
Young Writers Society

Instructor's Specialty Thread

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713 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 7740
Reviews: 713
Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:58 pm
BigBadBear says...

This is a list of current Instructors that have let me compile all of their profiles together. You can use this thread to seek out someone who you would like to critique a piece for you. All of these members are experienced in critiquing and would like to help you out.

Listed in Alphabetic Order

Username: Angels-Symphony

Age: 13

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like):
Poetry(all types)
Fantasy Fiction
Romantic Fiction
Other Fiction
Action/Adventure Fiction
Historical Fiction
Other Fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing:

What genre you do not want to critique:
Rated R works

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized:
I accept any requests for critiques, but I prefer you post in my thread. I'll do a critique depending on what I judge the piece needs or by what the author requests. I usually do line-by-line reviews, focusing on the hook, cliffhanger, punctuation, description, redundancy, imagery, and showing vs. telling. I go over the importance and meaning of these elements, and I never change something without justifying exactly why.
I also check for tenses, but I usually just sum it up to "you need to change your tenses."

The length of my reviews:

For new members, I do a critique from head-to-toe. However, if you've posted a few things up already and know the ropes of YWS, I'll read the beginning of your work, start critiquing from there, and if a mistake or rule is broken repeatedly, I'll stop and summarize what you need to fix after skimming through the rest.

At the end of my reviews I'll go through both the positives and negatives, and if anything needs to be said, I'll go through Character Development, Plot, Conflict, and Dialogue.

A few examples of full-length reviews:


Username: Antigone Cadmus

Age: 14

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): I really enjoy all genres. My favorites are Fantasy and Other Fiction, especially dark things. I like Historical Fiction a lot, though I'd like to be told the era it's about. I'm an insane Classicist, so if you have Greek-Roman stuffs, swing it by me! But! I'll totally critique Non-Fiction and Sci-Fi.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: I feel it is important to add that I'll review rated R works, which a lot of instructors don't do. I don't care how graphic it is, chances are I'll enjoy it, ha. However, if it's about your character's wild sex-capades, warn me first.
Other things I review which some don't like:
-- vampire/werewolf stories (guilty pleasure of mine!)

What genre you do not want to critique: Romance. I'll probably give you a rather harsh review in which I explain the clichés of your story. I don't want to review Fan Fiction if I do not know the story. Please ask first regarding Fan-Fic.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I'm fairly nit-picky. I start out with a section of grammatical nit-picks and other thing like that.
Then I do an overall, which I usually break up into categories: e.g, "Characters", "Dialogue", "Believability"... etc.
I love character development. It's probably one of my reviewing strengths.
Do I think I am harsh? Yes. But I also believe my reviews are very helpful in the long run.
Another note: I critique as I read. I feel it's important to here what the reader is thinking as they read, instead of an afterward reflection. Afterward reflections are for overalls.
I always watch threads I review to see the responses of those I critiqued. I'll often go back to explain any misunderstood points I made or to do a follow-up review on edited versions. You can always Private Message me with questions or comments on reviews, I love feedback!

Username: BigBadBear

Age: 15

What genres I would like to critique: Action/Adventure, Other Fiction, Lyrics, Scripts, Horror.

What genres I would not mind critiquing: Poetry (all kinds), Romance, Historical Fiction

What genres I do not want to critique: Anything explicit with lots of language, and Fantasy.

Brief description of my critiques: My critiques usually consist of me giving an overall look at the story. For poetry, I’ll do a line-by-line nitpick, but for stories, I will generally wrap up my feelings in a few long paragraphs. Also, if there are any grammar issues, I will point them out.

Username: Bittersweet

Age: 14

What genres I would like to critique: Romance (no cheesy Twilight-rip off vampire stories please), fantasy, historical fiction (mostly 19th century and WW I & II eras), adventure, anything posted in Art & Photography and poetry of any kind.

What genres I would not mind critiquing: I will critique scripts, though it's not one of my highest points of literature and the review may not be satisfactory. The same goes with lyrics.

What genres I do not want to critique: Horror stories, preferably not novels, anything explicit (rated R), nonfiction, and fanfiction.

My critiques: I begin with nitpicks; the little mistakes I find throughout the piece and then touch more important subjects, such as dialogue, characters, ect. And then I end with an overall of the piece.

Username: Blink

Age: 15

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Other Fiction, Action/Adventure, Dramatic, Other and Lyrical Poetry.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Fantasy, Romantic, Sci-Fi and Historical Fiction and Narrative Poetry.

What genre you do not want to critique: Fanfiction.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Depends. Sometimes I'll do nipicks and other times I won't bother; then I'll do a few paragraphs on what needs improving as well as what was done well and how I liked it.

Username: Clo

Age: 20

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): (from most favorite to least!) Other Fiction, Romantic Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Art/Photo

What genre you would not mind critiquing: I will review poetry though I do not believe my poetry reviews are the best. Or lyrics.

What genre you do not want to critique: Scripts. I don't know much about them!

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I start off with the nitpicks, pointing out any structural, grammatical errors I may find, or basic suggestions I have with light comments -- afterwards, I give an overall review and critique, including thoughts on story, characters, pacing, setting, et cetera.

Username: Conrad Rice

Age: 18

Genres I would like to critique: Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Other Fiction

Genres I would not mind critiquing: Action/Adventure, Historical Fiction, Poetry

Genres I won't review: Romance, Non-Fiction

My Reviews: I rarely do little nitpicks like grammar and punctuation, unless there's an error that really stands out to me. Usually I do an overall review on things I found wrong. This could be anything from characterization to dialogue to plot. If you ask me to look for a specific thing for you, I will do my very best to get it commented on.

Username: Demeter

Age: 16

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like):
Poetry, Other Fiction, Romantic Fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing:
Lyrics, Scripts, Non-fiction, Historical Fiction, Art & Photography, Fantasy (but rather not)

What genre you do not want to critique:
Sci-fi, Fanfiction

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized:
With poetry, I focus on the rhythm, flow, and the execution. With fiction, I do nit-picks (grammar and awkwardly phrased sentences), overall feeling and first impressions, believability of dialogue and such things.

Username: The.Dreamwalker

Age: 17

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Art/photography, Romance, Other Fiction, and Fantasy.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Sci-fi, adventure, and fanfiction

What genre you do not want to critique: Any kind of poetry

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: First I go into a basic 'nit-pick' section which details all the grammar mistakes, areas that are fuzzy, redundancy and so forth. Then I have sub-categories which go into Grammar and Punctuation, Plot, Setting and Description, and my specialty Character Development. Then I go into a basic Overall. Each section includes ways to improve and problems that were reoccurring throughout the piece and throughout other pieces they may have written.

Username: Evi

Age: 13

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Anything fiction (other, romantic, fantasy, science, action/adventure, realistic) although I can't always check up on facts for Historical fiction.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: I can do poetry, although I don't guarantee I always know what I'm doing, and I'd be willing to try scripts.

What genre you do not want to critique:

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized:

It depends on what the piece needs. For poetry, I comment of rhythm, rhyming, imagery, and meaning. With prose, I generally do a bit of line-by-line suggestions for rephrasing awkwardly worded sentences, point out grammar errors, or other things that can be fixed by editing a single line. Then, I'll do a paragraph or two at the bottom on my overall impressions of the writing, recurring problems, characters, plot, etc.

Username: Explosive_Pen

Age: 14

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Any type of poetry, other fiction, Photography, fantasy

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Sci-fi, non-fiction, romance fiction, action/adventure fiction

What genre you do not want to critique: Historical fiction, manga, lyrics, scripts, anything R-rated

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: A short greeting to the writer, followed by nitpicks. In-depth stuff, such as characterization and descriptions come after the nitpicks. A short overview follows, accompanied with ways to improve the piece as a whole, as well as some reading suggestions that seem to fit the style that the writer is going for.

Username: fluteluvr77

Age: 13

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like):
~Any prose

What genre you would not mind critiquing:
~Art and photography

What genre you do not want to critique:

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized:

The list changes from piece to piece though.
Again, the list often changes

Username: Hannah

Age: 18

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like):

* Poetry [all kinds]
* Action/Adventure Fiction
* Fantasy Fiction
* Romantic Fiction
* Other Fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing:

* Historical Fiction
* Science Fiction
* Lyrics

What genre you do not want to critique:

* Fanfiction
* Art and Photography

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized:

Generally, with fiction critiques, I'll go through once to comment on 'little things' and then at the end I'll include a section where I comment on 'big things', so that I can take a look at the story from both perspectives. For poetry, I sometimes do the same thing, but most of the time I'll go line by line to check out rhythm, rhyme, and other technical stuff as well as the imagery and message in the poem.

Username: JabberHut

Age: Just make it 18 and don't kill yourself.

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Fiction (all types), Poetry (all types)

What genre you would not mind critiquing: The rest.

What genre you do not want to critique: There's no genre that doesn't deserve Jabber's presence.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Line-by-line reviews are given upon request, otherwise I'll look between the lines. I go through characters, plot, description, general grammar, or whatever I believe needs pointing out. I'll usually include the thoughts I had in my head, so that you will know (as the author) if I (as the reader) am on the right track (i.e. questions, comments).

Username: Jasmine Hart

Age: 20

What genre you would like to critique: Poetry from any forum, though preferably nothing overly cheery/romantic.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: "Other" fiction, or romantic fiction that doesn't have a happy ending. I'm also not opposed to "Harry Potter" or "Twilight" fan fiction, but nothing vulgar, please.

What genre you do not want to critique: I don't want to critique science fiction because I don't know anything about it. If you really want me to, I'll critique any fiction other than that, but I think I'm better at reviewing poetry.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I have two approaches for poetry. My first one is to go through it stanza by stanza and say what I like and why, and what I'd change and why. My other method is to start with what I liked and then go into what I think is weaker. I sum up my overall impression in my final sentence.

Username: Jon

Age: 16

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Poetry (All), Art & Photography, and Fantasy Fiction.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Lyrics, Fanfiction, Other Fiction.

What genre you do not want to critique: Historical Fiction, Romance, Adventure, or Non-fiction.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I read through the piece once and then I go back and quote the things I see wrong. I usually go for the things that make no sense to the story/poem. I give sentences or ways to improve on the mistake. I also give some ideas that could improve the overall piece. (I also tell you why the mistake or oddity is that way, so you aren't left wondering.) But most important of all, I end each review with a smile!

Username: Juniper

Age: 16

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): All

What genre you would not mind critiquing: All

What genre you do not want to critique: Fanfiction, but I'll do it anyway.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Usually in quote boxes, with nitpicks first, and then overall.

Username: Kitty15

Age: 19

What genre you would like to critique: Out of the poetry section, I have no preference and will review absolutely anything but where prose is concerned I suppose my favourites are historical fiction, fantasy fiction and science fiction.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: This question isn't really appropriate to me as I'll critique anything but I suppose if you minus my below answer from the usual list you'll get the idea.

What genre you do not want to critique: I don't like to review fan-fiction as it's something I've never written and quite often I'm unfamiliar with what it's based on. I don't hugely like romance as a sole genre either by which I mean that I'd rather not read something where the whole plot revolves around one relationship, that's where all the Mills and Boon books come from But don't worry, usually romance is just a side plot to a young writer's novel and that's the way I like it. If in doubt, just ask me to review it and if nothing else I can at least give you my honest opinion. If reviewers only read what they liked around here then no one would ever get any better so really, I'll review anything. I've even looked at fan-fictions when friends have asked me.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I tend to start with specific comments. If it's poetry I'll give you a line by line and if it's prose I'll quote and comment on sections as I go along. After that I give whatever tips are needed. Some people will get some advice on description, others will get dialogue or characterization or maybe setting and plot. It really depends on what areas I feel are your weakest. I'll usually cover two to four of these under little sub-headings and try to give both general and specific advice. You'd get a better idea by looking at one of my reviews I suppose.

Username: Kylan

Age: 17

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): All of it. Except for fantasy. Sometimes.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: I love critiquing poetry

What genre you do not want to critique: Fantasy

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: My critiques address the big picture, they deal with general problems, and I'll give you an idea of how your piece is as a whole. I generally avoid line by line critiques. I don't address grammar. I love description. I love imagery. Give me something unique and well written.

Username: lilymoore

Age: 16

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Romantic Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction, Other Fiction, and Art.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Any of the Poetry as well as Scripts, Lyrics, and Miscellaneous.

What genre you do not want to critique: Action/Adventure, Historical, and Non-Fiction.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Generally, if the nitpicks of a story haven’t been picked out already, I’ll go through and find any grammar or style errors that I catch. After that, I’ll focus on certain things that need to be worked on in the story or aspects of it that really outshined the rest then give an overall view. This goes for poetry as well. My reviews differ slightly though depending on whether it’s prose, poetry, art, or other.

Username: Linx

Age: 13

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Narrative Poetry, Fantasy Fiction, Romance Fiction, Science Fiction, Other Fiction, and Photography

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Dramatic Poetry, Adventure Fiction, Fanfiction, Historical Fiction, and Scripts

What genre you do not want to critique: Lyrics, Lyrical Poetry, and Art.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I usually start going from line to lines, pointing out some of the grammar mistakes or how a sentence doesn't sound very right. Then after the nitpicks, I point out some of the overall things need some help in the story. I also try to mention something that I liked in the story as well. I try to do the best review that will fit the story no matter what.


Age: 16

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Romantic Fiction and Other Fiction.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Anything else, besides...

What genre you do not want to critique: Poetry! And art or lyrics as well. Otherwise I'll take a bash at anything that's thrown at me!! (:

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Okay, I tend to quote the whole critique, adding in my [thoughts and suggestions] and also putting in a few edits or extra addings-in. Once I've done this, I go through the whole review with the author, pointing out what I think is good and what needs improving on.

Username: Mars

Age: 17

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Dramatic, Lyric, Narrative or Other poetry; Historical, Romantic, Other and Non fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Sci fi and Fantasy fiction

What genre you do not want to critique: Action/Adventure, Fan fiction, Scripts, Art & Photography

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: It depends - if your work is in major need of grammar help, I'll probably pick out all the mistakes and then do a couple paragraphs of what [else] I think you need to work on. Otherwise I'll just pick out places where the wording is off and again, do a couple paragraphs of suggestions. For poetry I always do line by line.

Username: Master_Yoda

Age: 17

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Fantasy, Science Fiction, Other Fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Action / Adventure Fiction, Non-fiction, Historical Fiction

What genre you do not want to critique: Romance Fiction , Poetry

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: My critiques vary depending on the piece that I review. I try to underline all major and some minor points that I feel undermine a story's capabilities. If I feel it would benefit the writer of the piece were I to go through it line by line, I do so. If I feel that it would benefit the writer more if I were to outline major points and use examples to show how the piece might change for the better I do that too.

I tend not to focus on grammatical errors as they are usually picked up by other instructors or reviewers. As such, if you merely want a grammatical critique I am probably not the best person to come to despite the fact that on occasion I will bring up a grammatical point. If you are looking to stylistically improve your writing, I am probably a good candidate to help you.

Username: PerforatedxHearts

Age: 15

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Romance, Literary

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Anything but Science Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Historical Fiction.

What genre you do not want to critique: Science Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction, Poetry (All)

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: If the grammatical stuff is generally okay and don't have too many errors, I will just make a note of that, for the person to run their story through Word or to read it out loud. Then, I just work my way through the story via quotes, commenting on diction, feeling, personality (of the character(s)). I'm big on the emotional aspect of the story more than the technical, grammar aspect. Then, at the end, I usually will comment on the main characters and what they need development in. I will usually include the positive comments towards the end rather than at the beginning.

Username: Rosey Unicorn

Not accepting requests.
Spoiler! :
Age: 17

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Fantasy, Other, Non-fiction, Historical, Poetry (all kinds), Art/Photography. (Multiple parts or short stories)

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Romance, Sci-fi and Action/Adventure short stories. I'm sorry but I won't accept chapter-stories in those genres

What genre you do not want to critique: Fanfiction, Horror (all genres), works with vampires in them (all genres), R rated works for explicit sex. I will turn these genres down.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Very detailed nit-picks going into character, awkward dialogue, description and grammar (there may be less or more depending on what is needed). This is followed by an overall section that usually goes into more detail about characters, repetition, or anything I find necessary.

Username: Samuel Garrison

Age: 27 (for now...)

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Fantasy, Sci-Fi

What genre you do not want to critique: Romance. For the love of God, and my sanity, no romance, please! Thank you for your understandment.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: Subjective. It depends completely on the writer's personality and maturity level. Typically though, I hone in on character development, sentence structure, plot, setting, dialogue, grammar, accuracy (HF) and occasionally vocabulary. Unless there's an absurd amount of spelling errors, I'll point them out, but writers wish to know the finer points and do not want to be hounded with said lectures.

Username: Stella Thomas

Age: sixteen.

What genre you would like to critique (list as many as you’d like): Fantasy, Historical, Romantic and Other Fiction.

What genre you would not mind critiquing: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction and Non-Fiction.

What genre you do not want to critique: Poetry.

Include a short summary of how your critiques are organized: I like headings, the first is always Nitpicks- whether you want them or not. I then do paragraphs on specific issues I think you could improve on, then an overall view...


If you are a new Instructor, or an old Instructor, and would like to have your profile put in this list, please PM Kitty15!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

I’d heard he had started a fistfight in one of the seedier local taverns because someone had insisted on saying the word “utilize” instead of “use".
— Patrick Rothfuss, A Wise Man's Fear