
Young Writers Society

The Curses of Elsa: a medeival 'witch girl'

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:33 pm
vox nihili says...

This is the story of a medieval girl with Tourette's Syndrome. I have it severely now, it was exacerbated by something that we haven't figured out... but that's beside the point. I'm talking about Elsa. She stands for the people in the past who had this, because their stories lie untold. I want to show you what it's like to have Tourette's, and what it would have been like. So here's part two:

She raced for the river where the ships sat moored, and fell into the rushes, sobbing. The muddy, itchy grass concealed her, the tall, lean blades creating endless thickets of green in the pools of brown-green water. She wanted to escape, to run away from the miserable place she now stooped, to go find somewhere else to live. Another town with a less strict church, perhaps, where a handsome boy would fall in love with her? Or a ship to a faraway land, like the Orient, where people wore red silks that blew in the wind. She continued to daydream, wishing for a way out of the mess that had entangled her in its webs of slimy misunderstanding.
A new thought slowly crept into her mind: she would still do all the strange things she felt the need to do. Wherever she went, her urges, her actions would still exist. And those people would shun her all over again. Nothing, no new land, nor any person could change the miserable existence that had tied her down. She couldn’t hold it in, either, though. The strange actions that she did were so innate, so immediate and instinctive that there was no way to truly thwart the urges.
At these anxious thoughts, she began to feel a tension in her back and core. She knew what it wanted her to do. This urge was for the whole-body spasms. She fell soon into what appeared to be a gran mal seizure, with every perfect detail but the action of her eyes. They drifted open and closed, still focused, perfectly dilated. Her blood pressure soared, the sounds of her heart pounding in her ears as she flailed in the mud, stretched out on her back, jerking movements wracking every muscle in her body. After endless seconds, as always, it slowed, until her body allowed her to fall still. She managed to lie there, motionless for a time, but then she felt a tension in her neck. It was forcing her mouth open. It didn’t scare her though, she knew this tension was an urge as well. Soon she began to chant in a singsong voice, “Snail-cat. Tree- mouse! Purrr!” “Snail-cat! Tree-mouse! Purrr!” She didn’t want the people of the town to hear her, but the urge was so strong… Her skin was dotted with little beads of sweat, tiny bumps inside her skin formed by pores that told her panic. She had to, the was no way she could stop her chant. But the people of the town, they’d hear her! The deacons and priest, the exorcists, they’d try to find her again, perhaps to capture her and redo the entire awful ritual! All the fear inside her made her want to shout yet louder. The words she sang over and over increased in volume, and they became screeches, emitted through the tense lips of a locked jaw, a dry mouth. “SNAIIILLLL-CAAAT! TREEII-MOUUUUUSE! PUURRRRRR-URRR-URRR!”
Tears now flowed freely from her eyes, and she only lay there, the hope soaking out of her tired young body into the mud.
I have similar vocal tics to Elsa's. Plus, the entire range of tics she exhibits and her experience with the 'urges' are from my current experience. I will write more if you care to follow her.
Yells:*Feedback Welcomed!*
Critique this girl vox out the door.

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Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:29 pm
Antigone Cadmus says...

This is very good! It is even better than the first chapter!


She fell soon into what appeared to be a gran mal seizure, with every perfect detail but the action of her eyes. They drifted open and closed, still focused, perfectly dilated. Her blood pressure soared, the sounds of her heart pounding in her ears as she flailed in the mud, stretched out on her back, jerking movements wracking every muscle in her body

This paragraph has excellent description. The reader really feels for Elsa and can picture what is happening to her. The only thing is, the concepts of blood pressure and gran mal seizures are modern and scientific- they shouldn't be mentioned in a book that takes place in the Middle Ages or Colonial Period. No one in that time period knows what is wrong with Elsa, and all of a sudden here is this medically precise diagnosis. Instead of talking of blood pressure, use substitutes such as her pulse. Is it pounding harder? Things like that.

“Snail-cat. Tree- mouse! Purrr!” “Snail-cat! Tree-mouse! Purrr!”

This is all one sentence:
I would write, "Snail car! Tree-mouse! Purr!" Elsa repeated the mantra.

Her skin was dotted with little beads of sweat, tiny bumps inside her skin

Um, her sweat is inside her skin? Is that normal? :)

told her panic.

Two things:
1. Earlier, you described Elsa as being unafraid.
2. Rewrite as: told her to panic

Tears now flowed freely from her eyes, and she only lay there, the hope soaking out of her tired young body into the mud.

Great last line. Good story. Tell me when you post more.

Hope this helped!
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
-Catullus, Carmen 85

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Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:34 am
Lost_in_dreamland says...

wow. This was powerful and well written. You had the perfect amount of description without having too much. You really made me empathise with Elsa, and you. Powerful and moving, qualities that any piece would be proud to boast. Your main character will be poignant and memorable if developed properly. Can I ask; do you plan to write any more of this story? Or is this it? I really hope you write more, by writing more you will develop this beautiful story to a completely new level, it will become even better. Just now it is beautiful, so tips: :D

:arrow: character development
this is always going to be a difficult thing for any writer. In order to perfect your story we need to develop the characters. So, some tips.

;) narrative voice, yours was powerful and poignant, developed properly it could be amazing. First, you must recognize just why your narrative is so strong and what we could do to improve it.
Because of the sad nature of this story, it is important that the narrative is equally sad, so that we get a grip of the message you are trying to portray. You are doing well with this so far. The parts about panic overcoming Elsa are amazing. I think it is incredible of you to write this, and so many people are shallow and critical of others. I love how you are showing us that on the inside everyone is the same. The thoughts are brilliant. What you should do to improve them:
:) Add some imagery, give us some nice similies and metaphors, let us know more about the world around Elsa. The thoughts are great, but we want to know more about the surroundings, the sights, the smells, the tastes. We yearn for some beautiful imagery, so give us some :D

A huge help in character development is dialogue. It is very important, how our characters interact. Is Elsa sarcastic? Kind? Selfish? Thoughtful? Philosophical? How does she interact with different people. Think about people in your life. Your family, how would Elsa talk to them? Make up some scenarios and create conversations between Elsa and the other person. This will help you greatly
and finally;

Everyone has quirks, whether they're tiny or huge. Maybe Elsa has a liking of cheese pizza with exactly ten strokes on the grater to the left and then ten to the right ? :lol: we need something to distinguish her from everyone else.

I hope I've helped, if I've got enough time I'll come back and add to it later ;;)

overall: this was really good :D Keep it up ;)
for what are we without words and stories?

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Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:34 pm
Midnight Bliss says...

This is a powerful piece of work!!! It is just wow. I can't even find the words to describe it. I hope you conitnue this story. Just wow. Her sickness, her impulses, it's so real when i read it!!!! fantastic!!!!

-Midnight Bliss

You cannot have an opponent if you keep saying yes.
— Richard Siken