
Young Writers Society

Torture Chamber

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15 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1759
Reviews: 15
Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:22 pm
Vandria says...

I couldn't imagine why my luck was this terrible. Why, out of millions of people, did he have to pick me? What did I do in life to deserve this? Was it really my fault that he happened to be waiting to spring in the dark alley when i walked by? It was defenently not fair. As I sat on the cold metal chair, tied down hard, I thought of ways I could possibly escape. there was none. No doors, windows, the walls were steel. I felt a tear escape the sancuary of my eye socket. Out of nowhere, his voice boomed, "Don't cry dear one. It could be worse." How could it possibly be worse? i hated him so much. I looked around for where his voice came from. I couldn't see anything. So I studied my appearence. my legs were strapped to the hard chair and i was getting gagged by the dirty cloth shoved deep into my mouth. my hands were cuffed to eachother behind my sweaty back. I began hyperventalating and my vision bacame blurred. Tears streamed quickly down my bruised face. "What did I say about crying love? Don't cry or you will be punished." His voice filled the small room and i gasped in horror at the word. As much as i tried, the tears kept coming. in a flash of blinding white light he appeared. Out of the blue as usuall. His scarred face was angry. Uh oh. In his left hand he held i large silver knife. he took several slow steps closer to me. " i warned you, now you must pay." As he cut the rope tying my body to the chair I gasped to breath. It didn't help. He took out the wet rag from my mouth and yanked me out of the chair. his wicked smile make my hair stand straight up. He grabbed my elbow and laughed as I tried to pull away. The knife sunk deep into my wrist and his grin spred wider when my scream escaped my mouth. With that he dropped me. Just when i figured he was finished, a box of rusty nails apeared in his hand. Gasping in fear i crawled to the nearest corner. He just chuckled and pulled out a nail. Holding me down with one are, he inserted the nails slowly into my stomach. The blood soaked my clothes. He never hurt me so much before. When I stopped yelling he ripped every nail out roughly. Then he tore open my mouth and shoved his long, ugly finger into my throat. Of course, I hurled all over myself. Instead of tying me back yo my chair, he left me lying on the moldy floor. Bleeding to death. I pulled my clammy hand up to my heart. It was slowing down at a rapped speed. My sight became nothing but blurred colors. Breathing bacame harder and harder. It came in gagging ragged breaths. my entire body shook. I had one more convultion, and then it was over. Or so I thought. When I opened my eyes, I was in a new room. With the man standing a few feet away from me. I sat in a wooden chair with my arms and legs bolted to it. The man chucled a low, throaty sound. He was staring above my head. I followed where his eyes lead and gasped in absolute horror. Above my head were dozens of weapons. Ones that looked like they should belong in a midevil castle. They were all blood stained. I looked back at the man and realized he was smiling his evil grin. I realized i wasnt dead. This was going to be more painful than the last time. He chuckled and said," Hi. Im Chris. Welcome to your torture chamber."

He continued staring untill I realized my feet were itching like crazy. When i looked down at them he busted out laughing. "Do you like my surprise?" On my feet were thousands upon thousands of mosquitos. They seemed to be drawn to the blood on my toes. When i tried to shew them away I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. He stood above me with his green eyes blazing. "Don't" Was all he said then vanished. I gasped. Would i ever get used to him popping in and out like that? I tried to get used to my suroundings. It was terrifying. All around the room, rusty knife hung on the walls. Blood covered the floor. My heart beat faster when I saw that I wasn't alone. Across the room, sitting in an identical chair as mine, was a young boy. He couldn't have been more than 13. He had scarrs tracing the entire shape of his scrawny arm. His face was sad and sympathetic as he stared back at me. "Who are you?" i asked. Apparently that was wrong because his eyes grew wide and he shook his head eagerly from side to side. "What?" I asked. Worst idea I have ever made, besides walking alone by the alley. He showed up right in front of me."Maybe I havn't told you yet. But there is no talking here. I wish I beleived in warnings but since I don't..." He walked around my chair and pulled something off the dirty wall. I tried to breath evenly because he seemed to enjoy it more when I was scared. I felt him trace a pattern on the back of my head. The the pain came. Blood flowed out of a gashon my scalp and I tried my best to contain my complaint. I squeaked and he seemed to hear. Because he walked to my face and pulled my head up. "Do you understand?" I nooded furiously. He chuckled a dark laugh and it was then I saw his weapon. A small rusty knife. It was the most dirty thing I had ever seen. It was unhealthy as ever. He brought it to my hands and cut the rope on them. As he lifted my arm the the razer, I tried to pull away. He just yanked my arm up higher and jabbed the rusty weapon into my wrist. I screamed and he thrust it upwards. Then it was over. He was gone and I was left to bleed once again. I looked at the damage. My entire inside arm was open. It looked like it was going to have to be chopped off. I looked at the boy once more and noticed his arm had the exact same cut up his left arm. It looked like it had been inflicted a few days ago. I sighed, giving up. I pulled my arm up to my shirt and winced as I cleaned it as best I could. Seeming unable to stay awake any longer, I rested in an uncomfortable position and fell asleep. I dreamt I was home. My mother was baking me a fresh cake and my father was reading the morning news paper. It was the most lovely dream I had ever had. Then Chris showed up. He quickly tied up my unsuspecting parents and pulled out a shot-gun. he even killed in my dreams. "Now, i don't want to have to kill your parents. You won't sleep,eat,or drink for a week. if you survive, i will release your parents. If you die, your parents will taake your place in the torture chamber. Good luck, Cheyanne." I didn't know how he could possibly know my name. But that didn't matter. He had my parents. I had to survive. For my life, for theirs.

I woke with a shudder. I tried to wipe the sweat and tears from my face but that plan failed when i looked at my hands. They were caked in blood. I tried bending my fingers but no luck. They were as stiff as a board and i had no way of cleaning them. Trying to even my breathing, i looked around the room. I gasped in fear as I realized I was in a new room. The walls were of grey stone and the floor was cement. Once again, no way out. I was lying in the middle of the small room when a hand on my arm made me stand up. I was sure Chris was here to skin me alive or shoot me. But looking worried as ever, was the boy from the last room. He had pulled away his hand and was cautiously staring at me. I breathed a sigh of releaf. He took that as an invatation. "Hi." He said. "Chris said we can talk in this room. I'm Shannon by the way." He smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. His dazzalingly white teeth were perfect. I swallowed to un-dry my throat. my voice sounded like it belonged to someone else.
"Hi Shannon, I'm Cheyanne." I smiled back, sure my teeth were terrible compared to his. He didn't seem to mind. He took my hand and lead me to a corner in the cramped space. We sat down, cuddling close to eachother. It would have been akward if we weren't so patheticly cold. Then I remembered my dream. My breath cought as I tried to talk."he has my parents!" He seemed to know what I was speaking about and hugged me comfortingly.
"I am so sorry..." It took me a second to realize what he meant. Then I got it.
"He killed them! Why? God, I am going to murder him." He chuckled darkly.
"He can't be killed. Trust me, I have tried."
"There has to be a way!"
"Theres not." Niether of us talked to eachother the rest of the day, untill night. "He murdered my parents too. I tried to avenge their death but he can't be stopped, he is indestructable. I am sorry." I had had enough of his negative behavior.
"How can we bring him in here?" He looked puzzled.
"What? I don't...know...uh, what?" I sighed. If you want something done, do it yourself. I thought if I tried to hurt Shannon, he would show up and say that was his job. I turned to Shannon and balled up my fists. I pulled my hand up in the air and walked in slow, exagerated steps. I pulled my fist back farther and swung. Just as planned, Chris grabbed my hand and threw me back. I stood quickly and stared deep into his eyes. I saw his next move clearly in my head. He was going to pull out a knife and throw it. Good. Just as I predicted, he pulled out a clean, silver knife. With it held over his head, he said,"No hurting eachother!" he flung the knife at my head and I dodged easily. I turned and whipped the knife up into my hand and ran towards Chris. The knife struck right where his heart should have been. I copied his wicked smile and drove the blade in farther. As I twisted the knife and watched his blood soak his white shirt I laughed. I peeked up at his face and froze. His face was cold and almost smug. I pulled the knife out and dropped it. Shannon was right, this man was indistructable.I backed up to the farthest wall. Chris walked closer to me. Then Shannon was sheilding me. "What are you doing?" I asked. My voice cracked on the last word. All he did was nod his head and shift into a protectful stance in front of me. Chris kept coming.

I noticed that the blood had disspeared on Chris's shirt. it was as if I had never touched him. When I met Chris's eyes, I saw his next move once again. It was odd how I could do that but I didn't mind one bit. I saw that he was going to grab Shannon and throw him against the wall. Right when his hand shot out to grab him, I shoved Shannon out of the way. Shannon looked at me as if I had just grown a second head. I looked back at Chris to see what he had in store next, but he was gone. I stood up and held out my hand for Shannon. He didn't take it. Sitting on the ground, he kept giving me the same look. "What?" I finally spoke after what seemed like forever. "How did you know what he was going to do? Your reaction was so fast, how did you know?" I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not. He might think I was crazy. "Well, I...might have...seen his next move through his...eyes." I glanced at Shannon. His expression was shocking. "You have one too!" He whispered that so low I had to lean in to hear him. "Have one what? Shannon?" He didn't answer. it looked as if he were deep in thought. I waved my bloody hand in front of his face. "Hello? Shannon? Answer me! SHANNON!" I was tired of silence. I started to shake him roughly. Compared to Chris, it must feel like a little shove. "Huh?" It broke him out of his trance. "Um, one what? What were saying before you went statue on me?" He smiled and looked at me in the eyes. His hands were on my shoulders and his face was inches from mine. His smile grew wider and he let go of my shoulders. He started circles around me. "So, you say you can see his next move before he makes it?" I looked at him cautiously and nodded my head. This seemed to make him very happy. His circles grew smaller as he got closer to me. Again, he grabbed my shoulders and smiled a huge grin. "You have what I have. You have a power!"
"So your saying that I can see his future move through his eyes, and you can feel how terrible it will be through the touch of his hand?" Shannon wasn't making any sense today. He was trying to tell me we had powers that could possibly save our lives. Earlier he said Chris was invincible. "Yes. We can use that to our advantage. We can work together to dodge his every move and possibly escape." When he said this, I began to realise he was correct. We could beat him! "How do we escape?" I said. This question only made him more excited. "I found this hallway--" Then Chris had him in a death grip. The look on Shannons face told me that he wasn't playing around this time. Chris turned to me and balled up his bony hand. Before I could react, his fist collided with my face. I could feel the blood from my nose poring down my face. I hated how he had this power over me. The power to make me uncontious any time he felt the need. I couldn't resist, the sleep over whelmed me and I fell into a deep slumber.

I awoke to a discusting smell. The kind of smell that road-kill had. I looked around the room--a new room, of course-- and froze when I saw one of the four walls. Hanging on the stone wall, was Shannon. Blood soaking his entire boddy. His shirt lay blood coated on the floor. On his bare chest, holes covered every inch. Gun shots were the cause. No doubt. His face was worse. The eye sockets were just empty holes where his eyes had been gouged out. With his mouth drooping open, blood dripped from his chin. I turned away from Shannon. I couldn't bare to look at him like that. "Don't wory dear Cheyanne. He went slowly and painfully. And I enjoyed every moment of it." His voice ecoed around the room. I plugged my ears. My fingers were forced out of my ear and I was lifted up off the ground. Chris latched my arms to something on the wall and was gone. "You won't try to not listen to me again. I do not enjoy being ignored." I looked at my hands. They were cuffed to the wall just like Shannon. When I looked in front of me, Shannon was there, on the wall not five feet from me. I began to cry. I didn't care if Chris got mad. I wanted him to hurt me. Hurt me so bad that I died. That was my only hope of getting away. Then I remembered something that Shannon had said. That he had found a hallway. I guess that was my only hope. I would find this hallway. And nothing, not even Chris could stop me. I would find a way out. I will escape. Sooner or later, I will be out. As I hung there on the moldy wall, I started thinking how hungry I was. it felt as if I had a hole on my stomach and that I was going to hurl. There was nothing to puke up though. I looked back up at Shannon and my stomach growled loudly. No! I could not be as low as to begin cannibalism. i was terrible for even thinking of that. "Hungry?" I heard his voice and grimaced. Chris, again. I sighed, hinting that I was. Maybe he would feed me. Maybe pigs could fly too. I was becoming delusional if I thought he would feed me even a sliver of real food. But part of me still hoped. "Well, I might as well give you food so you don't die on me." I could hear the smile in his voice. Whatever he was about to give me, was not edible. I fell to the hard ground when he un-locked the chains. I rubbed my wrists. they hurt badly. Then i smelled it. the stench was worse than Shannon's. I jumped away from the smell, but it had already filled the entire room. I plugged my nose. Lying on the floor, looking more like carrion than anything I had ever seen, was a rat. It must have been weeks old. Maggots swarmed in the stomach and dry, crusty blood covered the fur. I gagged but nothing came up. Once again i felt the stab of pain from my hunger. i couldn't resist trying the foul meal. I reached out and poked it. A brown goo oozed out of one hole in the head. I gagged once more but nothing showed up. I took a deep breath and reached for the tail. I t was the cleanest thing on the rat. I yanked it off using both hands easily. Crawling to the farthest place away from the rat, I studied the tail. I took a gulp of saliva and opened my mouth. I could taste it before it was in my mouth. my eyes watered and my breath stopped. But my hand kept going. I couldn't stop now. I was dying of hunger. The tail was shoved into my mouth and I forced myself to chew. I gagged more than five times before I swallowed. I began having a coughing fit and fell to the ground. Gagging away, I spit up parts of the tail slowly. I lay on the ground, gasping for air. Convulsions took over and I began having whip lash. Then everything went black. I was uncontious.

When I awoke, I was back on the wall. Shannon was gone though. I wondered where he could have possibly gone. Chris probably went to put it somewhere else. The rat was missing too. Then I realized they weren't missing, I was. This room was smaller. Much smaller. I kicked out my leg and my foot hit the other wall quickly. I bent my knee and it still didn't fit. Chris had to have known I was claustrophobic. that was the only way he could think of this torture. I looked around the room and then i saw it. A door. The answer to all my problems. My way out. I looked up at my hands. They were strapped to the wall with rope this time. Easily taken care of. I began to twist my wrist vigorously and yankind my arms around. If I wanted to escape, I had to be quick about it. I knew Chris could stop me at any moment he liked. I almost had my thumb out on my right hand when Chris stood in front of me with a blade. I stopped struggling with the ropes and looked inocently at him. When I tried to look at his eyes, I sighed. He was wearing sunglasses. Impossible to see his next move through. "Let me give you a hand,love." Without another word, he cut the ropes on my hands. Scratching both wrists in the process, I was sure he did it on purpose. I wiped the blood off my palms and stood up straight. Chris was gone. This was my chance to leave. I turned to the door and opened it up. The exit was smaller than the room. I sucked in a deep breath and proceeded through the hole. I had to squeeze the top half through first. then I made a huge mistake. My leg slipped and I spun to hold myself up. I was no longer side ways. My front half was out the door and my back half was stuck inside.Twisting to right myself,I was caught and there was no way out. I could have sworn I heard Chris laugh. That made me go into a frenzy. I struggled like no tomorow. As i turned, the door frame cut into my sides and I kept hitting my head. Then, as if by miracle, I was free. Running down a hallway. I had never run this fast before. It was like flying. I came to a fork in the rode. One hall was conrete and quite small. The other was very large but had knives and other weapons hung on the walls. I had to make a quick desicion. I chose the hall with weapons because I was tired of being in small, stuffy areas.

I tried to avoid touching the sharp walls but my hand slipped. I felt blood begin to trickle down my forearm. I stopped and looked at it but the hall was way too dark. I rubbed my other hand over the wound and my breath caught. I counted my fingers a few times before I began to feel woozy. my pinky was gone. Whatever knife I hit, I hit it hard enough to cut through bone. I wrapped my hand in my shirt as best as I could. This time I started walking down the hall. I was being careful to avoid coming within two feet of the wall. I heard a footstep behind me and began running once again. I could feel hot breath on my neck. He was right behind me. I knew he was going to try to stop me. I ran faster but his breath never stopped. I could almost feel his dirty hands holding me back and beating me. I looked up at the weapon filled walls. Without giving much thought, I reached out and grabbed a gun. Sinning around, I shot the gun repetedly. There was no sound. i opened my eyes and looked around. He wasn't there. Then I realized the gun was empty. Bullets were missing. If he was there, I would probably have been dragged back to the room. I was becoming delusional from no food, water, and all the rotton things i had encountered on the way. Walking once more down the hall was tiring. But I couldnt take a break now. I was on my journey to freedom and I wasnt taking any chances of being captured. I felt the hot breath on my neck again. I sighed, knowing i was imagining him. I turned around hoping to see nothing. I nearly died when Chris was standing not two feet from me. He smiled and took a step closer. I was frozen to where I was. "Are you trying to escape?" he asked in false shock. I nodded my head involuntarily. "Well then. I must punish you severly."

His expression was cold now. it made my hair stand on end when his hand shot up. in his long fingers, was small can. In the other was a knife. He took one step closer and swung his knife at my arm. A large gash was created down the side of my arm. He dropped the knife and lifted my wound up. When he lowered the can I saw what was in it. Maggots. He was moving so quickly that I couldnt tell what he had done. When he dissapeared, I thought all he had done was cut me. But when i looked at my arm, I almost fanted with nausea. Maggots were squirming around in my cut. I could feel every single move they made and I screamed. It felt so odd. I could feel them swimming in my blood and eating my tissue. With my other arm, I reached in and pulled out a handfull of maggots. My arm burned with pain as I kept pulling the skin around to reach for the bugs. I couldnt get to one of them because it was heading under my un cut skin. I looked around for Chris's dropped knife. I grabbed it and cut more of my arm. Then I saw the ugly maggot. i had cut it in half. i grabbed both halves quickly and threw them on the ground. I desperetly needed to rest. I crawled to one wall and curled up in a ball. tears streamed down my bloody cheeks and my head throbbed with migrains. As I sat on the hard floor, I thought of my parents and how much I wished they were not dead. Somewhere in the thought process I cried myself to sleep.

I had a dreamless night but I kept waiking up and falling back asleep. It was the longest night I had ever had. Eventually I gave up on sleep and got to walking again. Every small noise made me flinch. I was becoming paranoid with frightMy arm was quite a sight. Scratches covered the entire surface and a long cut traced my arm from my wrist all the way to my shoulder. It throbbed from pain. I swore another maggot was in there but I couldnt feel any bump on it. I kept tripping several times as I walked down the dark hallway. As I looked at the wall I stopped mid-step. There wasn't a weapon in sight. the walls were pplain stone with nothing hanging on them. I kept walking but with more confidence. If Chris decided to try stopping me, he didn't have anything to hurt me with. Then I heard it. A squeaky door was being opened and someone was walking heavily towards me. I shoved my body against the wall as far as possible. The footsteps were coming closer and louder. Not ten feet from me I saw the person. It looked like someone I knew but they were dead.it was impossible. It couldn't be...Shannon. I took a step closer and gasped. he was transperant. I could see the wall clearly through his body. I noticed he was free of scratches. Shannon looked brand new. I looked back at his face. His eyes were worried. It was the only part of his body that I could see clearly. His hand lifted and his fist curled. one long finger pointed to where I was headed. He smiled and nodded, encouraging me to go on. I walked slowly past him, never taking my eyes off his. Then he dissapeared. Just like Chris does.

After a few minutes of darkness, I saw a door. It was the end of the hall and a large door stood in front of me. I almost began to cry. Instead I ran forward and grabbed the knob. I yanked open the door. I had my hopes too high.The room was just filled with weapons of all shapes and sizes. I was furious. At Shannon, Chris, and myself. Tears streamed down my face and in anger I slammed the door behind me and ran in. I grabbed the first weapon I saw. It was a gun. After making sure it was loaded, i pulled the gun to my head and took a deep breath. I pulled the trigger but didn't get hit. Chris was at my side looking scared with the gun in his hand. "don't do anything hasty now my dear!" His voice cracked at the end. I wondered why he was so scared of me killing myself. I put that in my mind for future use. it might come in handy later. Before i knew it, Chris was back to his normal anger. He balled up his nasty fist and flung. It was black once more after he hit. He had stopped my escape. Again.

When I awoke, I was still in the same room. The weapons sat untouched on the walls. I was lying in the middle of the floor sprawled out uncomfortably. i sat up and coughed and swallowed saliva to try to get my dry throught wet. Then yesterdays experience rushed into my mind. Chris stopping me from killing myself, the scared look on his face, the way he stole the gun. It got me thinking. If he didn't want me dead, why did he hurt me? i guess he knows if he will kill me while he doesn't know if I will kill myself. I got a headache from thinking so much. i haven't thought this much in a long time. I decided to experiment with Chris with the whole killing myself thing. He wanted me alive for a reason. I had to figure it out. I walked to the wall farthest to me and pulled a small knife from it. I checked to make sure Chris wasn't here. i knew he must be watching me. I put the knife to my left wrist and took a deep breath. I had never gone so low to cut myself. It took all my strength to just cut myself. I put pressure to the knife and felt my skin tug. i pushed harder and held my breath. Slicing my wrist was harder than I thought. I watched as the blood flowed from the cut. My blood silently splashed to the floor and made a puddle. I smiled. Not because i enjoyed cutting, but because i knew Chris was watching me nervously. I grabbed the knife in the other hand and slit my other wrist. There was no hesitastion this time. The blade flew quickly over my skin. The blood dripped slowly off my arm. I looked around the room again and smiled wider when I saw Chris watching me cautiously from the corner of the room. He started forward slowly, then sped up as I put the knife to my arm again. He pulled the knife from my hand and through it behind him. A towel was in his hand and he was wiping off the blood from my wrists. "You shouldn't hurt yourself. You might kill yourself and I won't be able to help everytime." He said in a fast voice.

I yanked my arms away and backed up. His eyes were scared again. Something about me killing myself he didn't like. i had a hunch. He didn't want me dead for a reason. I didn't know that yet. But i did know that he hurt me to stay alive. i had begun to notice that if he hadn't hurt me in a while, he looked worse. Like right now. He looked unhealthy and weak. But after he hurts me, he looks tough and strong. Possibly, if I was killed, he might be gone. Forever. All the next day, that was all I could think about. if i was gone, he was gone. I wanted to escape so badly. But not this way. I had to die. It was my only way out. I sighed in frustration. How could I possibly commit *****? I would be one of those people you hear about on the news and the radio that overdosed and jumped off buildings. Well, Chris had to hurt me sooner or later. I figured thats how he stayed alive. By torturing me. Not to death, but just enough to hurt. I looked down at my scarred body. It was never shocking to see it anymore. Scars zig-zagged across my arms and legs. Round scars lay on my stomach from the disasturous day a while back. He pushed those heinus rusty nails into my stomach and yanked them out repetedly. I winced when I remembered the excruciating pain that came on afterwords. I couldn't begin to imagine what my face looked like. Probably scarred from forehead to chin with the occational bruse. I waited and waited but Chris never showed. I wasn't being tortured for once. I was ruining the moment with thoughts of how he could torture me though. I scratched my head and caught a glance at my left fingers. Four fingers sit where five should be. My poor pinky, gone forever because of my doing. Did I dare smell myself? I had been putting this thought out of my head forever. I lifted my hand to my mouth and smelled my breath. I nearly hurled when I caught the stench in my nostrills. My breath smelled like a moldy, rotten, dead rat. The same rat I was forced to eat. Well, not exactly eat but put into my stomach then rapidly cough back out. I gagged just thinking about the ravolting food. My skin was very unhealthy looking. Almost yellow. My arms were splotchy in some areas too. I also realized that my eyesight seemed to be fading. I used to have 20/20 vision. I could hardly see five feet in front of me now. Then I noticed what I was doing. I was stalling. Putting off the fact of escape. Even though my body would forever lay in this torture chamber, I still considered it an escape. I needed to get out of here.

I stood up slowly and took a few deep breaths. Then I walked over to a wall and prepared to meet my doomAs I moved slowly to the wall, my mind was screaming at me. "Move faster! you have no time to waste you stupid child!" My mind was yelling that over and over at me. Giving me a headache in the process. I stopped a moment to clear my boggled mind. After i was sure my head wasn't going to explode, I continued. faster this time. my mind seemed pleased with my speed because the screaming subsided. I was sprinting to the wall but everything seemed to be going in slow motion. I could see everything clearly. The blood on the walls, the razor sharp edges of the weapons, and even the cracks in the ceiling. I wasn't the one running though. This person running to her doom was someone different. More confident and brave. I looked up to the new and improved me. It was as if I was just a bystander watching this happening. I wasn't part of this horror story. The girl running stopped dead in front of the huge wall. Quickly picking out her death. Her hand zipped out in front of her and he fingers locked around a large knife. Then I was her again. Holding the knife in my sweating palm and backing away from the wall. I had no time to waste. With the deadly knife in my right hand, I stood rigged and held my breath. this was my moment. My one heroic time in life. I only wish I could have saved Shannon and my parents. But I can't be thinking of them. I need to move fast.

Although the moment only lasted a few seconds, it felt like a year. The blade was pulled up to y neck and the rough edges pulled gainst my soft skin. With no mercy, even when the pain kicked in, I shoved the knife through my neck. I could feel the blood run down my shirt. It hurt badly but I was not crying. I was smiling. i was free. And Chris knew it. He stood above me. His widde eyes were angry yet scared like a child afraid of the dark. I tried to laugh mockingly to him but blood filled my mouth before any sound came out. Everything was turning black. The last thing I saw was Chris. His skin looked paper thin and he was weak. Then I was gone. really gone this time. Never to see sunlight again. It didn't matter. Chris was dead. That was all thatmattered to me. And the best part? I got to be with Shannon on his trip home. We went to the after-life together. Two torture "survivers". In our new heaven, together.

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202 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 202
Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:28 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

Whoo . . . that was . . . scary. I saw a lot of spelling errors and several sentences could have been written better. Another suggestion, when a new person speaks make a new line.
For the overall story I thought it was good, things were well described and I felt Cheyanne's fear and pain. But I also found it dark, the ending was OK but slightly disappointing. Maybe it could better if you allow her some hope.
Back to punctuation; as I mentioned before there are a lot of spelling errors. Your story is really long and I don't have time to go through it right now. Does your computer have a spell checker? If it doesn't than there's always the old dictionary. :P

I think you have a talent as a writer, but can I suggest to try a different field? Maybe try writing something not so depressing. Really, the story is good. :D I'm just making some suggestions
Good luck.
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Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:40 pm
Antigone Cadmus says...

Hey, Vandria! I'm Antigone, and I'll be your reviewer for today.

Hmm, my biggest suggestion would be to break up these huge paragraphs into smaller ones. It is very intimidating to see these huge blocks of text.


--Always capitalise I when it is the subject.
--Check your spelling quickly before posting. YWS even provides spell check for you!

Sorry, right now, this is just too hard to edit because of the large blocks of text.
This looks like it has a lot of potential!

Good luck and happy editing,
Antigone Cadmus
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
-Catullus, Carmen 85

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Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:04 pm
Vandria says...

Thank you for helping me out. I know the spelling errors and stuff shouldn't be excused, but I actually copied that off of another website I wrote it on. I didn't edit it as I should have. The ending wasn't how I intended it to be, I wanted it...more vivid. But again, I didn't edit.
Thanks again for your advise! :D

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Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:10 pm
adri-rox_94 says...

yeah..definately spelling errors, but nice story. :D

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:09 am
missjuliesings5 says...

Woah... this story is really good.. strange, scary, and just completely breathtaking. I loved it. I was so scared throughout the whole thing! I was hoping Cheyenne would escape, though. Oh well. Overall, I really like your style of writing.. it's absolutely amazing. :]

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:57 am
paisleyviolet says...


You have talent.
I was captivated from the moment the peice began down to the end.

what I can suggest though, is that the story starts off a little in the middle of no where. I would like to know where she is and how she got there, like I know she was in a dark alley and now in a torchure chamber but more.
another thing that i noticed was the spelling. spell check? lol
and lastly, maybe next time do a more non-depressing peice. a little bit is good, but if you write too much of this stuff you might end up feeling low.

8.5/10 on this one doll, great work!

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:53 pm
Vandria says...

Thank you! Your all so nice. I'm trying to find spellcheck on here...If anyone could let me know where it is, that'd be great! lolz
I was actually just really bored when I wrote this. I found that it was really fun! xD
I left my wedding dress hanging in a tree somewhere in North Dakota.

Live long and prosper.
-Mr. Spock

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:16 pm
Dark Angel says...

First of all, let me say that I really liked the outline of your story and it could be great with just a little editing. :D

Was it really my fault that he happened to be waiting to spring in the dark alley when i walked by?

You need to capitalize the I in this sentence.

there was none.

You need to capitalize the 't' in there and change was to were. :D
No doors, windows, the walls were steel.

This sentence sounds rather awkward, maybe you could make it say:
:arrow: There were no doors or windows, and the walls were made of steel. You also need to tell us how the person knows that the walls are made of steel. I mean, would you be able to tell by sight that the walls are made of steel? I know I wouldn't.

I felt a tear escape the sancuary of my eye socket.

You spelt sanctuary wrong.
i hated him so much.

You need to capitalize the I.
I looked around for where his voice came from. I couldn't see anything.

Maybe you could put this differently, like:
:arrow: I looked around for where his voice had come from, but couldn't see anything.
So I studied my appearence. my legs were strapped to the hard chair and i was getting gagged by the dirty cloth shoved deep into my mouth. my hands were cuffed to eachother behind my sweaty back.
Okay, let me just rewrite the sentence for you in a more grammatical way.
:arrow: So, instead, I studied my appearance. My legs were strapped to the hard chair I was sitting in, I was gagged by a dirty cloth shoved deeply in my mouth, and my hands were cuffed to each other behind my sweaty back.
His voice filled the small room and i gasped in horror at the word.

You need to put it differently, like;
:arrow: His voice filled the small room and I gasped in horror at the sound of his voice.

There are many more mistakes, most of them grammatical and you not capitalizing the I's, but maybe if you reread a few more times you can find them.

Sorry if I ripped (part of it) to shreds. :D PM me if you have any questions or if you want to destroy :wink: my story.
I loved my life,
Until I found out,
That life sucks;
Oh the irony.

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Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:42 pm
Silas Walker says...

Mostly what I would have to say is that I found a bunch of spelling errors and grammar errors. Also there were some awkward sentences... like when you introduce a new character into the story, the boy for example.

The way he speaks is very choppy and awkward, which kind of scares off the reader a little bit. Don't worry about the big paragraph thing, because its always been a problem with YWS, so just don't fret about that.

The end was really good, really gruesome. You'll be attracting a very specific audience with this kind of writing... im shivering.

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