held Natalie's nine-year-old hand, trying not to squeeze too hard.
"Now, remember--" her mother began.
"I know, Mother," Nova sighed. "I'm a half-blood. I must know my place." Nova turned her first-year head to the thousand-year-old floor of the train station. Her mother lifted her chin and smiled pityingly.
"I was going to say, have fun," she said to Nova's eyes. Nova smiled and hugged her hard.
"I can go next year, right?" asked Natalie. Nova grinned.
"Maybe," she replied, which is Nova's go-to answer for all of Natalie's questions.
"There's the whistle," called Ned from the door to the train. Nova hopped on board, carrying Prince Charles, her sleek black Bombay cat, who squirmed under the noise of the crowd.
"I love you!" called Nova's mother. Nova called back, but she was drowned out by the sound of the train moving. Ned pulled her inside.
"Okay, the first years usually sit that way," Ned pointed down a hall. "We'll be over here if you need us." And the twins disappeared. Nova stood in the hall for a moment, trembling. She turned right and opened the first door she came to. She found Nicole lip-locked with a dark-haired Slytherin boy. Nova quickly closed the door, and hid the red in her cheeks. Two boys came out of the next compartment over, talking about Bert's Ever-Flavor Beans.
"Um," said Nova, breaking into their conversation, "can you guys help me?" A small boy with over-large ears and a huge blue monocle looked up at her, mid-sentence. Nova was taken aback by his downright aristocratic appearance, but she decided she liked it. The blonde boy next to him was the first to speak.
"Sure," he said genially. "How can we help?" Nova shrugged.
"Help me find a compartment I can sit in, maybe?" The small boy grinned and pointed into the compartment he'd just come out of.
"You can take on Catface if you want to," he said, laughing. Nova saw a dark-skinned girl with wild hair sitting with impeccable posture in the corner. Nova grinned. A new friend!
"Thank you!" she said, completely ignorant of the boy's joke. "I'm Nova, by the way." She tried to extend a hand but only succeeded in allowing Prince Charles an opportunity to jump from her arms to the blonde boy's shoulder.
"AGHH!" he exclaimed in surprise.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry," Nova said, de-clawing Prince Charles from the boy's chest.
"I'm Edwin," said the smaller boy. He took her luggage with one hand and shook her free hand with the other. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine," Nova said with a grin.
The blonde boy eyed Prince Charles suspiciously before he said, "I'm Derek."
"Sorry my cat attacked you, Derek," Nova said as she entered the compartment.
"Don't worry about it," he said, still eyeing Prince Charles.
"I'm Nova," Nova said to the girl across the seat. The girl sniffed.
"I'm Candice."
"That's a cool name! Can I call you Candy?" Candice sniffed again and didn't reply. Nova shrugged.
"Thanks for helping me with my luggage, Edwin," she said.
"Not at all, Nova. Now if you'll excuse us, we have some beans to procure." And with that, her new friends were gone. Nova watched the countryside pass and stroked Prince Charles to calm him.
I wonder what this year will bring, she thought to herself.

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Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:51 pm
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Iggy says...

Alice Potter | Slytherin | Hogwarts Express

The ride to Hogwarts was long. The awkward silence coating the air inside their compartment made it feel even longer.

After the introductions, Alice didn't know what to think. This girl's parents left him a note and told him to look for her. Can you get any weirder? Just because she's the Girl Who Lived doesn't mean that you die and leave a note telling your child to find this girl. It was odd and it made Alice wary of Alasta.

On the other hand, Ophelia seemed a bit weird as well. She seemed possessed with the idea of pure-blood families and those with high class. Being a half-blood, Alice couldn't help but think that if her past wasn't what it was and if she was just normal old Alice, then Ophelia wouldn't be bothering with her.

An hour and a half later, the Honeydukes Express rolled by and the trolley witch gave them a kind smile. "Anything for the road, young uns?"

Alice grasped the pouch that sat beside her, feeling the abundance of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts.

"Oh, I don't have any money," Ophelia blushed. Alasta merely grunted negatively.

Alice got up and went to the witch. "A bit of everything, please."

After filling the seat beside her with all the goods, Alice gave the witch 11 Sickles and waved goodbye, then closed the door. "Help yourself," she muttered to the other two, picking up a Bertie Bott's box and tearing it open.

Ophelia, in the middle of devouring a Cauldron Cake, squeaked and held her hand out, as if she was going to knock it out of Alice's hand. "Be careful with those!"

"Ayee, you don't want to eat an Earwax one," Alasta grinned, taking another Bertie Bott's box and opening it, then popping a strange green one into her mouth. "Green apple."

Alice bravely nibbled the edge of a brown one and sighed. "Dirt. Beats belly button lint, I tell you."

The air seemed to ease up a bit as the trio ate the sweets until they were only wrappers scattered around and the sun was starting to go down. "We must be close. Best put our robes on," Ophelia stood up began to change.

Out of the corner of her eye, Alice noticed Alasta turn pink and she quickly turned around. Alice did the same and by the time she turned around, everyone was changed. She found Alasta's reaction odd but decided to let it go.

Soon the Hogwarts Express rolled to a stop and everyone piled out into the hall; a slow line that walked through quicksand until they were finally outside and off the train.

A booming voice, amplified by what seemed like sheer force, rose over the chattering excitement of the students. "F'rst yers! Come o'r here, f'rst yers!"

"Guess that'd be us," she muttered, then pushed her way through the crowd, looking for the source of the booming voice. It didn't take long to find him. The owner twice as tall as a man and twice the size of one. He had a long ragged beard, one that split as he gave Alice a big smile. "My name's Hagrid. Welcome ter Hogwarts."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu May 01, 2014 10:11 am
kayfortnight says...

Ophelia Florence Bernard | Hufflepuff | Hogwarts

The train grinds to a stop and I rise from my seat. Carrying Sir Mousenipper, I get out of the carriage, followed by the others.

Someone bellowed, "F'rst yers! Come o'r here, f'rst yers!" I followed Alice, who seemed to be remarkably good at navigating her way through the crowd. The yeller was a large man, no, not large, huge. He had a raggedy beard, but he smiled wide at us and introduced himself as Hagrid, the gameskeeper.

I looked around as the other first years arrived. Seemed to be an interesting group, to say the least. A boy with a top hat and monocle. A stick of a boy, or maybe a girl, with long red hair. A kid with platinum blond hair and a huge scar. And of course, Alice. A few average looking kids and quite a few attractive ones, but then again, not all wizards were showy.

When I realized Hagrid was the groundskeeper, I forgot about people watching and just began chatting. "I've heard about all the work that has to be done to maintain the grounds at Hogwarts! You're seriously amazing! I've heard there's even a sentient tree here. How do you care for it?"

We chatted on like that for a while, until Hagrid excused himself to give instructions to the group. We were to go on the boats in groups of four, and they'd take us to Hogwarts. I didn't pay much attention to who was in my boat. I was lost in thought. I'd had the argument with myself many times, but I couldn't help having it again. Doing what I want, aka sticking with my current lifestyle, or doing what my parents want, and striving for more. But I'm a good girl, and my parents' wishes are paramount.
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All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
— Jane Wagner