
Young Writers Society

Wrath of Apophis

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Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:02 pm
Caesar says...

The world is, in one word, chaos. Total, utter, mind-screwing chaos. To the point where it's unfortunate inhabitants have baptized it Hell.

Why so much hate, you ask? Well, for some inexplicable reason, the establish laws of nature, upon discovering Hell, went "haha, screw that, we'll just go smoke a joint somewhere else." Which is why there are five suns, not two, but five, each colored differently, which rise and set whenever they feel like it. And the sky, not wanting to be outdone, shifts color every hour or so. Tides can rise diagonally, and you can swim in the ocean without getting wet. Or it could eat you. And if you're lucky, it could rain gold. Or maybe the weather decides that it's fed up and oxygen turns to sulphuric acid.

Gravity is lazy in Hell, it only works at times, in some areas. And Time, petty thing it is, decided to leave some civilizations at 134 b.C, instead upgrading others to the sixty-third century. In some places, Chaos Energy is so strong it can rip a man apart. In those places, evil abominations are spawned, beings of unrivaled randomness. They embark on sensless, bloody rampages, and have been dubbed 'Grumpy Bears.'

There are several points of interest in Hell. Some of them include the Mountains of Madness, where Chaos Energy is at its peak, and it is said the solution to all problems is housed; the ocean known as the Dysmal Abyss, where the water boils over at times, though this doesn't stop industrious humans from erecting hot-spring based civilizations; the forest of Uhm, named this because of the reaction upon seeing the trees which, aside from being polka-dotted, grow up-side down; and so on. Relatively more stable human cities include Messiah, a giant, sprawling, luminescent urban focus point, Wavebreaker, the aforementioned city above the Dysmal Abyss, and others.

...and then, of course, every so often, there are those who are born with nigh-immunity to Chaos Energy, nay, they can harness it to weild devastating powers. They are the Chaos Lords. The Chaos Lords can call upon one of five elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and of course, Cheese (yes, actual cheese). Their motives are unknown, what they do is entirely up to them. Some may go mad with power, others might seek to stabilize Hell, yet others may puruse whatever whims strike them. You are one of these. Beware.

Character Profiles

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name[/b](anything from their birth name to what they like to call themselves):
[b]Appearance[/b](details, folks, pic optional):
[b]Personality[/b](at least a couple of paragraphs):
[b]History[/b](give us the essentials and what is vital, the rest can become apparent through posts):
[b]Element[/b](also give us a rough appraisal of what he/she can do):
[b]Other[/b](anything significant):

Da Rules

No godmodding, Mary Sues/Gary Lous;
No killing of others without permission;
Graphic sex is strictly prohibited;
Posts should be at least 200 words;
Each person can only post once per week;
All other standard rules

Chaos Lords

Spoiler! :
W -- Poseidon -- ItalianIlluminist
W -- Romana "Ray" Rochelle Romone -- thestorygirl
E -- Chupatoasta
F -- Firesmith Wendel -- Sourdude16
F -- Jezebel Angelo -- LoyalHeart
A -- Emily Twist -- LiteraryVenom
A -- Cyclonus "Dave" -- DarkNecrosisX
C -- Augusta Mayall -- SidereaAquila

Link to DT: A sandwich!
Last edited by Caesar on Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:44 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Name(anything from their birth name to what they like to call themselves): Jezebel Angelo, also known as Red Angel or Phoenix.

Age: She can appear to be as young as fifteen, sometimes as old as fifty, but in reality she's 23

Gender: Female

Appearance(details, folks, pic optional): She has hair as black as soot that falls to her lower back, eyes as red as a a burning inferno. She has olive skin and perfect white smile, she has black wings that act as both a shield and as a way to get around. She can fold them up against her back, mainly when she puts on her black clock that she uses for infiltration purposes. Underneath her clock she wears a short sleeved black and white shirt that had "Strength and Honor" on the front of it. She wears loose dark blue jeans and white sneakers.
Spoiler! :
This is Jezebel Angelo
trendy_teen_girl_hairstyle_photo.jpg (5.72 KiB) Viewed 433 times

Personality(at least a couple of paragraphs): Jezebel is a strategist, she's not a brute force fighter. She can't fight a head on battle and be expected to come out of it unscathed, she prefers the quick kill approach, stealth and strategy have always been an ally to her. She's easily intimidated when it comes to head on confrontation, but there is a certain person named Posiedon who makes her blood boil and gets her angry on the fact he out does her, although oddly enough she also has a thing for men of the sea.

History(give us the essentials and what is vital, the rest can become apparent through posts): She was raised in the Molten Kingdom of Volcano, in fact she was a reluctant princess of the kingdom. She took a disliking to the treatment, she knew they only treated her as so because of her parents who ruled the kingdom. Jezebel wanted to prove herself, by doing something her parents were to afraid to do, and that was by leaving the kingdom to face the strongest who would challenge her. She stole a royal sword that belong to her family and ran from the kingdom fighting off guards left and right, fire magic was useless against the guards who were sent to capture and bring her back. The guards eventually chased her into the Mountains of Madness, she ran as far she could before the chaos energy finally overtook her. She sprouted wings, gained unnatural skill with her sword. Soon she flew from the mountains. It wasn't until she ran into the man named Poseidon, he had fended off the guards that hunted her.

But this was also start of something new, for Jezebel, it was the start of both a friendship and a rivalry. Jezebel thought herself weak if she couldn't even defeat the guards, so when the guards were gone and she had recovered her strength she had fought Poseidon head on in combat. But Jezebel was easily defeated by him, tho he spared her life she still wants to battle, she has sought after opponents stronger and stronger than the previous one. Now she and him have had countless battles, even now one takes place power of collision once more wrecks havoc in hell.

Element(also give us a rough appraisal of what he/she can do): Fire, mainly using it as a long ranged means of fighting. She can release powerful arches of fire from her sword, comes in handy for when dealing with a certain enemy that hides in the sea.
Spoiler! :
This her sword.
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Other(anything significant):Theme:
Last edited by KingLucifer on Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:00 am
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SidereaAquila says...

Name: Augusta Mayall--will respond to Augusta, Augie, Dr. Mayall, Doc Augs, Hey You...

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Appearance: Augusta stands at five feet seven inches, but is closer to five nine in her high-heeled boots. She has a trim hourglass frame, and very pale skin. Her hair is strawberry blonde and very frizzy, and she usually has it pulled up into some sort of rat's nest on top of her head. Her eyes are electric teal (the kind not normally found in nature) and she wears makeup and nail polish of her own invention (it changes colors and becomes metallic occasionally). She typically wears turtlenecks or her stained lab coat, with long pants and her favorite boots.

Personality: Augie feels quite at home in the insanity of hell, because she's a little off herself. It's unclear what exactly is wrong. Even she doesn't know--she changes the story every time someone asks. She loves to experiment, especially with her cheese, and she's a pyromaniac. She's been known to set random things on fire, and play with all sorts of electrical devices and other contraptions. She's invented a few things, such as Bottomless Cheese in a Can (warning--highly unstable product, do not use in the presence of children or in the wild, as it may attract Grumpy Bears) that make use of the abundant entropy, and has since started calling herself "doctor," although no one seems to know what degrees she has, if any. She thinks that she can understand the chaos of the world, and acts as if every random thing makes complete sense (as it does, in her mind, at least). It's hard to tell how nuts she really is, or if she's even nuts at all--oddly enough, she has a knack for predicting things.

As a person, Augie is friendly, for the most part. She isn't one to judge, but she can be incredibly annoying to people she doesn't like. When she's in a good mood, she can be very talkative, but what she says isn't always coherent--not for an entire conversation, at least. She has a habit of talking to herself, and will go off on tangents whenever something new pops into her head. She always has her never-ending notebook with her, and will scribble in it whenever she thinks something is interesting.

History: Augusta was a curious little child, and despite her reckless experimenting, managed to avoid being ripped apart or eaten or dissolved in acid. She's had her endless notebook since she was a teenager, and has filled somewhere between ninety-twelve and eleventy hundred pages so far.

Element: Cheese--in accordance with the nonexistent law of conservation of matter, Augs can create, manipulate, and destroy any kind of cheese. She uses this for everything imaginable, from gluing things together with sticky cheese to burning people with hot-pepper-infused cheese. In addition to her cheese, she has a fair amount of control over the mechanics of her house in Messiah, and will change the direction of "up" on a daily basis.

Other: Augs is left-handed, and will occasionally jot things in her notebook in her odd personal alphabet. She carries a bow, and is a pretty good shot, but most of the time, she ends up using it for practical jokes--splatting people with cheese balloons, for example.
Last edited by SidereaAquila on Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Skittles: Taste the Spectrum


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Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:01 am
Caesar says...

Name: He's never known his birth name. Most call him Poseidon or the Knight of Petals, he likes to call himself the Full Moon's Harvest.

Age: About 25, you can never be too sure in Hell.

Gender: Male, although some might challenge that statement.

Appearance: Poseidon is anything but human. His skin is white and as tough as armor, but petal-shaped, overlapping impressively, thickening around the shoulders and neck, bordering with traceries of pink and red. His 'chest' opens up at his abdomen, revealing a red, burning ribcage, with a heart of flames where an actual heart should be. He disguises this by wrapping his 'wings' around his body like a cloak: from his shoulderblades, malformed wing stubs sprout, also petal-shaped. Some finish in red plumes. His legs are vaguely diamond-shaped, wide at the base, tapering down to points. Not even his face was spared, skin fused to form a sort of white mask, also traced with red. Only his eyes remain human, a bright, bright blue. When he moves, red and blue traceries of fire hiss from his skin, making for an impressive sight to see.

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: Poseidon is very much like the sea, his element. Calm and still most of the time, completely unreadable. His face remains expressionless most of the time, and he dislikes talking to others unless it's strictly necessary, feeling it is a waste of time. Just like he doesn't waste breath, he won't waste action either. He'll do what's necessary, when it's necessary, in the most effective of ways.

Poseidon relishes the thrill of the chase, whether he's being chased or the chaser is unimportant. He loves being active and attentive, mostly due to the cloistering in his past. His senses are superhuman, his rexlefes those of a snake on hot irons. Keeping all that repressed is hard, but he tries to exert self-control. Which fails incredibly when it's time to fight -- he kills with surgical precision, striving to perfect more and more deadly techniques.

He also likes transferring the emotions in combat into art. He paints quite well, and has perfected his own style of abstraction, featuring strong, chaotic swirls of reds and blues. The few who know him better than others can assert Poseidon expresses his feelings only through art or combat, and when he fights, the line between the two is a blurred one.

History: Poseidon was born in the city of Wavebreaker, and raised in a confraternity of Abyssal monks, the Burning Sea-Lily. He's an eunuch, cut at birth, and never knew his blood parents. There he was taught to pursue beauty, truth, and wisdom, never leaving the confines of the temple. He didn't like it, grew restless. The first signs of his prowess in the element of water showed, he would sit for hours staring at the ocean below. Around thirteen, he sneaked away from the temple, and traveled around Wavebreaker, begging for what food or coin he could.

Wavebreaker is a large city, and split into multiple technological areas. Some even possessed ships, planes, and teleportation devices. He stowed away on a ship, and from there went to the mainland, traveling from place to place, marveling at the wonders of the world. At one point, they were hit by a Searing Storm, twelve-foot high waves of scalding seawater. He earned the name Poseidon there, battling the storm, and winning.

One unfortunate day, however, around fifteen years of age, he was stranded in the Mountains of Madness. There, he was set upon by hordes of Spirit-Class Grumpy Bears -- the Chaos Energy was too much. His skin hardened, some flesh burned away, wings sprouted. He became the Knight of Petals. He was taken in by a secretive sect of similarly deformed warriors, and there he perfected the arts of combat.

Since then, he's been exploring what corners of the world he hasn't been to, seeking something or someone. Some rumor he's looking for a powerful artifact, the Eye of Apophis, yet others that he's out to eliminate the other Chaos Lords, and so forth. Of late, he's heard rumors concering the great city of Messiah, and is thus headed there.

Element: Water. He's very, very good at it, mainly because very crafty in his use of it, rather than brute power. This extends to ice, to a degree.

Other: He has a beautiful singing voice, not that anybody'd know. He's also good at hand-to-hand combat, and keeps a sword around with him, deeming it the most glorious of weapons. He's also able to see Chaos Energy, due to some unforeseen mutation in his DNA. Of course, sometimes his eyes'll spark and all he's able to see are pink, flying unicorns for a while.
Last edited by Caesar on Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:35 pm
Impaired says...

I'm a reserve!
A soul that knows it is loved but does not love itself, betrays its sediment: What is at the bottom rises to the surface ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:30 am
Desticakes101 says...

Reserve lè spot please?

My characters birth name is Venessa. But she prefers to be called...let me think on that please :)
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:06 am
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DarknecrosisX says...

Name: Born with the divine name of Cyclonus, Deity of Storms, but to most he is known as... Dave.

Age: His constant travel through different time zones has caused him to lose track of his actual age.

Gender: About as male as you can get.


You couldn’t tell that Dave was anything special; he stands at around six feet tall, with a lean build and peach skin and walnut brown hair. This is merely and external disguise. Inside him is an endless storm of winds, swirling and shifting: if you listen to him breathe, you can hear the whistling of a hurricane emanating from his chest. He has no blood, only water drips from his wounds as the outside air clashes with the high pressure of his insides. He has a constant, mischievous grin (at least in the vast majority of times), and his eyes are quick and scrutinising.

He will never wear anything to cover his face, but Dave commonly wears slack, casual fabrics, like cotton or wool- he believes posh suits are much too uncomfortable in the private department. His common, almost signature, piece of wear is a deep green cape that flows down to the ground, and, mysteriously, never flutters in the most violent of gales.

Personality: Most would affiliate wind with someone calm, serene, and elegant, but Dave adopts the alternate position of the element. His mouth moves as fast as blustering gales, and his voice forces its way through all obstacles, with exciting pace and screeching pitch. The Chaos Lord is constantly hyper, never feeling the need to sleep or calm down, leading him to be a much hated figure in many areas of Hell. Dave can often find himself in tricky situations because of his ignorance and mockery of others, but this won’t stop him from inflicting more social assault.

His strongest virtue (yes, he has a few) is his patience. Although this seems contradictive to his behaviour, Dave has a completely different perception of time than many others, so when something takes ages for him, it take ages for others. Another social positive that Dave possesses is his ingenuity and creativity; he is often able to free himself from situations that he becomes involved with, often trying to best the previous plan in effectiveness. These two characteristics make the Chaos Lord an exceptional craftsman and architect, despite the fact he will often just burn down his creations following their completion for solemn entertainment.
He will also try to avoid armed conflict, for reasons mentioned in his history.

History: Cyclonus was formed in the clashing hearts of three exceptionally powerful cyclones, not impossible in the world of Hell, however a pocket of chaos energy that distorted time had consumed the power of the swirling winds of devastation and infused them into a single being of air and havoc. His birth left him in a baron wasteland, an inhospitable, swampy, distorted dimension known as the Ifreanisce. There he wandered for centuries (although to those outside it would be mere minutes), honing his powers and wondering about the world he had not circumnavigated, however he walked in loneliness and alienation, until he found civilisation. His social deprivation had caused him to become nervous, and completely unsure how to act to others, and his mind had been twisted by his constant quizzing of his own existence and whether there were other beings. This insanity of sorts caused him to react badly with people, and he found himself chased out of the area.

He spanned various demesnes and lands, until he discovered a meditating ‘Grumpy Bear’, at the foot of the great Mount Wverrgan. With his abilities he fought and killed the assailant, and was overcome by a feeling of euphoria and heightened strength; this was where he learned that he could consume chaos energy into his soul that had been reduced to the form that was containable for living beings. This extra power was not without cost, however, as the euphoria was far more than accomplishment; it was a sign of degrading sanity. He realised that he could not slaughter those who wielded chaos, for it could convert him into a mindless, unstoppable monster that could obliterate all life, so he decided he would seek a life of mere trickery rather than havoc.

Currently he is imprisoned in the dungeons of Jequjia, for crimes of treason (they couldn't think of a valid sentence to place on his head for sleeping with the ruler's wife), scheming a plan to escape with astonishing stealth... this is only going to end badly...

Element: Wind. He can do many things, from conjuring tornadoes, thunderstorms or any other weather involving clouds, to focusing the power onto individual; tossing them around like ragdolls if he so wishes.

Other: Dave is, for the most part, unaffected by environmental changes, at least those involving tropospheric activity, but extremes can force him to react violently, or unhappily, or any other emotion. Dave also hates cheese. No, he despises it; the smell, the taste, its horrible squishy sound. Anybody who wields the ability of cheese will undoubtedly have the upper hand against him.
Last edited by DarknecrosisX on Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:11 pm
LiteraryVenom says...

I think I'll commandeer one of the Air spots, if you don't mind. :3
I have to write. I have to write the same way I have to eat, the same way I have to breathe. It's like life to me. I have no idea where I'd be if I didn't do what I do.

~Yours Truly :3

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:19 pm
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Sourdude16 says...

Name: John Sindrash. Prefers and even calls himself Firesmith Windel. He also goes be the nicknames of Fire lord, Smithy, Windel, and other names related to his preferred name.
Appearance: He has a rock-like color, much like a gravel, dirt, and metal mixture. His eyes are a deep red fire color with the colored part a constantly swaying fire. He has hands and feet that are made of pure metal which he manipulates to shapes that please the purpose their needed for. His torso and legs are made of a nearly impenatrable fusion of uranium, titanium, chaos energy, and lava rocks. He has a face that, if normal, would look like a male models, but has a rougher and slightly uglier look doe to rocks that mess up the look. He is thin and gains size and weight proportionally when he eats large sums of laval sediments in the local area of his volcano.
Personality: Doesn't ever get attached to people and is constantly on the move due to weather/temperature. Has a bad temper and is angry most always due to his being stuck in hot climates. He doesn't believe love can exist and will often go into hiding in a boulder shape within the volcano when he is in deep trouble, i.e. debts, global cooling, shifts in gravity, etc. He produces swords out of fire to make money for when he is able to travel to towns.
When things get really hot on the global scale, he travels to other hot spots across the globe to discover new ways to harness fire energy and use it to his advantage. With the amount of business he gets from the energy he can harness, he never wants the world to become a non-chaos energy zone. He also has killed anyone he has met with any powers similar to his due to the idea of competitive trading. If he knows he is the only marketer of his weapons and skills, he can raise prices as high as he likes.
When he is stuck in his mountain and lava, he finds entertainment for weeks at a time doing tricks and developing items using his fire skills. He once even juggled fire while forming a 1,000 foot long catapult in all dimensions. When he gets real angry, he actually sets the whole mountain on fire, causing the occasionaly situations when the mountains is seen to be entirely ablaze. When he is desperate to get out of his volcano, he uses heat to create a suit around him that keeps him safe for 2 hours at a time, but requires lava to fuel it. If the world were to ever reach a highest temp of only 250 degrees in any area, he would die.
History: He has obtained amnesia. When he was 19 years old a sudden shift within the planet caused a disturbance to his brain, creating amnesia. He has since then forgotten about his family, his life before, and obtained the ability to control chaos energy. He aquired the power at the time of amnesia, but doesn't know that. What happened was, he was on a walk on the outskirts of the volcano when a shifting happened. He was launched into a large boulder causing amnesia and being knocked out. While he was knocked out he was merged with the boulder and a large amount of the chaos energy in the area. He can now absorbe and use it freely. He lives along this volcano, as his fusing also resulted in restrictions to non-hot areas. When the rest of the worlds heats up he travels further, but also hides in lava pits when the world cools. He survives off of sediments in the area, causing his shell to grow progressively over time.
Element: Fire. Has a large control over manipulating non-existant and existant fire, along with what lies in between. He can forge solid items out of pure fire and has even turned gravity into fire (yes, gravity to fire, meaning people flying around in fire to a random direction) once in his life. He uses swords and shields harnessing pure fire-chaos energy into a solid shape. When he uses fire he can create it out of nothing and destroy it. He lives on Mt. Firesmith, located 100 miles due west of the Mountains of Madness, which is an active volcano he found when he suffered amnesia.
Other: will place some photos here shortly.
Last edited by Sourdude16 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
~The future is only history yet to come~ personal quote
~Writing isn't a job or work. Its a passion and a gift.~ Personal quote
~Love is something everyone deserves, few know, and only the elite understand~ personal quote

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:49 pm
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LiteraryVenom says...

And here we are. Enjoy my randomness~ :3

Name: Emily Twist – Goes by Emily, Em, Twist, Rainbow…

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Emily is a thin girl of average height. Standing, she comes to about 5’4’’ and weighs 103 pounds. Her hair was honey blonde at one point, but for as long as it’s mattered, she’s kept it dyed in a rainbow – yes, a rainbow – of colors. Bright blue, neon green, hot pink, purple, orange, and a vibrant red cover her head. Her eyes match the blue in her hair almost perfectly. Her skin is fairly light, flecked with freckles on her nose and cheeks, as well as a few on her arms. Having next to no chest, she looks a lot younger than she is. She’s bright, very flashy, and beautiful in the process. The only dark spot on her is the tattoo on her left shoulder blade, which is a dandelion that slowly fades into a flock of birds, all done in black.
Her normal attire usually shows off her unique sense of style. Brightly colored tights under frilly skirts, neon skinny jeans or shorts, you name it. Her tops usually consist of fitted t-shirts, or things that she’s sliced up herself to fit her tiny figure. A bright personality matched with bright colored outfits.

Personality:Put very simply, Emily is as bright as the colors she wears around. She's a natural social butterfly, comfortable with people and very talkative. Don't take her bubbly outlook for pure ignorance, though - she's actually rather intelligent. But despite that intelligence, she does a lot of things that she knows probably aren't the safest or most profitable for her in the end. She's daring, adventurous, and cooperative when need be. She's out, however, for her benefit and entertainment more than anything.
A while back, someone asked her if she could identify with any of the seven deadly sins. She simply said that pride and greed were the two that she knew fit her rather well. As stated, she is in it for herself instead of anyone else, and she has been known to use a few people to get to where she needs to be. It's not that she isn't friendly - she tends to be a rather attractive personality - but she knows what she wants and how to get it. Call her crafty if you wish, but it's who she is, and she doesn't plan on changing for anyone. She's a curious, energetic young woman and that's how she wants to stay.

History:Emily grew up in an average family with very laid back parents. As a child, she was given very little restriction and tended to wander where she wanted, when she wanted. Her older sister, Bella, was the one that wanted to keep her in line. Luckily for the young Twist, her parents were a little too distracted to care what their daughter was up to. When she was about ten, her mother and father vanished one night. No one is entirely sure what happened, but rumors say that Emily might have an idea. That's something she'd never tell though.
As she grew older, forced into the care of her Aunt Jamie, Emily became a mischievous but friendly girl, and her personality had a tendency to rope others into her little schemes. Everything seemed available to her, and she liked it that way. However, she went through friends like they were going out of style, and no one stuck around for very long, so she got used to jumping from group to group.
When she hit eighteen, she immediately set off on her own, out to explore the chaotic world that seemed to welcome her into it. She's been traveling anywhere she can for the past year, getting into trouble and somehow managing to worm her way out every time. Recently, she's been "living" in a small cave just outside of Wavebreaker.

Element:Air. On command, she can create everything from tornadoes to hurricanes. She has also found a way to manipulate the air, allowing her to "fly" on air currents she creates. Balls made of concentrated air currents and strong gusts blown from her mouth are other specialties. These are just a few examples, and she's always coming up with new ways to use her abilities.

Other:Emily is musically gifted, and carries a pair of Y-shaped fairy pipes on a black cord around her neck. She also carries two curved daggers that, when connected at the hilts, can be used as a bow. She is skilled with both forms.
She does have a slightly romantic side, but it's rarely shown to anyone, and most men she's met can't keep up with her personality anyway.
As far as her purpose goes, she just wants to have fun. That's it. If that means destroying things, so be it. Saving people? Fine. She's a solid neutral ground with no lean in either direction, and a few affiliations on both "sides".
Last edited by LiteraryVenom on Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I have to write. I have to write the same way I have to eat, the same way I have to breathe. It's like life to me. I have no idea where I'd be if I didn't do what I do.

~Yours Truly :3

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Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:33 pm
Chupatoasta says...

female spot for earth, por favor.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:20 pm
Caesar says...

Spoiler! :
h'okay, we start once I get all the profiles. And remember guys, check into the DT, please! This is the first and last OOC post I want to see here, kay? ^^
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:01 pm
DarknecrosisX says...

^Understood XP
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:07 pm
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thestorygirl says...

Name: Romana "Ray" Rochelle Romone
Age: 24 (maybe)
Gender: F
Appearance:She has hair that changes colour, kind of like how water does during different times of the day. It's normally some form of blue, but it can be a natural colour if she feels off. She has unnervingly white irises and long black lashes. She has a slightly crooked nose from when she was hit in the face with a floating block of cheese. She is fairly tall and thin.
Personality: Ray is a lot like river rapids, or the ocean in a hurricane. She is incredibly hostile and very very offensive when she wants to be. She isn't very methodical, normally preferring to use brute physical force and her powers to get things done.
She does have a softer side though. If you manage to befriend her, which actually isn't that difficult. When you are friends with her she is an incredibly resourceful ally. She is very loyal.
History: She was born in the Dysmal Abyss, a town erected like Wavebreaker, called Boiling Springs, which helped her channel her energy into water. Her father was a disgraced Cheese lord, who had most of his powers taken away when he sold out his town to another lord, the only thing he could control was how good his mac'n'cheese was. Her mother was out of the picture, apparently being sucked into the ground by a strange gaping mouth. She grew up very happily, though she pretty much dominated her father due to his passive nature. Her father, sadly suffered the same fate as his wife, falling into the mouth when he was going to buy food. Ray thinks someone pushed him, but there was no proof so she did not press any investigation.
She had a job working as a seamstress, but then the shop floated off and she decided to travel the world. It has been three years since she left Boiling Springs, but once sshe got to Messiah she just stayed, working as an assistant to the mayor of the city.
Element: Water. She has more power over liquids that aren't water (say acid?), though she does still have a good bit over water. She can't control ice because she's never even seen it.
Other: She has a bow and arrow that was a gift from her father for places she couldn't use her powers, and she's fairly good at it.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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5 Reviews

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Points: 990
Reviews: 5
Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:01 pm
ERANBEAR says...

I'd like to reserve a spot please :)
They say the world is your oyster; but what if you keep kosher?

i like that the title of dr jekyll and mr hyde makes a clear stance that the embodiment of one’s own evil doesn’t get a claim to the doctorate
— waywardxwallflower