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A few questions I need help with...

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Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:43 pm
Jennafina says...

I'm writing a story, and I have a few questions that I wasn't able to find clear answers to online. If you can answer any of these, or even have anything to say about them, I'd love your help. Thank you in advance!

Is there a country other than Egypt that has hidden tombs (or other things) burried underground?

Is there a country with a lot of tundra? (Not the U.K. or the U.S.)

If you've ever been knocked unconsious by something physical (I don't know if that's the best word to use, but what I mean is, not by an anesthiologist) could you help me with these? (Or even if you haven't..)

- How hard does a blow the head have to be to knock someone out? Does body weight or physical fitness affect that? How hard does it have to be to cause brain dammage?

- In books, characters often try to keep from passing out after their injured. Is that really possible? If so, how is it done?

- What's it like? (Losing consiousness involuntarily?) Do you hear? Dream? See lights?

Anything else you can tell me on the subject would be appreciated. :)

I know at one point in history, in Egypt, crocodiles stopped being feared and started being worshiped. Do you know who the Pharoh was at that time, or a way I can find out? I don't even know what dynasty, and searching for Sobek (crocodile god) hasn't helped.

About when in history did mining start?

How is fighting as a bodygaurd different from fighting for yourself? Is it harder? Easier?

Thanks! I'll probably add more if I have them. This is for my NaNoWriMo story.
Last edited by Jennafina on Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:27 pm
Snoink says...

Most civilizations have things buried underground. If you're thinking about doing a treasure hunt, you might consider uncovering something from an volcanic explosion that covered the civilization, like Pompey. Also, look into catacombs. That's what many of these places are called in other civiliaztions.

Hmmm... crocodiles? I know that in the myths, when Isis sailed to find her husband's body parts, the crocodiles didn't touch her, so you might want to check that myth out.

Mining? It's uncovering ground. I'm sure that it is an ancient art. How sophisticated is this mining?

Canada, Russia both have tundras.

The blow can actually NOT be very strong. Just at the right spot. But you have to realize that you aren't unconscious for a couple hours... it's more like a couple of minutes. For brain damage, it doesn't have to be very strong, but to what extent? Sometimes you can go into a coma. Look up head concussion for more information.

And body weight? Maybe if you're in a coma, but otherwise, it just depends on the blow.

Hope this helps! :D
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Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:19 am
Jennafina says...

Thank you!!!

Do you know what Isis's myth is called?

I need the mining to be sophisticated enough to have stable underground tunnels.

Concussion. Good word. I forgot about that one. :D That would have made internet searches so much easier.
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Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:26 am
Snoink says...

Er... it's here.


Heck, in that case, just check out the home page of that place! :D

Also... maybe this will find you something?


And don't forget to consult wikipedia! :D

EDIT: Maybe this will help you too?

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Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:06 am
Cassandra says...

This probably won't be very helpful, but I wasn't actually knocked out--more like I passed out, and only for a few seconds.

I was on the softball team in seventh grade, and I was running from third to home when I twisted my ankle. I couldn't put any weight on it at all, and they had to carry me back to the benches. I sat there the rest of the game, and then when my team won (:D) and our coach was giving us a pep talk kind of thing after, I got up to go stand with the rest of the team.

I felt really, really dizzy all of a sudden, and kind of sick. My vision was blurry. Someone asked me if I was okay, so I must of looked kind of funny. I told them I was fine, then passed out for like five seconds: just long enough to fall on the ground and open my eyes to everyone standing around me.

I was just fine after that, but I did convince my mom to let me stay home from school the next day because of it. :D

I hope that was somewhat helpful. I really don't think you'd have dreams or whatever while being passed out--for me, it was rather like going to sleep and not remembering your dreams; once you're asleep, the next thing you know, it's morning, right? But yeah. The biggest feeling, the one I remember the most from that moment, was being very dizzy, and feeling like I was going to fall over (which I did).
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Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:16 pm
Firestarter says...

How is fighting as a bodygaurd different from fighting for yourself? Is it harder? Easier?

Well, the main thing is the bodyguard has to protect both himself and the person who's employing him. I would assume therefore it's harder to fight in this way, as you have to look after two people.

Mining from wikipedia (remember to use good ol' wikipedia! it has everything you might need!):

The oldest known mine in the archaeological record is the "Lion Cave" in Swaziland. At this site, which by radiocarbon dating is 43,000 years old, paleolithic humans mined for the iron-containing mineral hematite, which they ground to produce the red pigment ochre. Sites of a similar age where Neanderthals may have mined flint for weapons and tools have been found in Hungary.

Ancient Egyptians operated malachite mines at Wady Maghareh on the Sinai Peninsula and at Timna in the Negev. At first, the bright green stones were used for ornamentation and for pottery glaz

I found the thing about Crocodiles! Supposedly it has to do with the deity Sobek.

In Egyptian mythology, Sobek (also spelt Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki, Soknopais, and in Greek, Suchos) was the deification of crocodiles, and was originally a demon, as crocodiles were deeply feared in the nation so dependent on the Nile River. His worship began as an attempt to pacify crocodiles so as to reduce the danger they posed.

Oh, Snoinkus already got it. See her link!
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Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:57 pm
Jennafina says...

Thanks all!

In your experiance, is Wikkipedia generally reliable? I'm not sure I should use it because the information on it isn't verefied. Although I don't really see why anyone would take that much time on a hoax.
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