
Young Writers Society

The Sky is Beautiful

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:52 am
Shearwater says...

Wrote about this after reading about a crime.
Reviews appreciated. <3

The Sky is Beautiful


The night wind is a susurrus. It moans sonnet secrets into my ears and whispers of a promise to an impending place. I want to continuously listen to it while gazing at the violet clouds which overlap the soft black sky.
But my body is weak; my mind decrepit with scars that run years long and not even time is at my side. Immobile in the cool sands of the desert, I am lost to the world. It does not bother me, for no one can wound me in a place uninhabited by the punishing deeds of love.
I will gladly take this as my coffin.
My muscles ache as I try to lift my back off the prickly scrubs underneath that poke my spine like familiar needles but it is a wasted endeavor. I lean back receiving the pain and making out the shadows of the cactus plants that mimic society. They all just stand and watch me, look at me with solid pity and never move, never lend a hand. They are afraid, fearful that my thorns will pierce them too and that we will both bleed.
I focus past the pounding in my head. My reflection is in the sky as if I too, have been paved over by darkness. I know what I look like through its eyes and I am not beautiful anymore. Underneath my nails are clotted with his skin, blood and the last fruitless attempt to untie the intricate knot that bound us. My once flaxen hair is entangled with my life’s misfortunes and mistakes…my regrets and languishes. I can feel the slashes of his wrath on my body and they burn like candle wax that never dries cold, keeping me warm from the night’s brisk. Yet, I feel myself bleed out, the warmth dripping away slowly…
He made me believe he was my world. With flowers and gifts of promises, I lived on his land, fed on his camouflaged cordiality and in return, I gave him my soul, body, heart and mind. I obliged, thinking this is what love is…to sacrifice and leave everything for my darling.
But he was not.
My devil was cunning and sly. He led me away from the safety I thought was a cage and wove me into his confined web. I was his dissection project, a mere toy to his sadistically crooked behavior and I became the grapes that fed his twisted affinity.
I was young. I was innocent, and I was all but deserving of this cruelty. A simple mistake in judgment was the guillotine over the soft skin of my back neck.
With a difficult swallow, I close my eyes to the escaping tears that trickle down into my ears. My fingers shake as I place them over my belly and interlace my fingers. I’m wearing a red dress, the one my devil brought for me two years ago. I recall feeling so beautiful in it. Now, it’s shattered, ripped and torn like my very soul.
When my lashes flutter open, the wind has stopped speaking of assurance and my sky has left me in the darkest of all places. Alone, cold, hungry and beaten, I can only whimper with my last belief that there is a God. That he will see my pain and open these shackles that bind me with his key.
I cannot be fixed in this world…
Any more time is just torture. I wish to cry but my voice is trapped with an oath to silence and fear of tomorrow, something my devil taught me a long time ago. I understand what I did wrong and I could only blame myself for being naïve and an ignoramus. The signs were prominent but I refused to accept them and I had faith…
The corners of my mouth crinkle and a tormented sound escapes through my heart, freeing itself with open wings, stretching far and wide and in a brief moment, it evaporates.
The devil is gone, I cajole myself. He’s through with me and has dumped me on the ground to die. I consider it his last gift to me. A smile forms with the slit, broken lips he gave me with his vengeful kisses, liquid from my nose slides into the corner of my lips and I think I am happy so I choke a chuckle…
As I lay there for hours on end taking in the last sips of reality and losing my mind to the world, the darkness slowly begins to stir. My head turns and I force myself to be alert in fear that he has returned.
My eyes grow wide as the horizon glows with a gradient of warm colors that shatter the ebony clouds and touch my skin, bringing it to life. My breath is caught inside as it’s possibly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It grows, fighting off the dark and consuming everything as it unfolds itself like a colorful quilt. My heart lurches, wishing to be part of it.
The golden circle appears overhead, watching me as my eyes strain to catch every detail of the dying world. My thoughts are flashing in a multitude of sweet moments I had once forgotten. My blood boils as the warmth seeps into my bones and massages my aches, reviving my every sense and I’m blooming. I’m healing.
My eyes close to the light and I let the bright rays take me away, to the home where the wind whispered about and where I am finally free.
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:41 am
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xDudettex says...

Hey there Pink!

This was beautiful! The subject matter was sad; it's always hard to read about someone who's gone through a tough life/situation, but it always seems to make for a powerful story. The descriptions were great, setting the tone for the story. It was almost like we lived the entire story through her descriptions and feelings, which was nice. It created both lovely and horrible images in my head and the contrast was stark.

The constant reference to the sky was a nice theme. It's ever changing, and even when it's clouded and full of a storm, it's somehow still beautiful.

The whole 'I was niave and should have known better,' plot can be a bit overdone sometimes, but I think you got the balance right. I think it was in the way that you made her accept that she made a mistake, rather than going on and on about how she was stupid and dumb and ... You also didn't go on about her 'devil' or a man too much either. You gave us just enough, for us to get an image in our heads, and then you left it. He was still there, lingering in our heads like he lingered in her body, but it wasn't shoved into our faces, like, 'Look what he did to me. Ahh, I hate my life.'

The ending was nice. I'd like to think that she was finally set free.

I lean back receiving the pain and making out the shadows of the cactus plants that mimic society. They all just stand and watch me, look at me with solid pity and never move, never lend a hand. They are afraid, fearful that my thorns will pierce them too and that we will both bleed.

I loved this. It's so true to a lot of people and places throughout the world. It's sad but the way it seems to be for a lot of people.

I think I noticed a mistake while reading but I can't for the life or me find it again.

Anyway, I really liked this. I hope this helps, and thanks for the read :)

'Stop wishing for the sunshine. Start living in the rain.' - Kids In Glass Houses.

'Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?' - MCR artwork.

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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tinny says...

Hey PSW, it's been a while, no? ;D

I think this is pretty interesting, but some of the phrases feel a little... Stilted? As if they're being put in a very roundabout way. For example:

I want to continuously listen to it while gazing at the violet clouds which overlap the soft black sky.

There's something about the way that it's phrased that's a little hard for me to wrap my head around quite rightly.

Immobile in the cool sands of the desert

My muscles ache as I try to lift my back off the prickly scrubs underneath that poke my spine like familiar needles but it is a wasted endeavor.

I don't think these two parts quite match? The first mas me imagining a place desolate and barren, the second a desert with greenery and life.

I lean back receiving the pain and making out the shadows of the cactus plants that mimic society. They all just stand and watch me, look at me with solid pity and never move, never lend a hand. They are afraid, fearful that my thorns will pierce them too and that we will both bleed.

The initial thought of the cactus plants mimicking society had me going 'wat', but I actually like the description of them that you have. Perhaps switch society with something a little more human? The crowds the prosecuted her? The people that refused to help? Society can feel like an abstract concept at times, and I think it'd make it a lot easier to develop the empathy we need for her in this piece if we had something a little more real and relateable.

My once flaxen hair is entangled

If you were dying the the desert, is the colour of your hair really something that's going to be focused on ;D

This was a pleasant reminder of how wonderful you can be with description! There are some great phrases in here and you've some lovely imagery, I just feel that the story itself is a little lacking in this case. When you take it to the bare bones, it's a woman sitting in a desert, slowly dying. It left me with so many questions, why is this situation her fault? What was it that exactly happened? Why did she end up in this situation? I feel that, while the emotions were there, there wasn't quite enough in the way of storytelling to hold it all up, if that makes sense?

That said! I'm not a fan of stories wherein the main focus is emotions. I always think they're a little bit contrived and that's not a reflection on you -- I feel exactly the same way when I'm cajoled into reading published work XD it's just not the sort of thing that really appeals to me (I'm just too cold and heartless myself ;D), so you may want to take my opinions with a liberal pinch of salt, and with that in mind.

Still, I hope that I've been of the help :D

Last edited by tinny on Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:46 pm
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Fatima says...

But my body is weak; my mind decrepit with scars that run years long and not even time is at my side. Immobile in the cool sands of the desert, I am lost to the world. It does not bother me, for no one can wound me in a place uninhabited by the punishing deeds of love.

I will gladly take this as my coffin.

I love how you are talking about one thing, but the transition is so remarkable, thousand thumbs up for that!

I can’t really describe this. This is AMAZING! I love your idea, I love your unique style of writing, how it seems to mould you perfectly, I loved how you portrayed the emotions without ranting the same words, your usage of vocabulary is beyond my contemplation, the flow was just the right amount.
This deserves to be featured, and a standing ovation to you for writing this:D!

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:44 am
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Gheala says...

Hellos, hellos! I so missed your writing, Pinko. I will start reading and await the inspiration your words always grant me... No jokes there.
But I'll use something other than the black font in my review; I'm feeling joyful today!
As a start, let me tell you that the first paragraph was an absolute pleasure to read. It was a sign for me (the reader) that the writing style will be generally calm and soothing- my very favorite style.

It does not bother me, for no one can wound me in a place uninhabited by the punishing deeds of love.

I liked that sentence, but the word "uninhabitated" seemed to be a little out of place. Maybe something more emotional and expressive? Maybe --> "...wound me in a place that wasn't dominated/conquered by the punishing deeds of love."

My muscles ache as I try to lift my back off the prickly scrubs underneath that poke my spine like familiar needles but it is a wasted endeavor. I lean back receiving the pain and making out the shadows of the cactus plants that mimic society. They all just stand and watch me, look at me with solid pity and never move, never lend a hand. They are afraid, fearful that my thorns will pierce them too and that we will both bleed.

I can't stop myself from quoting this whole paragraph just to say, "beautiful!" It's so very well-written and I could easily imagine the picture you have put for us.

Oh, dear God!
How can I ever give you the words of applause you truly deserve? You left me speechless with this piece, inspired me like I was certain you would until I now try to draw respectful lines of literature as though I'm writing my novel.
You're beautiful, let me just tell you that.
I barely held myself from crying over the misery that conquered that masterpiece. You saddened me for long moments with the perfect expressions you used to describe your character's miserable emotions. And then, you soothed me with the rays of warmth that suddenly seeped into the black sky in the end.

You're amazing. You ARE a writer! And I have no more words to say to express my admiration, for you have seriously muted me.
I'm back to my YWS after months of disappearance, hoping that I'd gain the immunity of books and quills against the harmful realism of our world.

In case this made no sense, I'm just saying that I'm happy I'm back!

Why should Caesar just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, right? Brutus is just as smart as Caesar, people totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just stab Caesar!
— Gretchen Wieners