
Young Writers Society


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53 Reviews

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Points: 1734
Reviews: 53
Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:15 pm
defendthelegend says...

“Snap,” I shouted above everyone else’s loud voices.

It’s my favourite card game because I always win. Dad says I’m excellent at it, and he hates to play with me, for he knows I’ll win. Joe, my little brother doesn’t play much either, he’s too engrossed in his bouncy ball collection. You could never get Mum to play. Her excuse is that she now has a full time job, and has no time to play card games. So normally I play alone.

I collected all the cards from the pile. As the usual, I had heaps more than everyone else, and it was starting to annoy Joe. “I give in, you win Eve!” Joe threw his three remaining cards on the floor and ran off in a massive temper. “Stop being such a sore loser” dad called after him. I didn’t mind though, he always does that, every time he doesn’t get his own way, he runs of in a mardy.

“It’s Okay,” I smiled happily. “I’ll gladly have his cards”.

Dad chuckled, he knew I was joking, but it’s always hard to tell with me, so he let me have the cards anyway. But we didn’t really get much further before Mum entered with the Hoover. After this we knew that we had to escape before, Mum changed moods. But unfortunately we weren’t quick enough. Mum’s strict about mess in our household, because she’s the one that always ends up tidying it all up.
But Mum stormed up to us with the Hoover, and threatened to Hoover up the cards. Dad and I laughed at the thought, but we knew she wasn’t joking so we hurried on out.

Mum was really stressed because of her new full time job, so our normal relaxing weekend was heading for a more hectic one. Usually Mum doesn’t get up and dressed until 10am, but today she was up and ready at the crack of dawn.

I decided that it would be best to keep out of Mum’s way for the day, considering the pressure she has on her, and the mood she has been in lately. So that afternoon I decided to walk up to Lola’s house, which is just up the road. But before I could leave the house, Mum reminded me of the terrible chores that will be there for me to do when I returned. I didn’t really want to think about chores, but I knew that I would have to do them some time soon.

Dad was all kind about it though, telling me not to worry, and that I had a suprise waiting for me when I got back. I was so excited, that I almost didn’t want to go anymore. I wondered what it could be, clothes, money, makeup. Which reminded me, I needed to put some makeup on, if I wanted to look cool in front of Lola. I managed to grab a grip, before being chased out the door by Joe, so I tied my hair back. I hate my hair, because my Mum cuts it, she’s not very good. She says we can’t afford a hair dresser so she does it for us.

By the time I had finished doing my hair, I was standing outside Lola’s porch. Lola’s house is pretty similar to mine. All the houses in my area are.

I rung the bell twice before Sammy, Lola’s older brother, opened the door. He looked horrendous, what had he done to his hair? It was shocking pink! He ignored my comment and shouted to Lola.

Lola led me into her bedroom. She was unusually quiet. But as soon as we were in her room and she locked the door and she exploded into fits of laughter. Lola seemed very happy. She was grinning as she spoke. It was obvious something exciting was going on. “You’ll never guess what; we can be famous look, look”! Lola screamed right into my ear, thrusting the sheet of paper at me. I read the paper out loud.

“Drama competition, if you are between the ages of 13 and 16 and you are fond of acting you’re in luck, all you have to do is write a 5-10 minute play, act it out and film it. Your film may include 1-6 people. Entries may be sent to:

8 Lockwood road

Prize £500”. I suddenly fell silent “£500, wow”.

“You’re great at acting Eve, you’ll win,” Lola grinned.

“We’ll win, were acting together right” I glanced over at Lola

“Right”! Lola grinned.

That night after my dreaded chores I started to write a play. Lola would be Lizzie and I would be Zoë. But what we needed was more people. I called Lola.

We discussed who we could use for the play, it was decided that we could use Lola’s siblings, who took a great interest in acting. The only problem was, we were still short of a few people, so we decided to put posters around school, tempting people with a prize of £2 if we won. We also made it clear that we would both make a few posters each to post round the school. The only problem was, that we were both 12. Well, Lola was nearly 13. But I barely looked 10. So I don’t know what I was going to do, but for now that wasn’t a problem. We could figure it out later.

Finally after hours of waiting, Dad came home. He dragged me aside, and gave me some money. I was confused, was this, the surprise? It wasn’t very exciting. Until he explained that he had given me the money to get my ears pierced. I was ecstatic. It could help me look older.

I walked off into my pale pink room and slipped the money into my empty purse. My purse is purple with a heart shaped button to fasten it up.


That night I raided my cupboard for all my art materials I had collected for my birthday. Although I took a deep interest in art, it is quite unfortunate to say that my materials are lacking, and the quality is poor. I couldn’t find any nice paper to use, so I stuck to sugar paper.

In big letters I wrote:
If you between the age of 13-16 and you are fond of acting please contact Eve Love at 0116 2707114.

I didn’t want to write too much, for there would be no space for pictures. Around the boarder I glued on glitter and coloured shapes. Then I stuck on some animal stickers. I sort of regretted putting stickers on, because they weren’t relevant what so ever.

But I looked at the completed version of my picture from a distance. To me there wasn’t enough colour, so I put down my poster and crayons and left the room to find something more dramatic and interesting to use. I could hear dad downstairs watching television, and Mum was in the kitchen cooking dinner. So, I silently slipped into their bathroom and I listened to see if I could here anyone come upstairs but no one came, and just when I thought that there was nothing here for me to use I saw mum’s makeup bag. It was full of wonderful colours of lipsticks, eye shadows and nail varnishes. How could mum have so much and yet not use it. I looked into mum’s hand mirror. Maybe I could add a hint off colour to my lips. I pulled the cap off a tube of pale lipstick and covered my lips with it.

I’ve only ever had lipstick once before. But I’ve seen guides to it on TV. So I know how to put it on. I looked again and found a bottle of red nail varnish. As I opened the bottle I accidentally dripped some on the carpet. I tried getting it off but whatever happened it wouldn’t come off. I had stained it! In the end I had no choice but to move the scales to cover it up.

I took the contense of mum’s makeup bag to my room, and used it. I drew lots of swirls and patterns on the poster, that I didn’t concentrate on dad coming upstairs. I quickly fastened the cap and zipped up mum’s makeup bag and hid behind the door. I could hear dad getting changed, which didn’t sound very pretty. Finally, after a few intense minutes, dad went.

The next day, just before everyone arrived, Lola and I stuck up posters around the school. I only managed one and Lola did five. I felt I had let her down Lola did hers on the computer and drew her pictures, which meant that she had saved time.

Lola and I stuck a poster on the green gate, of which most people entered before school and one on the great oak tree, where everyone played at break time. Lola suggested that we put my colourful poster on the main door where everyone is bound to see it. I was happy, that she liked it; it gave me a sense of pride. I had a weird idea about putting one on the male and female toilet doors, for, everyone needs to go to the loo at some point. As I pressed hard on the door when sticking the poster on to it a year 9 boy called Jacob, walked through. I fell over. Jacob helped me up I started to blush, I was so embarrassed. Jacob is popular with all the girls; they all want to go out with him. As he walked off he winked at me. We dotted the rest around the school. Lola printed some more off the computer and gave them to me to decorate.

As Mum collected me from school in her tiny red car I halted at the thought that we hadn’t actually written the play yet. So, before starting all my homework I started on the play.

So it is going to be about this girl called Zoë who fancies this boy called Eddie. Zoë’s best friend Lizzie also likes him, so they fall out. But Eddie likes them both and they all end up going on a triple date!

All the people we need are:

Zoë who will be me
Lizzie who will be Lola
Eddie who will be played by a yr 8 or 9 boy.
Ticket seller someone to buy the tickets off.
We need a few girls to do a ballet dance that we can watch and that could be part of the film that we are watching at the cinema.
We also need someone to film it all.
Last edited by defendthelegend on Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 16
Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:17 pm
McDanny says...

Good day, my name's Dan and I'll be your reviewer today :)
I can see immediately that this is not the sort of story I would normally read; it's a little too Jacqueline Wilson-esque and doesn't fulfill my quota for violence and death- although that says more about my bitterness towards the world than your sister's writing- but I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed reading this, so don't let your sister be put off by all the horrible things I'm about to say about it.

defendthelegend wrote:Snap

“Snap,” I shouted above everyone else’s loud voices. It’s my favourite card game because I always win. Dad says I’m excellent, and he hates to play for he knows I’ll win. Joe doesn’t play much, he’ll rather play with his bouncy ball collection and Mum is apparently working permanently so she has no time anymore, so normally I play by myself. I gathered all the cards in the pile. I had heaps more than everyone else. “I give in, you win Eve,” Joe threw his three remaining cards on the floor and ran off in a massive temper. “Stop being such a sore loser” dad called after him.

Snap seems like a strange title, since it's only mentioned once towards the beginning and doesn't seem to have much relevance later on. Indeed, the whole opening section looks like it could be pruned away, as it doesn't really have much effect on the story or characters other than telling us that Eve is, um, really good at snap. Unless I'm missing something or your sister is going to write another part that explains the relevance of snap, I would consider changing this.

defendthelegend wrote:“No I can’t. Here I am making a clean house and all you do is trash it” Mum snapped back. Mum was being grumpy.

We gathered. You don't need to explain that Mum was being grumpy, as we can see that for ourselves.

defendthelegend wrote:He has long blonde wavy hair and a very attractive figure. When I’m older I want a handsome husband with long wavy hair like dad.

A bit of a Freudian complex here, maybe? ;)

defendthelegend wrote:Lola’s house is 51 Moby close.

Why is the exact address particularly relevant?

defendthelegend wrote:Lola seemed very happy.

Again, we can see that Lola is happy from the fact she's grinning; we don't need to be spoon-fed this information.

defendthelegend wrote:8 Lockwood road





See above. I'm not sure you need to provide an exact address here; you could just mention how the paper had an address in Manchester.

defendthelegend wrote:“Hi Lola we need more people for the play” I started. “How about Sammy he loves acting and my sister Clara might be interested,” Lola answered. “We need, about five more people plus someone who can film it,” I moaned. “We’ll put posters up everywhere at school. We will say that if we win they will each get £5” Lola gave a heavy breathe in the phone.”£5 we’ll be poor,” I answered. “£2”. “Okay £2, you make half the posters at your house I’ll make the others at mine.” “Got it, this is so exciting we might be famous but I’ll make sure we’ll get the leading roles.” I looked at my copy of the paper. There was a star in each corner. My heart suddenly missed a beat. “But Lola I’m 12 and your nearly 13 there’s no way we can do it now were not old enough.” I miserably spoke into the phone my voice slightly slurring. “We will have to pretend. We will say we are 13” Lola sounded worried for we were breaking the rules.” I look barely 10 years old how will I look 13?” I bit my lip. Lola Paused. “I know in the film you can wear high heels and we’ll curl your hair and give you a make over great”! “Yeah I’m grounded for curling my hair and putting on makeup.” I moaned as if it was out of the question. “I know” Lola paused again “after the film I’ll straighten your hair and you can wipe the makeup off.”

Woah, huuuuge block of text here. This is more to do with the formatting than the writing itself, but I would recommend starting a new line each time a different character starts speaking; this makes it easier to read and much less confusing to work out who's talking.

defendthelegend wrote:“Dad came back by a coincidence 5 minutes late. Dad winked at me I then remembered the surprise. Dad nudged his head upstairs, when he walked in the front door. I walked up to the landing and waited. Dad came up 5 minutes later.

Dad, dad, dad. This sort of thing happens a few times in other places as well; I would say you should replace the word 'dad' with 'he' in a couple of places, to avoid repetition. As a general rule, you should use a character's name, and then he (or she) the next two times you mention them, and then the character's name again.

defendthelegend wrote:As I pressed hard on the door when sticking the poster to it a year 9 boy called Jacob walked through. I fell over. Jacob helped me up I started to blush. Jacob is popular with all the girls they all want to go out with him.

Awww. Ain't this sweet. :P the fact that they all want to go out with him is kind of implied, so I'm not sure that bit is necessary.

defendthelegend wrote:We also need someone to film it all.

I like this as an ending- it sets it up for the next part, providing there is one, of course.

I think that's pretty much everything. A little polishing is needed here, but otherwise things are looking good and I look forward to seeing the next part. :)
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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 8
Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:05 pm
A. C. Denny says...

You have a good, catchy first sentence. However, it needs to be like, "Snap!", since the word was shouted. Otherwise, cute story! I hope you continue on with it.
Ride and never worry about the fall,
Guess that's just the cowboy in us all!

We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind