
Young Writers Society

Considerably Sharp Teeth

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Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:47 pm
Doctor Kitty says...

[pre] “Damn vampires,” muttered Matthias under his breath.

“Honestly, I don't understand why you have a problem with us,” replied Vassis, taking a sip of tea. “We just like to do things differently than your kind.”

“I just don't see why we can't go in and stab him...”

“Quite. You see, you humans don't realize that you're all much more barbaric than your standard vampire. We tend to keep things clean. Keep things...Surgical.”

“Overcomplexity spawns more chance of failure,” sighed Matthias.

“And stupidity even more so, so how about we think before acting,” scoffed Vassis, becoming irritated. “Leader told us the kill must happen quick and painless. In, out, and no evidence. You don't want our contract terminated, do you?”

“Of course not, I just think you're making it too...”


“Actually, I was going to say--”

“Good good. Now let's go.”

“...Damn vampires.”

Matthias and Vassis stepped out into the cold night air. The Square was empty save for the homeless. The two began at a brisk pace down the stone road.

“The target lives in the Fourth District,” said Vassis, pulling out their written orders. “Leader needs to work on his handwriting...”

“You have a floor plan?” asked Matthias, leaning over to peek at the papers.

“Not today.”


Vassis coughed and said, “I was thinking we would just go through the back door.”

“What happened to your genius plan?”

“Oh, don't worry. We're still doing that,” laughed Vassis, showing his fangs.

“You're a creepy bastard, you know it?”

“You know, your mother said the same exact thing to me before I stabbed her...”

“Now, now, I know you wouldn't do that to Mum.”

“She did say that when I dropped off my vegetables, though.”

“By the way, she told me to tell you they were delicious.”

“Give her my regards, then...Ah! Here we are!”

They had arrived at a large manor. Torches decorated the front of the house, illuminating the surrounding area. Two men in armor stood at the door, eying Vassis and Matthias.

“Aw, damnit. Didn't know this guy had guards,” sighed Matthias, tapping his foot on the stone path.

“No matter, we'll just walk away casually then come back and sneak around to the back door,” shoving the orders back into his bag.

At that moment one of the guards began walking towards them.
“Crap, we're being too conspicuous,” murmured Matthias, looking down at the ground.

Vassis ran his hand through his black hair and simply said, “Follow my lead, my friend.”

“Can I assist ya two?” yawned the guard.

“Ah, yes, we have a delivery for a Mr...Rufus Parliton of Parliton Manor,” declared Vassis coolly.

“A package at 3am? I doubt that,” croaked the guard.

“No, really! Look,” pressed Vassis, pulling out a small black box from his bag.

The moment Matthias saw it he choked. “Sorry. I've got a bit of a cold.”

“Here's the package,” said Vassis as he handed it to the guard with a grin.

“I'm gonna' hafta check this,” mumbled the guard, examining the box's exterior.

“Yes yes. Go ahead. Open it,” smirked the vampire.

“Father Mayhal above...” whined Matthias as he scratched his head and looked the other way.

The guard eyed the two associates before finally opening the lid. The moment he did so, there was an intense flash of light, accompanied by a shrill, ear-bursting scream. Even the other guard who was still standing at the door was affected quite a bit. By the time the guards had recovered, Matthias and Vassis were gone.

“Honestly, I could've thought of something much better to use than the Screech Box,” sighed Matthias.

“Eh. I personally thought it was a good idea. We can just buy another, anyway. Alright, we have a few minutes before the guards begin checking around the house.”

Matthias and Vassis had already maneuvered their way to the back of the manor. “Okay, let's get this over with.”

Vassis peeked into a window before forcing it open. The two quietly slipped inside.

“You have the bag?” whispered Matthias.

“Always, my friend.” Vassis pulled out a small pouch out of his large bag.

The two sneaked through the house until they found the fireplace. Vassis quickly undid the string to the pouch and dumped a fine black powder into the fireplace.

They went back the way they came, jumped out the window, and disappeared into the darkness.

By morning the two were enjoying their stay in a nice inn miles away from where they were the prior night. They spent their next day relaxing in their comfy chairs, reading, and sipping tea.

“You know, you made a big deal about not leaving any evidence and then you go and blow the bastard up. You make no sense,” said Matthias, reclining in his chair.

“Ha. I suppose. But listen to this,” began Vassis, talking around the pipe in his mouth, “'This morning, what is left of Rufus Parliton of Laurence Town was found in his manor, surrounded by charred furniture and stripped walls. Nearby residents reported a large explosion in the early hours of the morning. The cause of said explosion has yet to be identified.' Poor Rufus only made the fourth page.” Vassis paused a moment. “Damn, I love my job.”

“You're a creepy bastard, you know it?”[/pre]
Last edited by Doctor Kitty on Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:35 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:14 pm
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Black Ghost says...

I actually thought this was a pretty cool story, I hope you write more of it.

MisterWaffles wrote: “And stupidity even more so, so how about we think before acting,” scoffed Vassis, becoming irritated.

I think you should maybe put a question mark at the end of the dialogue because he is asking a question.

MisterWaffles wrote: “No matter, we'll just walk away casually then come back and sneak around to the back door,” shoving the orders back into his bag.

You forgot to put "Said Vassis".

MisterWaffles wrote: The moment Matthias saw it he choked.

Maybe you should use something othere than "choked" because I think the guard would most definately notice his reaction and suspect that something was wrong with the box. I'd go with something more subtle, but that's just me.

Overall I thought this was really well written and you kept up pretty good suspense and action throughout.


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Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:34 pm
Doctor Kitty says...

Yarr! Thanks be to ye fer yer input!

I made suggested changes, as I agreed with them. :D

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Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:18 am
Poor Imp says...

This was hilarious, Waffles - very fun read. Mostly in the dialogue, I think - that badinage between Matthias and the vampire was what kept it compelling. ^_^

...it only suffered a bit, perhaps, from the vagary of dialogue without much else to say who these people were, why...where?

“Leader told us the kill must happen quick and painless. In, out, and no evidence. You don't want our contract terminated, do you?”

Either 'must be quick and painless' or 'must happen quickly, painlessly'. Frankly, I think 'be' fits the structure best, and the way Vassis speaks; it seems a bit awkward as it is.

“You know, your mother said the same exact thing to me before I stabbed her...”

“Now, now, I know you wouldn't do that to Mum.”

“She did say that when I dropped off my vegetables, though.”

“By the way, she told me to tell you they were delicious.”

“Give her my regards, then...Ah! Here we are!”

So bizarre - but this bit was hilarious, dead-pan and macabre at the same time. An amusing aspect of it all is how little we know about these two except through how they speak to eachother at this point; it works well. ^_^

“Here's the package,” said Vassis as he handed it to the guard with a grin.

“I'm gonna' hafta check this,” mumbled the guard, examining the box's exterior.

“Yes yes. Go ahead. Open it,” smirked the vampire.

...dialogue ends a little too often in commas - it sometimes takes the pointedness out of the remarks. Vassis with 'here's the package' - end in a period/full stop?

“You're a creepy bastard, you know it?”

Ends full circle. ^_^ So I enjoyed it altogether.

Only question...do vampires drink tea? 0o'
ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:16 pm
Doctor Kitty says...

I made some suggested changes.

That block of dialogue you mentioned regarding the commas-- I've changed it, but hopefully it's not too unspecific the way I rewrote it.

And thanks. I enjoyed mixing in some dark, dry humor into this little story. :D

Only question...do vampires drink tea? 0o'

Why wouldn't they? :D

I'm still going to work on this. I'm trying to decide where the story should go, however.

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Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:12 pm
Brian says...

I thought that it was pretty good, although very heavy on dialogue moving the plot along. But then again, the dialogue was enjoyable.

I don't really have all that much end except it was a delightful tale.
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
Isaac Asimov

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Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:07 am
Certainly Love says...

You're the first person to have captured my attention. You are very much...a fantastic writer, even better than I. Your use of words are nicely used and I love vampires! I was vastly interested, if you must know...spice it up and I'll come back for more. Really, I like it..you are better than most. I sigh and lift my glass to you in utmost admiration. CHEERS!!!
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:23 pm
Doctor Kitty says...

I'd love to work on this more, but today was the first day of school. I have advanced geometry to do. :O

Thanks for your input. :D I like to use dialogue to describe things. Manually describing things is too tedious for me. XD

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Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:17 am
electricbluemonkey says...

This is pretty good, waffle man. Don't really have any changes to add. The dialogue works well to move the plot along. Only other thing I can add is...

The title is freakin' awesome!
Gotta a find a woman be good to me,
Who won't hide my liquor, try to serve me tea.

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Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:51 am
MRMarathon says...

i would think it would be interesting to read it as a play of some kind. the dialogue moves it along very well but sometimes it would help if it had some imagery. but i wouldn't suggest changing to a narrative format just more like a play.

anyhow, take it or leave it. i think it's wonderful

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Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:37 am
supercanti says...

Now that was a good read. The story brings you in right at the beginning with Mathias and Vassis conversation.
My favorite thing about your story would hands down have to be the dialog. With the little arguments between both characters. It was quite funny.

You couldn't of made a better ending. The last sentence "You're a creepy bastard, you know it?” was just a perfect ending.

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Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:35 am
Crysi says...

Two thumbs up.

Jeez, MW. You captured me from the moment I read the title. I absolutely love how refined and proper Vassis is, and the dialogue is witty and brilliant.

Unfortunately, I can't find anything to critique, really. Except I didn't like the guard's dialect... I read the rest of the dialogue with a British accent (probably because of the refined nature - and possibly because of the tea), but the guard seemed to have almost a southern drawl. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, but it threw me off slightly.

Other than that... bravo, this was brilliant. I was laughing the entire time, and the humor only enhanced the story. Keep it coming! :)
Love and Light

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:13 am
Doctor Kitty says...

Revived and, unfortunately, untouched.

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:36 am
MidnightVampire says...

I didn't think I would like this, but I really do. I got a little confuzed, what is vassis's realtion to mathias? I liked the dialoge, very good.
I realized that I said I'd be gone for only two weeks...but I was gone for much longer.I hope to stay on this time. :)

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Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:03 am
Stockmar says...

I really liked it. It was funny and dramatic at the same time. Very you.

Quite. You see, you people don't realize that you are all much more barbaric overall than your standard vampire. We tend to keep things clean. Keep things...Surgical.

This is, awkward somehow. Perhaps you could cut out the "you see." it just makes the sentence cumbersome

“Crap, we're being too conspicuous,” murmured Matthias, looking down at the ground

From what I've read, Matthias doesn't seem like he would say crap. Maybe choose another swear word, but not damn, because you use it twice

The moment Matthias saw it he choked. “Sorry. I've got a bit of a cold.”

Give him a reason to make the excuse. Have the guard look at him funny, or Vassis elbow him in the stomach

The secret of being tiresome is to tell everything.
— Voltaire