
Young Writers Society

The End

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Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:45 am
LittleBitCold says...

I didn’t like endings. And it didn’t even matter what kind. I just didn’t like it when things ended.

When Fight Club ended, I cried. When Anchorman ended, I cried harder. When Elementary school ended, I burned all my dolls. When Middle School ended my cat took a bath with a toaster. I cried. But I didn’t miss my cat.

I didn’t like Anchorman or Fight Club much. I just didn’t want them to end. I hated Elementary school, but when it ended, I was a wreck. I liked Middle School okay, but I still hated it when it was over. I think my cat may have hated it more.

‘You look stupid.’

I rolled over on my dirty bed and propped myself on my elbows. My brother was standing in the doorway, his clothes all ridiculously too big.

‘I look stupid?’ I giggled and shook my head. My brother just stared at me.

‘Yeah, you look stupid. You always look stupid.’ And he turned around and marched back down the hall. He did stuff like that. I wasn’t particularly surprised.

I looked around my room. The ceiling was orange and everything else was white. Well, it used to be white before I became its master. The comforter on my queen bed was a grimy kind of yellow-grey. My walls were bleached an off-white and covered in footprints and dents. My carpet was never any color as far I could tell.

My stomach growled and I rolled off the bed, falling in a heap on the floor. My sweatshirt was too big and it was much too hot to be wearing a sweatshirt. My shorts were too small and my knees were skinned from crawling around my room trying to find a lost needle. I tried to sew my clothes. Most of the time, I failed.

It couldn’t be past three but there was no clock in my room. Clocks reminded me of ending.

I got up and dragged myself down the hallway to my brothers room. I could hear voices downstairs but they sounded boring so I ignored them.

‘Where are mom and dad?’ I asked as I entered his room. He was now back in his normal clothes and there was a pile of crumpled XXL stuff on the floor next to his bed. Pale grey and dirty brown make up his room. I never look at it too closely, afraid to find something I would rather not find. One day a few years ago I found that he had written his name all over the wall next to his bed and then covered it in tape.

‘They’re downstairs, stupid, gay, worthless…’ He was too lazy to continue with more insults. His hair was a very obviously dyed brown. It was naturally bleach blonde but he hated it and insisted on buying cheap dyes from cheap grocery stores and making his hair look cheap. The roots were growing out and I laughed.

‘No, where are they? Like, present tense. They were downstairs this morning but now they aren’t.’ The voices downstairs grew more annoying and I tried to tune them out.

‘How do you know? I hear voices down there, it must be them. Go away. I don’t care where they are. Go away. Go away. Go away.’ I thought he enjoyed being thirteen way too much. I remembered it being slightly boring. I was jealous.

‘They aren’t downstairs.’

‘They are.’

‘They aren’t.’

‘Go check and leave me alone.’ His phone rang and he glared at me, refusing to answer it before I left.

‘Cool ring tone.’ It was the theme song to some dumb TV show he liked.

‘It’s my girlfriend.’

‘You don’t have a girlfriend.’

‘Yeah I do. If you weren’t so gay all the time.’

‘Well, since I’m older I’ll take responsibility like a responsible person should. I’ll find out who is in our house.’ I turned around and walked out.

‘Shut up and you’re gay!’ he shouted after me. I giggled a little and refused to look in the mirror at the end of the hall. I didn’t know why it was there. Probably just so that I wouldn’t look in it. And no, it wasn’t because I thought I was ugly. It was because I thought I was cute. I was trying to cut down on the vanity.

The stairs were a little rickety and I wished I could get down them without alerting the world to my presence. I could see the living room but the kitchen and dining room were obscured by a useless wall. The couch was not being occupied but the TV was on. I couldn’t tell what was on except that it was dumb. The volume was off.

Voices that had previously been so loud and annoying had come to an abrupt end. If I hadn’t have been so sure they heard me I would have run back up the stairs. My heart pounding, I turned the corner.

Sitting at my crooked dining room table were two kids probably a little older than myself and my dad. I cringed as they stared and then my dad stood, laughing a little.

‘Rae! I was wondering when you would show yourself. I had some tutoring work to do before school started and I decided to do it here. Physics is one of those -’

My dad has a tendency to go on and on and on…unnecessarily. But I guess that goes without saying. ‘Yeah, yeah. I get it.’ The two boys were staring at me too avidly and I tried to smile.

‘Oh, sorry. Michael, Dom, this is my daughter -’

‘Rae,’ said Dom, getting up from the table and offering me his hand. ‘Nice to meet you.’ He drew out the ‘nice’ and it sounded funny. I giggled. Michael got up too and shook my hand, looking a little awkward. They didn’t look anything alike but I couldn’t tell if they were friends or if they hated each other. Dom was skinny and pale, his hair a dull blonde and Michael was tan and less lanky with a shock of very black hair. It must have been fake.

‘Yeah…’ There was a silence. ‘Dad, do you want me to get Lex? I mean, he -’

‘Lex? You guys Superman fans or something?’ Dom grinned and I ignored him, a little annoyed.

‘Sure, sweetie, you guys should all be best friends by the end of the week.’ My dad sat back down, his enthusiasm bored of itself.

‘It’s August 31st. The first day of school is in less than a week.’


‘Are you excited?’

‘Summer is going to end when school starts.’

‘Uh, yeah. Obviously.

‘So, what am I going to do?’ I shouted, kicking the sand from my lamely swinging swing. I never let my swing get very high because then if someone snuck up on me I wouldn’t be able to get out before it was too late.

‘Well, you could try getting over it,’ laughed my stupid friend. Mark was something of an idiot but I didn’t get along with people very well and he was the only one who would deal with me.

‘I don’t get over things. I get under them. And no, I am not excited.’

‘Why not?’

‘I heard that Highschool was worse than World War II.’ The sun was going down and a quick, warm breeze brushed my colorless hair out of my face. My brother had stolen all the blonde genes and he didn’t even appreciate them.

‘Maybe you’ll make friends.’

‘Maybe dogs and cats will start some kind of secret organization and in five years our government will be controlled by animals. Oh wait, that already happened.’

Mark laughed in his annoying ‘I’m almost fifteen’ way and then jumped out of his swing. ‘I have to go. But you need to tell me more about -’

‘Dom and Michael…I know. But I already told you -’

‘No, you didn’t.’

‘Okay, I didn’t.’ I laughed and hopped out of my swing.

Mark was always cold even though his skin was always at a boiling point. His hair stuck out in static gone too far and he didn’t have glasses. Something I had to remind him of when he insisted that he was a nerd. He was a nerd. But he thought of it as a bad thing and I didn’t. We had a habit of shaking hands when we saw each other or when we parted. A habit that originated when some idiot commented on us hugging in a stupid way. I put my hand out and Mark laughed.

I watched him go, the sun slipping behind his head as he vanished. I was bored and the swings squeaked. The playground smelled of light and laughter and scratched paint agreed. It was only when the sun had all but disappeared that all scent of light or laughter was gone. Oddly, it was at this moment that I heard a laugh that didn’t sound nice at all. Turning away from the sunset I fell out of my swing.

Dom and Michael.

My sweet night had ended; I began to cry.

‘What the hell?’ Dom was sitting in the swing and Michael was standing behind him, kicking him in the back.

‘Rae, what’s wrong?’ Michael stopped kicking Dom and helped me to my feet. It was obvious that my had made them come over and get me. They didn't look happy.

What I hadn’t told Mark was that Dom and Michael hated me. I annoyed the living hell out of them and they were sick of my dad making them stay longer to hang out with me.

‘You know…the normal stuff. You know what I want? I want something that never ends.’

We walked home together and the whole way they kicked me pushed me and insulted me. If there would have been some freak criminal out that night I doubt they could have done more damage than the kids who were making sure I got ’safely’ home.
Last edited by LittleBitCold on Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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123 Reviews

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Reviews: 123
Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:27 am
kittykat says...

Wow... That was, um, odd. But that was exactly the best part of course! :D The fact that the plot was strange and didn't make all that much sense. I did get confused when they were talking because I couldn't get who was who right.

Who was the blue haired boy again? Exactly. In the beginning, it started out with her not liking the end. At all, obviously. But then in the end... it seemed like the plot got sidetracked. Why did those boys come all of a sudden? What did they want with her? I hope I get the chance to read the next part (if your going to make another that is) to see if I can make something out of this.

Challenging... Challenging and confusing... The only reasons that I'm determinded to figure this out. ^_^ What does "the end" have to do with the girl? Hmm...

If and when you create a part 2 (chapter 2, scene 2, whatever you preffer to call it) could you PM it to me? I'm vacationing in Indonesia and the moment and I don't know when I'll be able to get onto the internet. I'm using my cousin's laptop right now becaues mine is giving me trouble with the internet. So... when and if I am able to get back onto the internet using my laptop since we won't be staying in this house for that much more longer, I'd like to have a your part 2 when I come back. ^_^

I will figure this out! :ftw:

Our happiness here is all vain glory,
This false world is but transitory,
The flesh is weak, the Fiend is slee
Timor mortis conturbat me.
--William Dunbar

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157 Reviews

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Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:14 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

Um, wow, as kittykat said before me, this was very strange. Rae's attitude was very, um, different. You're story does flow very well, but it's a little odd. Also, vampire stories are extremely cliche if you haven't noticed. There are probably at least fifty vampire stories going around YWS right now. I'm not saying that you have to completely change your plot line, but if you ever hope to get this published an agent will take one look at the word vampire and reject it.

But, anyways, onto the nit-picky stuff.

One thing I caught:

Sitting at my crooked dining room table were two kids probably a little older than myself and my dad. I cringed as they stared and then my dad stood, laughing a little.

How can kids be older than her dad?

Also, who is Lex, her brother? You need to explain who he is.

In the scene at the playground it is extremely hard to know who is talking, you need to clear that part up.

Overall, good job with this piece. Hope to read more,
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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Reviews: 123
Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:21 pm
kittykat says...

Er OnCeUpOnAtIm3Xo?... When did it say anything about a vampire story? Did I miss something?
Our happiness here is all vain glory,
This false world is but transitory,
The flesh is weak, the Fiend is slee
Timor mortis conturbat me.
--William Dunbar

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Reviews: 157
Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:23 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

It was in the title, it's called "The End" and under that it says "If you like vampires"
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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123 Reviews

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Reviews: 123
Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:32 pm
kittykat says...

...oh... I got it from the home page, so I didn't see that. ^^
Our happiness here is all vain glory,
This false world is but transitory,
The flesh is weak, the Fiend is slee
Timor mortis conturbat me.
--William Dunbar

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19
Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:55 pm
LittleBitCold says...

Thanks for the reviews guys! I am editing this alot but I will let you know when I put more on. I know it was a little confusing and that it what I'm trying to fix...

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157 Reviews

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Reviews: 157
Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:06 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

Okay, I'm assuming this is where you changed it :)

I watched him go, the sun slipping behind his head as he vanished. I was bored and the swings squeaked. The playground [s]smelled of[/s] was light and the sounds of laughter could be heard. [s]and scratched paint agreed[/s] The structures were scratched and worn, but no one seemed to care. The whole smelling thing is a little strange, try something like this. It was only when the sun had all but disappeared that all [s]scent[/s] sense of light or laughter was gone. Oddly, it was at this moment that I heard a laugh that didn’t sound nice at all. Turning away from the sunset I lost my balance and fell out of my swing. (It seems wierd that she falls out of her swing for no reason try something like that)

Dom and Michael.

My sweet night had ended; I began to cry. To remind the reader of her hate for endings, it would be good to italicize "ended"

‘What the hell?’ Dom was sitting in the swing and Michael was standing behind him, kicking him in the back. Why would he be kicking him in the back? Was it a more violent way of pushing him on the swing, or did he just hate him? Explain.

‘Rae, what’s wrong?’ Michael stopped kicking Dom and helped me to my feet. It was obvious that my dad had made them come over and get me. They didn't look happy.

What I hadn’t told Mark was that Dom and Michael hated me. I annoyed the living hell out of them and they were sick of my dad making them stay longer to hang out with me. I think that it would be best if you showed that to the reader instead of just saying it because it comes as quite a shock and the reader doesn't want to believe it. Maybe put a scene in-between the scenes of her at her house and her at the playground, that way we can see why she thinks they hate her. You do have a scene at the end where they push and shove her, but I'd rather see them insult and abuse her in a full-scale way instead of just a little blurb. You can keep that part at the end, but pretty pretty please with sugar on top put in another scene before the playground :D .

‘You know…the normal stuff. You know what I want? I want something that never ends.’

We walked home together and the whole way they kicked me, pushed me, and insulted me. If there would have been some freak criminal out that night I doubt they could have done more damage than the kids who were making sure I got ’safely’ home.

Overall, good job, I like this ending. I also liked the previous ending too and if you want to keep that one you could clear up all of the confusion by having less people.

For this newer ending though, it was very different from the other ending and the whole Dom and Michael hating her was very abrupt - try to fix that and PM me when you have. kay? :wink:

Look forward to reading more,
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:37 pm
Sela Locke says...

Okay! That was - interesting. I think you should keep going, and I love your vague descriptions. ;) They're pretty cool. And it seems you found your writing style. =D

Also, vampire stories are extremely cliche if you haven't noticed. There are probably at least fifty vampire stories going around YWS right now. I'm not saying that you have to completely change your plot line, but if you ever hope to get this published an agent will take one look at the word vampire and reject it.

Alright - can I call you Once? Because this was... really... incorrect. Now, the kind of vamp story that you (or some else besides LittleB) might write would probably be cliche. But not all vamp stories have to be cliche. That's just something that can happen, if you're not careful. These kind of stories just aren't automatically stupid. The writer has to not be very good (and LittleB doesn't go into that category) and copying Twilight/Companions of the Night - or something like that to make their story cliche. Just letting you know. ;)
Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them.

--Algernon, The Importance of Being Earnest

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157 Reviews

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Reviews: 157
Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:56 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

Now, the kind of vamp story that you (or some else besides LittleB) might write would probably be cliche. But not all vamp stories have to be cliche. That's just something that can happen, if you're not careful. These kind of stories just aren't automatically stupid.

I didn't mean cliche in a bad way :wink:

The definition of cliche is an overused idea and the whole vampire thing is an overused idea

Also, something that's cliche isn't always "stupid", it can be extremely good for that matter - such as LittleBitCold's story :) , but it's still overused.
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:27 pm
Clo says...

Wow! This story is absurd. In a good way! It kept me reading, the fact that she overreacts so much over endings. And I thought the beginning was VERY amusing... hating that a movie ends. Even a movie that isn't very good. Haha :lol:

I just hope that you address WHY she hates endings so much. Because it is very odd, her overreacting like that. There should at least be a fairly decent why she would do it - perhaps humorous. But just something. If not, it'll just seem kind of absurd. If there's a reason though, it's great!

I do like the story, and can't wait to read more! You're descriptions of characters are entertaining. I loved how you described the little brother's hair. And his dialogue... that is seriously how some little brothers talk... yeesh...

How am I not myself?

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19
Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:50 pm
LittleBitCold says...

Yay! More reviews. THANKS. I will let you guys know--at least the guys that asked--when the next chapter is up. But I'm off the pc for a week so it might not be until next weekend.


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Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:10 am
Moriah Leila says...

I liked the story alot, very descriptive. And the little brother reminded me a lot of my little brother...Except he only dyes his eyebrows brown which is really weird.....Anyways it would help if you identified who is talking during the dialouge with Mark and Rae. And if the boys hate Rae and abuse her all the way home why would Michael seem so concerned when she starts to cry? I think it would make more sense for him to tease her for crying, not help her off the ground. Other than that I liked it. There really is no plot but it worked for Napolean Dynamite and I think it will work for you too.
I am not addicted to reading, I can quit as soon as I finish one more chapter.

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Wed May 27, 2009 4:46 am
ChernobyllyInclined says...

Hahahahaha. Honestly. This was just choc-full of silliness, and I salute you for it.

And, by the way, you need to write some more weird stuff about sprites and such.

I'm only reviewing this so that someone else will read it and I'm not even sure why I care if someone else will read it but I do and so I'm sitting here reviewing it when really I should be recounting the steps in my mind that led me to be full of consternation in the event of my return to work which has occurred and which has clearly entirely ridden my mind of anything even resembling punctuation but don't feel too badly about it because I promise to keep attempting some amount of peace in regards to just about everything. So don't worry.

Live long and prosper.
"Men invent new ideals because they dare not attempt old ideals. They look forward with enthusiasm, because they are afraid to look back."

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Wed May 27, 2009 2:42 pm
gsppcrocks10 says...

I like this quite a bit. Sorry but I don't have anything else to say, I'm impressed. But uh, why do those two hate her? You should explain that, at least in part. Other than that, I like it.

Have a biscuit, Potter.
— Professor McGonagall