
Young Writers Society

Prostitutes, Lovers, Marriage, and all that fun stuff...

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:00 am
Meep says...

On Marriage

What age is a reasonable age for marriage?
This depends on the culture the people involved were raised in. Kids in ancient Rome were more or less ready to get married when they were twelve, but I wouldn't approve of twelve year olds marrying now.

What events would have to happen before you would consider marriage?
... before I would consider marriage? I'd want to have lived with the person in question for awhile, to see if we work well together, but other than that, I really don't know.

What kinds of things would you NEVER do for your spouse?
... certain perverted sexual activities. *cough*

What kinds of roles would you see yourself doing within the marriage?
If I had to pick "husband" or "wife," I'd pick "husband," but I'd much rather be with someone who can share the duties of bread winning and household chores.

What kinds of roles would you see your spouse doing?
Other than washing dishes (which I hate), the only thing I'd want is someone who, again, would split the work with me.

How would you react with the possibility of an arranged marriage?
No, seriously. I'd twitch and scream and run like hell.

An arranged marriage with someone older than you?
Remember my disgusted reaction to the previous question? Double it once for every five years older than me that they are.
(This would be one of those that depends on the culture; in the middle ages, girls were pretty much raised knowing they'd marry an older man and probably wouldn't freak out quite as much.)

If your spouse cheated on you, how would you react?
I would be crazy pissed, kick their ass out, drain any joint bank accounts and file for divorce.

Would you be ashamed if you thought about cheating?
I would hate myself if I even thought about it.

Would you want any children?
I'd be a terrible mother, so no, absolutely not.

Is divorce an option?
Yes, but only if we've tried everything else (counseling, &c.) first. (Unless it was a matter of infidelity or abuse, in which case I'd kick them out so fast they wouldn't know what hit 'em.)

Under what circumstances?
Er, see above. (^)

If there was children from a previous marriage, how much would you want the children to be with you?
... as much as my spouse wanted them to be. While I wouldn't want my own children, I wouldn't deprive kids of their parent because I'm selfish.

...the mother?
... it would depend on her.

Consider yourself at the age you are currently. Are you ready for marriage?
Oh, ew. No way.


Would you support prostitution?
If the hooker in question honestly wants to be doing what he or she is doing, more power to them. Forcing prostitution, however, should result in immediate [graphic punishment].

What happened if prostitution became legalized by the government?
Well, conservatives would have a cow.
I, personally, would be okay with it so long as it was regulated and there was a way to ensure that sex workers had the same rights and protections as any other profession.

If you found out that your spouse used prostitution services before the marriage, how would you feel?
... eeeh. I'd want details. How did he treat his hookers?

If you found out that your spouse continued using these services after you two were married, how would you feel?
... remember what I said I'd do if they cheated on me? It would be worse (for them) if they had to pay someone for it. I'd be so insulted, I might just die.


Love outside of marriage?
... not good; emotional infidelity is still infidelity.

Sex outside of marriage?
It would be okay, so long as they're both cool with it. (Say they're swingers or something and they both enjoy it.) If it was not cool with both partners and/or one or both of them was doing it in secret, then no.
✖ I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

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Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:55 pm
BrokenSword says...

What age is a reasonable age for marriage?
I would say that early to mid teens would be the earliest age, but I don't disapprove of older people getting married.

What events would have to happen before you would consider marriage?
I would have to see my boyfriend at different times during different situations to see how he reacts at social gatherings, at family occasions, during hard times and good times, so I know him all around. He would also have to show me that he is good at holding a job, enjoys children and is able to support a family.

What kinds of things would you NEVER do for your spouse?
I wouldn't lie for him to keep him out of trouble and I wouldn't do immoral things with him.

What kinds of roles would you see yourself doing within the marriage?
I think I would like to have a job as well as him, but if I had kids then I might be a stay-at-home mom who works from home.

What kinds of roles would you see your spouse doing?
Working to support my family, helping out at home. This is just me, but I've always wanted a police officer as a hubby. :D

How would you react with the possiblity of an arranged marriage?
I'd be pretty angry. I don't like arranged marriages.

An arranged marriage with someone older than you?

If your spouse cheated on you, how would you react?
I'd be very upset and demand an explanation from him. How could he hurt me like this, I thought I loved him.

Would you be ashamed if you thought about cheating?

Would you want any children?

Is divorce an option?
I think so.

Under what circumstances?
Only if you or the children were in danger.

If there was children from a previous marriage, how much would you want the children to be with you?
Very much. Children need to feel loved and welcome in a family, no matter who there original parents were.

...the mother?

Consider yourself at the age you are currently. Are you ready for marriage?
I'm almost 18; absolutely not.

Would you support prostitution?

What happened if prostitution became legalized by the government?
I think there would be more cases of STDs and more unwanted children.

If you found out that your spouse used prostitution services before the marriage, how would you feel?
I wouldn't feel special anymore and I would feel used.

If you found out that your spouse continued using these services after you two were married, how would you feel?
Dirty and frightened.

Love outside of marriage?
Courting, I approve of. It leads to marriage.

Sex outside of marriage?
I don't approve of it. Getting married ensures that you are totally committed to this person.

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Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:10 am
Teague says...

On Marriage

What age is a reasonable age for marriage?

What events would have to happen before you would consider marriage?
A long-term relationship, as in more than eighteen months.

What kinds of things would you NEVER do for your spouse?
Be a stay-at-home mum, or something along those lines.

What kinds of roles would you see yourself doing within the marriage?
I'd probably control the finances.

What kinds of roles would you see your spouse doing?
Hopefully the interior designing of our house... I suck at that kind of thing.

How would you react with the possibliity of an arranged marriage?
I'd kick and scream bloody murder.

An arranged marriage with someone older than you?
See above. ^_^

If your spouse cheated on you, how would you react?
I'd kick him to the curb.

Would you be ashamed if you thought about cheating?
No. The thought's different from the act.

Would you want any children?
At this stage in my life, I'm inclined to say no. Although I will want to adopt a child...

Is divorce an option?
Under one condition. See below.

Under what circumstances?
Physical/emotional/sexual abuse. Of myself or children.

If there was children from a previous marriage, how much would you want the children to be with you?
It depends on what they feel.

...the mother?
If the children are too young to decide for themselves, they belong with their mother. Unless she's an unsuited parent.

Consider yourself at the age you are currently. Are you ready for marriage?
Definitely not.


Would you support prostitution?
I wouldn't say support as much as I would say I really could care less.

What happened if prostitution became legalized by the government?
I'm not sure what this one means, sorry.

If you found out that your spouse used prostitution services before the marriage, how would you feel?
The past is past, as long as he didn't do it again.

If you found out that your spouse continued using these services after you two were married, how would you feel?
See ya in court, buddy boy.


Love outside of marriage?
You can't limit someone's feelings of love. ^_~

Sex outside of marriage?
Now that be where I draw the line.

"2-4-6-8! I like to delegate!" -Meshugenah
"Teague: Stomping on your dreams since 1992." -Sachiko
"So I'm looking at FLT and am reminded of a sandwich." -Jabber

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:34 am
Areida says...


What age is a reasonable age for marriage?
It depends on both parties. I'd say no younger than seventeen, and I only say that young because I know people who were married that young and have several children and a happy marriage twenty-plus years down the line.

What events would have to happen before you would consider marriage?
I would have to know what I want, what kind of sacrifices I'd be willing to make for my spouse/future children, have long talks with both my parents and several other adults I respect to ask their opinions about certain things, develop some better communication skills.

How would you react with the possibliity of an arranged marriage?
If my dad was doing the arranging, it might not be so bad. It might actually make things easier, considering my utter ineptitude in associating with the opposite sex.

An arranged marriage with someone older than you?
I would hope that would be assumed. I get along better with my sister's friends, who are at least 19, than I do with people my own age.

If your spouse cheated on you, how would you react?
It could very well shatter me.

Would you be ashamed if you thought about cheating?
Depends on how seriously I was thinking about it. Sometimes the mind wanders of its own accord. The guilt or shame would depend on how far it was permitted to wander.

Would you want any children?

Is divorce an option?
Sadly, yes.

Under what circumstances?
Adultery, intended or actual abuse/harm to either a spouse or the children.

If there was children from a previous marriage, how much would you want the children to be with you?
That would depend on who had custody.

...the mother?
It would depend on what type of person she was and how she felt about the circumstances of the divorce, custody of the child(ren), and whether or not she was remarried with kids from a second marriage. I would like to have at least a professional relationship with her, for the kids' sakes.

Consider yourself at the age you are currently. Are you ready for marriage?


Would you support prostitution?
To become legalized, no. I honestly believe relative monogamy is one of the best ways to wipe out STDs.

If you found out that your spouse used prostitution services before the marriage, how would you feel?
Better before than after. It depends on how often, at what age, etc. If it was while we were engaged, that's not cool, but if it was when he was a freshman in college and did it on a dare and admitted it was stupid, then that's forgivable.


Love outside of marriage?
Yep, all kinds.

Sex outside of marriage?
Not for me, thanks.
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i got called an enigma once so now i purposefully act obtuse
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