
Young Writers Society

Into the Giant's Land

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:22 am
Bokkaku says...


The trek from the land of the giants the previous night had tired me out. When I awoke, I found myself sprawled out onto my back.

Now fully awake, I grasped my weapon beside me: a short mace that I was given at a young age. It made noises when I moved it, therefore spoiling my plans of sneaking up on enemies, but it was sufficient protection.

I shoved the blanket aside and rolled over onto my stomach. The ground below me was soft and comfortable, seemingly padded, but it no longer served me; there were things to do. My first task was to find something to eat, I realized, as my stomach rumbled. Before that could possibly be done, though, I had to find my way to the place I knew there would be food: back in the land of the giants.

Crawling on my knees at first, since I was weary still from the night before, I found that I was on a ledge as I tumbled down the side. It was a short ledge, but the landing was painful. I could feel my shoulder bruising, and I let out a soft cry of anguish. I would have to ignore the pain, though, and press forward if I was to eat.

After climbing to my feet, I wavered for a moment. I didn’t feel steady, and my shoulder ached. When I finally was centered, holding onto the side of the ledge, I looked around. My path was visible, but fraught with perils. Numerous obstacles stood in the way. I would have to get past them all to get to my destination. With a look of determination I thought to myself, what better time to start than the present?

I strode forward with the need of adventure, and soon found the first foe. A dragon stood before me, sitting still as a statue. He didn’t move, but his eyes were fixed on me as if watching a lamb come nearer.

I let out a raucous roar and charged at the dragon, brandishing my mace. My weapon planted itself into the head of the dragon, throwing it to the side. It let out a high-pitched shriek of anguish. I cringed at it’s cry of pain, but finished it off with a stomp to its exposed neck.

After a moment of silence for the felled creature, I grinned with triumph. Sure, it was a small dragon, but it was now out of the way. Stepping forward, I saw my next task.

There was a large castle that the dragon had protected. Villagers lay inside and, for those who had no home, around the castle. It was still early morning; I could probably get around them all without hindrance.

Silently, I crept past the castle. My plans were foiled, though. I accidentally stepped on one of the men that lay around the foundation. I tripped over him and collapsed onto a number more people. Letting out a cry of surprise, I rolled over and leapt to my feet. The disturbance had scattered the men, and some of them were already up and ready to defend their castle. I had no choice but to lay it to ruins.

My mace swept through the air, smashing through the offending men. They were laid to silence, never to make another sound. It became my job to take down their castle along with them, for who would inhabit it after they were gone? It would be a shame to leave it abandoned.

It wasn’t long before their civilization was no more, defeated by one man. Rubbish was all that was left. Though tired and hungry, I was proud of myself. I was the best fighter around; I had slain a dragon and defeated an army of men. Why, I could achieve world domination if I wanted to!

My chest puffed up with pride, I browsed around the castle ruins. I would take the spoils of war, and therefore support myself by fighting. Alas, they had no food in the entire castle. Despite my lack of nourishment, I continued on my path.

This time, I felt no fear or qualms with walking right past enemies. I was safe; fearless; powerful. Sure enough, no one dared to detain me. They had obviously seen my display of power. My mace swinging at my side, I proceeded.

I swaggered up to a large wooden arch that would lead to my destination. It stood at least five times my height, almost menacingly. I felt threatened only momentarily before walking through, its size daunting.

Through this archway seemed to be a different world, but there was a familiarity about it from my previous trips. It was the land of the giants. I would have to be careful lest I was caught and imprisoned.

Being as quiet as possible, I tip-toed through the land. I looked around as I walked, as fascinated as every time that I left the comfort of my own land. Large cushions lavished a corner to my left and on the same wall was a box with moving pictures. Above my head was a sky of pale blue. Wind swirled down on me from the winds of wooden blades spinning in circles. I took a moment to inspect the ceiling before returning to my quest.

I strode through the land in search of food. I left the soft, cushion-y area to a black and white tiled floor. Finally, I found a banana gracing a large stump. How random it was to find a banana, but I was sure to seize the opportunity nonetheless.

It was, however, incredibly high up. My fingers wiggled through the air as I stretched as far as I could to get to the prize that seemed just out of reach. I grunted and whined, trying to make myself go a little farther.

My noises betrayed me, though, and I was given away to the queen of the giants. She was lovely, but fierce. I began fearing for my life, but continued to try to grasp the prize above me. I would not survive without food, so what would become of me if I did not try to withstand the giant’s punishment for theft?

She easily lifted me off the ground, laughing at me. I whined loudly and squirmed, angry with myself for not getting away sooner. The giant queen took me away from the stump and over to their prison. Defeated, I slumped onto my butt and threw my mace aside. I was a prisoner, and I had lost. So much for world domination.

The hunger began digging into my stomach. I cried out with the pain. Soon, the giant queen returned to me with the banana I was attempting to reach. I let out a laugh of glee and grasped it hastily. It was prepared for me, already peeled. I could get used to this. Perhaps the life of a prisoner wasn’t so bad.

I wrote this because I thought the idea was cute, and it had been milling around in my mind for a while. I hope to polish it up and submit it into a short story contest.

[b]Only read the spoiler once you've read the story, please.

[spoiler] There's something I need advice on: whether to make it more obvious that this "adventurer" is a baby/toddler. Can that be seen from reading the piece, or should I add something at the end that makes it more clear?[/spoiler][/b]
Last edited by Bokkaku on Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:38 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:26 am
Hannah says...

^_^ Hallo there! >_< I accidentally read the spoiler before reading the whole thing, so that kind of ruined it for me. I mean, the story wasn't ruined, but I can't give you any advice as to whether it seems like a toddler from the get-go or not. >_<;;

That being said, I have a few comments to make after my first read through that might benefit you. The first thing I remember, without going back to find specific examples, is that you formed a lot of sentences around contradictions. A lot of the sentences started with a statement, but then you put 'though' in and continued on another track. This happened a few times and because of such repetition it sticks out in my mind.

^_^ I also thought that some of the scenes were rather unnecessary. For example, the dragon? I mean, I know it seems a huge feat and adds to the 'explorer's confidence, but I would rather see the explorer interacting with his world. I'd like more description about this 'world of giants'! What makes it different from where the explorer comes from? I think putting more emphasis on the entry to this new world might make this piece more memorable!

Now then, I have some comments on more specific things. ^_^ Some of the issues I'll talk about probably crop up a few times, so if you fix one, be sure to look through and see if the same thing happens somewhere else! ^_^

Last night was rough, and I had collapsed, leaving my trusty mace beside me. Someone had left a blanket on the ground, and I took shelter beneath its meager cover for the night.

The first lines of a story should be attention-grabbing, and although it was interesting for me, because WHAT would a baby be doing with a MACE?, it seems a bit lackluster. Why not start out with something about the land of the giants? If you do keep these sentences, then consider changing the structure of one, as they both consist of two parts connected by 'and' and that gets kind of bothersome! xD

Now fully awake, I grasped my weapon beside me: a short mace that I was given at a young age. It made noises when I moved it, therefore spoiling my plans of sneaking up on enemies, but it did its job.

Hmmm, I just think since you already mentioned both that the mace was beside the narrator AND that you had a mace, this first sentence is kind of redundant! Also, what kind of job could it do if it gave away the character's position. Clarify! ^_^

My path was straight and clear, but there was a problem. Numerous obstacles stood in the way.

Ehhh, if it was clear, then how were there obstacles!? Kind of contradictory, don't you think? >_<;

I approached the dragon that stood threateningly before me.

Letting out a thoughtless roar, I charged full speed at the dragon, brandishing my mace. While running at the creature, my foot hit against something round, possibly a rock. It flew at the dragon and alerted it. The spikes thudded into its body and a noise rang through the air. When my mace hit, the dragon fell to the ground. It let out a scream of pain, high-pitched and filled with anguish.

>_< Eughhh. Okay, where did that dragon come from? He pops out from when you're talking about obstacles, but you think maybe the explorer might have seen him from his vantage point on the ledge and known about him before hand? ^_^ Also... the series of events is kind of blurry when he attacks the dragon, so you'll need to clean that up. Are there two noises or only one? What importance does the rock serve? Yeahh...

It became my job to take down their castle, for it didn’t feel right to leave it standing with them defeated.

>_< This sentence is reaaallly awkward! I mean, even if the explorer felt compelled to knock down the castle, I don't think he'd label it a 'job'? Also, why wouldn't it feel right? Maybe he just wanted to finish his conquest, and that's all the reason he needs -- no other feeling. ^_^

There were large boulders that stood above my head, looming cliffs, and craggy walls. The sky above me was a pale blue color; beautifully clear skies. It was a good day to be alive.

Please, please, PLEASE make this clearer and add more to it! Right now, I can't tell if he's inside or outside, or if the ceiling is painted blue or WHAT. I want more description of this land and how the explorer feels about it! Please?! xD Hehehe~

My confidence took over again and I strode through the land in search of food. Finally, atop a large stump, someone had left a banana.

Hmm, I don't know that you need the first sentence. ;=; We know that he's looking for food and unless you distract him more with the surroundings to make it necessary for something to take him over and keep him on his quest, you don't need that sentence. Also, you might want to reword the second sentence to be more active, saying the explorer spotted the banana or something, not that it was just left there. ^_^

The giants dwarfed the stool, and of course would think me foolish for how hard I had to try. I let out a low whine of frustration as I strained.

Eeeh, it took me a while to understand the first sentence! Perhaps try rephrasing it. ^_^ Also, since the explorer just let out /one/ whine here, why do you refer to 'noises' in the next sentence?

Perhaps the prisoner’s life wasn’t so bad.

I'd probably say 'the life of a prisoner'. xD Dunno why, just think it sounds better.

Anyways, this is pretty good work! I like it, and it's a cute idea! Keep working on editing it! C:


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Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:21 am
foxfire says...

i am not really into reviewing fantasy but i just saw thsi and got interested

okay my first advice is that the story has a good pace with the action.

my comment is that the first sentence you write must get the attention of the reader. the point of the trusty mace feels a bit awkward.

one problem in here is that the information and the narrative is fast pace and as an advice, use a moderate pace so that the reader can have a need to read more.

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:06 am
84Moss says...

Hi,nice story.Though i found a few wrong,namely the first two lines.A few sentences could do a little better with some rephrasing.Still,good job and keep it up!

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Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:36 pm
Hannah says...

Hello, again! ^_^ I definitely like it a lot better now that you've edited it. It just seems a lot smoother and easier to read through, but you still kept the cuteness and quality writing that you had before! There's only one place that really stuck out to me;

Above my head was a sky of pale blue. Wind swirled down on me from the winds of wooden blades spinning in circles. I took a moment to inspect the ceiling before returning to my quest.

First of all, I really like the way you described the fan! That's what I meant by having more description of the land in there, so I was really pleased! -thumbs up- However, you talk about a 'sky' AND a 'ceiling' and I don't think that makes sense. Either the adventurer would think it was a sky or he'd know it was a ceiling, but not both. xD Teehee~ Anyways, I still like this piece a lot! If you'd ever want to expand on it, you could even take a little more time creeping around the land of the giants before you get to the banana! ^_^

Good job though!! <3


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Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:38 pm
deleted_5 says...

Most of the things needed to be changed were already said. But I can say that this story is not bad! You pace it very well and your descriptions are REMARKABLE!! Keep working on it and make some tweaks to it. Stories take time to write and good authors will change their stories and edit it many times. Great job!

Lucy Pennykettle
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Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:53 pm
vet4life13 says...

Hey Bokkaku!
This was really cute. I understood it after I read the spoiler. It's not really that obcious that it is a toddler, but once the reader finds out, the whole thing becomes clearer.

I saw one or two grammar mistakes, but otherwise it was pretty well written.
Good job!


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— Alfred Joyce Kilmer