
Young Writers Society

She Saw It

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:56 am
letsPaintTheTown says...

This is the very first chapter. If you'd like to read more, I'll be posting the rest in a folder dedicated to the story (if I ever find out how to do that). Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I really need critique--thanks!


Jenna grabbed the brush off the vanity and started brushing her straight, bleach blonde hair. She stared in the mirror, looking herself over. The slinky black dress she wore accentuated her hips perfectly. The large silver bangles draped over her wrists jingled and jangled. The diamond studs she wore in her ears matched the beautiful diamond necklace on her neck. She brushed her bangs, and set the brush back on the vanity, looking herself over once more.

"Hey, Liz? Kelly? You guys ready yet?" Jenna called. Her friends were in the bathrooms getting ready. They came out, looking as beautiful as Jenna. Liz wore a short red dress, and Kelly wore a dark blue strapless dress. "Yeah, let's go! We're taking my car!" Liz called. "Shotgun!!" yelled Jenna. They grabbed their purses, and slammed the apartment door shut.

"Well I would walk five hundred miles, and I would walk 500 more..." The girls sang along to the song blasting from Liz's car radio. The song ended and they took a few breaths and laughed. "Hey, there it is!" Nineteen year old Kelly pointed to the large colorful lights up ahead that read RAD. RAD was the club they were going to. Liz pulled into the parking lot of Rosebud, the restaurant next to RAD. The girls opened their doors, and stepped out into the dark fresh air.

The girls linked arms. Liz, at the end, showed the guard outside the three ID cards. The big burly man, Tank was his name, quickly looked at the cards and then stared at us. He gave the cards back to Liz, and ushered us in. Inside, lights were flashing, people were dancing. Kelly jumped right into the crowd. She did her signature moves and then just started dancing like the others. Liz and Jenna pointed and laughed at their friend.

A waitress came over with a tray of martinis. Liz and Jenna grabbed one. Suddenly, Liz was literally whisked away, by a young man, around 20 years old. He grabbed her hand and spun her around. She laughed, and as she spun her martini bounced around and out of her cup! Jenna smiled and watched her friends enjoying themselves. She looked around the room and caught a glimpse of a man watching her. A woman was by his side. Once Jenna looked at them, they quickly averted their eyes and moved a little ways away.

Jenna shrugged, and held her drink with two hands. She bobbed her head to the music, tapping her fingers against the glass cup. She grabbed Kelly out from the crowd. "I'm going to the bathroom! Need to patch up some lipstick!" Jenna said above the noise. "WHAT?" Kelly yelled. "I need to patch up my LIPSTICK!" "WHAT?!" Jenna shook her head and walked to the lady’s room. She found a free mirror and stood in front of it. She fumbled through her purse, and brought up a dark red lipstick. She smeared it on, and popped her lips a few times. She smiled into the mirror, and threw the lipstick back into her purse, and walked out.

She tossed her drink in the garbage can outside the bathroom, and headed to the bar. "Hey lady, can I see some ID?" the Hispanic bartender asked in an annoying voice. "Sure." Jenna handed the woman her card. She looked it over, and then looked at Jenna. "You're only nineteen." The woman said, chewing her bubblegum. "Yes. I'm not going to drink. My God. I go to clubs, but I'm not actually going to break the law. I just want a water." Jenna sighed. Actually, the woman sighed too. She bent down, and came up again with a cup of iced water. "$2.25" Jenna reached into her purse, found her wallet and gave the bartender the money. She spun around, so her back was facing the bartender. She looked around at the people, at the lights, at everything. Something caught her eye. The man again. He was watching her.

Jenna turned away, but then immediately looked back at the man again. "It must be a coincidence. We both looked across the room at the same time. He's just looking at something else." she thought. But when she looked back again, he was heading her way. She hopped off the bar chair and started to walk away casually. He walked the way she was going, and never failed to stare at her. She hurried her pace. She found Kelly and Liz, and pulled them away. Jenna started walking, very fast to the double doors of the club. "Let's go." she whispered to them. She started running. She looked back, and the man was running, too.

She ran as fast as her thin legs could go, breathing heavily. Her friends didn't bother to ask why they were running like lab mice from a crazy scientist and a needle. All three of them pushed the doors open and raced to the car. Jenna looked back, and saw the man clearly. He stopped at the club doors. His arms were laid to his sides, his hands in fists. He didn't look intimidating. But there was something about him. His eyes. His eyes told the story only Jenna knew. "Come on, Jen." Liz gently pulled on her arm. Jenna got into the car and looked back once more. Or so she thought.

The ride home was silent. Liz pulled into the apartment parking and stopped. Jenna reached to open the door. "Stop." Liz said. Jenna retracted her arm and placed her hand on her knee. "What happened, Jen?" Jenna looked down at her hands. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." She opened the car door, and raced up the steps.

A few minutes later, Liz and Kelly opened the apartment door and sat on the bed next to Jenna. Kelly put her arm around her. "You okay?" Jenna looked at the two wonderful girls sitting next to her. The girls she told everything to. The girls she did everything with. The girls she could trust. "I saw it in his eyes." she whispered. Her eyes were big and red. Kelly and Liz looked at eachother.

"What is going on, Jenna? We only ask this because we care about you!" Liz said in a rather uncomfortable tone. "I said I don't want to talk about it. Please. I'm going to bed." Jenna said. She didn't even bother to change out of her party dress. She flipped over onto her side, shut the light, and fell fast asleep to the perfect nightmare.

Jenna was running. Not literally running. But running in her dreams. The man was chasing her. The man with the story in his eyes. The man with the HORROR story in his eyes! "Jenna!" he called. She never looked back. She kept running. Running until she fell into the darkness. Spinning, spinning, spinning she fell. She twisted and turned in her sleep, whimpering a bit. "Sweet dreams." the man cackled, standing above ground waving goodbye to Jenna. Suddenly Jenna popped up, breathing heavily like she did at the club. Her mind was racing. She looked towards the window, and saw them. The eyes. He was there, watching her. She screamed. But no one could hear her. She was in a silent horror movie.

Jenna didn’t know why no one could hear her. She wished they would. The man was standing there… still. She shook Liz, and she woke up, swatting Jenna.

“What is it, Jenna? What’s wrong?” she said.

Jenna couldn’t speak, so she pointed to the window. Liz stared, waiting to say what she wanted to.

“Jenna. There’s no one there.”

Jenna was dumbfounded. There was a man there. She knew there was.
This is the unofficial cover of the book, haha.
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yeah, your heart breaks deep and you're feeling like there's nowhere to go... -When Your Heart Breaks Deep, by David Dondero

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:19 am
Xena says...

not bad, not bad i guess... the whole creepy guy in the window IS pretty creepy... but i think she would of been alot safer in the club with all the people... And i dont know... what was with his eyes... was he that ugly? why couldnt she tell her friends that there was a weird looking guy staring at her, and she didnt want to be molested, thats why I ran... girls talk about weird guys skeezing on them all the time...i dont knwo.. and there were alot of names being thrown around pretty quickly.. but i got.. jenna was the main one right>? so thats all that matters i guess. i think ill like upcoming chaptgers better.. we shall see shant we me lada? hmmm????
purple bunnies hop at midnight

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:42 am
letsPaintTheTown says...

Ahhhh, well, you'll see why she was incredibly creeped out in the upcoming chapters. Again, if I ever find out how to do that. I've seen many people with folders of their stories, but I have no idea how to do that. Enlighten me? Please?

Thanks again. :]
yeah, your heart breaks deep and you're feeling like there's nowhere to go... -When Your Heart Breaks Deep, by David Dondero

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:44 am
Yatta! says...


But to the story "jiggled and jaggled" lol how trite. Don't use passé phrases like this anymore if you want to call yourself a writer.

"The big burly man, Tank was his name, quickly looked at the cards and then stared at us...."
HEY! WHAT? When did you enter this story? You totally shifted from third person narrative to first person. Not cool.

"She laughed, and as she spun her martini bounced around and out of her cup! "
DON'T put an exclamation mark here. It wasn't meant to be read with emotion, it's just something that happened, and if it was read with emotion, it's childish because that's just what happens when you dance with a drink in your hand.

"The man with the HORROR story in his eyes! "
haha, that's cheesy, you are not telling the person the story head on, if you were then use that big voice and be full of emotion, but I am reading it and it suddenly didn't feel like it was real anymore because I've got some big voice cutting in about "the HORROR"

"there… still."
Ellipses...suck. They make perfectly good ideas.....really fragmented. Unit......the purposes.....is lost................................................................................................................................
......in.....................................the.....ellipses.Don't use them unless you are writing me a cute note about how awesome I am....it's enough to make Chuck Norris cry. *shakes head sadly*

You didn't edit this one as much as you did the last. Anyway, it looks good. I would try making it flow more. This doesn't mean adding commas everywhere, just change the sentence structure. There's a lot of "She..." and "She..." and not enough word play going along. You've got two tasks to do as a writer in this piece, first you must capture the reader, which you did (but can you keep this going?), but next you have to present information to the reader in a way that it is constantly evoking interest, which you didn't. Even the way you described the characters was very elementary, and I know you are a bit younger than me and all, but I'm not gonna patronize you and say "its good for your age" I'm judging you as I would judge someone my age or older because I respect you as a writer.

It's good but it could be a lot better writing-wise. The story in itself is free-standing and solid so far, I suppose (I need to actually see it to the end to know for sure.).

Back to the cover though, that is DA BOMB DIGGITY MY NIGGITY! Did you see the hand in it? Did you put that hand in it? It's F**King AWESOME! I want one, but with a money and a banana in it's eye. Nice.

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:09 am
Emerson says...


Your line break (------) was making the front page stretch out so I shrunk it. That is all. ^^
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:36 am
Clo says...

Heya! Welcome to YWS!

Very important: You need to go out on the site and review some things, since you have 0 reviews of now. Read the site rules for more information.

Jenna grabbed the brush off the vanity and started brushing her straight, bleach blonde hair.

Be wary of using the same word twice in a sentence, even if they are different forms. It reads awkwardly. Replace one of these words with a synonym or rearrange the sentence.

"Well I would walk five hundred miles, and I would walk 500 more..." The girls sang along to the song blasting from Liz's car radio.

Yeah the Proclaimers!!!
Ahem. Anyway: "Well, I would walk five hundred miles..." Comma there.
Also, there's an inconsistency, with the 500. Write it as "five hundred".

RAD. RAD was the club they were going to. Liz pulled into the parking lot of Rosebud, the restaurant next to RAD

Too many RADs. You can ditch the last one for "club".

The big burly man, Tank was his name

How did they know that?

A waitress came over with a tray of martinis

I have never been to a club with waitresses, let alone waitresses with platters of martinis! I imagine there are clubs out there with those, possibly, but not clubs that an underage kid can get into.

by a young man, around 20 years old.

"twenty years old". Also, what does this man look like? Describe him for me in the story.

the Hispanic bartender asked in an annoying voice

How is the voice annoying? You need to describe these types of things.

Girls, girls, girls
I can't really tell any of the friends apart. I don't know what any of them look like, and you never describe any of their personalities really. You need to do so, differentiate them with looks and personality, so the reader can tell them apart.

Your dialogue is in-paragraph dialogue. You need to start a new paragraph when a new character starts speaking. Like so:
"Right," said Bob.
"What?" asked Fred.
"Forget you two!" Jane snapped, leaving them both.

Overall, it's interesting. You need to describe more exactly what this "horror" in his eyes is, so we can actually understand exactly what she saw. How can you see a story in someone's eyes? You need to detail this.

PM me if you have questions! Thanks for the read. ^_^

~ Clo
How am I not myself?

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Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:37 pm
bc3553 says...

let me tell you what i don't really like so we can just get that out of the way:
~the in-paragraph dialogue. i don't know if anyone else said it but it should be in seperate paragraphs. not a big deal, doesn't interfere with the story, and that's what counts.
~you don't really describe anyone or anything. i know the reader is supposed to be imagining it in their mind, but the writer is also supposed to provide either some backgroud info, briefly describe the character so we can get a general idea, etc.
~also, i'm not sure if anyone else brought it up, but you use "us" a couple of times towards the beginning. i was confused, considering the rest of the story is third person? maybe just a silly mistake.
well that's it i guess. i like the story otherwise. its suspenful and pretty creepy. just needs some polishing and maybe some character developement and im sure it will be great!

Life is about losing everything.
— Isabel Allende