
Young Writers Society

I lost my best friend today.

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Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:28 am
MandaPanda1031 says...

Spoiler! :
Please read all of this spoiler This is 100% true. My best friend got taken from the school today, I miss her teribly and according to the school consler, she isn't coming back, I love my best friend, she makes me, well, me. Even though you don't know her, please, keep her in your prayers. I need my best friend back, I don't know what I would do with out her. I had to write this to get my feelings out, I wrote it when I was sure that I had cried it all away evne though I did shed a few tears while I wrote about the part where I was telling her how much she ment to me. I will be sending this to her by mail if I ever hear from her again, you have no idea how hard this is. Thank you for reading.

I lost my best friend today. I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again.
Today started great. We had choir and our teacher was gone so we got to watch a movie instead. I don’t know if something happened at your house the night before because you and Camille were both a bit cranky. I was glad it was Friday, glad for a weekend after a long week of testing, I think you were too, but little did you know you wouldn’t be coming home that night.
Our day continued until I had to go to language class. Rachel asked me if I knew what happened to Camille. I was confused until Larissa told me Mr. Clause had taken you from testing earlier that day. Rachel commented again saying she saw him and Mrs. Wrasse taking everything out of your lockers.
Cassy, Larissa, Rachel, and I ran down the hall to Camille’s locker, even though the bell had already rung. Her white board was missing and in that moment, my heart seemed to skip a beat. I burst out in tears, never did I think I would be sad to see that white board missing. It may have been extremely unnessasary for Camille to post the fact that Bobo, the family’s cat, was missing on the outside of her locker, but the white board being there in that moment was to important to think about what it had contained. We ran back to class, I was the only one in tears, I guess you weren’t as liked here as I thought you were. I mean, you were a bit quite, never really putting yourself into our conversations, but in that moment I missed you incredibly like I thought I could never miss anyone before.
With my head down, tears rolling from my eyes, I didn’t hear one word Mrs. Erikson had to say that hour. I walked aimlessly to literature, knowing the words sprawled across the page in the book we had been reading would mean nothing today. Instead I watched my tears stain the ink covered pages for the first five minutes of class before confronting the teacher. He came out into the hall with me and Rachel and I explained the situation. He told us he knew nothing, but called Mrs. Wrasse downstairs and she agreed to meet with us.
We gathered our things and walked down the stairs witch seemed extremely empty without you by my side. I glanced at the wall and noticed your ‘Proud’ project was missing, it was a simple thing, but it represented the fact that I might never see you again. The hall way that was really only a few feet long seemed like hundreds of miles. Rachel and I were silent as we made our way to Mrs. Wrasse’s office and she greeted us and handed me a box of tissues for my running eyes.
She simpliy asked us what we knew in an annoyed kind of voice. I told her about Jade, she was my best friend until she moved across the county. I told her you were my only good friend, I knew Candy and Mary were trying to adopt you. Rachel inturupted and started to explain how we came to the conclusion that you were gone. She told us the social workers had a meeting with you and Candy. I can’t believe that I fell for that. She said you had to discuss a new plan and that they had to empty your lockers in case you didn’t return. I cried harder and she seemed even more annoyed.
As much as I seemed to ignore you, you were my best friend. Before this, I never knew how fast you could lose everything. I miss you with all my heart. It feels like there is something inside my chest that needs to explode, causing my body to break into a million tiny pieces. I don’t have anyone now. I am alone. You must be scared. I am sad, and also scared for you, I am confused. I don’t know when you will come back. Salina, I never knew how much you ment to me. I always thought if the next day you were to disappear, it would be ok, but I’m not ok. I feel dead inside. My other half is missing. Something about me is completely wrong. You gave my soul a spark Salina, you gave it something it didn’t have before and now that you are gone, it is as well. I am a sad depressed person now, if you compared me to the old me and to the me I am now, you would see a spunky happy girl and a lonely girl who sits in the corner waiting for something that will never come. I can not be repaired, I am broken, the only way I will ever be fixed is to be reunited with you.
I will be truthful, I used to think Jade was the best person in the world, but when she left, I didn’t shed one tear. I had been her best friend for nearly five years, and yours for only one yet I can’t live without you. Before you, I was happy, when you came, I was even happier, and now that you are gone, I can’t restore the happy I had before you, I am only sad. I want you to come back. I miss your laugh. The way you wrote your last name, how you walked! I miss the stupid arguments we used to have, how you could laugh at everything and make me laugh as well. I miss everything about you, but most importantly, I miss that you were there for me. This is the hardest thing I have ever gone through, but this time, nobody is here to tell me it will be OK. Nobody is by my side to tell me that tomorrow will be better. I am alone, but you must be twice as alone.
We called Candy tonight. She told us a cop had come to the house and said the state of Minnesota was taking you away. She said she had no clue where you were, the social workers wouldn’t tell her. I prayed 5,000,000,000 times that you were safe and that you would return home. I simply can’t survive without you. I am not me anymore. I am someone entirely different. I just hope you have been able to contact Candy. I know she will do anything in her power to get you back. She loves you, I can tell. Even though Mrs. Wrasse said you probably would never go to school here again, I still have hope, she can never know. Obviously if she thought you were going to a meeting and was wrong, she could be wrong about you not coming back, right? I will keep praying, I have told so many people, you are gone but if they pray, you may come back. We all are praying. You will return safely, you will come home. We all miss you now that you are gone. If you don’t come back, I will leave her to come searching for you. Salina, I love you will all of my heart and I miss you. Never forget me, your friend, Amanda.

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Gender: Female
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Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:35 am
MandaPanda1031 says...

reading this over myself I see millions of mistakes, but I wrote it fast, I was sad, and I am not going to fix it, I just needed to get this out there. I needed people to hear my story, I need people to pray! I am determined my friend will come back, but only if we can help her. The only way to help is to pray, God will take care of the rest. Please you can nit pick this, I don't care, get points, but please, even if you don't believe in God, this little girl and her family have never had a real mom. They deserve to be adopted, please pray for them.

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Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:08 am
AngelKnight900 says...

I remembered getting my Seventeen magazine early last month and there was a section about girls who went missing and some who just ran away and to me, it was very scary to know that these girls just magically disappeared and what ached the most was that their friends and family were telling this story and even though it was simply written on paper, I felt like they were talking to me and it just made me more sad. I'm sure that through a lot of prayer and hope and faith, your friend will come back. I'm sure she's somewhere out there and she's probably thinking about you. Also, if you're allowed, maybe start a movement at your school or start posting online or write a letter to someone about your friend. Keep fighting.
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Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:04 pm
theotherone says...

Hello there. :)

I am so sorry for what happened to you. I don't know what it feels like to loose someone so suddenly and not have time to say goodbye or even know that she was gone. That she is alive somewhere in the world but don't know where. It must be horrible.

Here are some nitpicks I found.
I am alone, but you must be even more alone.

I think this sounds better.
Salina, I love you with all of my heart and I miss you.

Overall, this story are really emotional, and I could really feel what you are feeling through your words, which is fantastic. I love the fact that we always read those stories from the people that are taken away, and that is not the case with your story. That fact that it is a true story that happened to you is wonderful, it makes it all the more believable and beautiful.

Keep up the good work, and I will pray for her.

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:37 am
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inthebeginning says...

Wow, that was amazing. I'm not going to pick up on grammar or anything like that, because I figure a) You don't care and b) You've probably already found the mistakes.

I was a bit confused though with what actually happened to her? Where did she go? Your other friends names confused me, and I don't understand who Candy is? Apart from that I thought that the emotion in this piece was unbelievable, I was nearly in tears by the end of this. And you managed to portray your feelings so well that I feel almost as if a piece of me was lost with this girl also.

I will be sure to keep her in my thoughts and prayers, please let us know if you find out anything else about her. God bless x

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