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Points: 2384
Reviews: 107
Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:38 am
day tripper says...

...Before it's too late." ( Thought of by me!(: )

Hey guys! Comment it if you like it, but any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!


You know those times when you're sitting there in class and the teacher's intercom comes on,
asking for a certain student to please come down to the front office? Then the whole class has
to do their "ohhhh" act as if you're introuble when really you're going to pick up some forgotten
lunch money? Well, this time, I deserved the act, as I was not going to pick up some forgotten
lunch money. So by this time, you're getting that stomach turning feeling, wondering what it
could be. After making your list of possibilities, you come to a decision; you're introuble. Then,
your heart starts racing as you think, "Crap, what will Mom and Dad say?". Well babe, things
aren't looking too pretty from here. Then it happens. The secretary takes one good look at you
and then in that high pitched, snotty voice, says "The vice principal will be with you in three
minutes." Well, this is good for two things: one, I'm seeing the vice principal, and not the
principal. Two, I have three minutes of freedom left. Joy.

Eight Days Earlier...

2:41 A.M. Sunday Morning.
"Are you seriously going to do it?"
"Of course!"
"You're going to get in so much trouble!"
"You think I don't know that?"
"So why are you going to go do it?"
"Because, it'll be funny."
"It'll be stupid."
"It'll also be irresponsible."
"Oh yeah, you're so funny."
"I know, right?"
"Come on, let's just go find something else to do."
"I like this idea better."
"You're so childish sometimes!"
"Thanks, mom. Now just keep a look out, will ya'?"
"Shut up-"

3:04 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Lina Robbinson
My loungs burning, racing for oxygen, I opened my bedroom window and climbed in. Once in,
I leaned against my wall and let my body relax. I turned my head towards the window, seeing if
she made it, but all that I could see was the the willow trees swaying to the breeze of the wind
in my backyard. A little past them, a stream of smoke ran through the midnight clouds. I glanced
at my clock next to my bed, ticking and ticking, I squinted to see what it read: 3:06 A.M. Shivers
ran down my body as I recalled the night. I was so stupid to think I could pull this off for mischief
night, and then leaving her behind. I shook my head, hoping to clear my thoughts, but it was as
if this night was sealed into my brain, replaying itself over and over again. I pulled my muddy
addida's off and through them acrosse the room. They landed with a heavy 'thud'. I realized then,
I might of woken up my dad. I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and tore off my pants, then
climbed into bed. Pulling the sheets a little above my waist, I stared out my window. As I lay in bed,
my school was possibly being burned down. And I could've done something about it, but instead,
I lay in my bed, starring out the window, my eyelids flickering closed until finally, I was asleep.

8:24 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Lina Robbinson
"You've seen Harley this morning?" My father spoke as I sat down at the kitchen counter, glancing at
the nicely prepared dinner.
"No dad, I just woke up." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I picked up the plastic fork and smashed it into
my scrapple, only to see it break into tinier pieces. I retried and after a few more, I switched to a spoon
and scooped the scraple into my mouth.
"You okay there, bud?" My dad came up, stealing a piece of my toasted bread.
"You cook me breakfast, yet you steal it?" I smiled up at him as he chomped away on my piece of bread.
He threw the half eaten piece back on my paper plate and walked over the fridge. "Yeah, I'm fine dad."
"Just making sure." He said after gulping down some orange juice from the carton. He walked down the
hallway and closed his bedroom door shortly after.
As soon as a I heard the door lock, I spit the food that remained in my mouth out on the plate and set the
plate down on the floor. Then I walked over to the back door and under the back porch to get Harley so
that she could finish the rest of my breakfast.
I opened my closet door and grabbed out a box that was hidden under blankets and bags. I sat on my
bedroom floor and opened the box, pulling out one of many slim fast bars. I ate my "breakfast" and
then closed everything up, hid back the box, and walked out to pick up the empty paper plate to throw
out. I pulled on my pants from the previous night over top my boxers and pulled on the same sweatshirt
from last night over top my undershirt, grabbed a leash, and hooked Harley up to it to walked outside.
I walked down the gravel road, rounding the other one story, low rent, I-can't-aford-my-bills homes. Harley
wagged her tail excitingly and ran a little faster then my legs could carry when finally I bumped into a girl.
"Sorry." She said softly, tucking a lock of golden hair behind her repeatedly pierced ear. Her long sea green
skirt blew backwards, outlining her long legs. Her short, white blouse showed off some of her tan belly, along
with her belly button piercing that sparkled in the sunlight. Her espadrills were tied with a soft hint of
sensitivity, and her green eyes had appollagy glarring within them. I realized how stupid I looked laying on
the ground, my knee's in the air, leaning back on my elbows. Plus, I looked like crap anyways. I jumped up
and brushed some of the gravel off my butt, blushing.
"It's fine. I'm always falling. Not that I'm retarted, just clumsy." I nervously laughed. Harley sat down
impatiently, her ears up and head tilted. Her brown coat of fur was shiny in the sunlight. The random girl
I happened to bump into laughed as I stared at my dog, but I had a feeling she was laughing at my stupidity.
"Well, I have to go to the mail boxes, so... bye." She waved, her quiet voice making me glance away from
my dog at her.
"Oh, I was doing the same thing... why are you going that way?" I asked, realizing she was walking back
towards my house, and the mail boxes were the direction she was coming from.
"I thought.. oh damnet." She softly pouted. I laughed as she looked cute when she got flustered. "Don't
laugh at me! I'm new here and everything is so goddamn confusing!" I laughed a little harder now, she
didn't seem one for cursing.
"Now does mother dearest know about all those holes on your body? Or are you a naughty little play it
safe type of girl?" I laughed.
She pouted and placed one graceful hand on her hip, "Well you're one to judge!"
I stopped laughing and looked at her, "What does that mean?"
She started laughing at my confusion now, her laugh wasn't heavily obnoxious nor too light. It was one of
those brought-from-the-chest laughs, that looked like she was smiling and chuckling at the same time.
And as I could see, her tounge was pierced too.
"Sweetie, I could have mistaken you for a guy if I didn't have to look twice!"
I laughed and looked at her, "Excuse me for not caring what I look like! In this town, looks are not important,
it's all attitude."
She crossed her arms and leaned on one leg, "Excuse me for trying to spice things up." She winked at me
and then looked around, "Where.. where are the mailboxes exactly? I have to grab the people who used to
live where I live mail, and then add my last name to the bored."
I raised an eyebrow at her, gripping tighter on Harley's leash. When she looked at me sincerely with those
soft green eyes I realized she was sorry, "Come on, I'll walk you there."
We reached the mailbox with little conversation, and I noticed which family was being replaced. She took
the name "Carlos" off the box and replaced it with "Adams". I opened my mailbox and grabbed out the few
letters and closed it.
"Robbinson?" She asked. "I never caught your first name." She asked as she glanced at my mailbox.
"Lina." I replied in a hush tone. I was never fond of my name.
"Lina Robbinson?" She asked.
"Yeah... you?" I asked, closeing my mailbox with my hip, regripping the leash.
"Stacy." She smiled, doing the same.
"Stacy Adams?" I laughed.
"Shut up!" She playfully pushed me and smiled.
"'aight, 'aight, sorry." I laughed and tugged Harley to stop sniffing her espadrills. She looked down at her and
bent down to pet her.
"Cute dog." She looked up and smiled at me, her eyes squinting because of the bright summer sun.
"Thanks. Well... I have to go. So I'll be seeing more of you, Miss Stacy?" I placed my hand out after putting the
mail under my arm.
She shook my hand and smiled, "Yes, Miss Lina."
Then we parted ways to our own low-rent homes.
I entered my home and my father was watching the news, he glanced at me and then the T.V.
"What?" I asked, unhooking Harley from the leash. I walked over next to him and sat down. He looked at me
again and then spoke,
"Did you hear what happend to your school?" He asked, crossing his arms. My face redend and I shivered,
"No.. what happend?" I lied. Of course I knew what happened to my school... I'm the one who caused what
happened at my school.
"The whole front yard, cafateria, and front statue of the mascot was set on fire. Damn kids." He gruffed. I
laughed a little, last night had its offers.
"So does that mean we don't go to school tomorrow?" I asked, seeing if part of my plan pulled through.
"A little roasted lunch room is not stopping kids from going to learn." He smiled. I laughed, but inside, I was
yelling. That was one of the reasons I did the stupid thing!

3:04 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Kylie Simons
As soon as I heard the word "RUN" my legs were carrying me so fast I didn't have time to look back at the mess
she made. I saw her way ahead of me and I knew she wasn't going to wait up. Same old Lina. Lina tends to
care only for herself at moments like this, unless you mean a whole lot to her. I started to slow down but my
legs weren't done yet, adrenaline pumped through my body, and it was almost as if I wasn't controlling my
running anymore. I just ran no matter what. About a mile a way I heard the police cars and I wasn't even half a
mile away from the school yet! I dodged into some trees and ran even faster. I came out into what seemed a
backyard which scared me, I had no idea where I was and I certainly was not back at the old neighborhood. But
most importantly, I lost Lina. She was probably back at her house next to mine, climbing through her window,
taking off her now-muddy addida's and falling down to a good night's sleep as I was still racing for my life to
find out where in the hell I am. I saw the back porch light turn on of this person's yard and decided to get out
of there quick. I jumped over the fence and once again I was in another backyard, so I ran and jumped another
fence only to come to another one. This was getting me no where. My body once again took over with adrenaline
and forced me back into the patch of trees and back out on the same road I was on before and the one Lina has
already ran. Once I hit that familiar graveled road, my body washed over with relief and I stopped running to stop,
well more like fall over, and rest. Dogs barked and cages raddled. I pushed myself off the ground and jogged
quickly back to my house. Before opening the cellar door to my room, I looked past the willow trees in Lina's back
yard to meet them with a stream of smoke. "Oh Lina..." I said.

9:44 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Kylie Simons
"Kylieeeee! Get up! I need someone to play doll house with!" Greta's annoying voice sparked. I opened one eye and
saw her and her messed up doll looking straight back at me.
"Greta, I'm 15. Not 6. Nice try, go ask Alice." I laughed at my little joke, then speaking of the devil, Alice walked in.
"Kylie, I'm 17. No thanks." She crossed her arms, filing her nails while holding her cell phone with her shoulder.
"Alice, I'm 15 and I've always hated dolls." I replied, leaning on my bed with my elbows.
"You're right, you loved math more than yourself." She replied, turning on her heal and walking out. I turned over
to Greta who was still staring at me with her doll.
"No, Greta." And with that I threw my sheets off myself and jumped out of my bed. I walked down the hallway into
my living room to see my 2 brothers and parents watching T.V.
"Hey, sweetie." My mother greeted me on her way to the kitchen. "Coffee?"
I returned the greeting and nodded to her offer. I sat down next to my 13 year old brother, Sean.
"'Sup stinky?" He asked, laughing. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and ignored him.
"Sean, stop it. Kylie, did you hear what happend to your school?" My father asked me as I leaned against the sofa.
"No?" I lied. I hated lying to my parents about anything but in this situation it was necessary. "What happend?"
"A portion of it caught on fire last night around 1 A.M." My mother answered, walking in and sitting down. It was
really around 2 A.M. but I'm not going to say anything.
"Oh really?" I asked, excepting the coffee from my mother. I took a sip as I thought about Lina. What she would be
thinking. Whether she's laughing or freaking out. "Hey Mom?"
"Yes, Ky?" She asked, glancing down at me from the sofa.
"Can I go hang out with Lina?" I asked, setting my coffee on the coffee table and getting up.
"Sure, hun. You sure she's up?" She asked me.
"Yeah, she's an early riser." I laughed and ran to my room to get dressed.

10:16 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Lina Robbinson
I waited outside for Kylie to come out so I could tell her about Stacy. I fidgited with my hands, tapping my feet on
the rock gravel.
"Hey.." Kylie's voice came into my hearing range. I looked up and she was walking, her hands in her back pockets,
walking slowly towards me. She sat down and spread her legs out, leaning back on my hands.
"Hi..." I replied. I didn't know what to say. Whether to start with the fact the police will most likely find out I was the
one who started that fire, talk about Stacy, or appolagizing for not waiting for her.
"Listen-" We both said at the same time. We stopped and sharred a laugh,
"You first." She said, smiling. By this time she was leaning forward, elbows on knees, and starring at me intensly. I
got red in the face and I knew it.
"Okay... I'm sorry I didn't stop and wait for you. I guess I just got so scared I didn't know what to do. My mind was
racing and my body was running... I was thinking so fast that I didnt think on what I should do with my legs. I let
my adrenaline take over that. I feel really bad for it. As soon as I got home, I freaked out. I was shaking and I felt
like I was going to faint from the lack of oxygen. I'm also sorry for not listening to you when you said you didnt like
the idea and wanted to go do something else.. I can get carried away with my thoughts sometimes that I need to
get it out of my system. Once again, I'm sorry. If we get into trouble, I'll take full blame." I breathed heavy after my
long speach. Kylie waited a few minutes then responded to my appollagy.
"Oh shut up!" She laughed, pushing me.
"What?" I asked standing up, brushing little rocks off. I sat back down next to her and waited for her to explain.
Kylie laughed and looked ahead,
"You dork, you would take the full blame anyways! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID IT!" She ruffled my short black hair,
making me yelp. I smiled and relaxed, looking up at the sky. "And... I forgive you. I was scared too. My adrenaline
also took over. I was freaking out. I even got lost in peoples back yards. When I heard about the school from my
'rents this morning, I had to see you." She wrapped her arms around me hugging my arm. I chuckled and placed a
hand on her arm.
"Okay, so I have to talk to you!" I squealed. Kylie smiled and looked at me cautiously.
"What, there some new girl you checked out?" She teased me, starting to tickle me. I laughed hard and when I
finally pushed her away I responded,
"Yes actually." I sighed, wrapping my sweatered arms around myself. "Her name's Stacy and she lives in the 'Nay."
The "'Nay" is what Kylie and I call our neighborhood. No one understands it, but that's good because it's supose to
be just between her and I.
"Oh my gosh! Tell me who, you little dirty whore!" She slapped my arm. "How could you not tell me about her earlier?!"
She was now gripping my sweatshirt, looking at me with those dark eyes.
"Well I couldn't because I just met her this morning! She's so gorgeous and she has an amazing smile & laugh." I
confessed to my best friend about my encounter with Stacy.
"Is.. is she gay?" She asked me.
"Kylie..." I sighed, looking at her.
"I'm sorry, is she 'lesbian'?" Kylie restated her last question, knowing how I feel on the "g" word. Kylie's the only one
who knows my lesbian in the 'Nay. Kids in school do, but they hardly care. I mean, an all girls school... how could it
not be bound to happen?
"Um... actually, I'm not sure? But I hope so because she is amazing!" I laughed.
Kylie laughed with me, then stood up, straightning out her brown pollo, and pulling up her blue jeans.
"Well, I have to go take Greta out to go get her costume for tonight... wanna come?" She aksed, placing her hands in
her pocket. I got up and kicked a pebble. Tonight was Halloween and I had to stay home and give out candy to all the
kids in West Philly.
"Nah. I'm ganna actually walk over to the school and see what's going on there." I said. Kylie hugged me and walked
off. I got up and looked around, I was rethinking what I told her. Should I go to the school? 'Yes.' I thought. But first, I
should change my cloths... they kind of stink.
I opened the screen door to my house and Harley jumped on me with such force, knocking me back into the door.
"Dad!" I yelled as she pushed up against me. "DAD!" I yelled even louder when I got no reply. I pushed her down and
made her sit. "Stay." I pointed at her with a stern face, and she listened to my command. I walked past the kitchen,
down the hall to his door. "Dad, open up!" I knocked. I started to get a little worried, but he could just be sleeping, so
I decided not to let my worry wash over me. I knocked a few more times, then opened the door. "Dad?" I asked, peep-
ing my head through the doorway to the cream colored room. "Dad, answer." I walked in, looking around. He wasn't
"AGH!" I screamed. I whipped around and saw standing there laughing, leaning against the wall. I punched him. "That
wasn't funny!" My father only laughed harder. I sighed at his childish ways, "Why was Harley acting all weird?" I asked.
He finally stopped to reply,
"Oh, her and I were playing and she got all excited. I hear you come through and let her run, and I hid to scare you." He
smiled at his prank.
"Jerk." I crossed my arms over my chest. He chuckled,
"I'm sorry. So what'd you need?" He asked as we walked back down the hall towards the kitchen to talk.
"Well, first I was going to tell you that I was going into town, then Harley started acting up and I wanted to know why." I
explained as he refilled Harley's bowl.
"Oh, okay bud. That's fine, just don't stay out too long because I need this house cleaned. Okay? I'm going to go get
dressed for work. I'll drive you into town." He offered.
"No, it's fine. I'll walk." I re-sured him, smiling.
"Are... are you sure? That's like a 15 minute walk!" He raised his eyebrows at me. I laughed,
"Dad, don't be rediculous, I've walked to school before, it takes me about 5-10 minutes."
"Alright, whatever."
"Plus," I added, "I think I might take my bike. Not sure." I shrugged, walking into my room to get a new change of cloths.
I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out my denim shorts and a black tank top. After dressing, I walked
out into the hot sun, looking up at the sky, I realized this was going to be a long walk.
I grabbed my bike from the side of the house and quickly jumped on it, racing behind my house, past the willow tress, crossing the bridge the goes over the muddy creek, through the patch of woods behind school, and came out onto a dirt road leading to town.
I peddled almost effortlessly, my short crimson hair swayed back behind my head, and the summer heat was perfect. I turned out onto
a paved road, passing by numerous stores of the old fashioned town until I stopped at my favorite one called Serenity's.
It's a thrift store that has very funky, cheap stuff. That familiar bell wrang as I walked through the entrance, and Serenity herself walked over to
greet me.
"Lina! Hello, it's been far too long." She hugged me, laughing as she rocked me from side to side.
"Serenity, it's only been a month!" I laughed, patting her back.
"Exactly!" The elderly woman chuckled. I was practically her only costumer in the old store. I walked over to the shoe bins and started going
through the amazingly low-priced shoes.
"Halloween's tonight, Serenity." I told Serenity as I picked up an old pair of purple cheetah print platforms. I chuckled and threw them back
down in the bin and continued rumishing.
"I'm not that old, girl." She huffed, taking my piece of information offencivly. I smiled at her and she smiled back, "What are you going to be anyways?"
I sighed and tilted my head to the side, "I'm not sure I'm going to be anything. I have to stay home and give out candy with Kylie."
"You should still do a little something! Here, get out of my store and at 2 o'clock, come back with Kylie and I'll have you two simple but
amazing outfits, okay?" She rushed me out the store.
"But- I'm not done looking for new shoes!" I protested as she shoved me out. She smiled and waved, then closed the door so hard it rattled.
I pressed my face against the glass of the door and knocked my fist against it. I knocked and knocked but then it got to the point where she
came by with her hands on her hips, shook her head, and closed the shades.
I stood back and pouted. I turned and looked around for something to do: the movies? the nearest cloths store? payless? I turned and faced
across the street. I laughed when I saw Kylie chasing little Greta around the costume store. I looked both ways before jogging acrosse the
street. I entered "Chester's Costumes Palace" and cought Greta with a surprise.
"Oh my gosh, Lina, thank you!" Kylie thanked me as she placed her hands on Greta's shoulders. She started to shake her,"Maybe next time she
should listen to me and not go running like a mad person around town!"
Greta giggled and raced back to the dressing room, "Catch me if you can!"
I laughed and shook my head. "She find the one she want?"
"Nope. Actually, I have no idea if that's the one she wants it, but she's getting that one. I'm done with this foreign princess crap." Kylie stated,
crossing her dark arms.
"Well, how about we go get some ice cream afterwords, drop Greta off at the house, then catch a movie at the Rocky Horror Movie House?"
I suggested our plans for the rest of the evening.
"Sounds good to me." Kylie shrugged, walking over to the cashier as Greta came out with her outfit.
"You didn't chase me!" The little 6 year old stomped her feet.
"You're right, I'm paying for you." Kylie winked. The cashier gave Kylie her change and thanked her as we walked out.

Walking these streets felt different. It was... strange. For starters, it was practically November, yet the sun
was as hot as it's always been. Second of all, being around Kylie felt different. Like, the whole time I am
around her, I just want to run, or do something to make myself free of her presance. Greta pulled at my arm as we walked down the old-time town,
and when I glanced at her, she knew something was wrong.
"What?" I asked.
"You look sad, what's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head.
"You're only saying that because you want to make sure we're still getting ice cream." I smiled, pushing her to the side lightly. We finally got our
ice cream, then dropped Greta off, and I walked back the same way I got to town with Kylie.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, at 2 o'clock Serenity wants us to go by and pick up our 'surprise' halloween costumes." I smiled at the stupidity of it, and then
turned to face Kylie's expression.
Kylie just smiled.
Things were so different around her now... what's happend? Walking a little further, where soon I would normally take a right down the dirt path
road to head tords the school, I turned to face the school.
"Whoa, Ky, check out all the cop cars." I said, tugging on the sleeve of her brown pollo.
Kylie stopped and turned to face the school. She huffed, then grabbed my wrist, "I don't want to get involved with that, Lina."
I skidded to a stop, and pulled my arm out of her grasp, "Come on, let's check out the damage! It'll be fun!" I started to race down the dirt path
towards the school, my flip flops smacking against my heels with every pace I did.
Faintly behind, I heard Kylie call out, "It's better on CNN!" I just laughed and continued. But once I reached the school, I soon wish that for once,
I would have listened to Kylie and not go, for things were to get worse than I would have expected.
Something I made on the Sims of Kylie and Lina!
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Points: 1190
Reviews: 32
Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:38 am
J. Wilder says...

This is a pretty long post so I didn't read the whole thing because I'm tired. What I did read held my attention enough. The only major problem I noticed were spelling/grammar errors.

Next time you might want to use spell check and also you should check out this thread on dialogue grammar.

My suggestions are in red. Some of them are correcting grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and some are cutting words that aren't necessary, or putting things in a different order that reads better in my opinion.

Prefrence: I'm sure you meant to use a different word here.

You know those times when you're sitting there in class and the teacher's intercom comes on, asking for a certain student to please come down to the front office? Then the whole class has to do their "ohhhh" act as if you're introuble when really you're going to pick up some forgotten lunch money? Well, this time, I deserved the act, as I was not going to pick up some forgotten lunch money. So by this time, you're getting that stomach turning feeling, wondering what it could be. After making your list of possibilities, you come to a decision; you're introuble. Then, your heart starts racing as you think, "Crap, what will Mom and Dad say?". Well babe, things aren't looking too pretty from here. Then it happens. The secretary takes one good look at you and then in that high pitched, snotty voice, says, "The vice principal will be with you in three
minutes." Well, this is good for two things: one, I'm seeing the vice principal, and not the
principal. Two, I have three minutes of freedom left. Joy.

Eight Days Earlier...

2:41 A.M. Sunday Morning.
"Are you seriously going to do it?"
"Of course!"
"You're going to get in so much trouble!"
"You think I don't know that?"
"So why are you going to go do it?"
"Because, it'll be funny."
"It'll be stupid."
"It'll also be irresponsible."
"Oh yeah, you're so funny."
"I know, right?"
"Come on, let's just go find something else to do."
"I like this idea better."
"You're so childish sometimes!"
"Thanks, mom. Now just keep a look out, will ya'?"
"Shut up-"

3:04 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Lina Robbinson

My l[s]o[/s]ungs burning, racing for oxygen, I opened my bedroom window and climbed in. Once in, I leaned against my wall and let my body relax. I turned my head towards the window, trying to see[s]ing[/s] if she'd made it, but all [s]that[/s] I could see was the the willow trees swaying to the breeze of the wind in my backyard. A little past them, a stream of smoke ran through the midnight clouds. I glanced at my clock next to my bed, ticking and ticking. I squinted to see what it read: 3:06 A.M. Shivers ran down my body as I recalled the night. I was so stupid to think I could pull this off for mischief night, and then leaving her behind. I shook my head, hoping to clear my thoughts, but it was as if this night was sealed into my brain, replaying itself over and over again. I pulled my muddy adidas off and thr[s]ough[/s]ew them across[s]e[/s] the room. They landed with a heavy 'thud'. I realized then, I might [s]of[/s] have woken up my dad. I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and tore off my pants, then climbed into bed. Pulling the sheets a little above my waist, I stared out my window. As I lay in bed, my school was possibly [s]being[/s] burn[s]ed[/s]ing down. And I could've done something about it, but instead, I lay in my bed, star[s]r[/s]ing out the window, my eyelids flickering closed until finally, I was asleep.

8:24 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Lina Robbinson

"You've seen Harley this morning?" my father [s]spoke[/s] asked as I sat down at the kitchen counter, glancing at
the nicely prepared dinner.

"No, Dad, I just woke up." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I picked up the plastic fork and smashed it into my scrapple, only to see it break into tinier pieces. I retried and after a few more, I switched to a spoon and scooped the scrapple into my mouth.

"You okay there, bud?" My dad came up, stealing a piece of my toasted bread.

"You cook me breakfast, yet you steal it?" I smiled up at him as he chomped away on my piece of bread. He threw the half eaten piece back on my paper plate and walked over the fridge. "Yeah, I'm fine, Dad."

He gulped down some orange juice from the carton. "Just making sure." [color=red][s]He said after gulping down some orange juice from the carton.[/s]

He walked down the hallway and closed his bedroom door shortly after. As soon as a I heard the door lock, I spit the food that remained in my mouth out on the plate and set the plate down on the floor. Then I walked over to the back door and under the back porch to get Harley so that she could finish the rest of my breakfast.

I opened my closet door and grabbed out a box that was hidden under blankets and bags. I sat on my bedroom floor and opened the box, pulling out one of many slim fast bars. I ate my "breakfast" and then closed everything up, hid back the box, and walked out to pick up the empty paper plate to throw out. I pulled on my pants and sweatshirt from the previous night over [s]top[/s] my boxers and [s]pulled on the same sweatshirt from last night over top my[/s] undershirt, grabbed a leash, and hooked Harley up to it to walked outside.

I walked down the gravel road, rounding the other one story, low rent, I-can't-afford-my-bills homes. I like this description of the neighborhood. Harley wagged her tail excit[s]ing[/s]edly and ran a little faster then my legs could carry me [s]when finally[/s] until I bumped into a girl.

"Sorry," she said softly, tucking a lock of golden hair behind her repeatedly pierced ear. Her long sea green skirt blew backwards, outlining her long legs. Her short, white blouse showed off some of her tan belly, along with her belly button piercing that sparkled in the sunlight. Her espadrills What are espadrills? I looked it up on dictionary.com but it wasn't there. were tied with a soft hint of sensitivity, and her green eyes [s]had appollagy glarring within them[/s] were apologetic.

I realized how stupid I looked laying on the ground, my knees in the air, leaning back on my elbows. Plus, I looked like crap anyways. I jumped up and brushed some of the gravel off my butt, blushing. "It's fine. I'm always falling. Not that I'm retarted, just clumsy." I nervously laughed. Harley sat down impatiently, her ears up and head tilted. Her brown coat of fur was shiny in the sunlight. The [s]random[/s] girl [s]I happened to bump into[/s] laughed as I stared at my dog, but I had a feeling she was laughing at my stupidity.

"Well, I have to go to the mail boxes, so... bye." She waved, her quiet voice making me glance away from my dog at her.

"Oh, I was doing the same thing... why are you going that way?" I asked, realizing she was walking back towards my house, and the mail boxes were the direction she was coming from.

"I thought.. oh damnet." She softly pouted. I laughed as she looked cute when she got flustered.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm new here and everything is so goddamn confusing!"

I laughed a little harder now; she didn't seem one for cursing.

"Now does mother dearest know about all those holes on your body? Or are you a naughty little play it
safe type of girl?" I laughed. This doesn't seem to make sense, since "naughty" and "play it safe" seem more like opposites than things that go together.

She pouted and placed one graceful hand on her hip. "Well you're one to judge!"

I stopped laughing and looked at her. "What does that mean?"

She started laughing at my confusion now. Her laugh wasn't heavily obnoxious nor too light. It was one of those brought-from-the-chest laughs, that looked like she was smiling and chuckling at the same time. And as I could see, her tounge was pierced too.

"Sweetie, I could have mistaken you for a guy if I didn't have to look twice!"

I laughed and looked at her. "Excuse me for not caring what I look like! I like this contrast of how she claims to be compared to how she really is, since we know she cares about her appearance from the slim fast thing. In this town, looks are not important, it's all attitude."

She crossed her arms and leaned on one leg. "Excuse me for trying to spice things up." She winked at me and then looked around. "Where.. where are the mailboxes exactly? I have to grab the people who used to live where I live mail, and then add my last name to the boar[color=red][s]e[/s]d."

I raised an eyebrow at her, gripping tighter on Harley's leash. When she looked at me sincerely with those soft [color=red][s]green[/s]
eyes I realized she was sorry.

"Come on, I'll walk you there," I said.

We reached the mailbox with little conversation, and I noticed which family was being replaced. She took the name "Carlos" Is "Carlos" a real last name? I've only heard it as a first name. off the box and replaced it with "Adams". I opened my mailbox, [s]and[/s] grabbed [s]out[/s] the few letters and closed it.

She glanced at my mailbox. "Rob[s]b[/s]inson?[s]" She asked. "[/s]I never caught your first name." [s]She asked as she glanced at my mailbox.[/s]

"Lina," I replied in a hush tone. I was never fond of my name.

"Lina Rob[s]b[/s]inson?" she asked.

"Yeah... you?" I asked, clos[s]e[/s]ing my mailbox with my hip, regripping the leash.

"Stacy." She smiled, doing the same. This implies that she is also gripping a leash.

"Stacy Adams?" I laughed.

"Shut up!" She playfully pushed me and smiled.

"'aight, 'aight, sorry." I laughed and tugged Harley to stop sniffing her espadrills. S[s]he[/s]tacy looked down at her and
bent down to pet her.

"Cute dog." She looked up and smiled at me, her eyes squinting because of the bright summer sun.

"Thanks. Well... I have to go. So I'll be seeing more of you, Miss Stacy?" I placed my hand out after putting the mail under my arm.

She shook my hand and smiled. "Yes, Miss Lina."

Then we parted ways to our own low-rent homes.

[s]I entered my home and m[/s]My father was watching the news,[/s]. When I entered he glanced at me and then the T.V.

"What?" I asked, unhooking Harley from the leash. I walked over next to him and sat down.

He looked at me again. [s]and then spoke,[/s]"Did you hear what happened to your school?" he asked, crossing his arms. My face reddened and I shivered.

"No.." I lied. "What happend?" [s]I lied.[/s] Of course I knew what had happened to my school... I[s]'m[/s] was the one who'd caused what'd happened at my school.

"The whole front yard, cafateria, and front statue of the mascot was set on fire. Damn kids," he said gruff[s]ed[/s]ly. I
laughed a little; last night had its offers. I think "offers" is the wrong word here.

"So does that mean we don't go to school tomorrow?" I asked, seeing if part of my plan pulled through.

"A little roasted lunch room is not stopping kids from going to learn." He smiled. I laughed, but inside, I was yelling. That was one of the reasons I did the stupid thing!

3:04 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Kylie Simons

As soon as I heard the word "RUN" my legs were carrying me so fast I didn't have time to look back at the mess she'd made. I saw her way ahead of me and I knew she wasn't going to wait up. Same old Lina. Lina tends to care only for herself at moments like this, unless you mean a whole lot to her. I started to slow down but my legs weren't done yet, adrenaline pumped through my body, and it was almost as if I wasn't controlling my running anymore. I just ran no matter what. About a mile a way I heard the police cars and I wasn't even half a mile away from the school yet! I dodged into some trees and ran even faster. I came out into what seemed like a backyard, which scared me. I had no idea where I was and I certainly was not back [s]at[/s] in the old neighborhood. But most importantly, I'd lost Lina. She was probably back at her house next to mine, climbing through her window, taking off her now-muddy adidas and falling down to a good night's sleep as I was still racing for my life to find out where in the hell I am. I saw the back porch light turn on [s]of[/s] in this person's yard and decided to get out of there quick. I jumped over the fence and once again I was in another backyard, so I ran and jumped another fence only to come to another one. This was getting me nowhere. My body once again took over with adrenaline and forced me back into the patch of trees and back out on the same road I was on before and the one Lina ha[s]s[/s]d already ran. Once I hit that familiar graveled road, my body washed over with relief and I stopped [s]running to stop[/s], well more like f[s]a[/s]ell over, [s]and[/s] to rest. Dogs barked and cages ra[s]dd[/s]ttled. I pushed myself off the ground and jogged quickly back to my house. Before opening the cellar door to my room, I looked past the willow trees in Lina's back yard to meet them with a stream of smoke. "Oh Lina..." I said.

9:44 A.M. : Sunday Morning : Kylie Simons

"Kylieeeee! Get up! I need someone to play doll house with!" Greta's annoying voice sparked. I opened one eye and saw her and her messed up doll looking straight back at me.

"Greta, I'm [s]15[/s] fifteen. Not [s]6[/s] six. Nice try, go ask Alice." I laughed at my little joke, then speaking of the devil, Alice walked in.

"Kylie, I'm [s]17[/s] seventeen. No thanks." She crossed her arms, filing her nails while holding her cell phone with her shoulder. How is she filing her nails with her arms crossed?

"Alice, [s]I'm 15 and[/s] I've always hated dolls." I [s]replied,[/s] lean[s]ing[/s]ed on my bed with my elbows.

"You're right, you loved math more than yourself." She [s]replied,[/s] turn[s]ing[/s]ed on her heal and walk[s]ing[/s]ed out. I turned over to Greta, who was still staring at me with her doll.

"No, Greta." [s]And w[/s]With that I threw off my sheets [s]off myself[/s] and jumped out of [s]my[/s] bed. I walked down the hallway into my living room to see my [s]2[/s] two brothers and parents watching T.V.

"Hey, sweetie," my mother greeted me on her way to the kitchen. "Coffee?"

I returned the greeting and nodded to her offer. I sat down next to my [s]13[/s] thirteen year old brother, Sean.

"'Sup, stinky?" he asked, laughing. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and ignored him.

"Sean, stop it. Kylie, did you hear what happend to your school?" my father asked me as I leaned against the sofa.

"No?" I lied. I hated lying to my parents about anything but in this situation it was necessary. "What happened?"

"A portion of it caught on fire last night around 1 A.M." my mother answered, walking in and sitting down. It was
really around 2 A.M. but I'm not going to say anything.

"Oh really?" I asked, ac[s]ex[/s]cepting the coffee from my mother. I took a sip [s]as I[/s] and thought about Lina. What she would be thinking. Whether she's laughing or freaking out. "Hey Mom?"

"Yes, Ky?" she asked, glancing down at me from the sofa.

"Can I go hang out with Lina?" I asked, setting my coffee on the coffee table and getting up.

"Sure, hun. You sure she's up?" [s]She asked me.[/s]

"Yeah, she's an early riser." I laughed and ran to my room to get dressed.

The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.
— Walter Benjamin