
Young Writers Society

I never like my name

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:34 pm
retrodisco666 says...

*For Skins contest*

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed.

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.
"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then.

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.
"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.
"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.
'I have loved to the point of madness, which for me is the only true way to love'
~Francoise Sagan

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88 Reviews

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:43 pm
thegilliangill says...

Hey retrodisco
Good luck for the contest
I'm going to review your work here :D

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed. Nice opening paragraph, pretty short but sweet!

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.

"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. Drunken father is an interesting way to explain who the gun belongs to, but it doesn't sound quite right We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then. You seem to be jumping in and out the point, keep the killing bits together and the bullying bits together, the last sentence of this paragraph appears a stray, because it's not really relivant to the above one

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.

"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

Altogether I really like the story, you just need to sort out the jumping to and from the two plots, and it is really good. I really like the beginning and ending, they tie in really nicely.
I hope to see more from you :D

There's a bright light, see it in the distance? It's called your future.

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:49 pm
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TheMadHatter says...

I really liked this. It is essentially a very dark and disturbing story, but told in a light hearted and almost comic way. It tells of the termoil suffered by people who are bullied constantly and brings up important issues about schools' attitude towards bulying, but the great thing is, that's not what makes it a brilliant short story. The thing I like about it is that if this was written in a different way, it could be a very sad story, but it's not. I can't really put my finger on it but something about this piece is just darkly funny. Maybe it's just the great rythum of the writing.
"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with choked up words
Maybe try saying 'My mother asked me with choked-up words and tear-filled eyes'. Just a thought. Might sound better.
"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

This is my favourite bit. I just love how the tension builds up throughout the story and then his mother is all emotional and crying and everything and Edmund just says "I never liked my name." It's kind of ironic. That's it. That's why I like it. It's ironic. Irony is good. Well done.
I also like this because I can relate to it. I think everyone whos ever been bullied can relate to it. Obviously I would never go as far as shooting up the school, but it brings a whole new meaning to the thought that crosses so often through the minds of school children around the world: "God I want to shoot the guy kicking my chair."
I also like the title. It's why I read this in the first place. "I never liked my name". It summs up the story and draws attention to it at the same time because, to be honest, I don't think anyone really likes the name they've lived with all their lives. Names get boring after a while. It's a fact of life.
Aaaaanyway, I'll stop burbling now. Basically, I like this. A lot. Good luck in the competition.
'The name's Salmon, like the fish. First name, Suzie.'

'Don't make people into heroes, John, they don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.'

'Curiouser and curiouser said Alice'

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28 Reviews

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:07 pm
funkyreg101 says...

R3G@N Here! Corrections in red
Things I like in Green
retrodisco666 wrote:*For Skins contest*

Title should be: I Never Liked My Name

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father Great grandfather?, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common,I think that should be a new sentince > we will both have killed.

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.
"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead Get rid of <That one.. We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since.
That line could be like that v

We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then. Make all of those past tense.

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor.
Not much longer now.

I took my seat near the back of the hall with and or where instead.those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering I think it should be a - or one word. as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was sayingmake a period and capitolize> all I could concentrate on, <Don't needwas the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then,and I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.
"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.
"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

You kinda jump from past tense to present tense a lot. Go through and make sure all the haves are hads and the all those other good things I cant think of right now. Its a good story, but we dont know much about the character or the bullies. It's hard to feel ant emotion for anyone if we don't know what they look like or why we should feel sorry. I know it's a short story, but try to get some details and emotion in it!
One day your prince will come... Mine? He took a wrong left turn, got lost, and is too stubburn to ask for directions.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:47 am
Button says...

Hi there.

and umm.. Wow. I did not expect that towards the beginning of the piece, haha. Nice job on keeping your readers on their toes.

I really loved the opening... nice introduction and character development in that short time. I also think how you introduced the gun into the story was quite abrupt, but was well done. I would consider bringing up more emotional turmoil into the character.
This is done in the first person. Your character absolutely hates these bullies. Enough to kill them. But there are only a few mentions to them before the, um, incident. I would concentrate more on that, to further develop his hatred towards them, what makes them kill-able, less than human to him. And I'm assuming that the main character is a psychopath. So, I'd either tag him as being completely obsessive about the situation, or just completely cold. No in-between.
This is, of course, just my opinion about the main character's thoughts and personality. It is fine as you have it, I just feel that the character could be improved, and the emotions more developed.
I also felt that there could be a bit more detail. Perhaps not, um, gory detail necessarily, but the way that he was being bullying, alongside emotional description for him. His actions were motivated by emotion, so they too should be a main character in your story.
Also, the title "I Never Like My Name" implies that the name changes at some point, that no matter what name they have, they never like it.

Overall, I thought this was quite a good piece... it's an interesting topic, starts and ends at a good point, and is written well. I think that with some more emotional description it could be greatly improved, but it is already good as-is.
Nice write! :)


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Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:43 am
Snoink says...

Hey disco!

Okay, so I am not familiar with this contest, but I am guessing this is a dark humor contest? In any case, I can't see this story as anything else besides dark humor... it's certainly not serious. It's not researched enough to be serious. And besides, you have the set up at the beginning, you have the exaggeration of the whole bullying scene (kick, kick, kick), and finally you have the punch line at the end. It's a dark humor, mind you, but dark humor can still be funny.

So! What you're going to want to do is inject a bit of small details. Why? It's the small details that make things funny. It's like the link... why did he stab him 37 times? And then the hands? It's kind of ridiculous, but it's the details that really make it funny! In a sick way, but funny nonetheless! It's kind of like in Dr. Strangelove, when the guy "rides" the nuke bomb and screams, "Yeehaw!" wearing his cowboy hat. Absolutely ridiculous! But it's that detail... the cowboy hat... what he says... that really makes it funny, even if it essentially destroys the world. :)

If this is supposed to be serious... lose the humorous punchlines and research the psychological effects on bullying and what makes someone mentally unbalanced. Then write it. Right now, your character just doesn't seem like he would do this. And yeah, I know most school shootings "nobody could have guessed" what would have happened... but we have a special look on his brain and his profile doesn't fit any of the research I've looked up. He would be more likely to hurt himself or commit suicide than shoot anyone up.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:01 am
Gheala says...

First, I'm going to read as I review. I like it that way better, so I'd write down how I react, instantly.

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father (great grand father, you mean? If it is only the father, omit 'Great', so you wouldn't confuse the reader), Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed. (At first, I didn't quite catch what you meant in this sentence. Will it be better if you say: 'From now on, I know we'll have even more in commons' ? The word 'after today' was a little confusing, but maybe it's just me.

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.
"Love you sweety. Have a good day" (Punctuation: Add a comma in the end of the sentence for quotation. And also don't make the M in 'My mother' a capital)My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. (AWSOME! I was taken aback by this sentence, excited)We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then.

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson (Boring lesson after the other is better, I suppose), until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering (Lose the space between 'un' and 'flattering' and maybe you want to make the description a little clearer, as long as you've mentioned it. Why unflattering?as ever. (New paragraph. This one is very long, you could lose your reader's concentration)Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. (Another new paragraph. It would be better if you let the kicks alone in a whole paragraph to emphasize their effects on you)I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. (MAybe it's because I like guns, but seriously I love this part!)I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. (Perfect. You got our attention. You character is right to the point!)The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.
"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.
"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

Oh my dear loving god! What on earth was that? It was exciting, simulating and even inspiring because I also write an action novel. You got me attached and if this is going to be the beginning f your novel, it's going to be gold!
Go on, girl!
I'm back to my YWS after months of disappearance, hoping that I'd gain the immunity of books and quills against the harmful realism of our world.

In case this made no sense, I'm just saying that I'm happy I'm back!

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:07 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

Looks like the review parts are pretty much covered. Just thought I'd comment and say that I liked this. The ironic ending was kind of funny. And I mean that as a compliment.

Anyway, good story, good climax.
Keep writing!
Looking for someone who won't disappoint you?
Look to Jesus.:)

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:41 am
kikialicia31 says...

thegilliangill wrote:Good luck for the contest
I'm going to review your work here

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed. Nice opening paragraph, pretty short but sweet!

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.

"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. Drunken father is an interesting way to explain who the gun belongs to, but it doesn't sound quite right We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then. You seem to be jumping in and out the point, keep the killing bits together and the bullying bits together, the last sentence of this paragraph appears a stray, because it's not really relivant to the above one

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.

"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

Altogether I really like the story, you just need to sort out the jumping to and from the two plots, and it is really good. I really like the beginning and ending, they tie in really nicely.
I hope to see more from you

Looks like the reviews part had been pretty much covered. I enjoyed reading it and continue writing because I want to read more! Keep on writing and never stop.

Good luck,

"The nicest part is being able to write down all my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I‘d absolutely suffocate."- Anne Frank

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88 Reviews

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:41 am
kikialicia31 says...

thegilliangill wrote:Good luck for the contest
I'm going to review your work here

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed. Nice opening paragraph, pretty short but sweet!

I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.

"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. Drunken father is an interesting way to explain who the gun belongs to, but it doesn't sound quite right We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then. You seem to be jumping in and out the point, keep the killing bits together and the bullying bits together, the last sentence of this paragraph appears a stray, because it's not really relivant to the above one

The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything.

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.

"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.

Altogether I really like the story, you just need to sort out the jumping to and from the two plots, and it is really good. I really like the beginning and ending, they tie in really nicely.
I hope to see more from you

Looks like the reviews part had been pretty much covered. I enjoyed reading it and continue writing because I want to read more! Keep on writing and never stop.

Good luck,

"The nicest part is being able to write down all my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I‘d absolutely suffocate."- Anne Frank

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Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:57 pm
JenGwen says...

Yeh, i really liked it, could have a better title though i think. :D
The four elements of success: Talent, Skills, Try, and Luck. Talent you are born with; Skills you develop; Try is intestinal, fortitude or guts; Luck is spelled w.o.r.k. and is defined when preporation meets opportunity. :D

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Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:36 pm
Boolovesyou says...

This is so amazing. I can not say i have not wished to get pay back at some bullies.
I liked the name thing. Great foreshadowing there! I loved it.

"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead."

I loved how real this was.
Milestiba uzvar visu, Milestiba ir upuris.

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Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:16 pm
twiggers says...

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed.
I like the intro, because you know somethings going to happen, and you want to keep reading to find out what and how... get the deets.
I pulled my bag onto my shoulder and got out of the car.

"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then.
Again, the way you ended this paragraph. I was like, Do what!!
The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything. Why was he killing people becasue of a kick?

I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.

"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.
I absolutly love the ending!

This has to be the best (probably) Piece on YWS ( that I've read, anyway)
Keep it up!
Pa-pa-paastaa! Roma-tomay-tahh! Garlic, oo la la! I'm so delicious!
*Courtesy to Annoying Orange*

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14 Reviews

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:02 am
jedigeek says...

You really made a clear vision of how edmund felt and the story would help any one under stand why he did it .

I never liked my name. What kid wants to be called Edmund? I am named after my great father, Edmund Roberts, a soldier in some war or something. I know that after today, we will have even more in common, we will both have killed.
(it really made want to read it and i think thats what makes writing special because your writing made me want to read more )
"Love you sweety. Have a good day" My mother yelled after me. I just raised my hand, not bothering to turn around. Little did she know that instead of my physics and math books I had my drunken fathers gun instead. We all know that bullying isn't easy for any kid, all schools say that they don't tolerate it. I have been to my headmaster twelve times about it and nothing has been done. I never liked my stupid name. It was the start of all this. They found a hole in my defense wall and they have been tearing it down ever since. We had an assembly at twelve fifteen, I would do it then.
(this part really makes me feel for the kid because his mother sounds so loving but theres something etching him on and it makes you wanna know what [It makes me wanna know more about what this kid was dealing with])
The day seemed to lag horribly after that. Lesson after boring lesson, until finally it was time. Jack and Luke were stood by the doors of the hall, I knew they were waiting for me, to taunt me even more. I tried to hurry past them, but I still ended up on the floor. Not much longer now. I took my seat near the back of the hall with those two sat directly behind me . . . just as planned. Miss Wilson stepped on to the stage. Her trouser suit as un flattering as ever. Kick, kick, kick kick. In the back of my chair. Over and over again. I wasn't even listening to what Wilson was saying all I could concentrate on, was the kicks. I slowly put my hand into the bag and felt the cold handle of the gun. I looked down and gave a quick check to make sure it was loaded. It was. My finger found it's way to the safety and flicked it off. The next kick and they are dead. . . . . Kick. I stood up fast pulling it from my bag. I pointed the gun straight at Luke's head and fired. The gun warmed up in my palm. Screams filled the hall, but they weren't loud enough to cover up the second bullet fired at Jack. A red mist descended over me then, I was just shooting everything
(this part makes me want to cry because described it really welll ande the inensity of '[but again what was etching him on what caused him to do this])
I think I killed twelve people that day all together excluding the one member of staff.

"Why did you do it Edmund?" My mother asked me through teary eyes with chocked up words.

"I never liked my name" was my response as I climbed into the prison van.
(the ending was like icing in this delicious 6 layer cake )
Having friend is like peeing your pants, every one can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings.

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7 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 1137
Reviews: 7
Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:38 pm
Aeropostale says...

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
This is a very imaginative short story. I hope. :P
Great job with the storyline and everything! This is very interesting and it shows how people can get pissed when those tormentors mess with kids that own guns.


She was /not/ going to ruin a good dress for a pot of drooling, wall-staring, imbecile grass. And that was that.
— Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings