
Young Writers Society


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170 Reviews


Gender: Female
Points: 1305
Reviews: 170
Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:45 am
Boolovesyou says...

Trembling I reach for his hand, tears poured from my eyes. It couldn’t be. It’s not true. Not him. Why wasn’t it me? I curl my fingers around his hand and whispered, “ Jordan?” It fell from my lips like molasses from its jar.

Stretched out like a corpse he lay on bed, right in front of me. Three bottles of pills sit on the bed, vile to my eyes. All empty. I can’t think, I can’t hear, I can’t breathe. “ No, No. You don’t get to give up!” I scream. Pulling out my cell I dial 911. The phone falls from my hands.

“911.” A woman’s voice pours from the phone.

I have to talk. I have to speak. I barely get out the words as they tumble across my tongue “ I need an ambulance to 685 Rosewood Street.”

“What’s the emergency?”

I need to get him out. My mind is screaming, and my thoughts drowning in the sound. I leave the phone on the bed without responding. I manage to pull him out of the bed. His body thuds against the floor. He’s dragging against the carpet, but what choice do I have? This is supposed too be me. He’s too heavy. Jordan’s 170 pounds feels like 300 on my puny arms. I can’t do this...

Somehow I manage to get him up the stairs. His body is limp, and his fingers are ice cold. Am I to late? That’s when I hear them. The sirens screaming from down the street. Thank God. Hot tears are rolling down my cheeks, falling from my eyes, and onto his black, messy hair.

“ Jordan, please, be okay. Please.” I keep dragging him. I make it through the kitchen and to the front door. Pain courses through my arms.

A man with broad shoulders comes to the door, and pulls it open rushing to pick up Jordan. I fallow behind him, all the way up our steps. I count each one.

Step 10.“Please, Don’t let him die.” My words slip out as whispers.

Step 28. I’m bawling so hard, I can barely breath.

Step 34. I’m supposed to be the depressed one. I dig my fingers into my arms.

Step 40. I’m the cutter.

My foot reaches the last stair. Step 50. Why him?

Once we’re in the ambulance, they do something to him; Jordan moans loudly. Bittersweet relief entertains my mind, at least he’s alive. “ Don’t let my brother die. Don’t let him die. Don’t let him die.” I’m whispering it over and over. The Paramedics don’t hear me over the screaming sirens. They are all yelling phrases my mind can’t process, at each other over the sound of the sirens. I cover my my ears and press my head hard against my knees. He just wanted it to be over...

After what seems like the longest ride of my life, pull into the hospital’s emergency entrance. “ Is he going to be okay?” They rush past me, leaving me sitting in the ambulance. I’m running. I’m screaming. Why is no one telling me anything? I’m told to sit. To wait. That I would be updated. How do they expect me to wait? Fill out papers? How can I...?

Seconds pass. Minutes drag on. Hours taunting me with evil thoughts.

“ Hello, you’re with Jordan Gates, right? Jenny, his sister?” A man in a long white coat stare down at me from behind his glasses. My eyes are stuck on the clock behind him. Where they have been stuck the last two hours. More like the last year. I snap out of it, and stare him in the eye. His grey hair is well combed; his eyes are kind. He going to tell me he’s dead. He’s going to tell me I didn’t get there fast enough... He’ll try to make me feel better or tell me he’s sorry for my loss. I’m breaking. I can’t. I need to be together for Jordan. I need to be brave.

“Yes.” My voice cracks, and again I can’t stop tears from pouring over my eyelids. The palms of my hands are clammy and squeezing my arms tight enough that I’m sure there will be bruises along with the scars.

“There were complications, but your brother is going to be okay.” The doctor smiles at me. “ He’s sleeping, but you can see him now.”
Milestiba uzvar visu, Milestiba ir upuris.

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67 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 561
Reviews: 67
Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:20 pm
Jalmoc says...

Wow. That was really powerful... I loved this story and how well written it was from one scene to the next. I thought this was going to be another one of those depressing stories where everybody dies, but I like the ending. :D Well anyways, you kept the readers attention. (which is really good, especially since you kept mine. Lol) I'm not too good at reviews, but I usually come up with some questions that can help expand a story.

What did Jordan look like? All you really told us was that he had a sister, he weighed 170 pounds, and had black hair. Why did he take the pills?

Those are just the few I can come up with, but the story was very good. I hope to see more works from you in the future! :D

Keep Writing!!!

If you don't take a chance, you'll always live your life in regret, so let your heart show it's true colors and admit your feelings!

Tis not the blade that took your life, but the Assassin behind it.

When Reality has all but fallen away, recreate your own world

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66 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 3030
Reviews: 66
Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:35 pm
Adriana says...

I love it!!
At the end I was almost crying, really! I couldn't stop reading your story, which is great...
I wish to know more about Jordan... How did he look like, exactly? please, tell us what was going on with him, why was he depressed? WAS he depressed?
You describe really well Jenny's feelings, and I felt her emotions too. That's what a writer should do... You make us emphatize with her...
Boolovesyou wrote:Step 10.“Please, Don’t let him die.” My words slip out as whispers.

Step 28. I’m bawling so hard, I can barely breath.

Step 34. I’m supposed to be the depressed one. I dig my fingers into my arms.

Step 40. I’m the cutter.

My foot reaches the last stair. Step 50. Why him?

I loved this part!! But I have an idea... Since you are talking about steps, why don't use hers to describe the "Five Stages of Death"? Do you know what I'm talking about? The five stages are:
1- Denial: She would be trying to believe that it is not happening to her brother.
2- Anger: She would be questioning the situation. It's the same "Step 50" you wrote, maybe even combined with the "Step 34".
3- Bargaining: She would pray. Maybe say she would do anything for her brother to be okay... It is the "step 10" you wrote.
4- Depression: The reality would just come. Maybe here you can describe the paramedics taking Jordan to the ambulance.
5- Acceptance: This one here, you should write when the doctor comes to talk to her. She is trying to calm down, ready to do anything Jordan needs.

This is just an oppinion... Your story is amazing just the way you wrote it, I just thought it is a great idea too.
Congratulation for your work!! Let us hear from you again soon
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

"This is calm, and it's doctor!" (My DR. Reid -- Best line ever)

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.