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Which movie would be the best? (read post)

Episode I
Episode II
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Episode III
Episode IV
Episode V
Episode VI
Total votes : 16

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Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:38 am
niteowl says...

Okay, I tried posting this yesterday, but it didn't post for some reason...:(

But anyway, I'm doing a project for my English class where we have to write an essay on two books and a movie connecting them to a theme. I'm doing "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and "Dracula" for my books, and "Star Wars" for my movie, and my theme is "The Dark Side. My teacher says I only need to watch one, so I'm asking all you Star Wars fans out there: Which one illustrates the "Dark Side" the best? Please answer the poll and/or comment.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:02 am
Poor Imp says...

Empire Strikes Back, naturally.

At least, the first three made are ten times better than the more recent ones in all respects.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:24 am
Snoink says...

Oh yeah... the Empire strikes back is pretty awesome. So I chose that.

But at the same time, I'm hesitant and sort of want to say Episode IV. Why? Because DUDE. Darth Vader gets the information from Princess Leia with the condition that her home planet is safe and what does he do? That's the first planet he tests the death star on! And KABLOOIE! It's gone. So the sheer technology that this empire creates and the force it can destroy... yeah. The first one is special. Plus, a wtory is self-contained in that one, so it's not just leading onto another sequel.

But on the other hand, I also think The Empire Strikes Back is great too, especially for your purposes. Luke is not quite a man yet and gets tempted by the Dark Side. Yeah... remember the time where he goes into that cave thingy when he's with Yoda and he cuts off Darth Vader's head, only to see his own? So he, in effect, sees his own potential to become part of the Dark Side, and that's an eerie thought that haunts him. Also, remember that dude in the Cloud City? I forgot his name... silly me. Anyway, he turns his friends in and is subsequently betrayed. He fell for the easiness of the Dark Side, and because of this, he helped ruin his life and the lives of his friends.

So basically, I think the first Star Wars produced is a good self-contained movie that can help you a bunch, but The Empire Strikes Back may be what you're actually looking for because it deals with how the Dark Side affects people at a personal level and the decisions they make because of this.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:46 am
Nate says...

For me, it was really a toss up between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for your purposes, but I went with Return of the Jedi. But I think either or would do the trick. Just don't go with the first three (newest ones)! I don't think A New Hope works either since it's more upbeat.

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Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:00 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Episode I isn't really illustrative of the Dark Side because it is in the illusive background.

Episode II has a few more elements to the Dark Side (Anakin going psycho with the sand people.)

Episode III is one of my strong contenders for the Dark Side. Crummy acting aside, you have revenge, hate, pain, betrayal, and plain evil. If this isn't the dark side, I don't know what is.

Episode IV has definite evil moments in it (blowing up a planet, torture) but it doesn't strike me as being Dark Side so much as Evil Empire.

Episode V is when Luke learns more about the Dark Side, so this would be worth checking.

Episode VI is more about redemption from the dark side. I think it's better appreciated in view of the earlier ones, since you know what it is the Vader is changing from.

So, I recommend Episode V and follow it up with Episode III.
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Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:17 pm
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lillizard says...

Episode 3, because it talks a whole bunch about the dark side. Also, basically the entire movie is about Anikan turning into Darth Vader. I would definetly choose that if my theme were the dark side. Especially because it talks about the fall of the jedi order, and the force is unbalcenced so that the dark side has more power thanks to Palpatine.
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Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:17 pm
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Mr. Everyone says...

Actually I like episode I... Yoda kicks ass, Idk episode III was way bad too... It's a tie.....

keep writing guys and =) happy reading (=

=) *wave*

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Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:43 pm
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A.T. says...

any of the original ones, the new ones just plain bite.

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Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:28 am
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Zeige says...

the empire strikes back i'd go for it shows you more depth into the dark side and the evil's of the charecters like the other people said the ep i-iii aren't arn't as good as the orriganals they are too predictable, though III does show you the transfermation of anikin to vader but dosn't show enough of the emotion in the charecters that the origanal movies do.
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Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:04 am
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Emerson says...

I don't really know the answer to this, but

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Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:39 am
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LowKey says...

I loved them all, but as far as which ones shows us the Dark Side the most? I chose number three. I chose that because you see what the dark side can do to a person.
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