
Young Writers Society

The Eclipse Circus

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Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:20 am
KiraThePotatoChip says...

The Eclipse Circus

Our Circus, Growing.

The Eclipse Circus was organized in 1750 by Alexander Sunder, who is the current owner. None question this, despite the year now being 1845. Alexander is a Demon, who runs a band of other misfits, and maniacs. The Circus was established as a safe haven for those who were scorned, rejected, or hunted by society. It has grown nicely over the past few years, with new members joining the ranks all the time. On the outside, this circus appears to be fun, cheerful, and very child-friendly, however, on the inside, murderers, mutants, gifted humans, supernatural beings, and even The Grim Reaper reside. This is the only place where anyone fits in, where race, gender, history and age don't matter. Peace doesn't last forever. Keep that in mind, as the circus is always pursued by the men clad in white, assassins. Anyone joining this circus has peace, finally able to fit into a community where they aren't laughed at, rejected, but will be in for the fight of their lives.

Our Circus, Welcoming.

"Welcome one, and all to the Eclipse Circus! My name is Sunder, Alexander Sunder to be precise, and I'll be in charge of you lot! Let's lay down some ground rules first! Don't steal from other members of the circus, try and contain yourself of any murderous tendencies, and always be practicing! Simple rules, right? Anyway, I'll give you a quick rundown of where everything is. Right now, we're in the main tent, used for practicing, rehearsals, and performances! This tent is in the middle of the encampment, so it's a helpful landmark. If you leave the tent, to your right there're the main performer's tents, walled off by blue lanterns. Do try not to trespass, some of the performers are...territorial. To your left there're the rest of the tents, sleeping assignments will be handed out soon! In front of the tent, there the entrance to the circus, and a little before that, to the right, the mess hall. Behind the main tent, there's the bathhouse, walled off of course. Oh, and if you see anything suspicious, report it to me. I'll deal with the problem swiftly. There's an alarm bell station in each section of the camp, so if you see any men, clad in full white, ring it, and run. If you don't like the sound of that, you can leave now. You'll still be hunted, however, so I would recommend staying. Alright, now on to your information. Sometimes we get investigated by the police, so it helps to have records.

"Heres some information for you to fill out. Don't worry, its just a formality, not like I expect you to have a history of running off to join a circus."

Code: Select all
[b]Circus Job(If performer, what act):[/b]
[b]Abilities(Supernatural reflexes, pyrokinesis, etc.):[/b]
Bisexual Disaster, Master Stroke of a human being, may or may not incite a revolution.

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Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:18 pm
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KiraThePotatoChip says...

Alexander Sunder

It was a cold, yet pleasant evening at the Eclipse Circus encampment outside of London. Alexander Sunder, the ringmaster, and owner of the circus, was out for a nightly stroll, wandering deep into the surrounding woods. The forest was covered in powdery, white snow, just cold enough to crunch slightly under the foot.

"Always so phenomenal how life manages to find a way, no matter how harsh the conditions." said he, kneeling in the snow, inspecting a covered rose bush. Brushing some snow off, there lay a deep purple rose, nestled deep inside. The ringmaster gingerly reached inside, removing the flower. The rose had no thorns on its stem, and dew still lay upon its petals. Alexander withdrew a handkerchief from his pocket, laying the rose and wrapping it. Pocketing the flower, he rose, making his way out of the forest, heading back to the circus grounds.

Sunder stopped by his personal tent, which was lit by ghostly red lanterns. Entering, he deposited the rose to a side table, and changed into clothes more fitting for the task ahead. Leaving the tent, he looked to the heavy snowdrift behind him, sniffing the air. The ringmaster broke an icicle hanging off the tent, hurling it into the snowdrift. A muffled scream came from the mound, and red seeped into the snow. Frowning at the miss, Alexander reached into the snow, grabbing onto, and pulling out of the snow a man clad in white.

"Release me demon! I'll have your... hurk!" the man cut off, getting punched right in the abdomen. Alexander went back to his tent, tossing the still bleeding man on a chair, binding his wrists and feet.

"This is what happens when I miss a kill... I must be getting pretty rusty." said Alexander, dusting his hands off, and walking out of the tent. Snow began to fall gently around, dusting the paved paths with cold, fluffy snowflakes. Sunder raised his head, a smirk gracing his face. "Well, this... this shall prove to be most interesting." he muttered, striding off to the main tent. Upon entering, much of the circus cast were getting ready for performance, readying animals, performers, mutants, and the like. The ringmaster pushed a curtain to the side, entering the arena-like performance area where many people were sitting, waiting for the performance.

"Ladies, and Gents, boys, and gals, lads, and lasses, I welcome you all to our humble little circus. We have quite the array of acts for you tonight, and I do hate to keep you waiting, so let us begin! To warm you up, I'll perform first, and I'll showcase a little something I like to call Hellfire!" announced Alexander, throwing his overcoat off, and taking hold of a long pole. Several areas lit on fire, and Sunder walked through several of the areas juggling flame with the pole at high speeds, drawing designs and patterns through the air. He finished the act by slamming the pole down, raining fire around himself, and vanishing backstage. The signaled the other performers to head out while he put out the fire in his hair.
Bisexual Disaster, Master Stroke of a human being, may or may not incite a revolution.

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Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:02 pm
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Featherstone says...

Auryon Blackthorne "Viper"

I pulled up the hood on my cloak that I used for performances and gave my mask one last check before stepping into the ring. In my hand I held a large wicker basket. Without a word I stepped to the center of the sandy circle and laid down my basket. A hush had fallen over the crowd, a soft murmur here and there as they wondered what I was about to do.

Normally I would do my knife tricks, but today the serpents needed out. I was a snake charmer, though not a normal one by any means. I didn't play with only cobras, but vipers, mambas, and adders. Nor did I use the trickery most charmers did- I made it appear as hypnosis though it was not, but in reality I still had full control of the snakes.

I carefully laid the basket on its side and opened the lid, releasing my snakes: a black mamba, a taipan, and a death adder- three of the most venomous snakes in the world.

Silently they slithered around me in a triangle. They knew what they were supposed to do. The creatures coiled and raised their heads, hissing. The crowd went quiet as they watched in tense interest.

I reached towards the taipan. She opened her mouth and revealed those sharp fangs. I continued approaching her and she struck. The crowd gasped as her teeth landed on either side of my now vertical hand- she'd missed. Without hesitation I slipped my hand out of Apophis' mouth and dodged as she struck again.

I pulled a small flute in the form of yet another snake out of my cloak and began to play it. Apophis stopped snapping at me and froze, then slowly began to sway as if to my music. Ever so slowly I stood and walked between the snakes. Askook and Níðhöggr behaved perfectly, each one imitating Apophis as I wove between them. Without stopping my song, I knelt next to Askook, the death adder, and he slithered closer and finally onto my arm. Next I went to Apophis and took her up. Lastly, Níðhöggr joined them upon me.

I stopped the music and the crowd froze- was not that how I controlled the snakes? Would they bite me here and now, once I stopped the music? I let the entranced audience hang on that for a moment, then lengthened my arms and let them drop, the serpents falling back to the ground and returning to their basket.

With a bow I swept up my pets and let the next creature start their act.
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:09 am
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LadyEvvy says...

Raymond Quinn

Ray reached the middle of the highwire just as the last act was coming to an end. The audience had been so thoroughly absorbed in Viper’s show that they hadn’t even noticed him climbing up to his position.

Ray always liked to open his performance from the center of the stage, in part because simply walking from one end of the line to the other was phenomenally boring, but mostly to see the looks on everyone’s faces when they realized he had walked half the wire without them noticing. And they did notice when, in the dim lights between the acts, some kid 30 feet over their heads lit up like a firework, all spotlights on him. It was a good thing this tent was so tall.

Ray’s lively and excited performance was a wild contrast to Viper’s tense and enchanting snake display. All the more splash it would make.

The audience gasped and babbled to each other, but Ray was no longer listening. His bare feet glided over the wire, moving in an intricate dance. He twirled his pole over his head and swung it in huge arcs around him, the colorful ribbons tied to the ends trailing after each motion. He didn’t need the pole for balance, just for show. He danced and leaped and glided over his rope, grinning like an idiot all the while. He could do this all day.

Now that he’d fallen into a rhythm, it required a bit less concentration, and Ray looked out at his audience. He liked what he saw, all grins and wonderment. Time to spice it up a little. He paused and stood with his pole raised over his head. With a downward sweep, all the lights went out at once, and the room was lit only by the burning sparklers at each end of Ray’s pole. He knew the audience couldn’t see their hands in front of their faces, but they could see him, visible in the flickering light of his fireworks display.

This would be the finale of his act, and he had to make it count. He twirled and whipped the staff around his head, faster and faster, moving his feet in ever more complex patterns. Just as he was running out of energy, he made his highest leap yet, and all the lights faded back in one by one. Ray dropped to the ground. Anyone who wasn’t distracted by the sudden change in light would have seen Ray seem to slow down just before he hit the ground, as though the air were catching his fall. Most people were distracted, however, and to them it seemed as though Ray had simply disappeared from over their heads and reappeared below them in the center of the ring. Such a shame he didn’t get to show off his neat landing trick.

Everything was quiet for a moment, before the crowd burst into applause. Ray basked in the glory for a moment, but as much as he loved the attention, he needed to make way for the next act.

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Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:04 pm
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regismare says...

Victor Belmont

His insides twisted with excitement, cold, fresh, and exhilarating, as he watched the other performers. Victor paced excitedly too and fro, hopping from foot to foot as if the ground burnt the balls of his feet. He held the chains of seven fellow performers, all canine, clenched in his hands. Most of them were wolfdogs, animals easier to control than wolves but still as skittish and strong as the real things. However, among the swathes of faux-feral fur was a real, full-blooded, howl-at-the-moon wolf. She was bigger than the other animals, with a stronger skull and spirit. Her lips were tight and nervous as they queued to perform.

Finally, applause erupted and the previous performers returned.

"I bet you performed wonderfully!" He smiled as he trotted past, dropping the wolves' chains as they jogged into the arena together.

Wolves were a rare sight in a circus - most stayed with big cats and elephants, impressive beasts rather than glorified dogs. But these wolves, his wolves, were different. They jumped, rolled, stood up, howled, with minimal cues. They balanced and growled and play-fought. They danced with him in time to a gaudy tune and barked at just the right times.

They worked through their routine just as they always did, with the crowd alternating from cheering to hushed. The acts grew wilder and more daring - giving a wolf a piggyback, carrying them around, having them play-fight with him until, finally, his moment arrived. He would go from tamer to wolf right there, on the stage.

He twisted into a tight turn reminiscent of a pirouette. His clock billowed around him and smoke was released to obscure him as he shifted. Dirty grey fur burst from his skin as he transformed. Canines jutted from his jaws as they elongated, his tongue lolled as his back arched and all his muscles strung tight like a strained violin. In an instant, it was over and he left his clothes strewn on the ground as the smoke drifted away.

There was silence, and then the crowd roared. Every single nobleman screamed, a wild animal again for one small moment, as he stood in the middle of the wolves. No-one had ever worked out his secret - and no-one ever would. It was explained as clever tricks of the stage, clever dogs, clever machines.

Victor threw his head back and howled. The wolves joined him, crying their laments to the circus roof for a moment before they got to their feet and trotted out in line. Victor bowed as best he could, collected his clothes, and turned his back on the crowd with a flick of his tail.
awaiting world war three

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Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:06 pm
KiraThePotatoChip says...

Alexander Sunder

The show was beginning to reach its final few acts, and with no further need to be supervising the more dangerous performers, Alexander slipped out of the tent into the cold night.

"So... you're making the first move on the chess board, eh?" muttered he into the dark. He could almost smell the bloodshed coming that night. "Why the lot of them can't see us existing together boggles my mind..."

A sharp crack rang through the air, like a lake of ice shattering. Alexander's head snapped to the origin of the sound. He took a stick from the ground, examining it before running off towards the noise.

"Already moving your knight? You sure are cocky," said Alexander to himself. He jumped several meters to the top of a mighty tree. He scanned the area, looking for any further signs of disturbance. Something thudded against his shoulder. A large piece of silver jutted out of his arm, tearing through his cloak. He fell from the branch he was situated on, falling into the snow with a crunch.

"We're taking them prisoner not killing them you dolt!" hissed a woman's voice. A man's voice replied, "I didn't think him to be Lupine in nature, the way he cleared the tree made me think avian."

"Or, I could be neither, and more dangerous than 10 of each combined," chided Alexander, jumping behind the pair, slamming the man in the head with a fist, and sending the woman flying with a kick into a nearby tree. He pulled the silver out of his arm, drawing no blood. It quickly fused with the stick he picked up earlier.

"You're too late... Demon... already two have fallen into our hands," said the woman. Alexander tipped his head to the side.

"Two? Two out of how many exactly?" asked Alexander. The man sneered, coughing violently.

"Two out of your 20!" shouted the man, spitting at Alexander. Alexander thrust his knee into the man's stomach, reducing him into a curled pile of quivering mess.

"Your numbers are off, dramatically so. When did you get your information, the 1400's? 600 members have we in this area, many much more await us in Belgium. A sad pack of fools you assassins are, you're information is dated, your techniques are flawed," retorted Alexander, striking the man in the head with immense force. "The wolves will come to devour your flesh, and that tree over there, well, it takes what it wants."

Alexander left the scene, leaving the pair to be consumed by the forest. He arrived at a set of tents where those who had performed earlier were staying. Alexander checked his watch. An hour left before the final act. He opened one of the tents, motioning for the members to follow him. Once he had gathered around 15 performers, he set back out into the forest.

"Alright you lot, the hunters are back. They've taken two of our own, so go to work. Relieve them their duties, ensnare them in traps. Destroy what they use to try and fight back," ordered Alexander, letting loose a horde of screams, howls, roars and hisses.
Bisexual Disaster, Master Stroke of a human being, may or may not incite a revolution.

"Yesterday you said tomorrow, so JUST DO IT."
— Shia Labeouf