
Young Writers Society

Camp NaNo '22: All Our Yesterdays

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Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:32 pm
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Elinor says...

All Our Yesterdays
a novella

In the not too distant past, Marcy Lewis, an artistic free spirit, meets and falls in love with Cole Hargrove, an up and coming musician. Cole, already on the brink of great things, is inspired by Marcy to create beautiful love songs, ones that that allow him to reach him levels of fame that one can only dream of.

Over the next few years, as the world turns their eyes onto not only Cole but his and Marcy's relationship, her desires to forge her own path in life grow. Eventually, she finds herself faced with the realization that no matter what she does, she'll always be seen as someone's girlfriend and must reconcile that with the genuine love she has for him.


Write a first draft between 15,000 and 20,000 words, or how ever long it will take for the story to be finished. I'm a bit dicey on the exact time period for this. I know I want it to be before social media was as big as it is now, but I don't want it to be too far in the past, so I might vaguely think of it as mid/late 2000s but keep it vague.

I've been sitting on this one for a while, but one thing that's been holding me back is original songs. If I ever did anything with it I'd hire someone to write "Cole's" music, but for now, I just might have to dance around it.

The story I'm imagining isn't complex, but one I think I need to sit in the world of for a while. Can't wait to see where this leads me.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Mar 29, 2022 12:51 am
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Carlito says...

HERE FOR A ROMANCE SET IN THE 2000s!!!!!!! What it time to be alive!!

(ps i did not forget about under the apple tree and i'm finishing up my edit letter now <3)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:29 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 1: 133 words

I know it was going to be a busy day to start off with this, but I wanted to get something on the page.

It's also officially beginning in 1999 and will span between 5 and 7 years. I haven't decided exactly how long, but I figure that will come intuitively while I'm writing.

Since Cole is a musician, a lot of music and music history is going to factor into this. I also imagine a romantic scene being set to I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys.

I also forgot Marcy's Song by Jackson C. Frank is also a thing, but it was already used memorably in Martha Marcy May Marlene, so maybe I'll just add it to my playlist for now.

Marcy already is already spunky and independent and her voice is fun to write. Since, I've spent so much time in Charlotte Pink's head and this is also first person, my challenge is to make sure they come across as two distinct people. I'm sure that will come through as I write.

Hoping to get more done tomorrow.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:34 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 2: 1,129 words

I set the scene for Marcy and Cole to meet. There's a scene of Marcy and her sister Eileen getting ready to go to the restaurant seems like it goes on for a while, but at the same time, women will understand. Even if Marcy is somewhat of a plain person, I want to make sure it's clear not only why she falls for Cole, but why Cole falls for her, and that Cole isn't too much of a Manic Pixie Dream Boy.

But I think he sees that she's an independent, free spirit and is drawn to that, especially since I think his life has been rather rigid.

I'm also glad I'm doing late 90s/early to mid 2000s for this because this is going to be a fun period to write. I do have some early memories from that era, so it's going to be fun to tap into that and to see the era of my childhood from different eyes as an adult.

An excerpt.

Spoiler! :
Then, I took black my choker necklace from the side of the sink, holding it up to my neck. “Choker, no choker?”

“Choker,” Eileen said. I put it on, thinking the choker was the right choice. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Just a minute, I need to fix my hair,” I pleaded. That afternoon, my hair wouldn’t do what I wanted it to. I’d always kept my hair short, and even though it was only halfway down my neck I was desperate for a haircut. I’d always admired women that could wear theirs long, like my sister, but anytime mine got close to my shoulders it became a nuisance. My bangs were too long and went over my eyes, but if I pinned them aside my too large forehead would be bare and exposed to all.

“Your hair looks fine,” Eileen reassured me.

“It’s all staticky though,” I complained, brushing it once more.

“Okay, come on,” Eileen said, entering the bathroom. She looked through her makeup bag and took one of her pink hair clips and held it to my shirt. “It matches, see?”
 I nodded.

“Pin your bangs to the side,” she instructed. “Trust me.”

“My forehead’s too big.”
 She gave me the clip regardless, and I clipped them to the side. Then, I looked at myself for a moment in the mirror, and thought that the clip did bring the outfit together. I gave my sister a tired smile.

“We’re just a couple of New York City girls out for a night on the town,” she said. “Let’s go.”

I grabbed my purse, my new sunglasses, and we were off.

I also worked more on the Spotify Playlist.

Back at it tomorrow!

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:15 am
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Elinor says...

Day 3: 1,553 words

It was more of a low-key writing day with this one. I got Marcy and Eileen to the restaurant where she'll meet Cole. Going to keep at it tomorrow.

Today's except:

Spoiler! :
“I guess the music starts at 5:30,” Eileen said as we took our menus. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5:15, so we’d have time to order first. While there were a lot of people talking in the background, I was grateful that we could at least hear each other enough to carry on a conversation. I noticed that we were awfully close to the stage, so I hoped that whoever was going to perform would at least be good.

The restaurant had all sorts of funky art on the walls and dark wood tables. Even if being in such a crowded place was making me feel on edge, I thought it was a classy joint, and I wish we had places like that back in Minnesota. As we came in, I noticed it opened at eight in the morning for breakfast. Maybe if there was time before we were due to head back, we could come for an earlier breakfast, before the rush.

I ordered pasta primavera and strawberry lemonade and Eileen ordered a chicken sandwich, fries and a coke. The server had just come back with our drinks when a young man with slicked back dark hair, in a black t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans came on stage, carrying an acoustic guitar.

That was the first time I laid eyes on Cole Hargrove. I noticed almost immediately that that he’d looked in my direction for a second or two. His gaze had lingered, and then he sat down.

My first thought wasn’t that he was cute, but that he was trying too hard to look like Danny Zuko. I almost said something to Eileen, but we were sitting so close that there was a fifty percent chance he would have heard.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Apr 05, 2022 1:30 am
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Elinor says...

Day 4: 2,528 words

This was a surprisingly productive day for writing. Marcy and Cole have had a chance to meet and talk very briefly, and then fate is going to play its hand. Marcy reveals her full name is Marceline, which she hates but Cole thinks it's beautiful. I've decided Cole's going to write a song about this moment and the first time he sees her, and that's going to be something that sends him on his way.

Today's excerpt:

Spoiler! :
That was when Eileen stepped in our direction. “Hey Marce, I hate to break up the party but we’re going to be late.”

I almost thought I saw Cole blushing. “Oh, if you’ve got plans, then I won’t keep you.”

“Yeah, we’re going to go see a Broadway show,” I said. “Death of a Salesman. Just trying to catch a cab, actually.”

“Wow, I think I read that in school,” Cole remarked. “I didn’t know it was being performed. Well, have fun.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at him, again expecting that to be the end of things. I’d just turned my back when I heard his voice.

“Hey, wait.”

I turned.

“You got a number?”
 I took a deep breath. My mind was racing with a million thoughts at once, and I wasn’t sure what to say.

“You know, if I’m ever in Minnesota.”

I still didn’t speak. Then, Eileen took a notepad out of her bag, wrote something down, and handed it to Cole. “This is our hotel number. We’re here until Wednesday. I’m sure Marce would love to see you again.”

Then Cole tuned to me. “If that’s okay with you. I mean, I obviously understand if you don’t want to.”

“No,” I finally said. “You can call me.”

“Okay.” Then, he waved, and after a moment, walked off.

I turned to my sister, flabbergasted at what she’d just done. 
“You’re welcome,” Eileen said with a wry smile.

“What do you mean, you’re welcome?” I exclaimed. Even if he was cute, he clearly lived in New York and we lived halfway across the country. It wasn’t like anything could happen.

“I saw the way he was looking at you during his set. Come on, sis. Live a little.”

I said nothing. Just then, I noticed a cab. I took the opportunity and flagged him down. Miraculously, he stopped. I checked my watch again. It was 7:02. We would make it to the show on time.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:22 am
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Elinor says...

Day 5: 3,140 words

Another transitional day. I feel like I've gotten far along and not much has happened, but got to develop Marcy's relationship with her family a bit more. So far, I'm enjoying how it's all shaping up.

Spoiler! :
There was lots about it that hit surprisingly close to home. While my family had always been tightly knit— Cole always envied that about me, I think— it often felt as though we were terribly fragile, as if one false move was all it would have taken for us to shatter. Sometimes it felt like, for our all of talk of closeness and being one with nature and each other, we never had much to say to each other when no one was watching. I, of course, loved my mother and my father and my sister, and maybe that was part of the reason that the play hit as much as it did.

The parallels we had to the Loman family manifested when we were waiting in line for the bathroom during intermission.

“Eileen,” Mother said, turning to my sister. “What are your plans for the rest of the summer?”

“I don’t know,” Eileen responded, clearly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was heading in.

“Well, have you thought about it?”

“Yes,” Eileen said curtly. “I’m not really sure. Just taking each day as it comes.”

“Your father always needs help at the pier.”

Eileen nodded vaguely. While Eileen was the victim of our mother’s inquisition on this particular night, I doubted I would be spared from it for much longer. I still didn’t have any good idea as to how I was going to spend the rest of my summer. I knew, sooner or later, that I was going to have to make a choice, but I supposed that I was looking for the push I needed in the right direction, and I didn’t know where to find it.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:47 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 6: 3,663 words

Making progress. Marcy and Cole are going to meet at a diner for lunch, and the pace of this should pick up quickly after that. So far I've had good writing days, but I want to try and put a little towards this every day, even if it's 50 or 100 words.

Spoiler! :
I went to my suitcase and picked out today’s outfit, denim shorts and a gray t-shirt. Easy, comfortable. Shortly after that, the phone rang, and my sister answered it.

“Oh yes,” Eileen said. “She’s right here. She’d love to talk to you. Oh, the play was great, thanks for asking.” She put the phone aside and turned to me. “It’s your boyfriend.”

I could feel my face flush. Cole had actually called. She handed me the phone. “Hi, this is Marcy,” I said, not really sure what to expect, half expecting she was playing a prank on me.

“Marcy, it’s Cole, from yesterday,” came that clear, smooth voice. So, it was him, it wasn’t a prank. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Uh, just woke up a minute ago.”

“Oh,” he replied with a nervous laugh. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No, not at all.”

At that point, there was a moment of awkward silence. “Hey, listen,” Cole said. “Where are you staying?”

“Manhattan,” I responded.

What he said next came out one word at a time, almost as if he’d forgotten how to from sentences. “Oh. That’s great. I’m in Manhattan too. Do you want to meet? I’d love to see you.”

“When?” I asked. I, of course, wanted to meet him, but I had to think of how I was going to explain this to my mom.

“You doing anything for breakfast?” He asked.

“Actually, yeah, my mom has that covered.”

“Well, how about lunch?"

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:55 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 8: 4,287 words

Unfortunately, yesterday got away from me, but I'm back on track. Cole says he'll meet Marcy in her hotel lobby at noon. After changing her outfit five times and reapplying her makeup, Marcy goes to the lobby and waits. Cole does not arrive on time.

Spoiler! :
I would give him until 12:20, and then I would go back up to my room, and forget about the whole thing. I must have been visibly anxious, because a man around my father’s age asked me if I was okay.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I told him.

“Alright,” he said, before continuing on his way.

I was about to resign myself to the fact that Cole wasn’t coming, when, at 12:17, he walked through the front door. He seemed out of sorts. We made eye contact, and I managed a shy wave. He was dressed down from the day before, in a blue collared shirt, dark shorts and sneakers.

He sat down next to me. “I’m so sorry. The subway was delayed. And then we had to sit on the tracks for like, ten minutes, because there was a traffic jam.” He laughed. “How does that work? You think they’d have it all figured out.”

“It’s okay,” I said quietly.

“I was thinking, she’s probably waiting in the lobby, and then she’s going to think I’m some jerk who stood her up.”

“Well, I’m here,” I said. I didn’t think it was appropriate to get into the fact that I would have left back to the room in another three minutes. I was also mildly uncomfortable by how he referred to me in the third person, but I didn’t think much of it at the time. Besides, he did seem genuinely remorseful, so I couldn’t hold that against him.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m famished,” he said with a smile. “The place we’re going has some the best burgers in town.”

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:06 am
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Elinor says...

Day 10: 5,035 words

Whoops, I forgot to post an update yesterday, but I did write - my word count at the end of yesterday was 4,758. So today was a quiet writing day, but as I said, a little progress is better than nothing. She's still at the diner with Cole, though I might have to get moving and get Marcy back to Minnesota fairly soon. Cole will find his way there, which is when they'll officially start dating. I do need to get there so I can move forward with the rest of the story, but I think this period of meeting him is important in Marcy's life.

I'm going to hold off on posting an excerpt today, and going forward I might only do so when there's something I really want to share. This whole thing might end up being a bit more than 15,000 words, but we'll see how it all goes!

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:16 am
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Elinor says...

Day 11: 5,472 words

Cole and Marcy part with a hug and Marcy gives Cole her number so he can call when she's back home.

Marcy and Eileen both go to work for their father's boat rental company. Cole does not call, and Marcy tries to forget about it.

It'll turn out that Cole's writing a song about her, and will call to play it to her, and then probably make plans to go out there and see her.

One step at a time but I'm excited to move forward!

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:41 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 13: 6,505 words

Didn't write yesterday, but I got back on track today. Marcy returned home and has settled into a monotonous job at her father's boat rental company. Things are going to get more exciting very soon.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Thu Apr 14, 2022 3:03 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 14: 7,168 words

After over a month of no contact, Cole calls Marcy at work and plays the song he wrote her. This wins Marcy over and he makes plans to come to Minnesota to see her.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sun Apr 17, 2022 2:53 am
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Elinor says...

Day 16: 8,022 words

Need to get better about writing a little in this every day, but at least I'm back on track. Cole has arrived in Minnesota and he and Marcy get ready to meet. Narrator Marcy remarks on how little she was prepared for the changes her life was about to undergo.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:46 pm
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Elinor says...

Day 17: 9,627 words

My best writing day so far. Marcy and Cole have dinner in Minnesota, talk about Y2K, about not wasting time, and have their first kiss.

I'm figuring out a lot of this story and what I want to focus on as I go along, and it seems like "falling in and out of love" are going to be the most important things. And while Cole hasn't become famous yet, I think the story is more about her loving him as a person in spite of his fame. Also, regardless of whether or not I go past 15k, I'm going to have a finished first draft of this by the end of the month. I am determined!

Here's another excerpt.

Spoiler! :
“You’re probably right,” Cole said. “Still, it’s made me think a lot about certain things. Like, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for any of us, right? I think… if today was my last day on earth would I be happy with how I’m spending it?”

I nodded. I had an idea of what he meant, but I didn’t know if I could say that I’d really put that into practice in my own life.

“Um,” Cole continued, a lump in his throat. “I say this because my dad died of cancer last year. He was only forty-eight. He was the one that, got me into music, you know? We were all blindsided by his diagnosis. He could have had eighteen months with treatment, but he decided that he didn’t want that.”

“Cole, I’m so sorry,” I finally managed, not sure what else to say.

“It’s okay,” he assured me. “I’ve made my peace with it. I just don’t want to waste any time.”

I nodded.

“Marcy,” he said. “That includes you. When I saw you….” He trailed off, then started to laugh nervously. “I’m sorry, I’m bad at words. Maybe that’s why I write songs.”

“Uhhhh-huh,” I said vaguely. I could feel my heart start to pound as I waited for him to finish his thought.

“You don’t bullshit like other people. That’s the impression that I have of you. You live your life and do what makes you happy. I wish more people had that mindset. I knew you were someone that I needed to get to know.”

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

Nouns can verb very well actually, they verb better than some verbs do.
— winterwolf0100