
Young Writers Society

Pandora's Box

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:52 am
Snoink says...

In her dreams, she holds a box. It is a blue box, wrapped in a deep velvet, embossed with little stars and moons. There is no lock, but all around the box, there are silver hooks which shut it tight.

And the inside?

She doesn’t know what it looks like.


He comes up to her when she is sleeping, her arms curled around her head. It looks as if she is trying to hide away from something, something that she wants to escape, something that plagues her, something that... he doesn’t understand. He creeps to her, his eyes curving around her naked body.

“Love,” he whispers.

She flinches at his word.

“Love?” He creeps closer to her and breathes ambrosia in her pale cheeks. Slowly she opens her eyes, so slowly that her lashes lift up like lazy black butterflies.

At first, she doesn’t see him. He is standing in the sunlight and she blinks, not knowing whether she was awake or still in the darkness of the dream. It is only a minute later when she notices him. Her lips round and she quickly hides her breasts with one arm and reaches for her chiton with the other.

“Stop that.”

She regards him for a long moment and stops, propping herself up so she could see him better. “Who are you?” she whispers. Her voice trembles.

He looks down at her and then frowns, kneeling down to her level. “Don’t you know me?” he murmurs, letting two fingers race across her neck.

Her skin bristles and she shakes her head desperately. “Let me go,” she whispers, but he ignores her. Instead, he takes her hand, both hands, and draws her closer to him.

“Don’t you know me?”

She is in his lap now, her breast close to his, and each breath comes out as a stifled tornado. She moans. And her heartbeat throbs so much that she is afraid that she will break.

“I love you,” he whispers. His kisses feel like fuzzy moths hovering over her cheeks and lips and he is so close that he eclipses the sun. Everything is dark, everything is dark except for his eyes. They sparkle.

“Oh God, please don’t, please don’t,” she begs.

He sets her on the grass, still kissing her gently. “Come with me,” he says. “Anesidora, come with me.” For a moment, she tenses and digs her fingernails into the dirt, relishing the feeling of the grass cutting into her wrists and the dirt wedging into her fingernails. And then, as he climbs up her, her body constricts.

“No,” she whispers. “Please, no.”

“I love you,” he says, kissing her once more. Her body fights to relax. She gasps and struggles underneath him, but her struggle only rips up the green and pulls her closer to the earth. She is burying herself.

The thought terrifies her.

It is a relief when he picks her up and carries her in his arms. The sun blinds her, dazzles her, and she hides in his robes. He smells like metal and blood and he is so human that she wants to cry.

“It’ll be all right,” he whispers, nuzzling his cheek in hers. “Everything will be all right. Come, let carry you home...”


The grass is gone.

That’s all she can think. Her fingernails are clean now, darkened red and perfect, and her hands smell like soap. She looks like soap too, she is so pale and soft that when people see her, they gasp and reach out to touch her, hoping that her touch would save them. But she simply slips away.

She likes to slip away. She likes to hide from the visitors that come and come and come to meet with him. When they come they talk so much that their lips hang off their mouths and their skin nervously flaps around. They are scared and bitter and they hate him. She doesn’t know why he insists on seeing them. She would rather be alone. She likes to look at paintings of ducks and geese and pheasants flying. They are in the wilderness and it is wild and the grass is so thick and gold that she wonders if she could just jump and disappear into the gold.

Or maybe she already has.

She looks around the room and shivers. It is gold. There is gold trim, gold coins, gold candlesticks with stubby unlit candles, and gold chalices, full of wine, and it’s cold and gold and she wants to die.

He is there. He is counting the gold with fancy scientific devices, his face screwed up so much that she knows he is thinking. He looks gold too. He is wearing gold robes and he has a gold crown and his fingers are weighted with so much gold that she wonders whether those were actually the fingers that touched her.

She wonders if he sees her. She is wearing his clothes, a blue velvet robe embossed with silver stars and moons. When he put it on her, she protested, but he only put his finger on her lips. “It matches your eyes,” he whispered.

He is measuring out silver when she finally dares to move. “You said you wanted to give me something?” she asks, looking around the cold metal. He looks up to her and smiles.

“Later,” he says.

“I want to go home.” Her voice is trembling.

He is quiet. With one hand, he feels silver. With the other, he is not doing anything. She is transfixed by these fingers, how they curl even when they are not moving and how, with every breath, they seem to flex with an unnatural power. “It is not time yet.”

He returns to the gold.


She likes it best when he is sleeping. He snores so loud that she can’t hear what she is thinking. She can’t feel anything either. She is tied up so tightly in his arms that she can never get free. But she cannot think about this. She can’t think about anything, and she sighs blissfully before her eyelashes close and she sleeps. She sleeps and as she dreams, she dreams of spring and beauty and fauns dancing around and music, music so wondrous that it paralyzes her and makes her throat turn raw until all she can do is scream. And she screams and it echoes echoes echoes across the valley and for once, she is not a part of nature--she is nature and her body loses shape until she and Gaia combine until they are one and she is all.

It is only when the owl hoots do her eyelashes open up and she realizes that she is here with a monster who drools in his sleep and when he talks, half-awake, he speaks tender words and his voice ruffles against her skin until she is one with him and one...

He stirs in his sleep, and as he moves, she hovers over him. “What could you give me?” she asks. “What could you possibly give me?”

He smiles at this question and pulls her closer, his breath smelling of ambrosia and milk. “My heart,” he murmurs before falling back.


Evening came and morning followed.

She is sitting in his clothes on the marble floors, fidgeting. He is gone for the moment, for another important matter, and he has left her behind, fidgeting, wondering why she is there. She glances over the stone floors, letting her fingers trace the cracks, and shivers.

There are people waiting for him to return, waiting him to come back to them so that they talk. They tap their feet impatiently and talk to each other in angry, hurried voices about nothing in particular. She listens to their voices dance together and wonders what they could possibly want to talk about.

A woman glides past her, and then another, staring at her like she is a part of the floor, like she is a guilty seed that has somehow sprung a flower in the middle of a Roman cathedral. She cannot bear to look at them. They are too beautiful and her heart ties itself into knots whenever she sees even the tips of their sandals.

“Anesidora?” she says.

She pretends not to hear it.

“She is a stupid one,” one of the women says. “She is not suitable for our purposes. She will bungle the whole process.”

“But she is beautiful...”

“That doesn’t matter.”

They spend another minute looking at her. Finally, the second gives a low whistle. “He seems to think she can do it though,” she says thoughtfully. “ He seems to think she is perfect for the job.”

“He is wrong.”

Her stomach pulses and she tries to curl up, tries to wither away from them, but they only talk louder. “We shouldn’t have made her,” the first one says. “We never should have made her. Look at her now. She can never be equal to us.”

“But she is beautiful...”


When they are gone, she tries to kill herself. She slams her head into the wall again and again and again until she is faint and all she can do is collapse. She wanted to go, she wanted to go... when he comes back, she keeps telling him that. But he ignores her, telling her that it is all right, it is all right...

She asks him if he wants to give her misery.

He shakes his head.


He treats her better after that. He dolls her up in golden dresses and golden bracelets and golden necklaces until she is chained in gold and cannot move.

When he brings her to the mirror, she stares at herself. The gold dress has given her is bright and makes her face seem washed out and pale. And she feels hot. She wants to pat her cheeks, she wants to put water on her so she can be cleansed and cool, but two gold bracelets pin down her arms.

“Turn around,” he says, and she obeys, spinning in a slow circle, her eyes shut tight as if she knows better than to orbit the room. For a minute, it is quiet. Then he whispers, “You look beautiful.”

She glances at his face from the silver mirror and shudders. He is looking at her, he is looking at her like he is going to eat her and she wonders if he will. She closes her eyes tightly.

“I want to go home,” she says.

“You can’t.”

“Let me go home,” she pleads.

It is silent. She can feel the sizzle of his stare. She shudders. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll kill you.”

He hesitates at her voice. “No you won’t.”

A fire leaps in her eyes and she nods vigorously. “I will, I will!” She jumps up and throws off her bracelets, trying desperately to tear off the gown. “I’ll kill you and then it’ll be all right and everything will be all right--”

He grabs her arms.

For a moment, she stares at him surprised, and then she tries to twist herself away, screaming, begging, pleading, but she can’t move. She can’t move underneath his grasp, and he knows it. He grimaces and twists harder, harder, until the rings on her fingers ache and she can only gasp.

“Do you want to go home?”

“Oh please don’t, God, please don’t...”

“Do you want to go home?”

She stares at him at his sharp eyes and shakes her head. “I’m sorry,” she adds, “I’m sorry.”

He ignores her and drags her out to the hallway and down the stairs, her body thumping hard each step they go down. She screams for help, for somebody to save her, but...

She lands.

For a couple of minutes, he just stares at her from the top, watching her huddle down protectively. Then he comes down, step by step, each footstep rattling her heart so much that she thinks she will die...

He comes to her. First, he nudges her with his foot and then he checks her pulse. “Look what you’ve done,” he whispers.

She shudders.

He moves her body around and strips off her clothes, his hands moving skillfully over her face, ribs, her breasts...

“Your ribs are broken,” he finally grunts, standing up.

“Please,” she whispers.

For a minute, he watches her, his eyes filled with regret. Then, carefully, he picks her up and cradles her in his arms. She gasps, but he kisses her face.

“It’ll be all right, it’ll be all right...”


She doesn’t have any dreams when she lies in her room. Everything is real. Fauns dance around her and sunlight streams from the ceiling and she is free from all the gold. She tries to smile, tries to join them, but she can’t move. She is paralyzed. But the fauns don’t mind this. They sing and dance and come to her, stroking her hands with their curly lamb hair and laughing. They love to laugh.

She likes it best when they hop on her and fuck her hard. It is a relief to feel and her fingers twitch and a smile creeps up her face...

And then it goes dark and all she can see is Him.

“You’re a little whore, aren’t you?” It is not condescending, it is a statement. He sounds bored. “You’ve been squeaking all day.”

She tries to move, tries to tell him what happened, tries to tell him that the fauns are better than he is, and they would always be better, but as she does, pain erupts in her lungs and she can’t breathe can’t breathe can’t breathe...

“You’ll be off the morphine soon,” he says, tying off her arm. A sharp jab and pain and then relief. Once more she is surrounded by dancing fauns.


He’s always there when they abandon her, but she can never see him. It is too dark. But sometimes she can hear him, breathing softly, so softly, until he sighs. And his sigh is so slow, so deep, that she can hear the ocean roar with every breath he takes. It is soothing.

With an effort, she stretches out her arm to him, and she can feel his fingers interlocked with hers.

“I love you,” she whispers.

He is quiet.


She cannot stand at first when the morphine wears off. When she tries, her legs wobble underneath and she falls to the floor. And her body shakes so badly that she wonders whether she’ll be able to get up at all. With a sob, she pulls herself using the bedpost and staggers up, dizzy.

She is alone.

Her heartbeat quickens as she turns to the door and stumbles out. She can’t see and her ears are throbbing. And her hands are shaking so badly that she thinks her fingernails will fall off. One step and she collapses. She is alone, trapped outside of her room, and there is no going back. She licks the salt that hangs off her lips and cries.

There are footsteps. “What are you doing?”

It is him.

She is petrified and all she can do is stare at him. He sees her, broken on the floor, and frowns, leaning over and cradling her in his arms. With a couple of steps, he is back in her room. With a couple more, she is back in her bed. He tucks in the covers.

“You shouldn’t go anywhere,” he says. “It’s not safe.”

She wants to ask him where he’s been. She wants to ask him why he abandoned her. In the back of her mind, she remembers the people, all the people that come to see him. He talks to them. She wonders whether he’ll ever talk to her.

He moves to leave and a surge of panic shoots through her. He’ll leave her again, leave her for all the other people, just when she needs it most, and he won’t be there for her. He won’t be there. She points to her arm desperately, mouthing, “More.” He shakes his head.

“Go to sleep.”

She sticks the arm in his face.

“What do you want me to do with it?” he says. His voice is impassive.

“Help me,” she whispers.

“Go back to bed.”


When she wakes up, she hears him. She is cold and drugged up and she can barely move. The rib next to her heart throbs so loudly that she thinks she is going deaf because of it, yet she can hear him clearly. He is in the other room, talking in a low voice to someone else... she doesn’t know who. She staggers up, her motions clumsy, and stumbles to the door.

Her fingers won’t move. She closes them around the doorknob, but her fingers feel limp. And she feels so drugged...

She opens the door.

She has come to a fairyland. Grass is at her feet and a wind wisps by, bending the stalks so slightly that it seems like she is in an ocean of green. It is green, everything is green save for the buttercups and poppies scattered everywhere. A faun comes up to her and bows, his neat cloven feet dancing, inviting her to go with him. Grinning, he takes out his pan flute, but all she can hear is his voice. His voice has become the song and his breathing her rhythm. He is all there is to life.

The faun disappears.

She is in a dingy hallway and all she can hear is his voice. And then her laugh. She freezes. One step, two step, three step, stumble, right, one step, two, three, stumble, fall. Lie. Get up, stumble up, fall, fall on the floor. Face flat. She cannot get up. She can never get up. She cries for the faun again, but he is gone. He left and now there is him, only him, and that terrifies her.

He opens the door. He opens the door to see what the noise is and when he sees her, helpless on the ground, he frowns. “You shouldn’t be there,” he hisses. Then a woman, another woman, an unknown woman, comes next to him.

Anesidora hates her. The woman is beautiful and even though gold adorns her clothes and hair and body, it doesn’t chain her down. It only makes her float and as Anesidora watches her, the woman does float, to his side, to her side... and she is so beautiful. Her skin is pale but the gold doesn’t overwhelm it and instead warms up her flesh so that it seems to burn with heat and Anesidora wants to press her face into the woman’s soft breasts. But she knows this is impossible and, if Anesidora touched her, her clay fingers would burn until they would harden until only ashes were left.

“Who is she?” the woman asks of her. Of her, the fallen woman, the dead woman.

“Never mind,” he says quickly. “Never mind her. She is just another one.”

“You’ve betrayed me,” Anesidora whispers. She is surprised it sounds so calm. “You’ve killed me.” The man looks vaguely uncomfortable. He looks to the other woman for guidance and she just shrugs.

“Do what you must,” she says.

He only nods.


He watches the woman retreat into his bedroom before turning back to Anesidora, an unreadable expression on his face. “Come on,” he whispers, tiptoeing closer to her. “Let me take you back to bed.”

Anesidora shakes her head, smiling. “You’ve killed me,” she says.

“You’ve killed yourself.”

“How long have you known her?” When he doesn’t answer, she sits up and her vision spins. The faun is laughing at her. He is laughing at her and all she can see is his dancing cloven feet and all she can hear is his wild laughter. He has disappeared and she wonders if he is just another drug-induced fantasy.

Her mind is spinning. She clutches her head. And then the tears come and she cries, cradling her body with her arms and shaking so much that goose bumps erupt on her flesh and she is shivering, shivering so hard that she wonders if she’ll just pass out. She hopes she’ll pass out. Through her tears, she can see him in the dingy hallway and he looks so golden and majestic with the dingy backdrop of his cavernous palace that it just makes her want to cry harder because she realizes that she doesn’t belong, that she is just another woman, and that terrifies her. She needs him.

And yet she crawls away from him. She is crawling away from him, her eyes fixated on his shoes, wondering if there could be any cloven toes hidden and that the laughter that burns in her ears is his. But he is silent. He watches her crawl away from him, across the hallway. To the staircase...

She hopes that he will stop her, that he will recognize the danger, but he says nothing, and with her heart about to burst, she lets herself slide down the stairs, step by step. First step, grass is at his feet. Second step, buttercups blossom out of his shoes. Third step and the walls transform into the sky.

Fourth step and he becomes the sky.

But the stairs were still hard and splinters steal into her knuckles as she slips down the stairs, ever so slowly into the dark cavern below. And she is still crying, she is sobbing, her tears making him blurry and indistinct.

He doesn’t need her.

“You’re making a mistake,” he says, just as she reaches the last stair and stands up on shaking legs. “You should come back.”

She shakes her head and stumbles to the door.

“Why not?”

She hesitates.

“I love you.”

A cry comes out of her throat and she lunges to the staircase, her eyes fiery. “You said you would give me your heart!” she cries, clutching her chest and collapsing into the floor. But he ignores her.

“You’re being unreasonable,” he says.

“Oh God! Can’t you see why? Can’t you see why?”

“Come back to me.”

She only shakes her head, her shoulders collapsing. “You know I can’t,” she says. “Oh God, you know I can’t.” With one last shudder, she walks to the door and opens it. “Goodbye,” she whispers, the words I love you stuck on her lips.

He cries and moves to stop her, but it is too late. She walks out and it is hopeless. She is gone. She is gone.


It is hopeless.
Last edited by Snoink on Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:25 am, edited 8 times in total.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:35 am
lone-flower says...

Wow. Just... wow. That was very beautiful. I loved every bit of it!

Now, though I don't want to, here come the criticisms :twisted: :

She flinches at [s]his[/s] the word.

With one hand, he feels silver in his hand and the other he is not doing anything.

This was awkwardly phrased. Maybe try, One of his hands feels silver while the other is idle

Evening came and morning followed.

You changed your tense here.

She wanted to go, she wanted to go...

And here.

When he brings her to the mirror, she stares at herself. The gold dress he has given her is bright and makes her face seem washed out and pale. And she feels hot. She wants to pat her cheeks, she wants to put water on her so she can be cleansed and cool, but two gold bracelets pin down her arms.

pain erupts in her lungs and she can’t breathe can’t breathe can’t breathe...

can't breathe, can't breathe, can't breathe...

He is in the other room, talking in a low voice to someone else... [s]she[/s] She doesn’t know who.

She has come to a fairyland. Grass is at her feet and a wind wisps by, bending the stalks so slightly that it seems like she is in an ocean of green. [s]It is green,[/s] everything is green save for the buttercups and poppies scattered through the land.

She is in a dingy hallway and all she can hear is his voice. And then her[/] laugh. She freezes. One step, two steps, three steps, stumble, right, one step, two, three, stumble, fall. Lie. Get up, stumble up, fall, fall on the floor. Face flat. She cannot get up. She can never get up. She cries for the faun again, but he is gone. He left and now there is him, only him, and that terrifies her.

But she knows this is impossible and, if Anesidora touched her, her clay fingers would burn [s]until they would[/s] and harden until only ashes were left.

Her mind is spinning. She clutches her head. And then the tears come and she cries


“Goodbye,” she whispers, the words “I love you”stuck on her lips.

Since the words weren't said, it would look better italicized without the quotes.

These were a lot, but don't mind that. I really loved this. I really do.
They tell me I'm a lazy lump of waste.

I'm just too humble to show them my genius :D

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:51 am
PenguinAttack says...

Well now, wasn't this just the piece of amazing I told you it would be? ^^ *gloats* I know all the coolest things.


I find that Line-Flower is right about this line:

"With one hand, he feels silver in his hand and the other he is not doing anything."

You initial repetition of "hand" is odd, the first before the comma becomes redundant. Her suggestion is a good one, although I think I like "With one hand he feels silver, and with the other he does nothing" - or something of the like. ^^

Other then that, I thought this was basically fantastic. I love the change, the growth in her and the courage coupled with destruction in her leaving. Quite fantastic.

"can't breathe, can't breathe, can't breathe..."

Perhaps part of my favourite line. I think it shows, beautifully, her feelings. It's little humanisms like this that make it that extra bit real for the reader. Things that allow us to feel as though that broken child could be us. That said, I like all your repetitions, the little ones and the large that seem out of place but work so well when considering the individual in question.

I didn't see any issue with the tenses. They all made sense and it continued to flow well. A well written piece can change tense and flow without incident, I think this does it.

I find only one issue, with the fauns. I would have liked to see something a little more from them. Perhaps a mention of the satyr, or just a glimpse of a goatee when she falls down the stairs, as if they'd been watching the whole time. I feel as though it is something that should have happened, not sure why.

Other then that, I have love. Only love. ^^

*Hearts* Le Penguin.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:42 pm
deleted6 says...

My overall opinion. Typical Karina... making such a horrendous thing like that, so surreal and weird. Then of course that's why we love ya. I'm going for a shower soon but can't say much. I agree with Pingu about seeing more in the garden. Overall: I felt the fear, I felt the overwhelming fear. I first thought of some Victorian House but when ya mentioned morphine I got confused. Maybe be best to clear that confusing tid bit. Love it though. Really suspenseful and thrilling. I love how she just left at the end. It's a perfect ending. Sorry can't be more help.

Good luck
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
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Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:18 pm
vicko says...

I love the way you describe everything, I was simply caught by the story. :)

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Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:26 am
Areida says...

Hi 'Rina Pi! You bragged to me about your four comments the other night on AIM, so I figured I'd pop on over and be the fifth. :D

I was rephrasing overload tonight or something. Here are some of my suggestions:

He comes up to her when she is sleeping, her arms curled around her head. It looks as if she is trying to hide away from something, something that she wants to escape, something that plagues her, something that... he doesn’t understand. He creeps to her, his eyes curving around her naked body.

I don't know why, but this sounds SO awkward to me. Just really difficult phrasing. Like, the first sentence... Maybe it's the use of "come." Does he have to be moving already? Couldn't you just say, "She's sleeping, arms curled around her head." Oh, and do arms curl, really? If she's hiding, shouldn't they be locked or at least hooked or something?

I don't like the ellipses either. You're so good at choppy, stab-you-in-the-heart writing; what's the deal with those wishy-washy ellipses? :P Either make that part a sentence by itself or add a dash or semicolon.

He is standing in the sunlight and she blinks at first, not knowing whether she was awake or still in the darkness of the dream.

The "at first" is unnecessary, and bulky too.

She regards him for a long moment and stops, propping herself up so she could see him better.

This is flabby prose. :P What about: She regards him for a long moment, then props herself up to see him better.

“It matches with your eyes,” he whispered.

Why "with"? "Oh, look at this lovely purse! It matches with my clothes!" Do you say that? That sounds so funny to me. XD

He returns back to the gold.

"Return back" is redundant.

He treats her nicer after that.

Noooooooo - you broke the spell! After those difficult first two sections, I was really getting into it. "Nicer" is such a little kid word, though. Well, maybe not little kid, but overly simplistic here. Even using "better" would be... um... better. hehe

She wants to pat her cheeks, she wants to put water on her so she can be cleansed and cool, but two gold bracelets pin down her arms.

"Put water on her" - Riiinaaaa... for shame. Herself. (That had better have been a typo ;))

For a couple of minutes, he just stares at her from the top, watching her huddle down protectively. Then he comes down, step by step, each footstep rattling her heart so much that she thought she would die...

The first sentence is funky, but I'm not sure what to recommend. Second sentence is okay except that you swapped tenses. If not for that I would have put it in the "happiness" section, down at the bottom. XD

Other issues:

In her dreams, she holds a box. It is a blue box, wrapped in a deep velvet, embossed with little stars and moons. There is no lock, but all around the box, there are silver hooks which shut it tight.

And the inside?

She doesn’t know what it looks like.

I'm not entirely certain what you were going for here. Suspense? General creepiness? Something else? I can't pinpoint it, but this just feels like it's missing something.

I dislike the first sentence too. If you're trying to imply that there has been more than one dream, then I'd change "her" to "the." "Little" is also a ridiculously weak adjective. What about miniscule? delicate? You can so do better than "little." :P

“Love,” he whispers.

She flinches at his word.

“Who are you?” she whispers. Her voice trembles.

Why does she flinch at the endearment if she doesn't even know who he is? She was confused/disoriented when she first woke up, so why the negative reaction before that? Instinct?

And now some happiness!

Slowly she opens her eyes, so slowly that her lashes lift up like lazy black butterflies.

I don't like butterfiles, but this was really cool.

He dolls her up in golden dresses and golden bracelets and golden necklaces until she is chained in gold and cannot move.

With the exception of the word "dolls", I loved this sentence. Make it: "dresses her up in..." etc. and it would be so much prettier.

She can feel the sizzle of his stare.

Oooh. Burn, baby, burn.

Through her tears, she can see him in the dingy hallway and he looks so golden and majestic with the dingy backdrop of his cavernous palace that it just makes her want to cry harder because she realizes that she doesn’t belong, that she is just another woman, and that terrifies her. She needs him.

YES! I love it when a snappy little sentence follows a long one. It just works. This is shnazzy.

Even though I never fully "get" your stories, I pretty much like all of them. I don't get this one (I are smart and stuff), but I'll probably just pick your brain about it on IM sometime or something. It had a lot of really great moments, though, so yay!

Nice work. :D
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- Dale Carnegie

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Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:58 pm
KJ says...

Hey. Your language in this is beautiful, and you have an excellent flow. There were only three main things that I had a problem with:

First, you switched tenses a couple times. I'm sure if you go back you can catch it.

Second, the most important for me, was how CONFUSING it all was. The hard thing about this is that you may have intended it to be this way, or you didn't but you like how it is. I noticed no one else has stated this so perhaps it's just me and I"m not looking at it with the right perspective. However, I found myself lost in many instances, and this took away from my genuine enjoyment of the piece. What were those women talking about when they said they'd made her? Where does this take place? Over how much time does this evolve? There were a few other things but I'm short of time.

And third, I felt that, and again, this may be just me - I felt that your characters were inconsistent. They were ever-changing, and emotions were always different and opinions never stayed the same. I realize that life and stories are generally this way, but I would've like to see a solid consistent concept about your MC and her lover. First she resisted him. Then she gave in. Then he didn't love her anymore. Then he did. Then she didn't love him. Once more, it might be just me, so please disregard this if you believe this is so.

All in all, great work. I really did like this. Keep writing.

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Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:11 am
Snoink says...

Haha... a lot of people seem to be confused.

This story is about what the title suggests: the opening of Pandora's Box. In the beginning, it refers to the origins slightly. The MC, Anesidora, "doesn't know what it looks like." This is referring that the box has not been open yet. As a side note, Anesidora is another name for "Pandora" except it's slightly truer to the original myth as it means "all-gifted."

Throughout the whole story, she encounters several miseries which are somewhat obvious
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Tue May 20, 2008 6:13 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

*gaps in awe*

I have no words......




Romantic..........What happens to the girl? What happens to the guy? It was very beautiful, though I wish I knew what happened to the characters at the end...you know, after she walks out the door.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:22 pm
Kiss In The Rain says...

“It matches with your eyes,” he whispered.

I would omit the "with"

The gold dress has given her is

Add a "he" before has

and whether that the laughter that burns in her ears is his. But

"...and whether the laughter that burns in her ears...."

Other than that.... this was amazing. Extraordinary detail; I loved it. :)
I wish the world was still so simple...when stars were just the holes to heaven

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:39 pm
ashleylee says...

Simply Enriching! :D

Your language is beautiful and all your imagery is divine! Everything was so REAL! So lifelike that I fell in love with the story by the second paragraph. You had me caught all the way through. I couldn't stop until I finished it. And I am glad I did!

It was so good! :D

I have nothing to really fix since I saw nothing!

So, this is the end of my review...
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

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~ Red Auerbach

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:47 pm
LilyReagan says...

While I read it, I was utterly confused, but I couldn't stop reading! I finally understand. It was beautiful. People have said a couple of things I agree with, such as the tense-changing, but the rest was kind of nitpicky. I really loved it. This wasn't the kind of story that leaves me sayig, "And....?" It was pretty resolute,. It was great, and except for the grammatical mess-ups, it was FANTASTIC.
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

Nulla dies sine linea. --Not a day without a line

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Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:35 am
mercipourlevenin says...

I love it! Obviously, there is very little revealed in the plot, but I like that. The mystery of it all intrigues me.

I just wrote a detailed critique but my computer screwed it up and deleted it. I don't have the energy to go though it again, but I will point out some that I remember.

Some grammatical errors (sorry, I'm a sucker for grammar)

1. "He returns back to the gold." The word "return" implies that he is turning again, so you should either write "He returns to the gold." or "He turns back to the gold."

2. "He treats her nicer this time." This sentence should read, "He treats her more nicely this time."

Also...you switch tenses a bit...but someone already mentioned that.

There were some GREAT moments in this story. For example, I'd pick the passage that a previous reviewer picked out. The long sentence followed by a short one. It worked marvelously.

But some parts... like the beginning doesn't really work for me. I think it would be better if you merged some of the shorter sentences and reworded it.

There was also something along the lines of "Her heart throbs so loudly that she feels she is going deaf because of it." I think that sentence should be reworded as well...

Sorry I couldn't help more, I wrote this longass review and this site had to go get rid of it! I'll try not to screw it up next time...

Like i said, the plot was great, you just need to work on your style a bit...but then again, doesn't everyone?

Keep up the good work! :D

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Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:26 am
kim32693 says...

wow i couldn't stop reading this. i was confused at certain points in the story, but that just made me want to keep reading. i do wish there was more imagery to the story, it could have made the less confusing. overall, this is a great and very unique piece.

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Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:51 am
JFW1415 says...


By the way, I'm not pointing out the good stuff. If I did, we'd be here all day.

“Stop that.”

Who is speaking?

“Let me go,” she whispers, but he ignores her.

He’s not holding her, just touching her. This sounds odd. Maybe ‘don’t touch me?’

“It matches with your eyes,” he whispered.

I’d ditch ‘with.’

With one hand, he feels silver in his hand and the other he is not doing anything.

Confusing sentence…

He is gone for the moment, for another important matter, and he has left her behind, fidgeting, wondering why she is there.

Lot’s of commas in that sentence. Can you ditch some, reword, or separate?

[...] Roman cathedral.

Then show us this sooner. Make it feel like it sooner – this surprised me.

“We shouldn’t have made her,” the first one says.

Maybe ‘continues,’ to show that she is also the one that said ‘he is wrong?’ It took me a minute to get that, and I wondered why the second woman switched her opinion so drastically.

She wanted to go, she wanted to go... when he comes back, she keeps telling him that.

Doesn’t she still want to go?

[...] as if she knows better than to orbit the room.

A tad confusing…

A fire leaps in her eyes and she nods vigorously. “I will, I will!” She jumps up and throws off her bracelets, trying desperately to tear off the gown. “I’ll kill you and then it’ll be all right and everything will be all right--”

The action is not frantic enough. Build up the tension! You are so good at making me feel the slow, sad emotions, but you can’t speed up my heart here. Make me excited.

She lands.

Oh – he pushed her! Make that more clear. I thought he dragged her down the stairs behind him.

Then he comes down, step by step, each footstep rattling her heart so much that she thought she would die...

The last bit switched tenses.

He comes to her. First[s],[/s] he nudges her with his foot, and then he checks her pulse.

“Look what you’ve done,” he whispers.

She shudders.

I don’t like the two ‘(s)he [action]s’ in a row.

“Your ribs are broken,” he finally grunts, standing up.

Shouldn’t it hurt more?

She doesn’t have any dreams when she lies in her room. Everything is real. Fauns dance around her and sunlight streams from the ceiling and she is free from all the gold. She tries to smile, tries to join them, but she can’t move. She is paralyzed. But the fauns don’t mind this. They sing and dance and come to her, stroking her hands with their curly lamb hair and laughing. They love to laugh.

Awesome-possum. :) I don’t know what fauns are, but you made this easy to follow and see. (Haha, I guess I did mention one good thing here. :))

But she knows this is impossible and[s],[/s] if Anesidora touched her[s],[/s] her clay fingers would burn until they would harden until only ashes were left.

Keep your detached voice…

“You’re making a mistake,” he says, just as she reaches the last stair and stands up on shaking legs. “You should come back.”

Oh – I thought she had let herself fall when you said ‘slide.’

“Why not?”

She hesitates.

“I love you.”

Who’s talking?

“You said you would give me your heart!” she cries, clutching her chest and collapsing [s]into [/s]onto the floor.

Overall Comments

Amazing much? I can only really tell you how much I loved it. While I don’t know why they were there, I love it for that. It makes me think.

And their emotions and relationships were so real. I swear, these people exist somewhere.

Wonderful job. *Gold star*

Sorry I can’t do anymore than tell you you’re amazing. Maybe I helped in the nit-picks, though?

Oh, and what happened to the box? It kind of disappeared – I’d like to see more of the meaning, since it was amazingly written. And it ties in to the title, which is what made me stay up ‘til midnight reading this.

Heehee, I remembered another thing! Will I actually be helpful…? Haha. Anyways, it’s the fact that he pays so much attention to her. What about the other women? Or does she just imagine that he is always there?

PM me for absolutely anything.


here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a treee called life; which grows higher than the soul can home or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
— e.e. cummings