
Young Writers Society


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Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:28 pm
Mattie says...

It may not appeal to most you guys, but I wanted to post it anyways. It was on a dream though so it might not be the best...

Madison stood on the sandy beach of the Pacific Ocean. Staring out into the bottomless pit of inky blackness, she looked up, hoping something exciting would happen, anything. It was summer vacation and she had nothing else to do in the beach house her father rented out every year so they could get away from the busy city of Los Angeles. Looking back down, she wondered if something exciting would happen. If she would embark on something exhilarating that she could share with her friends back home. Nothing probably would though, which left her alone, standing there. Sighing, she was tired of standing there like an idiot so she took a step forward into the ocean and into the cold foamy water, letting it wash over her sandy toes. Feeling a little bit braver, she took three more steps into the water and up to her waist, not caring that her cut off blue jeans were getting wet or that her step mother would throw a fit.
Breathing a sigh of relief for the content that came with the stars above, she stripped her clothing while throwing it into a pile back on the beach’s sand. Sinking under, she let the waves wash over her. Bringing herself back up towards the surface, she ran her fingers through her hair that sat at her shoulders. Feeling its smoothness and silkiness with her fingers that hummed with excitement. Smiling, she turned and started walking back towards the sand. She frowned as she felt something run across her bare leg. Reaching down through the murky water, she felt her leg. Nothing stung, so she kept moving. ‘It was probably just seaweed’ she thought, as she got dressed.
Pulling on her shirt, she turned and gasped as she saw a boy, not too far away from her. He sat on the sand, looking wet. ‘Had he seen me?’ she wondered. As if on cue, he looked up, his eyes catching hers while holding her gaze. “Shit,” she cursed and stumbled as she backed away still holding her shorts. Turning and running, she looked back to see him still sitting there, staring out into the ocean just like she had been doing a few moments ago. Madison wondered if he was hoping something exciting would happen to him too.

Staring out the window, Madison looked to see any sign of the boy from earlier that night. She had hoped to see him wandering the beach so she could talk to him. The faint smell of saltwater drifted in by wind and up to brush across her face, already tan from the first week. Pushing a strand of golden blonde hair out of her face, she pulled the curtain across the open window. She walked towards her bed and pulled on the over sized t-shirt and boxer shorts she had stolen from her dad. She wondered where he was. Checking the alarm clock that sat on her nightstand, she saw that it was eight o’clock. She sighed in frustration realizing he was probably in town at a bar with her new stepmother Alison, Al for short is what she had told Madison when they met. She didn’t care what they were doing though; at least she was alone so they couldn’t bother her with a game of Scrabble or cards. When she realized that they would not be back until midnight; she got out of bed and wandered downstairs and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge she saw that they were out of peanut butter.
‘Great,’ she thought rolling her eyes while turning away to stare at the television that had the News on mute. Reaching for the controller, she switched it over to MTV; the only thing the television is good for. Viva la Bam was on, up next was Wild Boys.
“Can’t wait,” she thought happily taking out of a cupboard the Oreos despite the lack of peanut butter.
Removing the wrapping, she placed the Oreos into a Tupperware bowl and walked over to the over stuffed chair in front of the T.V and took a seat. Getting bored of Viva la Bam and not wanting to watch re-runs of Wild Boys, she scrolled up towards MTV 2 and punched the select button. Daria was on, the second best thing on MTV. About to watch Daria go on a camping trip, she heard a tap. It was a quick tap then a series of long ones. Frowning, she got up and looked around. It was coming from the garage. She took two steps towards the door and opened it, bracing herself for what she would find. To her surprise, all that greeted her was the Jet Ski and her cat, Puss.
“Was it you who was making the noise?” she asked the cat as it curled itself around Madison’s leg.
Picking up the cat, Madison heard a shuffle of feet and then a slam of the door. Turning around quickly, she let the cat drop out of her hands and saw that the garage door was now closed leaving her outside. Reaching for the doorknob, she turned it briskly and hurried into the kitchen. She saw nothing, only the blowing of the curtains from the open door that led out back towards the deck. Madison walked quickly to the open doors and walked outside, the late night seagulls greeting her with squawking and the roar of the ocean waves in the distance. A silver like fish jumped out of the waves, moonlight shining down on its long fin. Only a few seconds of air and then it plunged back into the water with a splash.

Madison must have fell asleep on the couch because when she woke, it was still nighttime, her parents still not back yet. She checked the digital clock on the T.V that read one thirty. One thirty? She had only been sleeping for about four hours. Getting up, she accidentally knocked the bowl of Oreos onto the floor making crumbs spill onto the beige carpet. Cursing silently, she moved away from the mess and up stairs to her bedroom. The window was still open, curtain still blowing, her bed sheets still rumpled; only on the floor there was a trace of sand. “What is happening to me?” she asked herself while bending down to feel the grain. Picking up a hand full, she went over to the window and let the sand filter out of her hand and onto the roof while being brushed away by the wind. Madison looked up towards the sky with the moon hanging high in the darkness, the only light. Looking away, she saw a figure standing below her window. ‘That boy,’ she instantly thought.
Sticking one leg over the edge of the window and then sliding out, she crab crawled down the roof. Her boxers must have caught on a nail because as she continued, she felt them ripping. Frustrated, she reluctantly continued down the roof and caught his attention as she stumbled towards the drainpipe. He looked up, staring at her.
“What are you doing out here?” she called out towards him.
He didn’t say anything only took a step forward into the spotlight, his clothes soaking. “Why are you so wet?” she asked.
He didn’t respond. Irritated, she stood up and jumped down from the roof, landing on her feet. She had had much practice at making that jump, especially over the previous summers when she would sneak out. He was staring at her now as she rose up, pushing her hair out of her eyes. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
He shook his head and stepped away from her, back into the shadows.
“Do you want some clothes to change into? You’re soaking,” she drifted off as she walked closer to him, feeling his wet shirt that was dripping onto her toes. He must have understood because he followed her into the house.
“Stay here,” she instructed, leaving him in the living room. Rummaging quickly through her father’s drawers, she pulled out a pair of cut off khakis and plain white tank top much like the one she was wearing even thought they were going to be a little bit big on the boy. Taking them into her hand, she grabbed a bottle of cologne because he had the faint smell of ocean on him.
“Here,” she said handing him the pile of clothes and cologne. She showed him where the bathroom was and then took a seat on the couch to wait on him. She wondered if he was the one who was in her house earlier, but then why would he want to be? He could have just come to her door but she guessed that he was shy seeing as he wouldn’t talk to her when she asked him the questions. Almost drifting off to sleep, she heard the doorknob rattle and it jerked her awake as he walked out, holding the cologne bottle in his hand. He handed it to her and stood there, wondering if he should go or not.
“Do you have a place to stay?” she asked him while staring at his dark features that made him look to be around eighteen, three years older than her. Her eyes skimmed his face: smooth skin, black tapered hair that went to his ears, tall and skinny, eyes blue. Stating more closely at his eyes, she saw that they were blue green, the color of the ocean. She couldn’t help staring, but his answer broke her gaze.
“Yes,” he replied, his voice soft.
“Where?” she asked, her own chocolate brown eyes drifting up towards his eyes again.
“A ways,” he stepped away and directed his attention towards the pictures on the table as if sensing her stare.
“Would you want to stay here?”
“I-I don’t know…I-” he was interrupted though as the garage door opened and in stepped her father and stepmother. She turned quickly towards them, trying to think of some quick explanation of why a boy she didn’t know was standing in their house, but as she turned back towards him, she saw that he was not there while a pile of water soaked into her socks.

Groggily getting out of bed the next morning, she found a note taped to her dresser drawers. Taking it off, she skimmed it quickly. The loopy handwriting of her stepmother said that she and her dad were going out to look a new carpet for the basement downstairs that they were renovating into a guest bedroom and ‘play room’. Lucky for them to be gone yet a second time, she pulled out a pair of worn boys bathing suit trunks and spaghetti strap tank top. Getting dress quickly, she slipped into a pair of low rise Converse and hurried downstairs while grabbing the house key that sat on the white ceramic counter in the kitchen. She usually didn’t eat breakfast so she walked into the garage while pressing the red button for it to open. Taking off the cover of the Jet Ski rapidly, she set it down and pulled it out of the garage and into the bright sun light. She pulled on a life jacket while grabbing the key to the Jet Ski along with the house key then pulled it the rest of the way into the water. Madison quickly got on and started it, while revving the engine and turning the steering wheel, she directed it towards the ocean. The waves were bumpy and she flew over them so fast that her bottom hurt. Standing up now so that she wouldn’t bounce so much, she speeded towards the lighthouse that sat on the rocks at the far end of the coastline. As she jerked it around to do a full circle, it started to tip. Her breath seemed to escape her while she tried to get it to straighten it up, but she was too weak and it crashed into the water. Water surrounded her as she fell in, the Jet Ski pulling her under as it sat on the water belly up. Trying to reach the surface, she couldn’t because of the chain that held the key was stuck in the ignition. She squirmed under the Jet Ski while trying to pull the key out, her breath rushing from her lungs while she tried to fight her way to the top as water spilled into her mouth. She gave it one last pull, trying to get the key out, but she couldn’t and she soon blacked out while the water swallowed her.

She awoke to the sound of waves crashing and water slipping under her clothes. Sitting up, she noticed that it was still dark out and she was alone lying on the beach wondering what happened. She looked around, looking for some kind of sign that would tell her how she had ended up on the beach and not at the bottom of the ocean dead. Madison got up, brushing away the sand that stuck to her clothes and walked towards the shadowy figure at the end of the beach. As she neared it, she realized that it was the boy. He turned and looked at her, wide eyed like she had disturbed him. “Hey,” she said sitting down on the sand with him following. “You saved me didn’t you?” she asked him.
He nodded and she looked over at him, the same clothes she had given him stuck to his body from water. She looked closer, and noticed a red patch of skin on his back. “How did you get that?” she motioned towards the scaly part of his body. “A burn.”
“Oh, is it okay?”
“Yes,” he replied, as she looked closer, reaching out to touch it. She looked up at him as a shiver ran through him, while keeping her hand on his shoulder still stroking the patch of rough skin. While keeping her eyes on his, she bent down and kissed it, while slowly stroking his back she pulled away and moved her mouth to his. He seemed shocked as she kissed him, moving her hand down his back. He was much older than her, but seemed so inexperienced. She pulled away and looked into his eyes, those blue green eyes staring at her, almost through her. Madison smiled as he made an attempt to kiss her again and slowly moved forward so that his mouth was fully on hers. She moved her hand towards his hair feeling it’s wetness while pulling him to the sand. Kissing him unhurriedly, she moved her hand to his collarbone and to his cheek, feeling its coolness. He reached up and stroked her hair out of her face while trailing kisses down her neckline. Feeling brave, she reached for his pants, but he stopped her by brining her hand back towards his face, “Enjoy the moment,” he whispered.
Pulling away from him, she searched his face for any sign of jokiness, but saw none. He was serious that he didn’t want to go that far with her, not now. He bent down and continued to kiss her, while thoughts swarmed in her head, one in particular, ‘Who is this boy?’
She pulled away and looked at his face, his eyes still closed. He opened them and looked at her as if asking what was wrong. “What’s your name?” she asked as she stood up, slowly backing away.
“Salem,” he replied.
“Yes. It’s a family name…” he drifted off clearly not wanting to discuss his family any more. “I-I better go.” She stuttered backing away from him while he rose up, “What’s wrong?” he asked reaching for her hand, it felt icy cold.
“I-I can’t be here.” She pulled away and hurried up the grassy sand dunes and up to the beach house, leaving him alone in the darkness.
Last edited by Mattie on Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:27 pm
Rock Chick says...

i really liked this one. u have talent ! :) :D :P 8) :lol: i am such a rubbish writer compared to every1 on here. i hate being so stupid! how did u get so good?
Love Ya All. If u hate my work i dont care. I love critisism! Peace Out. Rock Chick xx

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Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:05 pm
Acid_Fairy says...

yes it was extremly good! theres a word to describe it, but i can't think of it right now... ummm like...descriptive, but that isn't the word. oh well. i liked the part when you said 'her chocolate brown eyes' that was ggo, and created a good image, like one you can imagine more. sorry, this is a very confusing comment-but well done all the same!
Angel now- Devil forever ;-P

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Wed May 13, 2009 2:24 pm
XYZinnia says...

Hello! I'm Y! :D

This is very good. You might, however, want to rate it.

Anyway, I just went through and nit-picked a little. Here we go!

It was summer vacation, and she had nothing else to do in the beach house her father rented out every year so they could get away from the busy city of Los Angeles.

(I added a comma.) This sentence it a little too long for my taste. I suggest you chop it up.

Looking back down, she wondered if something exciting would happen.

You just said that.

Sighing, she was tired of standing there like an idiot

The "Sighing" part reads funny for me. Maybe you could change it with "She shrugged her shoulders", or something like that.

She frowned as she felt something run across her bare leg.

I think you could improve this bit by describing how she felt. Was she scared?

Madison wondered if he was hoping something exciting would happen to him too.

Nice ending sentence.

"Al, for short," is what she had told Madison when they met.

Fixed her up.

“Can’t wait,” she thought happily taking out of a cupboard the Oreos despite the lack of peanut butter.

Ok, first of all, I think you should tell the reader that she likes peanut butter and Oreos. Otherwise it seems like your putting the details in as you go. Also, I think you could chop this sentence up.

Getting bored of Viva la Bam and not wanting to watch re-runs of Wild Boys, she scrolled up towards MTV 2 and punched the select button.

Wait, in the time she turned on the T.V. and got her food she got tired of watching? I doesn't seem like she saw anything.

She took two steps towards the door and opened it, bracing herself for what she would find.

Turning around quickly, she let the cat drop out of her hands and saw that the garage door was now closed, leaving her outside.

Ok, we've got a problem. Between these two sentences, she didn't move at all. If she opened the door connecting the house to the garage, how did she get outside when the garage door closed? Wouldn't she just be standing in the garage? Also, put in somewhere that the garage door was open.

However. did you mean the door to the house? If you did how would she get out? If both doors where closed, she'd be standing in the dark with her cat. Unless the garage door was open, in which case you still need to put that in.

Also, you didn't say she moved, so wouldn't still be in the doorway when the door slammed shut?

Reaching for the doorknob, she turned it briskly and hurried into the kitchen.

If she's outdoors, how did she get to the doorknob so fast?

“What is happening to me?” she asked herself while bending down to feel the grain.

Why does she think something is happening to her?

“Do you want some clothes to change into? You’re soaking.

I would change that to "soaked".

...like the one she was wearing, even thought they were going to be a little bit big on the boy.

Comma! :)

Sitting up, she noticed that it was still dark out and she was alone lying on the beach wondering what happened.

Still dark? I thought it was morning when she went out?

...of the ocean, dead.

More comma!

Madison got up, brushing away the sand that stuck to her clothes and walked towards the shadowy figure at the end of the beach.

When did she see the shadowy figure?

...wide eyed, like she had disturbed him.

Another comma. You could also change "like" to "as if".

“A burn.”

You might want to indicate he's talking.

“What’s wrong?” he asked reaching for her hand, it felt icy cold.

Oh, I like how he changes from "cool" to "cold" when she realizes something is wrong.

So, you have some run-on-sentences. Is it because you want to get a lot of detail in? Remember, you can put detail in small sentences, too!

I'm interested in why she's scared of him.

I don't really get where this is going. I think to help the story along, you might want to add in the parents.

Anyway, except for the loopholes and such, this is pretty good. I will be even better if you fix your run-ons! :wink:

Keep Writing! :)

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Reviews: 3
Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:55 pm
Moonshine says...

Looking back down, she wondered if something exciting would happen. If she would embark on something exhilarating that she could share with her friends back home.

I feel as if those two sentences should be one, seperated by a comma. If not, then instead of 'if' then the second sentence should perhaps start with 'would' and be changed into a question.


That should be "Oh."
End of story.

Sometimes I had to backtrack and reread a paragraph because I got a little lost like when she
ended up outside then suddenly went back into the kitchen. It kind of felt like you jumped a little from x to z without mentioning y.

Ah, other than thise things it was good enough to hold my attention and now I am in love with
the boy you created, he is too cute for his age.

I hope you plan to continue or something becuase that story got the cliff hanger award.

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Reviews: 41
Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:11 am
silverSUNLIGHTx says...

Hey there, I'm Jade and I'll review this for you as I read, alright? Let's go.

Mattie wrote:
Madison stood on the sandy beach of the Pacific Ocean. Staring out into the bottomless pit of inky blackness, she looked up, hoping something exciting would happen, anything. It was summer vacation and she had nothing else to do in the beach house her father rented out every year so they could get away from the busy city of Los Angeles. This whole sentence seems very forced and long, if I was reading it out loud I'd have to speed up just to get it in one breath. Chop it up, make it two, change it. Looking back down, she wondered if something exciting would happen. You said 'something exciting would happen' twice. It ruins your flow, change it up. If she would embark on something exhilarating that she could share with her friends back home. THis sentence is a little weird to me, 'embark' really seems out of place here. Nothing probably would though, which left her alone, standing there. This sound so dull here and makes me sad. Try saying it in a more captivating way. Sighing, she was tired of standing there like an idiot so she took a step forward into the ocean and into the cold foamy water, letting it wash over her sandy toes. Feeling a little bit braver, she took three more steps into the water and up to her waist, not caring that her cut off blue jeans were getting wet or that her step mother would throw a fit.
Breathing a sigh of relief for the content that came with the stars above, she stripped her clothing while throwing [s]it[/s] them into a pile back on the beach’s sand. Sinking under, she let the waves wash over her. Bringing herself back up towards the surface, she ran her fingers through her hair that sat at her shoulders. Feeling its smoothness and silkiness with her fingers that hummed with excitement. You said 'fingers' twice, and I'm also a bit confused here. Why are her fingers humming with excitement? You said earlier that she was bored and alone. If she's excited now, tell us why. Smiling, she turned and started walking back towards the sand. She frowned as she felt something run across her bare leg. You start a sentence, with 'smiling' then you start one with 'she frowned' To me, this just sounds flip floppy, invert the second sentence. Reaching down through the murky water, she felt her leg. Nothing stung, so she kept moving. Why would anything sting? You never mentioned pain before this, maybe try, 'She reached down through the murky water and ran a hand down her thigh, she felt nothing but bare skin and a brush of stubble. Reassured but apprehensive, she kept moving' or something along those lines. ‘It was probably just seaweed’ she thought, as she got dressed.
Pulling on her shirt, she turned and gasped as she saw a boy, not too far away from her. He sat on the sand, looking wet. ‘Had he seen me?’ she wondered. As if on cue, he looked up, his eyes catching hers while holding her gaze. New Paragraph here. “Shit,” she cursed and stumbled as she backed away still holding her shorts. Turning and running, she looked back to see him still sitting there, staring out into the ocean just like she had been doing a few moments ago. Madison wondered if he was[s] hoping something exciting would happen to him too. [/s] wishing for excitement just like she had.
But a break here so I know that this is a different scene.
Staring out the window, Madison looked to see any sign of the boy from earlier that night. She had hoped to see him wandering the beach so she could talk to him. The faint smell of saltwater drifted in by wind and up to brush across her face, already tan from the first week. Pushing a strand of golden blonde hair out of her face, she pulled the curtain across the open window. She walked towards her bed and pulled on the over sized t-shirt and boxer shorts she had stolen from her dad. She wondered where he was. Checking the alarm clock that sat on her nightstand, she saw that it was eight o’clock. She sighed in frustration realizing he was probably in town at a bar with her new stepmother Alison, Al for short is what she had told Madison when they met. She didn’t care what they were doing though; at least she was alone so they couldn’t bother her with a game of Scrabble or cards. You're starting a lot of your sentence with 'She' watch out for that because it sounds really redundant. When she realized that they would not be back until midnight; she got out of bed and wandered downstairs [s]and [/s][s]in[/s]to the kitchen. Opening the fridge she saw that they were out of peanut butter.
‘Great,’ she thought rolling her eyes while turning away to stare at the television that had the News on mute. Reaching for the controller, she switched it over to MTV; the only thing the television is good for. Viva la Bam was on, up next was Wild Boys. You've got a lot of stuff here that's really not necessary at all. It bores the reader, unlessss you do it in an interesting descriptive way. I'd keep some of this, but shorten it and try not to make it so dull.
“Can’t wait,” she thought happily [s]taking out of a cupboard the Oreos[/s] taking the Oreo's out of the cupboard, despite the lack of peanut butter.
Removing the wrapping, she placed the Oreos into a Tupperware bowl and walked over to the over stuffed chair in front of the T.V and took a seat. Getting bored of Viva la Bam and not wanting to watch re-runs of Wild Boys, she scrolled up towards MTV 2 and punched the select button. Daria was on, the second best thing on MTV. About to watch Daria go on a camping trip, More boring unnecessary stuff here. she heard a tap. It was a quick tap then a series of long ones. How can there be long taps? Frowning, she got up and looked around. It was coming from the garage. She took two steps towards the door and opened it, bracing herself for what she would find. To her surprise, all that greeted her was the Jet Ski and her cat, Puss.
“Was it you who was making the noise?” she asked the cat as it curled itself around Madison’s leg.
Picking up the cat, Madison heard a shuffle of feet and then a slam of the door. Turning around quickly, she let the cat drop out of her hands and saw that the garage door was now closed leaving her outside. Reaching for the doorknob, she turned it briskly and hurried into the kitchen. She saw nothing, only the blowing of the curtains from the open door that led out back towards the deck. Madison walked quickly to the open doors and walked outside, the late night seagulls greeting her with squawking and the roar of the ocean waves in the distance. A silver like fish jumped out of the waves, moonlight shining down on its long fin. Only a few seconds of air and then it plunged back into the water with a splash. I like this whole paragraph, really nice job.

Madison must have [s]fell[/s] fallen asleep on the couch comma because when she woke, it was still nighttime, her parents still not back yet. She checked the digital clock on the T.V that read one thirty. One thirty? She had only been sleeping for about four hours. Getting up, she accidentally knocked the bowl of Oreos onto the floor making crumbs spill onto the beige carpet. Cursing silently, cursing silently? she moved away from the mess and up stairs to her bedroom. The window was still open, curtain still blowing, her bed sheets still rumpled; only on the floor there was a trace of sand. New paragraph. “What is happening to me?” she asked herself while bending down to feel the grain. Picking up a hand full, she went over to the window and let the sand filter out of her hand and onto the roof while being brushed away by the wind. Madison looked up towards the sky with the moon hanging high in the darkness, the only light. Looking away, she saw a figure standing below her window. ‘That boy,’ she instantly thought.
Sticking one leg over the edge of the window and then sliding out, she crab-crawled down the roof. Her boxers must have caught on a nail because as she continued, she felt them ripping. Frustrated, she reluctantly continued down the roof and caught his attention as she stumbled towards the drainpipe. He looked up, staring at her.
“What are you doing out here?” she called out towards him.
He didn’t say anything only took a step forward into the spotlight, his clothes soaking. “Why are you so wet?” she asked.
What does he look like? Why isn't she afraid at all that this weird wet boy is standing outside her house while she's alone?
He didn’t respond. Irritated, she stood up and jumped down from the roof, landing on her feet. She had had much practice at making that jump, especially over the previous summers when she would sneak out. He was staring at her now as she rose up, pushing her hair out of her eyes. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
He shook his head and stepped away from her, back into the shadows.
“Do you want some clothes to change into? You’re soaking,” she drifted off as she walked closer to him, feeling his wet shirt that was dripping onto her toes. He must have understood because he followed her into the house. Why did she invite him in? What if he's a rapist? Does nonee of this cross her mind?
“Stay here,” she instructed, leaving him in the living room. Rummaging quickly through her father’s drawers, she pulled out a pair of cut off khakis and plain white tank top much like the one she was wearing even thought they were going to be a little bit big on the boy. Taking them into her hand, she grabbed a bottle of cologne because he had the faint smell of ocean on him. Cologne? She's giving her father's cologne to some random boy who she found outside of her house who doesn't talk?
“Here,” she said handing him the pile of clothes and cologne. She showed him where the bathroom was and then took a seat on the couch to wait on him. She wondered if he was the one who was in her house earlier, but then why would he want to be? He could have just come to her door but she guessed that he was shy seeing as he wouldn’t talk to her when she asked him the questions. Almost drifting off to sleep, she heard the doorknob rattle and it jerked her awake as he walked out, holding the cologne bottle in his hand. He handed it to her and stood there, wondering if he should go or not.
“Do you have a place to stay?” she asked him while staring at his dark features that made him look to be around eighteen, three years older than her. Her eyes skimmed his face: smooth skin, black tapered hair that went to his ears, tall and skinny, eyes blue. Stating I think you mean staring more closely at his eyes, she saw that they were blue green, the color of the ocean. She couldn’t help staring, but his answer broke her gaze. You used 'staring' twice. It doesn't sound good.
“Yes,” he replied, his voice soft.
“Where?” she asked, her own chocolate brown eyes drifting up towards his eyes again.
“A ways,” he stepped away and directed his attention towards the pictures on the table as if sensing her stare.
“Would you want to stay here?” Why would she ask this? If some weird and protective force came upon her, then tell us that. But right now it seems really weird that she's inviting him to stay with her.
“I-I don’t know…I-” he was interrupted though as the garage door opened and in stepped her father and stepmother. She turned quickly towards them, trying to think of some quick explanation of why a boy she didn’t know was standing in their house, but as she turned back towards him, she saw that he was not there while a pile of water soaked into her socks.
Break here
Groggily getting out of bed the next morning, she found a note taped to her dresser drawers. Taking it off, she skimmed it quickly. The loopy handwriting of her stepmother said that she and her dad were going out to look a new carpet for the basement downstairs that they were renovating into a guest bedroom and ‘play room’. This is a run-on, break it up. Lucky for them to be gone yet a second time, she pulled out a pair of worn boys bathing suit trunks and spaghetti strap tank top. Getting dressed quickly, she slipped into a pair of low rise Converse and hurried downstairs while grabbing the house key that sat on the white ceramic counter in the kitchen. She usually didn’t eat breakfast comma so she walked into the garage while pressing the red button for it to open. Taking off the cover of the Jet Ski rapidly, she set it down and pulled it out of the garage and into the bright sun light. She pulled on a life jacket while grabbing the key to the Jet Ski along with the house key then pulled it the rest of the way into the water. Madison quickly got on and started it, while revving the engine and turning the steering wheel, she directed it towards the ocean. There's so much telling here. 'Madison did this, then she did that, then she did this, then she went here.' It gets drastically boring and sounds soooo redundant. Put in some imagery, shorten it, do something. The waves were bumpy and she flew over them so fast that her bottom hurt. Standing up now so that she wouldn’t bounce so much, she speeded towards the lighthouse that sat on the rocks at the far end of the coastline. As she jerked it around to do a full circle, it started to tip. Her breath seemed to escape her while she tried to get it to straighten it up, but she was too weak and it crashed into the water. Water surrounded her as she fell in, the Jet Ski pulling her under as it sat on the water belly up. Trying to reach the surface, she couldn’t because of the chain that held the key was stuck in the ignition. She squirmed under the Jet Ski while trying to pull the key out, her breath rushing from her lungs while she tried to fight her way to the top as water spilled into her mouth. She gave it one last pull, trying to get the key out, but she couldn’t and she soon blacked out while the water swallowed her.
This is the longest paragraph in the history of forever. It starts out with her waking up and then ends with her trapped under a jet ski. Break it up please, the literary gods are begging you.
Break here.
She awoke to the sound of waves crashing and water slipping under her clothes. Sitting up, she noticed that it was still dark out and she was alone lying on the beach wondering what happened. She looked around, looking for some kind of sign that would tell her how she had ended up on the beach and not at the bottom of the ocean comma dead. Madison got up, brushing away the sand that stuck to her clothes and walked towards the shadowy figure at the end of the beach. As she neared it, she realized that it was the boy. He turned and looked at her, wide eyed like she had disturbed him. “Hey,” she said sitting down on the sand with him following. “You saved me didn’t you?” she asked him.
He nodded and she looked over at him, the same clothes she had given him stuck to his body from water. You use 'him' too much, don't you think? She looked closer, and noticed a red patch of skin on his back. “How did you get that?” she motioned towards the scaly part of his body. New Paragraph “A burn.”
“Oh, is it okay?”
“Yes,” he replied, as she looked closer, reaching out to touch it. She looked up at him as a shiver ran through him, while keeping her hand on his shoulder still stroking the patch of rough skin. While keeping her eyes on his, she bent down and kissed it, while slowly stroking his back she pulled away and moved her mouth to his. Run-on! Hugee run-on that really doesn't make sense. He seemed shocked as she kissed him, moving her hand down his back. He was much older than her, but seemed so inexperienced. She pulled away and looked into his eyes, those blue green eyes staring at her, almost through her. New Paragraph. Madison smiled as he made an attempt to kiss her again and slowly moved forward so that his mouth was fully on hers. She moved her hand towards his hair comma feeling it’s wetness while pulling him to the sand. Kissing him unhurriedly, she moved her hand to his collarbone and to his cheek, feeling its coolness. He reached up and stroked her hair out of her face while trailing kisses down her neckline. Feeling brave, she reached for his pants, but he stopped her by bringing her hand back towards his face, “Enjoy the moment,” he whispered. Is this Madison a slut? This guy has said like two words to her so she kisses him and tries to get in his pants?
Pulling away from him, she searched his face for any sign of jokiness, but saw none. He was serious that he didn’t want to go that far with her, not now. He bent down and continued to kiss her, while thoughts swarmed in her head, one in particular, ‘Who is this boy?’
She pulled away and looked at his face, his eyes still closed. He opened them and looked at her as if asking what was wrong. “What’s your name?” she asked as she stood up, slowly backing away.
“Salem,” he replied.
“Yes. It’s a family name…” he drifted off clearly not wanting to discuss his family any more. “I-I better go.” She stuttered backing away from him while he rose up, “What’s wrong?” he asked reaching for her hand, it felt icy cold.
“I-I can’t be here.” She pulled away and hurried up the grassy sand dunes and up to the beach house, leaving him alone in the darkness. Isn't it daytime?

Okay, I really did like this story. It was very original. But parts of it left me very confused.
Alrighty, first of all, Madison. Who is she? I have absolutely no idea. You give me little things of what she's thinking, but I need to know more than that. How does she see things? What is she feeling? That's a big one right there, I have no idea what she feels the entire time she knows this boy.
A lot of the things she does make noo sense to me whatsoever, some stuff felt really unrealistic as I was reading.
Also, I was confused about this Salem guy, but maybe that was your point? I think you should give little clues about him as the story goes on so the reader isn't left hanging.

You also have some run-on sentences and sentences that sound really forced and sound weird. My remedy for this is to read the story out loud to yourself, and if anything sounds weird, fix it. I find that that helps out a lot for getting rid of those rough patches.

All in all, this was really good, and has the potential to be great with some reworking.
Sorry if I sounded a little harsh in the crit, feel free to call me any name you like, I just want to help out with your writing, even if I sound less than nurturing.

Keep writing hon.

--->Don't forget we've got unfinished business. Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold.
-Alex Gaskarth

pain is that feeling when you are feeling hurt, but it never goes away leaving me hurt. oh it hurts.
— Dragonthorn