
Young Writers Society

Exodus Preview

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Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:38 pm
dovefeather says...

The sun was at its climax in the sky, it's hot rays showing no mercy to its victims down below on the earth. Men where working long today, to earn their wages, and to come home to children playing with the toys that their wages provided. Many of the toys where crudely made by many a small hand, and showed much use and entertainment to the beholder.
As the men worked, and felt the rays of sun on their backs, they thought of such things. They had almost forgot of the flight their forfathers had made. The God of thier fathers who had planned their voyage even before they where born.
Although it was only a few decades before their time, many of the men had stopped telling their children about the wonders of their Creator. The time where their fathers where forced to slavery in egypt. The time where Moses acted as a mediator and brought Gods word to them.
All but a few forgot of this.
The old storyteller sat under the sicamore tree. His face was weathered, making him look ancient, but wise. His dark brown eyes twinkled, not with malice, but with merryment. His nose was sharp, giving him the air of an important man. Curly gray hair was well out of his eyes, on account of the short crop. He sat with his legs straight out in front of him, a light blure tunic, covering the thinness and frailness underneath.
He was waiting in his usuall spot for his usuall vitors. Ocasionally a new face showed up, which gave him a warmth that flooded through him, and revinagrated his speach.
Tonight was a special night, so he expected more of them to come.
He waited patiently, reviewing his words through his head, playing with them so they made sense.
As the sun set down a notch, his first few listeners came.
The new generation, he called them. Children.
The first child that came was named Athaiah. He had inherited dark, warm eyes. The dark almond shape eyes and long, thick lashes, added to his charm.
The young girl named Peleliah that accompanied him, about seven, was going to grow up to be a beautiful woman. Like her brother, she had full dark lashes, and almond shaped eyes as well, and they seemed to fill up most of her heart shaped face. Her the sides of her lips where lifted up in a constant smile. Her smile was somewhat a reward to the old man, whos name was Asaiah.
Asaiah soon had a group of children before him, and he knew them all off by name.
He started with a smile. His teeth where in a suprisingly good condition for one so old.
''Gather around in a circle around me, children,'' He began with great authority in his voice. ''I will testify to you the great and magnificent journey our father Moses had mediated for Israel with the leadership of our God.''
Asaiah had captured the attention of his young audience as soon as he had first spoken. Thier eyes sparkled with glee to imagine how thier ancestors had been living long ago.
''The family line of Jacob had died out,'' Asaiah spoke. '' But you're ancestors multiplied greatly. Not only where there Egyptians in Egypt, but enough Israelites to make up a small nation. The Israelites lived in peace with the Egyptians, that is, until the Pharoh died.
The new Pharoh didnt observe the peace treaty the old pharoh had made with the Israelites, and saw how quickly we where multiplying in numbers. If we where the traitors the Pharoh thought we where, then we could have overtaken the Egyptians unawares.
The Pharoh noticed this, and thought to make us lowly, to humble us a bit. So he made us slaves.''
The children had heard this story many times through, But each time it grew more exciting for some unknown reason. It seemed as if the words grew, entwining themselves, becoming the actuall day of the happening...

Chapter One:
Moses sat on the stone stairs leading to the pond, where the white lilies were sprouting. Brightly coloured fish were swimming around the surface, catching the occasional unfortunate fly who landed too close to the water. The bullrushes waved in the wind, casting shadows against the water, mainly due to the angle of the setting sun. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and a regular thing in Egypt.
The silence was interupted by a shout behind him.
''Moses! What are you doing here?'' The shout startled him and he jumped.
''Ramses,'' Moses breathed, a sigh of relief slipping through his lips. Ramses, his brother, was good at all sorts of trickery. He could especially be as sly as a fox, whenever he wanted to be. Moses was somewhat envious of his brother. Whenever he tried, he could only make a blundering fool out of himself, and usually in front of the wisemen too.
''What are you doing here?''
''I would ask you the same question!'' Ramses laughed, a loud sound that made some cringe. Not Moses. He was used to it by now, and he found it somewhat comforting.
''You know you arent supposed to be here, right?'' Moses asked absentmindedly.
''Ah, but niether are you, and you know it!'' Ramses smiled. ''Besides, father has summoned you. He sounded neutral, and I couldn't catch whether he was angry or not.'' He shrugged his broad shoulders.
There's a hole in the world like a great big pit,
and It's filled with the people who are filled with shit,
and the filth and the Vermin inhabit it,
and it goes by the name of London...

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:48 am
happy-go-lucky says...

Hey Dovefeather!
I think you’ve got a great idea here and your description is really vivid :D I have some suggestions on how to improve this piece for you, mainly nitpicks.

Men where working long today, to earn their wages, and to come home to children playing with the toys that their wages provided

The beginning of this sentence doesn’t really make much sense, and there’s a repetition of wages, perhaps try rephrasing to something along the lines of: “The men had worked a long day, earning their wages to come home to their children, playing with the toys bought from them.”

[quoteMany of the toys where crudely made by many a small hand,[/quote]
Repetition of “many”.

As the men worked, and felt the rays of sun on their backs, they thought of such things.

Maybe change “and felt” to “feeling”?

even before they where born.

Rephrase: “before they were even born”.

His face was weathered, making him look ancient, but wise

“making him look ancient” sounds a little odd, perhaps just “ancient-looking”?

His nose was sharp, giving him the air of an important man.

Again “giving him the air of an important man” sounds strange, maybe “giving him the air of a person of importance”?

light blure tunic

Do you mean blue?

He was waiting in his usuall spot for his usuall vitors.

Usuall – usual. Vitors - visitors

He had inherited dark, warm eyes. The dark almond shape eyes and long, thick lashes, added to his charm.

Repetition of “dark”. In fact, you could probably turn this into one sentence, e.g. “he had inherited dark, warm eyes, almond shaped with long lashes – this added to his charm”.

she had full dark lashes, and almond shaped eyes as well

maybe just say “she had her brother’s eyes” to avoid repetition?

whos name was Asaiah.

You should mention this earlier, this statement seemed a little out of place.

and he knew them all off by name.

Get rid of the “off”

''Gather around in a circle around me, children,''

Repetition of “around”, maybe lose the first one?

how thier ancestors

There is supposed to be their. Also I noticed the spelling of “Pharoh” is supposed to be “Pharaoh”

to humble us a bit.

This doesn’t make much sense, and the “a bit” takes away the significance of this message.

becoming the actuall day of the happening...

“Actuall” should be “actual”, also maybe introduce this less suddenly, e.g. “They could almost picture the day in their heads…”

Chapter one should really be posted seperately but I will review it anyway :)

mainly due to the angle of the setting sun.

This sentence isn’t needed.

a loud sound that made some cringe.

This may just be me, but I don’t like the use of the word “cringe” in this sentence, it sounds too trivial. Perhaps “that would make some turn their heads in shame” or “shy away” or something else along those lines?

and he found it somewhat comforting.

Perhaps change it to “finding it comforting”?

''You know you arent supposed to be here, right?''

This dialogue sounds far too modern, remember the era it is set in.

Also, this chapter ends a little suddenly, is there more to come?

In conclusion, a very good piece! Watch you word ordering and spelling and make sure you don’t ruch too quickly into things!

Keep writing,

Happy-go-lucky :)
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
- Oscar Wilde

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Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:16 pm
Forestqueen808 says...

I found a few grammatical errors, but not a lot. It was interesting to hear the story. And I liked how you put the old man is telling the story. I'm Christian so I was just thinking about it and was like, "hmmm," Its cool to see how other people look at it. But I'm glad you posted it, because Moses was always a cool story to me. Great job, and PM me when the next part comes out!
Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you,
and hold for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.

~Sorrow by Flyleaf

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Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:09 am
Caponetta says...

happy-go-lucky hit the nail on the head. Really good detail, gave me a good picture of the time and characters. Hopefully part 2 will be just as good.

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Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:12 am
dovefeather says...

aw, thank you so much you guys!
Yes, I was in a hurry when I wrote the first part, seeing I had to go to my dad's house and such. i'm glad I got some feedback from you people, because I was debating if I should go on with the story :) I guess on with the plotline, eh?
There's a hole in the world like a great big pit,
and It's filled with the people who are filled with shit,
and the filth and the Vermin inhabit it,
and it goes by the name of London...

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Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:50 pm
luverly says...

I really love this, your description is great. One thing though, you may want to make less seperate paragraphs it makes the reading just a bit choppy.

Waiting for more. :)

sometimes i don't consider myself a poet but then i remember that i literally write poetry
— chikara