
Young Writers Society

The Horrendous Rock Concert

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:44 am
maegardens says...

The Horrendous Rock Concert

This is based off of a true event. The band's name has been changed for their privacy, and if there is a band name called 'The Jingle Bells' this isn't them.

Tonight my mom and I were going to see a new rock band called The Jingle Bells.

I waited eagerly for the time to come and leave to see The Jingle Bells. Finally it was almost time to go, so me having the worst timing, I waited for the last minute to run upstairs and looked at a few dresses I could wear. I finally decided on wearing a black t-shirt with a skull fish on it and some jeans. I put on some black driving gloves for no reason and ran downstairs.

I quickly found my flip-flops, said good-bye to the rest of my family, and left with my mom. It was a quiet ride there, but not anything out of the ordinary. I’m a quiet person, so it was more of a comfortable silent car ride. Finally we found a parking space and walked a short way to the small bar in which The Jingle Bells played at. On the way there my mom offered to put my gloves in her purse because I mentioned that it was a bit pointless to wear them on such a warm night, but I denied it any way.

Once we got there, I suddenly changed my mind and took off my gloves and gave them to Mom. We waited in line for about five minutes or so, and my mom showed the guy the tickets. He gave my mom a wristband and wrote on mine in black marker ‘TJ’ on one hand and ‘B’ on the other. I thought that it probably stood for ‘The Jingle Bells.’ We walked in and tried to find a space in the crowd that would give us a good view of the band once they came on stage. It was hard to do so, so we just tried to squeeze in as far as possible. Once we found a decent spot, which was right under a fan that made me very cold, people moved through us and between us like we were some type of highway system.

My mom asked me, “Do you want something to drink?”

“Um… Not right now, maybe later though,” I replied.

My mom left to get herself some water, so I called, “Well, if you’re going to go now, can you get me some Coke, please?”

She nodded and left. I tried to save her small standing space by spreading my legs apart as far as I could make them go without getting too close to another person, and not to make it look like I was doing the splits. It was a bit uncomfortable that so many people were there, but nothing too bad. Or so that’s what I thought at the moment.

My mom returned and gave me my Coke. I immediately thought that I should’ve kept my gloves on because of how cold the drink was. After a while I asked my mom if I could have them again, and she returned them to me.

For about a half an hour, it was just crappy music playing off the stereo. Then, finally the opening band came on, but that wasn’t anything to be happy about. They were sloppy, unoriginal, and quite a bit too cocky. But people rocked out to them anyway.

I wouldn’t suggest any claustrophobic person to come into the middle of this crowd, because every few moments a person would shout over your shoulder, rub up against you or give beers to each other over your head. Also because you had five centimeters of breathing space.

I know this is what rock concerts are all about, but I guess I don’t like the minimum space you have and how little you get to see of the band you bought the tickets to see. I also disliked that the opening band sucked and was trying to be rock ‘n’ roll, and that everything they played on the stereo was complete bullshit. Yet people screamed and woohoo’d and rocked out, any way. I suddenly changed my mind about thinking of becoming an anarchist, because this is what it’d probably be like.

After about an hour and a half of this I finally lost it. My mom wasn’t exactly pleased either. We had yet to see the band and people were stepping on my feet, dropping beer bottles near me, shoving their beer cans near my face, giving off a horrific smell. Nudging me, pushing, two girls almost made me fall, and my open toes got stepped on twice. Then these guys were dancing to the crappy stereo and kept knocking into me, and if Mom hadn’t lead me away, I swear I would’ve elbowed them in the face. I wanted to do that to a lot of people.

Some strobe lights came on and that just made everyone psychotic, not that they weren’t already drunk and psychotic. I thought a heavy metal band came on because the singer sounded like a demon. Actually, I could hardly hear the singer because of the loud music. I screamed to my mom,
“HEAVY METAL, I LOVE IT!” I was being sarcastic, though.
My mom smiled.

The ‘heavy metal band’ was actually The Jingle Bells. Their music started to be identifiable and good after the lead singer started to greet everyone. I screamed in happiness because finally they had come on. After the Sleigh Bells started playing some more music, I started to enjoy it, but to my disappointment, everyone started dancing and knocking into me. That’s when I got mad. But I closed my teeth together and tried to not start a fight, not that I should be starting fights at my age.

Then these guys kept dancing into me, and I elbowed their arms, yet they kept knocking into me. I was angry, and if I looked into a mirror at that moment, I swear I would’ve had red, psychotic eyes.

Mom lead me away, this time near the entrance where you had about ten people there. It was refreshing to not have to breath down someone’s neck and get knocked into or have beer spilled onto my feet or shoved into my face. But my legs were aching like crazy, and I think from that whole experience my eyes started to cry a little. Or I was just so happy that I could finally hear the band and not have immature adults dance, nudge, pass through, and shove me as if I wasn’t there. Anyhow, I hated my tear ducts at that moment, because my mom noticed how sad I looked and wanted to take me home. I denied, and said I wanted to stay.

Then I realized that the trashcan I was standing next to had barf, or that’s what it looked like, all over it. I was so so happy that I didn’t get any on me. Then, after The Jingle Bells played for a total of about 15 minutes-maybe even less; at least it seemed like it- they were done. At least that’s what we thought, because Mom and I didn’t stay.

On the way back, we mainly talked about how uncomfortable that was. I took my flip-flops off for most of the ride, and when I had to put them on, I found they were damp and cold. I quickly took them off and went into the house, realizing they were soaked with what I thought to be probably beer.

I joked to my mom about how I hope there isn’t an anarchy in the U.S.A. if that’s how the people would act like, and how I feel an intense urge to take a shower, and how I’d write about this experience. But, to be honest, when The Jingle Bells start to get more famous, stop playing in bars that small, write more songs to make their concerts longer, and get better opening bands, I’ll be there in the crowd cheering them on.

But, to also be honest, I have never ever in my life been so happy I had a sink and soap in my house.

copyright July 20, 2010 maegardens
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not
-Kurt Cobain

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:41 pm
halogirl4197 says...

I'm SO sorry you had to deal with that! Lol, I personally love rock and metal and that stuff but I would've never held my temper like you did XD. However, I would've loved it if it was a bit more descriptive to really get the awful point through. But I loved it! :)
Remember me for who I am, Not for who I was

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:17 pm
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maegardens says...

Haha, yeah, I wrote most of this right after the concert so I didn't forget... Wasn't planning on posting it, but I did, any how. It wasn't THAT horrible... *vivid memories come back* OK, yes it was :). Thanks for posting
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not
-Kurt Cobain

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