
Young Writers Society

Grrrrr i'm pissed at some people on here

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:19 pm
shar_shar_says_rawr says...

Ok I know I have to fix some [stuff] on here. Trust me I dont need abunch of comments telling me my grammer sucks. I'll fix it. I'm the type of person who breaks rules. Grammer i know is important but why cant i just write what i want to write. I mean I admit [i need work as a writer]. That grammer stuff just brings the fun out of writting sometimes. I write because it's something i love to do. Plus I'm new here I didn't think poeple would care. So sorry. I know this may sound Harsh but i'm friggen pissed fight now! Just give me some space.

HUNTER'S EDIT: Please no swearing, regardless of how "friggen pissed" you might be.
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Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:27 pm
piepiemann22 says...

I get the message. Though I haven't read anything of your, I will at some point, I'll try to keep that in mind. Still, though you think grammer is annoying, you need to take it to mind. I have the same problem and I'm trying to fix it. You should to.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:31 pm
Sam says...

Hey, Shar Shar. ^_^

Here's the thing- you like writing, right? So, you want the highest amount of people to read it and be able to enjoy it.

Unfortunately, you've stumbled upon a place where everyone loves grammar, and it bothers them to see pieces that aren't grammatically up to snuff. And so, even though you may not care, ninety-five percent of the people on here won't be able to enjoy your writing, even if it's really cool and really inventive.

The fun part of learning to make your grammar perfect- or nearly perfect- is then learning how to use it to break the rules. By 'breaking the rules', I mean learning where it's appropriate to drop commas, add fragments, using lowercase, and a myriad of other things in order to reflect mood and style.

Style's another thing that you can't learn 'till you've learnt grammar- you know, the way you write that's totally unique from everyone else? Unique style is what people are going to pay to buy your books or poems for- and until you learn how to use English, you can't find it. Which is kind of a sad, teardroppy kind of thing. ^_~

Anyway, I'm sorry you feel so mad at the people here. We're a weird bunch, but we genuinely care about making you a better writer. I know, grammar's a hard thing to learn- I use to struggle with it a lot, too. But once you get cracking, I'm certain you'll produce a lot of amazing stuff. ^_^

Feel free to PM if you've ever got questions, grammarwise or forumwise or life-in-generalwise.

Best of luck,

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:53 pm
AWritersFantasy says...

I decided to jump in here on this, too. Wee.

About two weeks ago, I stumbled upon a huge argument that took place at Livejournal community for writers, where the person who made the post basically said "I hate all you grammar Nazis," because they were doing the same thing that people on here are doing to you.

And I used to be the same way. Grammar Nazis frustrated the hell out of me, because they kept rubbing in the fact that my grammar wasn't perfect. Since then, I've basically come up with my own strategy for dealing with it, which is to, when I ask for critiques on something I'm writing, ask those who are critiquing it to ignore the grammar/spelling issues that there could possibly be in the piece, because that's stuff that I plan on dealing with for the second draft. I do this because it frustrates me if I try to go back and deal with it if a story isn't finished. Most people are pretty good about that, so it's cool.

Here's the thing that I've learned: when you're posting a piece of your writing online, and you're looking for readers, it's all about presentation. What person wants to read something filled with grammar and spelling mistakes that look like that of a kindergartener's writing? No one, really, unless it's coming from a kindergartener. The same goes with potential editors/publishers- no one like that is going to want to touch your writing unless it's in a good presentation format, including grammar/spelling. You'll lose potential readers otherwise.

My suggestion is just to ask people not to extensively point out your grammar/spelling mistakes and say that you want to focus more on the characterization and whatnot of your writing than that kind of thing right now.

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:00 pm
RED says...

I totally understand where you're coming from. And it frusterated me too. It droke me absloutely up the wall. But when people do that, they're really just trying to help. And I'll amit, there are some poeple on here that can be really harsh, and that's all they EVER act, but you shouldn't worry about those people.

The majority of us are really just trying to help your writing get better. So, don't take it personally, ok? We've all been there. And getting super angry probably isn't going to help. But let everyone know how frusterated you are. But just....not with so much rage. Whenever you point out to those people who are being grammar nazis, they usually chill out and try not to be so hrash.

So all in all, we don't really mean it. We just want to help your writing! :D I hope this helped somewhat....

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:11 pm
Fishr says...

Grammar - and spelling work in unison, and are part of the literary world. It's something you will have to get used too. In retrospect, I'm one of those grammar "Nazis," and will be the first to call you on the mistakes. Spelling and character development is a peeve of mine, so those I generally hone in on right away. Grammar is secondary for me.

To be very honest, critiques assist the writer to improve. It litterally, or should, force them to excell to their personal highest level. Getting frustrated and dismissing one's comments; frankly you will not improve muc h.

When I write, I use Microsoft Word, and dictionary.com. The great thing I've noticed is my spelling has improved, mostly because of Word. My spelling has always sucked the big one, and gcatching grammar errors in my own work - Pfft! We've all been in the same boat but as they say a person will attract more bees with honey than salt.
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:34 pm
Twit says...

I find I've become a Grammer-Nazi in the making. :wink:

When I first came on here, I too thought the same as you, Shar. I posted something on here that I thought was brilliant, and loads of people told me that it sucked.


That almost made me stop writing for good, made me think that maybe I'd been kidding myself all along, and I wasn't good enough to be classed as a writer at all.

And while there are some very destructive reviewers on here - *sweetly* mentioning no names, but your consciences will do the job for me - there are loads of people on here who will give you a wonderful crit. When I came on here first, I was very green, but I'd like to think that I've improved since then.

Like AWF said - state what type of comments you want, whether they be on characters, plot or dialogue.

If something looks awful, then no one's gonna want to read it. If it looks like it was written by a five year old, then I'm going to think that the story will have the standards of a five year old's work. So, I wouldn't bother reading it.

But anyway, if you *do* want a Grammer-Nazi-free crit, just PM me and I'll do it, so long as you pay attention to what's pointed out. You've got to learn to take critiscm, which I wasn't very good at to start off. I'd had too many head-swelling reviews from Fanfiction.net, where the readers aren't as fussy as on here. :D
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Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:04 am
Snoink says...

rite wat u want an jus ignore every1. ure teh best.
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"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:25 am
Black Ghost says...

To be a writer, you have to be at least proficient in grammar and spelling and all that technicalness.

I mean, just because you write made-up stories doesn't mean you have to write them in a made-up language that kinda resembles English. Face it, do you think publishers are ever going to take a second look at a manuscript that is a jumble of spelling and grammatical errors?

Uh, no.

So can you please just suck it up and learn some grammar?


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Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:27 am
Teague says...

You say you're going to fix it, then fix it! Don't complain about it! ;)

Posting anything on YWS means that your work will be seized by the throat and rather unceremoniously shredded to pieces before your very eyes. Spelling and grammar are highly trivial matters, but they are indeed important.

Now, I understand being frustrated over something nitpicky, like the i before e rule, which no one ever seems to know to a T. There's always some stupid little far-fetched tidbit of that rule that no one ever remembers. But if it's something consistent and a bit more obvious- like incorrect tenses, misspellings, etc.- those actually detract from your story. And we don't want that now, do we? ;)

Everyone on this site is here to help. As someone once phrased it exceptionally well, this is not a "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" site. This is a "help me get better" site. And in that, grammar and spelling is a good starting point. :)

Your spelling will improve over time. I am also fairly certain that no one had any negative intentions in correcting your spelling/grammar.

And, bluntly put, if you give up writing over something as silly as grammar, why not just give up everything because life is hard? ;)

Hope I helped some.

(Of course, I can't talk. I'm a "grammar Nazi.")

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:04 am
sabradan says...

Listen here, young lady.
1. A girl you're age should not be using the language that you are using.
2. You're 13 years old, you've got a lot of living yet to do and a lot of learning. We understand that sometimes people's grammar/language skills aren't to par as others' are/should be. HOWEVER, this is a WRITING SITE, therefore, proper spelling and grammar are a kind of non-written by law and those who do not follow said things are, almost always, promptly corrected. Whether you chose to listen or not is your problem, but don't start swearing at your elders because you don't like that we, on a writing site, correct your grammar.
(and for your information, English is my second language)
Sorry, mods, if it seems I'm being mean to a youngling, but it had to be said.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:06 am
Doctor Kitty says...

This is the kinda topic we like to jump on.


What's meant to be said has already been said. Don't be afraid to learn.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:52 pm
electricbluemonkey says...

Spell check saves lives and occasional bleeding eyes.
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Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:00 pm
Poltergiest says...

Hiya, I haven't really read very much of your stuff but I've felt the same way. When I first started to write my story, I'll admit it, I really sucked. Everyone was writing really long crits basicly telling me my writing sucked. It sucked but as I wrote on I got better and less crits! (Thats good, right?) So, you're writing will imporve and less people will piss you off. It really works!

I used to rule the world, see it rise when I gave the word, now in the morning I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:47 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

I'm a grammar nazi. Spelling shinobi, accuracy enforcer, you name it. ;)

This is a writer's site, and thus we expect some typos, but legions of "shes all kewl and stuff ive always luvd her Her boyfrends soooo hawt" is not acceptable and you will be berated for not running stuff through a spellchecker. (Is it wrong that I feel horrible for even writing something so disgusting as "shes all kewl and stuff"? Uck. I need to wash my hands.)

Also, if you have time to type up a "pissed-off-for-us-trying-to-help" post, you should have time-a-plenty for going over you work. ;)

Gambatte, grammar rules are law,
Sumi ;)

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