
Young Writers Society

Muggy Got a What?!?! (sequel to Muggy: Detective Pug)

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Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:13 pm
YodelingVet1 says...

Okay, here's the sequel to Muggy: Detective Pug.

Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a dog named Muggy. He was an ordinary pug by day, detective by night. He was interested in mysteries ever since he was a puppy. He even watched Sherlock Bones every day after obedience school. When he grew up, that liking of mystery paid off.
Muggy lived in New York City with his owners, The Januskis. As you may know, NYC is prone to crime. Especially with all of the alleys and nooks and crannies to fit into, well, you get the picture. Muggy knew about all of this, and he wanted to help. He knew pretty much everything about crime and mystery, and he was ready to put his knowledge to use.

It was a regular Saturday at the Januski house, the kids were watching TV, the parents were sleeping in, and Muggy was waiting. Waiting for what? Well, it all started a few days ago. For one, every day, the family has gotten together to talk. About what? Muggy didn’t know, and that drove him crazy. Second, they’ve been looking at dog websites a lot. That made Muggy wonder.
Today, though, Muggy was going on a walk and would see his good friend, Thomas, the Yorkshire Terrier. He could talk about these things with him. Right now, though, Muggy was dreaming about bones. Although Muggy wasn’t one for eating a lot of food, (Rather, Thomas took that role) he did consider bones as a treat.
They are just leaving now. They walk down the sidewalk and take a few turns. The usual route, Muggy knew it backwards and forwards. They took an unexpected stop, though, and they tied Muggy up outside. This drove him past craziness, he went berserk!
A few moments later, the Januskis came back out. They all had smiles on their faces. Weird! thought Muggy.
They kept on walking the usual route until they reached the park. They met Thomas’s owners, the Korks. Muggy started to talk to Thomas about the strange things happening.
“Thomas, these strange things have been happening to me.” said Muggy.
“Like what? If they give you special stuff on your food, it’s because they think that you’re dirty.” said Thomas.
“Thanks for the advice, but that’s not what I’m talking about. My owners talk a lot every night. They’ve been looking at different dog websites, and they stopped to go inside a building on the way here and came out with smiles. What do you think?” asked Muggy.
“Uh…My owners acted kind of like that right before they had Billy, but they didn’t look at dog websites. Baby names instead.” said Thomas.
“Well, that could only mean that---Oh no!” exclaimed Muggy.
“What?! What?!” asked Thomas.
“They’re getting a—” said Muggy as a plane passed overhead.
“A PUPPY?!” exclaimed Thomas.
“I guess,” said Muggy, “Do you think that we can train him?”
“IF it’s a him, I think that it will be, though.” said Thomas.
“Yeah, me too.” said Muggy.
“Come on, Muggy!” called Mr. Januski.
“Come on, Thomas!” called Mr. Kork.
“See you later, Thomas!” said Muggy.
“See you later, Muggy! Good luck.” said Thomas.
And they parted. They walked back the usual route, passing the place that made smiles. They arrived home hastily, and dropped Muggy off. Oh no! he thought. First, they’re getting a dog without asking me; second, they don’t even bring me! This was horrible.
Muggy started pacing around the room. He was nervous, though he hated to admit it. He tried to look on the bright side. Having another dog could help me, he thought. The least they could do was get a boy—And then it happened. His owners walked through the door with something wriggly.
It was black when they put it on the floor. It looked just like Muggy, but it was black instead of cream.
“Muggy, meet Boris. You two get along, now. We’ll let you two get acquainted.” said Mrs. Januski.
“So, uh,” stammered Muggy, “Do you like mysteries?”
“Yes, I do.” said Boris, “I watched Sherlock Bones when I was a puppy.”
“Me too!” exclaimed Muggy, “Wait, when you were a puppy? I had a brother that looked just like you!”
“Me too!” exclaimed Boris, “Do you think that we’re--?”
“Yeah!” said Muggy, “I think that we’re brothers!”
“Really?! Oh, wow, so are you a detective by now?” asked Boris, amazed.
“Yes, I am. I’ve already saved Princess, the president’s Spaniel. You have enough smarts to be my other sidekick, would you like to?” asked Muggy.
“ARE YOU KIDDING?! I’d love to!! You’re my brother, I’d solve a mystery with you any day!” said Boris, “By the way, who is the other sidekick?”
“Thomas, the Yorkshire Terrier. Remember?” asked Muggy.
“Ohhh, yeah!! He lives here?” asked Boris, incredibly excited to be meeting all of his childhood friends.
“No, not here. He lives down the street, but we meet every day at the park on our walks.” said Muggy.
“Oh well, good enough!” said Boris.
“Do you remember Spike?” asked Muggy.
“How could I forget?” said Boris.
“You can’t. He was the one who captured Princess and us!” said Muggy.
“Really? Wow, he must have been huge! Were you scared?” asked Boris.
“As long as you won’t tell a sole, I was scared. Not scared enough to stop though.” said Muggy, “What were you doing before with your other owner?”
“Well, I was with an old lady, and she couldn’t take care of me anymore. So your owners came by and picked me up.” said Boris, “It wasn’t much, but I’m glad to be here with you instead.”
“Yeah, I’m glad that you’re here, too.” said Muggy, “Here comes Mrs. Januski, it’s time for bed. Did you eat yet?”
“Yes, I did. Can we share a bed?” asked Boris.
“Of course! And we can share my bone, too, if you want to.” said Muggy as they walked into their Master’s bedroom, “Here’s the bed.”
And they both cuddled up next to each other. With an end of the bone in each of their mouths, they fell asleep.

Chapter 2
They both woke up in the morning at the same time and looked at each other. They were both as happy as a dog in a box full of dog food to have each other. They got up and Boris waited while Muggy carefully tucked their bone under the dog bed. Then they walked out to the kitchen to have breakfast. They both gave Mrs., Januski the same stare that simply said: Feed me now.
“Are you two hungry?” asked Mrs. Januski.
And then they gave another look that said: DUH! Mrs. Januski bent down and filled both of their bowls. Muggy and Boris stuck both of their heads into one bowl, finished it off, and then ate the other one.
“You two really like each other don’t you!” said Mrs. Januski.
“You have no idea!” barked Muggy.
“That must be a yes. Come on now, let’s go for a walk.” said Mrs. Januski.
And they walked into the front room. Mrs. Januski got down Muggy’s leash and Boris’s leash. Muggy’s had magnifying glasses on it, and Boris’s had balls on it. She clipped each on their collars and she opened the door. Boris, not knowing the way, walked in the back while Muggy lead.
They took the turns and passed Boris’s old owner’s house. They walked up the hill and into the park. They spotted Thomas and his Master, Mrs. Kork.
“Hi, Muggy! How is the--” said Thomas, “Oh, hello.”
“Thomas, this isn’t a puppy, he’s my brother!” said Muggy.
Thomas had a strange look on his face.
“Hi, I’m Boris, Muggy’s brother. I’m going to be a sidekick along with you, if you don’t mind.” said Boris.
“Of course not!” said Thomas, “I’m very happy to see you again!”
“By the way, Thomas, have you heard anything from Princess lately?” asked Muggy.
“Oh, yes, I’ve almost forgotten. Princess said that we must get there as fast as possible! Spike’s at it again, he’s plotting to kidnap the president, now!” said Thomas.
“But isn’t that a little absurd?” asked Boris.
“Oh, sorry, I mixed that up with a movie I watched last night.” said Thomas, “Princess said that something weird keeps on happening at the same time every night.”
“Like what?” asked Muggy.
“Well, what she said is that every night at 6:00, there’s this strange sound on the roof. Lately the president has been hearing it too. She said that they were both getting really agitated, so the president told one of his servants to go outside and check it out. When he did, he saw a dog on the roof closely resembling Spike.” said Thomas.
“Wow, now that’s a good reason to go!” asked Muggy.
“Yeah,” said Thomas, “And she also said that the dog was a bit smaller than Spike. And then, they next night, the figure nearly got inside the house!”
“Creepy,” said Boris.
“Yeah,” said Thomas, “We have to go.”
“Me too!” said Muggy.
“Me three!” said Boris
“Well, that’s settled. Our owners are spending a few days in Florida. It’s nice for summer vacation.” said Thomas, “Muggy, would you like to fill Boris in on what we do?”
“Yes, I would.” said Muggy, “Boris, what we do to get to our destination is--”
“Walk?” interrupted Boris.
“No, we could never do that. We take an airplane. And wherever you go, keep a fast food cup over you. You never want to get caught by the Animal Control officers, it’s scary.” said Muggy, “Are you with me so far?”
“Yes,” said Boris.
Muggy started to fill him in again, but Mrs. Januski said that it was time to go.
“Meet ya in the alley tonight?” asked Muggy.
“Yep!” called Thomas.
And they headed home. On the way, Muggy told Boris the rest about being a detective. BY the time they got home, Boris was completely filled in.
They went inside, and the night passed by like any other night. When everybody except for Boris and Muggy were asleep, they headed out a vent. Though he hadn’t ever done these things before, Boris was extremely excited and handled it like a pro.
They got outside, and they headed down the street. They headed down the second alley, and they met halfway with Thomas.
“Hello.” they all said.
“Are they leaving tomorrow?” asked Boris.
“Yes, but if we’re gone tomorrow morning, then our owners will worry and maybe not even leave!” said Thomas.
“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that! Good point.” said Boris.
“So what we’ll have to do is this: We cut this meeting short, and then sneak home. Then, in the morning, after our owners leave, we sneak out. Got it?” said Thomas.
“Got it.” said Muggy and Boris, “See you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow!!” called Thomas.
And they headed home.

Chapter 3
Muggy and Boris woke up the next morning, but not to the smell of bacon. And then they remembered, their owners were leaving today. They walked out into the kitchen, but no one was there. They searched the entire house, but no owners!
“Wow!” said Boris, “That was quick!”
“Yes, it was!” said Muggy, “But we need to leave too.”
“Oh yeah,” said Boris.
And with that, they left. They walked down the same way they did last night, and they met with Thomas in the same alley.
“Hi!” said all of them to each other.
“Were your owners gone too?” asked Boris, curious about things to relate to, “Because when we woke up this morning, our owners were!”
“Really?” asked Thomas, “So were mine!”
“Strange,” said Boris.
“Ok, enough of this yip yap. Let’s get down to business.” said Muggy, “Did we get any flights?”
“Yeah, I got a bark from…Joey.” said Thomas with great hesitation.
Joey was the Jack Russell Terrier that escorted Thomas and Muggy to the airport the last time they were in Washington, D. C. He was a fountain of compliments. He spouted them left and right, the whole mile to the airport. Luckily, they were able to break free of him a few feet from the parking lot.
“Who’s Joey?” asked Boris.
“Ug,” groaned Thomas, “You better just tell him.”
“Ok,” said Muggy, and began to fill him in.
It only took a few minutes to fill Boris in, but it seemed forever for Muggy. The only thing that Boris said was,
“Yeah,” said Muggy, “Let’s get going!”
And with that, they headed off. They went down the street, darting behind bushes to hide themselves since they had no disguises.
The three of them paused for a moment under a rhododendron bush to rest. When Muggy lifted his head, guess what he saw!
“The airport!” he said, “Finally! I--” he broke off.
“Oh no,” said Thomas.
“This stinks,” whispered Boris.
Because right in front of them, walking slowly closer, was Joey!
“Hiya, guys!” he said, “Hey, you’ve got a new guy. Joey’s the name and escorting is my game!”
Joey stuck out his paw for a shake. Boris shook it and said,
“Hi, I’m Boris. I don’t really have a game, but I’m Muggy’s brother!”
“Cool,” said Joey, “So, I’m guessing that you heard about Princess’s problem?”
“Yes, we did. Did she send you?” asked Muggy.
“Nah, I wanted to come.” said Joey, “But if you don’t mind, I think that we ought to get going. The plane leaves in fifteen minutes.”
“Yes, you’re right.” said Muggy.
And they headed on. They went on darting behind bushes, but not to the sound of Joey gushing with compliments. He stayed surprisingly quiet. Boris just had to know why.
“Why aren’t you talking?” he asked.
“When I escorted Muggy and Thomas last time, they seemed overwhelmed with my talking,” said Joey.
“You noticed that?” asked Muggy, “I’m sorry, I hope that we didn’t offend you.”
“No harm done at all!” said Joey, “I often talk too much, and I need to be told to stop.”
“Oh, good.” said Muggy as he darted behind another bush.
It turned out that Joey was a really nice dog, when he wasn’t talking all of the time. Muggy told him about what they were doing and what he was supposed to do. After a few more bushes, Muggy realized that they were standing in the bush in front of the airport!
“We’re here!” he exclaimed.
“We made it to D. C. already?!” asked Boris, “I thought that you said we wouldn’t walk!”
“No, no! Not yet, silly!” said Muggy, “I was saying that we made it to the airport!”
“Oh,” said Boris.
“Now do you all remember what to do?” asked Muggy.
“Yep!” said Thomas, Boris, and Joey.
They each found a cup to hide in, and they ventured in to the airport lobby. It was very busy, for it was Saturday, so they walked along the wall.
They went on, keeping close to the wall, until they came upon a sign coming up out of the ground. They had found the security section! They ventured through the maze of feet, and found the metal detector. They slipped through, but they set off a BEEP! Just as they went through, a lady was right behind them.
“Ma’am,” said the officer, “I’m going to need you to step aside.”
The lady stepped aside, and Muggy, Boris, Thomas, and Joey escaped. They had entered “the world of gates”! This was amazing for Boris, who stopped a moment to look around, but for the others, it was just another few yards to walk.
“Come on!” said Muggy impatiently.
“Sorry,” said Boris.
And they went on. Joey started looking around for the gate that he had seen earlier. And finally, he saw it.
“There it is!” he exclaimed, “There’s the gate!”
“When are they boarding?” asked Muggy.
“Uh,” said Joey as he looked at the board with the times on it, “It leaves in 15 minutes!”
“Good,” said Muggy, “There’s enough time for us to get some snacks! We can’t run on empty stomachs!” he added, he didn’t want to sound ridiculous.
“Ah, yes,” said Thomas, “Snacks,”
Thomas loved food. He would eat anything you put before him. He was a food vacuum!
“Let’s split up,” said Muggy, “Joey, Thomas, you go over there.” and he pointed toward a small pizza parlor to the left, “And me and Boris will go over there.” and he pointed to a small Chinese food stand, “We’ll meet back here in a few minutes, ok?”
“Ok,” said Thomas and Joey.
“Ok, Boris?” asked Muggy.
“Ok, Muggy!” said Boris, “Let’s go!”
And they split up. Muggy and Boris went over to the Chinese food stand, and Thomas and Joey went over to the pizza parlor. At the Chinese food stand, Muggy and Boris, when no one was looking, jumped up on a table and scored a few scraps. Then they hurried back to the plaza.
Meanwhile, Thomas and Joey were in the pizza parlor looking for food. They found a few pieces of pizza on the floor that someone had carelessly dropped. They picked them up and hurried back to the plaza.
“Here’s what we found,” said Boris.
“No one saw us, that’s really what matters.” said Muggy.
“We got a few pieces of pizza,” said Joey.
“Yeah,” said Thomas, “someone just dropped them on the floor!”
“Wow,” said Boris.
“We’ve got to get on the plane!” exclaimed Muggy all of a sudden, “It’s boarding now!”
Nobody needed to respond, they knew what to do. They took off without a moment’s hesitation. They stopped for a few seconds under a chair, and then ran through the doors leading to the plane. Though it was hard to squeeze through the small hallway, it was worth it when they finally got to the airplane.
Muggy and Boris settled down underneath the second row of seats, while Thomas and Joey were settled in the front. They had made it to the airplane. Muggy was proud, but as he was beginning to doze off, he started thinking about what lay ahead. We aren’t even halfway done. he thought. And then he fell asleep.

Chapter 4
Muggy woke up to a soft tugging on his fur. It was Boris.
“What is it?” asked Muggy.
“Look,” said Boris, pointing to the row of seats in front of them.
Muggy looked, but he didn’t see much. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. And then he saw it, Thomas and Joey were gone!
“Where’d they go?” asked Muggy, slightly panicked.
“I don’t know!” said Boris, “I woke up this morning and this was what I saw!”
“Oh,” said Muggy, “Well we can’t be sitting around like some sack of potatoes. Let’s go looking.”
And they left the underneath of the second row of seats, and quickly ran to the third row. They kept on doing this until they reached the end of the plane. Once they did, they saw a small door that read, BATHROOM.
“Do you think that they went in there?” asked Boris.
“Nah, dogs don’t use the bathroom.” said Muggy.
They searched a little while longer, slipping under seats, and they would have searched even longer, but the pilot said, “We will be landing in Washington, D. C. momentarily. Please fasten your seat belts and put your seats in and upright position. Thank you.”
As soon as they heard that, they stayed put under their seat row. For a moment, the loud sound of the engine went down, and Muggy heard the faint sound of barking.
“Did you hear that?” asked Muggy.
“Hear what?” asked Boris.
The engines went down again.
“There it is again!” said Muggy.
“I heard that!” said Boris, “Do you that it’s…”
“Yes, I do.” said Muggy, “Thomas and Joey got caught and are with the cargo underneath the plane!”
“What will we do?” asked Boris.
“For now,” said Muggy, “nothing. We have to stay put, and when we land in the airport, we’ll go to the baggage claim area, they should be there.”
“Ok,” said Boris.
All they could do was wait. The stood their ground as the plane tilted down to land. Once they landed, they had to wait another 15 minutes for a spot to unload. Boris was getting antsy.
“When can we get off?!” he asked impatiently.
“As soon as the pilot finds a spot to park!” said Muggy, “Be patient,”
“I’m sorry, but I’m just so worried!” said Boris.
“I know, I am too. But we can only do so much.” said Muggy.
Boris said no more. It wasn’t long until they plane found a place to unload. It stopped, and then someone opened the door. People stood up, and some grabbed their luggage from the compartments above.
“Finally!” said Boris. He started to get up to leave the plane.
“Boris, we have to wait until most of the people are gone!” warned Muggy, “We can’t risk being caught too!”
“Oh yeah,” said Boris, “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” said Muggy. He paused. “See, most of the people are already gone! You just have to wait.”
“Ok,” said Boris, and they ventured out.
They squeezed through the small hallway on their way into the Washington, D. C. airport. It was quite humid in the hallway, but Muggy and Boris got out soon enough.
They entered the gate lobby, and then the large hallway with the restaurants and shops. Muggy took a step in front, and looked both ways.
“Do you see anything?” asked Boris.
“Not yet,” said Muggy, and then he spotted the sign that read: Baggage Claim , “There it is!”
“Baggage Claim?” asked Boris, anxious to save his friends.
“’Yep,” said Muggy, “Hurry, let’s go before someone else finds them!”
And they ran off. It took only a few minutes to get to the Baggage claim area, thankfully, because Boris couldn’t last much longer. They found a booth to hide under as they watched the luggage go around in circles, closely examining each one, when all of a sudden Boris said,
“There they are!!”
Muggy looked over, and, sure enough, there were Thomas and Joey sitting in a large kennel of greenish-blue color.
“How do we get to them?” asked Boris, “I mean, we can’t just reach of and grab it, can we?”
“Well we could--” and Muggy broke off. For a man had just grabbed the kennel! “Oh no!” exclaimed Muggy, “Wait, I have an idea!”
“What is it?” asked Boris.
“When the man sets the kennel down, Thomas can open the door!” said Muggy.
“Ok!” said Boris, “I remember when he used to--”
“No time for memories!” interrupted Muggy, “We have to save them!”
“Oh, yeah.” said Boris.
And they walked over to the man. And, right then, the man set the kennel down! Muggy and Boris ran over the kennel, and said,
“Hurry! You have to get out before the man picks you up again!”
“Ok,” said Thomas as he opened the kennel door with his clever paws, “There we go!”
And the kennel door flew open. The man zipped around, but he had just missed them. The dogs had escaped capture, and they were running at high speed to cover not far ahead. When they reached it, they found a few new cups for Joey and Thomas, and then took a rest for a few minutes.
“While we’re here, boys,” said Muggy, “Why don’t you tell me and Boris what happened?”
“Ok,” said Joey, “I was sleeping soundly, when I was woken by a growling stomach,”
“Sorry!” said Thomas.
“No problem,” said Joey, “But anyway, I woke up, and Thomas was looking out from under the seat.”
“I was looking at the snacks!” said Thomas.
“I told him that if she dropped anything, it was ours, but if she didn’t, to forget about it.” said Joey, “He ignored me and went out of cover. I jumped out to pull him back in, but the lady saw us both and put us in a kennel.”
“And then some weird man picked it up and put us below the people, and you two.” continued Thomas, “And then you found us in the kennel at Baggage Claim. End of story.”
“Wow,” said Boris.
“There isn’t time for ‘wows,’ we have a mission!” said Muggy, “Nice job, boys, but we need to move on.”
“Ok,” said Thomas and Joey.
And they were off. They ran from their safe spot into a swarm of people. They got outside soon enough.
“Man,” said Thomas, “I never get over all of those feet!”
They took a moment to recuperate, and then they went to the left and down the street to the bakery.
Once they got there, Joey said,
“I have to go now, but I’ll tell Princess that you arrived here safely.”
“Thank you,” said Muggy, “You will take us back to the airport when we leave, right? I love having your company.”
“Of course!” said Joey, flattered.
“We may even need your help sometime,” said Muggy.
“Okay!” Joey said excitedly, “See you guys later!”
“Bye!” they all called.
“I’m so excited to see Toby again!” said Thomas.
“Me too,” said Muggy.
“Who’s Toby?” asked Boris.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Muggy, “I didn’t tell you about him. He was a friendly fox that let us stay with him. He lives in the forest behind the bakery.” Muggy pointed to the forest.
“Oh,” said Boris.
And with no further conversation, they ventured into the forest. After a few minutes of walking, they saw a small bit of Toby’s home. Then they saw a flash of orange and white. They reached Toby’s home, but no Toby! Strange. thought Muggy. But that did not stop them. They walked closer and sat down in the lawn chairs. Suddenly, a fox closely resembling Toby walked up and said,
“Who are you?”
And then another fox walked up. Muggy realized that this one was a girl. She was a bit smaller than Toby, but still larger than the boy. The boy was small.
“Paul,” the lady fox asked, “Who are these dogs? Are they your friends?”
“I was just asking them, mom!” said Paul, “And they are not my friends!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” said Muggy politely, “We were expecting Toby, does he live here?”
“Oh,” said the lady fox, “I’m sorry. I forgot about you. Toby told me all about you, but there were two of you last time, or so he said.”
“Oh, yes, there were,” said Muggy, “But this is my brother, Boris.”
“Oh,” said the lady fox, “Hello. I’m Laika. And this is Paul, my son. My baby is in her room. Her name is Macquarie. Toby is my husband—he told me about when you came a couple of years ago.”
“Well, let me introduce myself, and everybody else.” said Muggy, “I’m Muggy, this is Boris, and this is Thomas.”
“Nice to meet you,” said Laika, “Were you expecting to stay here?”
“Yes, if we can.” said Muggy.
“Of course,” said Laika, “But it’s quite a mess, are you sure that you want to?”
“Why not?” said Muggy, “Where are we staying? Your house seems to have expanded since I was last here.”
“Oh, yes, I’m sorry, you’ll be staying right down there.” and Laika pointed to a small room to the left, “Shall I tell Toby that you’re here?”
“No,” said Muggy, “Let’s surprise him.”
“Ok,” said Laika.
“Do you still make fried ants and slugs?” asked Thomas.
“He made those?!” asked Laika, “Well, he doesn’t anymore. I’ll have to talk to him about that…” And Laika walked away.
“Wow,” said Muggy as they walked to their room, “So, in the course of a couple of years, Toby got married, and had two kids! Man, does time go fast.”
When they reached their room, with the warning of Laika, they were surprised to see the room completely clean.
“I guess Laika hasn’t been in here in a while,” said Muggy, “She made it sound like a hazard zone!”
“Yeah,” said Thomas, “It’s really clean!”
“I don’t know what to think!” said Boris, who had never seen a fox’s home before.
“Well, it’s a lot cleaner than Laika thought it was.” said Muggy, “And a lot cleaner than the last time we were here!”
“I’ll say!” said Thomas.
“Well,” said Muggy, “We’d better start settling in.”
And they did just that. Muggy and Boris dragged in their doggy bag, in which where their things. Muggy emptied it out on the floor. A couple of blankets, a large bone, and Muggy’s magnifying glass. They sorted these things out in a tidy fashion, and then stood back to look at it.
“Why, that looks--” Muggy broke off, “What was that?”
They all cocked their heads toward the sound. It was a pitter patter of feet. Laika ran out, from the sound of it.
“Hello, honey,” she said.
“Hi, sweetie!” said a deeper voice.
“It’s Toby!” exclaimed Muggy.
And they slowly crept out of their room. They caught a glimpse of Toby. He was taller, wearing a suit and tie. It wasn’t long before he spotted the three dogs.
“Hey!” he yelled, “Who are you? Come out!”
The dogs walked out with their heads low and their tails between their legs. Toby’s face lighted up.
“It’s you guys!” he said happily, “Sorry if I scared you, but strangers have been breaking in lately, and, you know. Why is there a third one of you? Last time you were here it was just you two.”
“If you slow down a little, I’ll tell you!” said Muggy, “This is Boris, he’s my brother. Boris, this is Toby.”
“A pleasure,” said Toby.
“It’s nice to meet you.” said Boris.
“So you don’t make fried ants and slugs anymore?” asked Thomas sadly.
“I’m afraid not,” said Toby.
“Oh, well,” said Thomas.
“If you’ll excuse me,” said Toby, “I’d like to go say hi to my kids. See you!”
And Toby walked off. He hadn’t walked far when the dogs heard Paul say,
“Hi, dad!”
“Hi, Paul!” said Toby.
“Who were those weird dogs?” asked Paul.
“Those are my friends! Nothing to worry about.” said Toby, “Hey, guys! Come on out here!”
The dogs cautiously walked out of their room. They walked down the short hall, and into the kitchen. They spotted Toby and Paul.
“Muggy, Boris, Thomas, this is Paul.” said Toby, “Paul, these are my friends. They stayed with me a couple of years ago.”
“Hi!” said Paul.
“Hi.” said Muggy, Boris, and Thomas.
“I have a bunch of questions!” said Paul, “So, how do you--”
“Paul, I’m afraid you’ll have to save those for after dinner.” said Toby.
“Oh, yeah, sorry Dad.” said Paul.
“I have some questions too.” said Toby, turning to the dogs, “Would you tell us about it at dinner?”
“Of course!” said Muggy.
“When is dinner?” asked Thomas.
Muggy nudged him. “Don’t be rude!”
But Toby answered anyway. “In a few minutes.”
And Toby walked off to say hello to Laika and Macquarie. The dogs walked over to the table and sat down. It was a good sized table; it was made out of wood. It was round, and the legs had very nice detail. The chairs were made out of wood, also. They had small cloth cushions. They had a very cute pattern; pink flowers.
It was pretty quiet in the small home, and Boris had had enough. He decided to spark a conversation.
“So,” he said, “This is Toby’s house, eh? I can’t believe you were afraid of such a nice fox, Thomas!”
“You told him about that?” asked Thomas.
“Yeah, and I’m sorry.” said Muggy, “We were on the plane, and we were both bored! He asked if I had any stories, and I said yes…”
“Oh well,” said Thomas, “What’s out is out, nothing I can change.”
Muggy was about to agree with him, but the foxes were just walking into the kitchen. Laika was carrying baby Macquarie, and sat her down in her high chair. Toby had Paul on his shoulders, and sat him in a chair. Laika walked over to the oven and picked up the pot.
“Dinner is served!” she said, “Chicken noodle soup!”
She sat the pot down in the middle of the table, and then went over to the cabinet to get the bowls and spoons. As soon as they were on the table, she sat down.
“Dear Lord,” prayed Toby, “Thank you for this food, and please let it nourish and strengthen us, Amen.”
And they dug in. The dogs complemented Laika on it, for it was very good. No sooner had they finished dinner, Laika pulled something out of the freezer.
“Popsicles!” said Laika.
Everyone cheered. They ate their popsicles, and then Toby and Laika sent the kids off to bed.
“Would you like to watch TV with us?” asked Toby, “We’d love for you to join us!”
“Sure!” said Muggy, “As long as it’s all right with Thomas and Boris.”
The other two dogs nodded their heads. The three dogs followed Toby and Laika into their living room. The dogs sat on the floor, while Toby and Laika sat on the couch. They watched a few shows, and then retired to their rooms. The dogs thanked Toby and Laika, and then headed for their room. They had no sooner settled down when a little red and white figure bounced into the room. It was Paul.
“Hi!” he said excitedly, “My daddy just told me about you guys! No offense, Boris, but Thomas and Muggy, you two are awesome! ”
“Why, thank you,” said Muggy humbly.
“I have a bunch of questions!” said Paul, “Do you mind?”
Muggy feared that it might end up like the Joey situation, but such a cute face made him forget.
“Of course not!” said Muggy.
“Well, I don’t really have any questions, but could you just tell me about your adventures?” asked Paul.
Muggy was quite flattered by this, and accepted. Paul lay down next to Muggy, and Muggy began to tell of their adventures. First he told of how he and Thomas slipped on an airplane to D. C., and how they saved Princess. He told of how they watched the movie on Princess’s special pin on the president’s huge TV. He told about how him and Thomas’s owners met them at the airport, and how they nearly got taken away by the Animal Control officers. And then he started on the story that was already in progress.
Muggy was about to start telling Paul about Joey when he looked down. Paul was fast asleep. Muggy smiled.
“I’m going to take Paul to his room, you two stay here.” said Muggy.
Muggy carefully lifted Paul onto his back, and carried him into the hallway. He stopped at the door that said: PAUL, and opened it up. He walked over to the bed and set Paul down.
Muggy was just closing the door when he fell on the floor. Something had bonked him on the head. It hurt a lot. He heard Thomas yelp. He heard footsteps up to his head.
“Aww! Ernie!” said a voice, “You didn’t knock him out!”
“Should I conk him again?” asked another voice, supposedly Ernie.
“Nah,” said the first voice, “We have something else that we can use!”
And then, zap!

Chapter 5
Muggy was toted on somebody’s back into a cave. Thomas was behind him, being carried by the figure known as Ernie. The two dogs were asleep and limp as they were lugged into the cave. They went a ways down, carrying the dozing canines, and finally, they stopped.
Ernie put Thomas down in a makeshift cage built onto the wall of the cave. The other figure put Muggy into the same cage. Ernie lighted a candle and sat down. The other figure sat down too.
“So,” said Ernie, “How’d I do?”
The other figure didn’t answer. He simply stared at the two sleeping dogs. Muggy was starting to wake up. As soon as Muggy opened his eyes, he said,
“Not quite.” said the figure, “I’m Frank, this is Ernie. We made a little agreement with Spike. A trade, if you will.”
“So,” said Muggy, “What’s your part of the trade?”
“Well,” said Frank, “He hasn’t actually told us yet. He just said that if we caught you, we get some kind of prize.”
“To tell you the truth,” said Muggy, “He probably won’t give you anything. Have you worked out a deal with him like this before?”
“No,” said Frank, his face had a puzzled look on it, “What are you trying to say?”
Muggy decided to risk telling them. “Well,” he began, “Spike would do anything to get a hold of us, and he’s often forgetful, he probably forgot to get you anything!”
Frank and Ernie thought this over. Ernie whispered something to Frank. Frank made a face and said “no.” After a few minutes of this, Thomas woke up.
“M-muggy,” whispered Thomas, “Where is t-th-this?”
“These two Mastiffs claim to have a trade with Spike. They said that he said that if they caught us, he would give them something.” said Muggy.
“What?” whispered Thomas.
“Basically, we’re kidnapped, again, and they’re going to trade us for something Spike has.” said Muggy.
All of a sudden, Frank and Ernie looked up.
“We’ve reached the conclusion,” said Frank.
“That we aren’t going to do anything!” said Ernie.
“We shall take you two to Spike at 12:00.” said Frank.
“What time is it now?” asked Thomas.
“8:00, you have four hours.” said Frank.
“Excuse me,” said Muggy, “But I’ve been thinking.”
“About what?” asked Frank, “Spit it out!”
“Why didn’t you take my brother?” asked Muggy.
“Because Spike only asked for you two!” said Frank, “Anybody with a brain can figure out that one!”
“Oh, ok.” said Muggy, “Just wondering.”
And they were quiet for an hour or two. Ernie’s stomach rumbled.
“Frank,” said Ernie, “I’m hungry, can we get breakfast?”
“Sure,” said Frank, for once, seeming to forget the dogs, “Let’s go!”
And Frank and Ernie ran off. This was Muggy and Thomas’s chance! But first, how do they get out of the cage? But then, Muggy noticed something. When Frank had put them in the kennel, he didn’t close the door! Well, there wasn’t really a door in the first place, just a rock.
When Muggy noticed this, he told Thomas.
“Thomas,” Muggy said, “Look!”
“I know!” replied Thomas, “Let’s hurry!”
Muggy was already slipping out, and Thomas was on his tail. But Thomas was a little too round for the hole, and got stuck. Muggy grabbed his paws and started pulling. Thomas was out in a few seconds, and they were running for the light. It was a few minutes later that they realized how deep in the cave they were.
They kept on running for about five minutes, and it was then that they saw the end of the cage. They were so close! Yet, so far. Just as they were about to run through the opening, Frank and Ernie swooped them up.
“I should’ve known this would happen,” said Frank, “Forget about your extra four hours. I’m taking you two to Spike right now!”
This was it. Muggy and Thomas’s doom! Frank carried Muggy, and Ernie carried Thomas. They cut through the woods to another cave, and walked in the middle entrance. They walked for at least a half an hour down into the cave, further than Muggy had ever realized a cave could go.
Muggy had just thought they had reached the end when they came to another three entrances. They took the one to the right. They hadn’t walked for ten minutes when Muggy saw a dark figure rising.
It was SPIKE.

Chapter 6
Back at Toby’s house, Boris was in a panic. He was pacing in their room, trying to think of what to do.
“This is why I’m not supposed to be a detective!” he muttered.
Boris realized that this wasn’t doing anything, and that he should go see if Toby or Laika were up. He walked into the kitchen to find them sitting at the table drinking coffee.
“Oh, hello, Boris,” said Toby, “What’s wrong? You look worried.”
“Somebody kidnapped Muggy and Thomas! Two big Mastiffs!” said Boris.
“Oh no,” said Toby, “That’s who has been breaking in here at night. They must have been looking for Thomas and Muggy.”
“Uh oh,” said Boris, “I should go see Princess!”
“Ok,” said Toby, “Bye!”
“Bye!” said Boris as he ran through the door.
Boris maneuvered his way through the woods, and into the back of the Bakery. Boris was about to cross the street when he remembered two things; First, he wasn’t in disguise. Second, he had no idea where the White House was! He decided that he should ask somebody for help.
Right on cue, it seemed, a black Pomeranian was tied to a post outside of the Bakery. Boris walked over.
“Hello,” he said.
“Hi,” said the black Pomeranian, “I’m Veronica. Can I help you?”
“Yes, please,” said Boris, “Would you point me in the direction of the White House?”
“Of course,” said Veronica, “Right over there.”
Veronica pointed a dainty paw behind Boris. Boris turned around and looked.
“Thank you!” he said, “But I must be going now.”
“Ok,” said Veronica, “But if you happen to be on Elm street, slip through the doggy door on the purple house; I’d love to see you again.”
“I certainly will.” said Boris, “Bye!”
“Bye bye, cutie pie.” said Veronica.
Cutie pie? thought Boris, Hmm. Boris found a paper cup and used his claws to poke a couple of eyeholes. Then he headed for the White House.
It was a long ways, but Boris kept walking. Before he knew it, he was standing right in front of the White House.
“Wow,” said Boris under his breath.
He remembered Muggy telling him about the doggy door next to the flight of stairs that lead to the front door. He sneaked over, and there it was! Muggy is a really good storyteller. thought Boris. He lifted his paw and knocked on the doggy door. Princess stuck her head out.
“Hello?” she said, “Oh, hello, Muggy. What have you done to your hair?! I liked it much better that creamy color.”
“No, I’m not Muggy. I’m Boris, Muggy’s brother.”
“Oh,” said Princess, “Please forgive me. I’m not very good with faces. Why are you here? Has something gone wrong?”
“Well, yes, but why are you asking me? Thomas said that Spike has been on your roof or something?” said Boris, confused.
“You’d better come in,” said Princess, “This might take a while.”
“Ok,” said Boris as he walked through the doggy door.
“This way, please,” said Princess, “Into the sitting room.”
They were silent for a few minutes as they walked, but once they were settled in their dog beds, Princess said,
“Okay, tell me all about what happened.”
“Well,” said Boris, “Thomas and Muggy and I met in the alley at about 9:00 yesterday. Thomas said that Spike was stomping around on your roof, but that when your servant went out, it looked smaller than Spike.”
“What?!” asked Princess, “That must have been another one of his crazy dreams. Is there anything else that happened?”
“Yes,” said Boris, “It’s the reason I’m here. Muggy and Thomas got kidnapped, again!”
“Really?” asked Princess.
“Yeah!” said Boris, “Two big Mastiffs. Toby, the fox that we’re staying with, said that they were breaking in lately.”
“Oh,” said Princess, “I get it. The Mastiffs probably got some deal from Spike to capture them. News must have got around to other animals about your brother and friend staying at Toby’s. What are we to do?”
“Um,” said Boris, “That’s what I came to ask you.”
“Oh, ok.” said Princess, “Let’s go look for them. Is that alright?”
“Perfect!” said Boris.
And they headed off through the doggy door. First they decided to go back to Toby’s house. Boris led the way. When they reached the Bakery, Boris led Princess around back through the forest to the small, trampled down path.
Princess and Boris walked through the door and into the main room, where Toby, Laika, Paul, and Macquarie were listening to the radio.
“Oh, hello, Boris,” said Toby, “Who is that with you?”
“This Princess,” said Boris, “The President’s dog. She is helping me find Muggy and Thomas.”
“Hello,” said Toby, “Is there anything that we can help you with?”
“Not at the moment,” said Princess, “But could I ask you come questions?”
“Fire away!” said Toby.
“Ok,” said Princess, “Have you seen the dogs that kidnapped Muggy and Thomas before?”
“Yes,” said Toby, “Two large Mastiffs. They have broken into our house before. And now I know why.”
“Yes, I do too.” said Princess,“ Where do they go after they come here?”
“One time,” said Toby, “I trailed them. They went to a cave not too far from here. You should go there. Their footprints are still there, I saw them a few minutes ago.”
“Ok,” said Princess, “Thank you!”
“Let’s go,” said Boris, “Goodbye!”
“Bye!” called the foxes.
And they ran outside. They saw the footprints, to the right of the door. They followed them until they reached the cave. Boris peered in. He could still see the footprints leading in.
“Let’s go,” said Boris, “Hold my tail.”
“Okay,” said Princess.
Princess daintily took hold of Boris’s tail, and they ventured in.
It was dark in the cave, and rather spooky for Princess, a dog who hardly put a paw outside. Boris and Princess’s claws clicked on the rock floor. Boris kept walking, and finally found the spot where Muggy and Thomas were an hour ago.
“You can let go of my tail now, Princess,” said Boris, “But stay close, I think that I found the place.”
They stuck close to each other as they searched the cave. They saw the makeshift cage and the pile of ashes that was once a fire.
“They’re not here.” said Boris a few minutes later, “They must have left. Let’s get out of here before it’s too late!”
Without hesitation, Princess took hold of Boris’s tail, and they ran out of the cave. When they reached the mouth of the cave, Princess noticed footprints that were identical to the ones that they had followed before.
“Boris,” she said, “Maybe they went this way?”
Boris looked at the footprints. “Yes!” he exclaimed, “They’re exactly the same! Thank you,”
“You’re welcome,” said Princess.
“Let’s go!” said Boris.
And they were off, following the footprints the Mastiffs had made. They hadn’t gone far when they reached three more cave mouths.
“Which one do we go in?” asked Princess.
Boris didn’t answer. He was listening. Pitter patter, pitter patter. Is what he heard. Boris scurried into one of the caves with Princess right behind him. They watched the animals walk out of the middle cave. It was the Mastiffs, Frank and Ernie!
“As soon as they leave,” said Boris, “Grab my tail and we’ll go through the middle entrance.”
Princess nodded. The Mastiffs ran back to their cave, from what Boris could see. As soon as they were gone, Princess grabbed Boris’s tail and they high tailed it into the middle cave.
The cave was much like Frank and Ernie’s, rock floors, a bat here and there, not what one would call home. After a while of walking, Boris and Princess came to another three holes.
“Which one now?” asked Princess.
“I don’t know,” said Boris, “Let’s try the left one.”
“Ok,” said Princess.
And they went into the left cave, which turned out to be more like a tunnel. They crawled on their bellies through the tunnel, and pretty soon, Boris soon saw the end. He crawled out and took a short stretch. Princess did the same. When Boris looked up, he saw the backside of Spike.

Chapter 7
Spike had not noticed Boris and Princess, which was a relief. Boris crawled back in to the tunnel, with Princess on his tail, so to speak. Boris scooted aside so that Princess could be in front. She squeezed past him, then turned and asked,
“What do we do?”
“I don’t know.” said Boris, “Let me think. Does Spike have any weaknesses?”
“Not that I can think of,” said Princess, “But he does often leave his victims alone, thinking that they’d stay. If that is true, he should go away any second.”
“Ok,” said Boris, “I’ll go back to the opening and watch. I’ll tell you if I see him leave.”
Princess nodded, and Boris slithered back to the opening where they had seen Spike. When Boris looked through the hole, he let out a gasp.
“What is it?” asked Princess.
“It’s Spike!” said Boris, “He’s gone!”
Immediately, Boris crawled through the hole, with Princess behind him. Boris took a look around. He saw a kennel similar to the makeshift one in Frank and Ernie’s cave. And inside came a yelp. Two yelps, actually. Boris rushed over with Princess trailing behind him.
“Muggy? Thomas? Are you ok?” asked Princess, “We’re coming to help you!”
“We’re fine.” said Muggy, “Except that Thomas fainted again. At the sight of Spike, he went limp.”
“Oh,” said Boris, “well, never mind that. How do we open the kennel?”
“There’s a rock blocking the entrance.” said Muggy, “You need to move it so that we can get out.”
“Ok,” said Boris, “You push and I’ll pull, ok?”
“Okay,” said Muggy.
“On the count of three,” said Boris, “One, Two, Three!”
And with a push and a pull, the rock was gone. Princess was amazed.
“Wow!” she said, “You boys are strong!”
“Thank you,” said Boris and Muggy.
“Hurry,” said Boris, “Let’s run!”
And that’s exactly what they did. Princess went first into the tunnel. Boris led Muggy to the tunnel, and was about to crawl in himself when he realized something.
“We forgot Thomas!”
“Oh dear,” said Muggy, “He must have fainted very badly!”
Boris walked over to the cage.
“Yes, he did. He’s still out!” said Boris, “Help me, would you, Muggy?”
“Sure,” said Muggy.
“We’ll have to go out the big entrance,” said Boris, “The tunnel is too small. We’ll meet you at the other side, Princess.”
“Ok,” said Princess.
And without a word more, Muggy and Boris loaded Thomas on their backs, and they headed out the cave.
It wasn’t long after they had left when they met Princess at the end of the tunnel. Thomas was just waking up.
“Hello, sleepyhead.” said Muggy to Thomas.
“Hello,” Thomas said sleepily, “Where are we? Hello, Princess.”
“Hi,” said Princess.
“Enough greetings,” said Muggy, “We’re trying to get out of Spike’s cave. We need to go, so would you kindly get up?”
“Of course.” said Thomas, “Now, let’s run for our lives!”
Nobody had to agree. They were off in a flash, zipping through the cave. They were a blur. It took them half as long to get to the end of the cave, and when they did, they hid in bushes to the side.
“Phew,” said Muggy, “I haven’t run that fast in a long time!”
“Neither have I!” said Thomas.
“Nor I,” said Boris, “How about you, Princess?”
For a moment, Princess said nothing. But she caught her breath and said,
“I hardly run at all.”
She sat down. Clearly she was tired. Muggy and Boris glanced at each other. They talked with their eyes. Let’s wait a few minutes, she’s tired. Boris said. But what if somebody finds us? Muggy asked. Boris was puzzled at that. Thomas’s eyes butted in and asked, Why don’t we just carry her until she can walk? Muggy and Boris nodded, after a few moments of thinking, of course.
“Princess,” asked Muggy, “Would you like a lift?”
“Why, yes,” said Princess tiredly, “If you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” said Boris.
Thomas walked over and lifted Princess onto his back.
“We’ll take turns until you are fully rested.” said Thomas.
“Ok,” said Princess.
And with that, they were off.
The White House wasn’t far from where the dogs were, and they were moving at a rapid pace. In fact, in a matter of minutes, they were standing in front of the White House.
“Here you go, Princess,” said Thomas, and to Muggy and Boris, “Sorry that we didn’t take turns.”
“That’s alright,” said Muggy and Boris.
“Thank you for everything, boys.” said Princess as she gave them each a peck on the cheek, “I am forever grateful.”
“You’re welcome,” said Muggy, Boris and Thomas.
Princess stepped inside her home, and then poked her head out.
“Aren’t you coming in?” she asked.
“Um,” said Muggy, “If you don’t mind,”
“Not at all!” said Princess, “It is a pleasure to have you here. Especially after you saved me.”
“Ok,” said Muggy, “Boris, Thomas, you go ahead. I must go thank Toby. I won’t be long.”
“Ok,” said Thomas and Boris.
Princess nodded approval, and Muggy was off.
The Bakery wasn’t far from the White House; it was right next to Spike’s cave. Muggy got there quickly--just in case Spike was out—and darted to the forest in the back. He walked back a bit, and soon found the little cottage. Muggy knocked on the door.
“Hello?” asked Laika, “Oh, hello, Muggy! Won’t you come in?”
“I’m afraid not,” said Muggy, “I just wanted to thank you for letting my friends and I stay here. Then I must be off.”
“Oh,” said Laika, “Well, you’re very welcome. You can stay here any time! I’ll pass your message on to Toby.”
“Thank you,” said Muggy, “I’ll see you later!”
“Goodbye!” called Laika as Muggy ran away.
Muggy ran back to the White House as fast as he left it. When he reached it, he knocked on the doggy door.
“Hello?” asked a soft and beautiful voice, also known as Princess, “Hello, Muggy. Come in!”
“Thank you,” said Muggy as he stepped in.
“You’re welcome.” said Princess, “Follow me, your friends are in the guest room. Remember? Where you stayed last time?”
“Oh, yes,” said Muggy, “I still have the bone from last time!”
“You do?” asked Princess, “Well, you’ll each get a new one today; you can throw away the old one.”
“No,” said Muggy, “I think that I’ll keep it. A trinket from my first real adventure.”
“Ok,” said Princess, “Whatever suits you. Here’s the guest room. Just call if you need anything!”
Princess walked away, leaving Muggy standing in front of the doorway. He walked in, and saw Boris and Thomas up on the bed.
“Hello!” said Boris, “This is paradise! Come on up, there’s a bone for you! It still has chicken on it!”
Boris was drooling, he was so happy. Muggy hopped up with Boris, and realized that Thomas wasn’t up there. A gold, silky pillow that Muggy had mistaken for him was there instead.
“Boris,” asked Muggy, “Where’s Thomas?”
“He’s on the floor,” said Boris, “He couldn’t jump up.”
“What?!” exclaimed Muggy, “Why didn’t you help him?”
“Well, I tried,” said Boris, “But he’s gained some pounds since I last saw him…”
“And?” asked Muggy.
“I couldn’t lift him! He was too heavy.” said Boris, ashamed, “He said to leave him there until you came. I gave him his bone.”
“Ok,” said Muggy, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go help him!”
“Ok,” said Boris.
And they both jumped off of the bed. Muggy ran around to the left side of the bed, with Boris behind him. Thomas was lying there, chewing on his bone. He looked up.
“Hi, guys!” he said, “What are you doing here?”
“To get you on the bed, of course!” answered Muggy.
“I can almost jump up, but right as I think that I can make it, I fall!” said Thomas.
“Then we’ll give you a platform to jump off of, right, Boris?” asked Muggy.
“Sure,” said Boris.
“Ok,” said Thomas thankfully, “You guys are awesome.”
“Thanks!” said Muggy and Boris.
And with that, Muggy and Boris lined up, side by side, to make a platform for Thomas to jump off of. Thomas climbed onto their backs and jumped. Sure enough, it worked!
“Thank you!” called Thomas from on top of the bed.
“No problem!” said Boris and Muggy.
Boris and Muggy walked over to the right side of the bed and jumped up. They resumed their spots with their bones, and soon all three drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8
The next thing Muggy knew, it was morning. He opened one eye, and took a brief look around. Then he closed it. Then he opened both eyes and examined the room. He looked side to side, and noticed that Thomas and Boris were gone. Muggy decided to look for them.
Muggy stood up and stretched. Then he hopped onto the floor. He trotted out the door, nudging it as closed as he could. He walked down the hall and caught a sweet aroma. He followed his nose into the dining room, where he found everybody seated and eating breakfast. Muggy climbed into the empty chair and said,
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I accidentally slept in.”
“That’s okay,” said Princess, “We only sat down a few minutes ago.”
“Phew,” said Muggy.
“Well,” said Thomas, “What are you waiting for? Dig in!”
“Ok!” said Muggy.
And he did exactly that.
About thirty minutes later, everybody finished. Muggy, Boris, and Thomas hopped down off of their chairs.
“Boris, would you go get our bones, please?” asked Muggy, “We’re ready to leave.”
“Sure,” said Boris, “As long as you get the bag.”
“Ok,” said Muggy, “It’s a deal.”
“Deal.” agreed Boris.
And they both raced into the guest room. They each did their part, and were soon walking out with their thing in their mouths. Muggy dropped the bag and said to Princess,
“Thank you,”
“You are quite welcome,” said Princess, “Are you leaving?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.” said Muggy, “But we will be back. A long, long time from now, though.”
“Ok,” said Princess, “I will see you then.”
And with those last words, she kissed each of them on the head.
I should get a plot of land- about a mile long, an inch wide. Yessiree, my very own spaghetti farm.

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Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:44 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

And yet another excellent piece of work from YodelingVet1! (by the way, love the username! :wink: )
You have a neat writing style. If someone else wrote this story it would be rather boring, but since it's you, it's good.
If you're looking for more reviews there's a forum where you can ask for some. It's under writer's corner and it's called 'will review for food'.
Just ask pretty much anyone there and they will most likely give you some constructive criticism.
Best of luck.
-Pretty Crazy-
Looking for someone who won't disappoint you?
Look to Jesus.:)

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Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:30 pm
YodelingVet1 says...

Thanks!!!! Your avatar is cute.
I should get a plot of land- about a mile long, an inch wide. Yessiree, my very own spaghetti farm.

Some call me a legacy, others call me a hero. But I assure you, dear admirers, I am only human.
— Persistence