
Young Writers Society

Sweet Sixteen

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23 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 23
Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:17 pm
ringettegirl says...

I don't know if this should go in the historical fiction or in fantasy fiction.... if you could mention that in the crit's that would be great! thanks! and enjoy. :D

“Well I know for a fact that you dear sister, will not to be attending that formal tea of grandmothers. Not after that horrid display in the parlor. Why you should have known better!” Claudia sighed, “What makes it worse is the fact that William was present.”

“Would you stop clucking like an old hen! For it is not my fault that James put me in a foul disposition in the first place!” I looked at my sister in the reflection of the mirror.

“Would you pull them a little tighter please Melanie, they’re not tight enough.” She complained.

“But my fingers are already bleeding! And I don’t want to make a mess of your dress.” She glares at me in the mirror. I gave the crimson leather strings a harsh tug. “Better?”

“Yes. Thank you. How did James put you in that sort of disposition anyway? I mean he was only coming to call. Wasn’t he?”

“If you only knew, he wanted to escort me to grandmothers tea. I’m not even sixteen. He should know that shouldn’t he? I mean according to mother I am not yet ready to make myself known among the London society. Let alone be escorted by a young man to my own grandmother tea! Of all things! And now I guess I won’t be attending that either.” Sighing I fasten the horrid leather strings on Claudia’s corset.

“You worry to much! I really don’t think Mother will be that hard on you. She knew how much you wanted to go to that tea, she was only threatening. As for James well he really doesn’t think about what he is doing most of the time anyway. He just does it.” She smiled, “ My dress is in the wardrobe, the red taffeta. I think I’m not entirely sure.” she turned slightly, “ Martha, dear please would you go and find mother and ask her what dress she had told me I was to wear?”

“Yes mum, where do you think she might be mum?” She asked.

“I do believe she and father are out in the gardens discussing the decorations for Melanie’s birthday celebration.” She smiled sweetly.

“Yes mum, thank you mum.” Martha turned and closed the door quietly as she left.

“I really do think she is afraid of you still!” I giggle as I pull the red taffeta and pail pink spring dress out of her wardrobe and lay them on the bed. Claudia turned suddenly in my direction and clasped my hands in hers.

“Just think dear sister, you will be sixteen in three days! And the next year after you will be making your debut in London’s society! All the gentlemen will want to be in your favor! I’m envious! Why I’m sure father and Henry still wish you were that sweet little innocent girl you once were!” Claudia giggled. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

“Really Claudia, father and Henry will be glad to be rid of me. And anyway I’m not the one with the sponsorship and the Viscount Braxton on my arm either! Why half of the girls in London would love to switch places with you at anytime.” I giggled, “Even Bessie Fect has been boasting all around that she has caught his eye, well dear sister I personally, don’t think that Bessie could even catch the eye of the house cook.” I laughed. Claudia had to sit on the chair she was laughing so hard. Once some of the laughter had died down just a bit we heard a light tap on the door. Claudia put her hand to her mouth and darted in behind the dressing screen.

“May I come in?” mother’s soft voice came from behind the closed door. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, mother you may come in,” I say as sweetly as I can. I give her a smile as she entered.

“Claudia where are you dear?” mother asks knowing full well where she is. Claudia came out from her hiding place. “I told you this morning that the soft pink spring dress would do just fine for Miss Hartwig’s tea.”

“But mother that one seems to little girlish. It just doesn’t seem fit for a girl of my age to be wearing a dress of that colour. The other girls my age are sporting other colours. For example, Baily Halfner is wearing dark blue dresses and Alicia Buffered she is wearing…”

“Enough! Alright I’ve had enough! I’ve heard enough. Claudia, dearest, you will be wearing soft colours until you are married young women. Until then you will wear pastel coloured dresses for it is what young ladies of your station and age are supposed to wear. As for Miss Halfner and Miss Buffered, let me remind you their mothers aren’t the best; their reputations aren’t the best either, they do not have a sponsor to maintain and they most certainly do not have the inheritance on the line if they ruin the little reputation they have already.” Mother’s voice remained calm even though both Claudia and I knew she was outraged.

“Yes mother.” Claudia’s answer was feeble but it seemed to satisfy mother.

“Now, Melanie would you please go to your room and get ready for the tea. I would like to have a few words alone with your sister.”

“Yes mother.” I smiled and hurried out of the room. I was grateful for the silence of the hallway; my footsteps barely making any sound. Reaching my room I hurriedly closed the door. I opened my wardrobe and looked for a suitable dress to wear. Claudia is wearing pink and the pastel blue would go beautifully with my auburn hair but the pale green was the dress I chose. Not only did I love this dress but I also knew mother would approve. Laying it out on my bed, I slip out of my morning gown. Grabbing my corset I and manage to slip the dreadful thing around my waist and chest.

Moments later Claudia gave the door a light knock and briskly walked into the room, her dress swishing about her feet. Her hair was pined into a tight French knot. And she didn’t look happy.

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Points: 1990
Reviews: 254
Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:44 am
mikedb1492 says...

Well I know for a fact that you dear sister, will not to be attending that formal tea of grandmothers.

Put a comma after 'you'.
Would you pull them a little tighter please Melanie, they're not tight enough. She complained.

Put a comma after 'please'. Also, I don't think 'she complained' is right for this sentence and I think this could be rearranged better. I'd write it as so:
"Melanie, would you pull them a little tighter please," she asked. "They're not tight enough."
She glares at me in the mirror.

It's 'glared' not 'glares'. In this style of writing you have to use the past tense of most words.
“If you only knew, he wanted to escort me to grandmothers tea.

Put an apostrophe before the 's' in 'grandmothers'.
Martha, dear please would you go and find mother an...

I'm not sure how you're supposed to write this, but the way you used that comma is wrong. A comma represents a pause, and if you pause between 'Martha' and 'dear' it sounds weird. Maybe it should go after 'dear', but I'm not sure.
I giggle as I pull the red taffeta and pail pink spring dress out of her wardrobe and lay them on the bed.

Once again, you used the present tense of a lot of these verbs when they're supposed to be past tense. I think you can find them yourself.
“Really Claudia, father and Henry will be...

Put a comma after 'Really'.
I say as sweetly as I can. I give her a smile as she entered.

Once again, make them past tense.
I say as sweetly as I can. I give her a smile as she entered.

Make them past tense... Again.
“But mother that one seems to little girlish.

Rephrase the last part as: ...one seems a little too girlish.
Claudia, dearest, you will be wearing soft colours until you are married young women.

You used the plural form of the word 'woman'. So change 'women' to 'woman'.

Alright, in this story I don't think you described the world around the characters at any time. Like you didn't describe any rooms or what the characters looked like. Also, at times I found it hard to follow who it was that was speaking. You also had a problem with past and present tenses.
I also don't see where this story could develop into a deep and interesting plot, and you didn't really ever do anything to grip the reader.
To answer your question, if this story takes place in a different world, which for some reason I think it might, then it belongs in fantasy. But otherwise it belongs here.
Don't let this large critique hinder you in any way. You seem like you could pull this off, but you need to follow my and everyone else's advice. Just keep writing and practicing, and this could turn out pretty good.
Trying to get to heaven without Jesus is like climbing to the summit of Mount Everest naked. You die before it happens.

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582 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1068
Reviews: 582
Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:00 pm
KJ says...

Overall Impression:

There wasn't anything especially striking about this first part. Your hook wasn't all that great. You need to grab the reader, and pull them in. So that needs some work.

As to the rest of it, I would say that it's okay. Your dialogue is pretty decent, if a little overdone. I felt that you needed more descriptions and details. I couldn't get a feel for the setting.

Needs some work. Good luck with your editing.

You are strong enough to conquer this day and the rest of your life.
— Tuckster