
Young Writers Society

Critiques by Monki

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:14 am
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Monki says...

Here, I'll get straight to the point:

What do you critique, Monki?
I will critique:
-Poetry (I critique all types of poetry, and I'm very good at it. So, let me have it!)
-Fiction (Not all fiction. See the list of fiction that I do critique directly below this.)
*Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romantic Fiction
-I also do Advanced Critiques. (Although I've never done any before, I've got to try, so let me have at it.)
-Art & Photography (Not all kinds. See the type that I do critique directly below this.)
*Drawings (no anime, manga, etc..), paintings, oil paintings, pastels, nature photography, etc.. Things like that. You'll see my list of no-no's below.
-Lyrics (I can't promise that I'm particularly good, but I have done it before.)

So, that is Monki's list of things that she does critique! (Monki loves speaking in first person, by the way.)

What DON'T you critique, Monki?
I won't critique:
*Action/Adventure Fiction
*Fan Fiction
*Fantasy Fiction
*Science Fiction
*For Art & Photography: No pictures of yourself, unless it has anything to do with art. I don't critique looks, kay?

What ratings will you and won't you critique, Monki?
I shall critique any ratings--G, PG, PG-13, R. There are no limits for me.

How many pieces can I request you to critique, Monki?
As many as you wish, kid. Just, don't expect me to critique all the work in your portfolio in one day. I can critique all of your work, just give me some time. I do have a life, whether I look like I do or not...

What do you focus on when critiquing work, Monki?
A list for joo:
-Realism vs. Un-Realism
-Character Development
-[YOUR] Focus
-Other Positive Preferences

Do you have any example critiques that you have done, Monki?
Indeed, I do. But they are rather suck-ish. I just now came up with the perfect way to critique, so who ever posts here first will be my experiment. :) Lmao. But, here are a few examples of how I used to critique:
1) Who Would've Thought by: Salsashanno
2) Puppy Love by: Karma
3) Girls Rule and Boys Drool (Over Her): Part 1/2/10 by: Alice

Would you like anything in return, Monki?
I shall quote Ms. Lovett from the movie Sweeney Todd: "Times is hard, times is hard..."
So, with that said, if you wish to spare a few points here or there, or if you wish to critique one of my works in return, feel free. :) If not, that's fine too. I just like reviewing, and I sort of have a goal of at least 100 reviews in a month. So, thanks for the business!

If I wish to critique one of your works in return, which would you prefer, Monki?
Here's my preferable list:
1) You Think You Know Me
Most people seem to like this one a whole lot, but I've gotten some negative reviews, as always.
2) Why?
Eh, a little cliche' teen love stuff never hurt anyone. This is a few months old. Dolly loves it, although she says it's a tad cliche' too.

Monki's Sched.:
1) Icaruss
-Tangled Up In Blue (Part One)
-Tangled Up In Blue (Part Two)
-Tangled Up In Blue (Part Three)
2) Who shall my next victim be?

Okay, well, I believe that's everything. Now, if you'll just line up right here-- Hey! Wait! No pushing! DON'T YOU SHOVE HER MISTER! UGH! Just post what you would like critiqued and I'll see what I can do...

Peace, <3, Critiques,
Last edited by Monki on Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:51 pm
Monki says...

Come on! For once, I want to critique and no one wants or needs one?!
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:35 pm
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Icaruss says...


I got a three-part story called Tangled Up In Blue.

1: post382487.html
2: topic31268.html
3: topic31373.html

please please please please please
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:54 pm
LoveableLittleSock says...

Second! Yays!

I'm not sure what kind of fiction this is, but it's not fan, fantasy, action or science. So I hope I'm safe.

Anyhow, this is an entry to JFW's contest on side characters. Could you be incredibly harsh? Like, line by line (if you so desire. Don't go to in-depth if you don't want to!) And I'll spare some points because I have no use for them, you know, if you do take the time to do a line-by-line. That would be pretty awesome, and I would owe you my life.

The ending is really retarded, because it involves vampires. If you haven't already seen, there are 5 billion stories concerning vampires and I hate to be unoriginal. Unfortunately, I've become uncreative and I don't know how to end it. So vampires beckoned me... yeah.

Anyways, here's the link!


Thanks a bunch!
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Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:49 pm
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Monki says...

Wow! I'm so sorry! I forgot that I had posted this! Lmao. I should really get to working on this. Either tonight or tomorrow, both of your pieces will be critiqued. (I'll also critique something else of yours since this has taken FOR-ever! Again, really sorry about that...)
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:44 pm
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Monki says...

Wow. Guess I COMPLETELY forgot about this (again). Just... pretend it's not here...
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Thu Mar 30, 2023 8:13 pm
DreamyAlice says...

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— Christopher Johnson McCandless