
Young Writers Society

What the Emperor Doesn't Know

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Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:55 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Liora | Stal’Vuth Mansion/Streets Outside:

I curled into myself, hiding in a dark corner on the far side of the kitchen. There were only two other slaves in the room, but neither one of them were paying attention to me. I was supposed to be getting my master his breakfast, but instead, I was weepnig in the corner....like the little girl I was. My cheek was tender from the slap I'd recieved the day before but the pain in my heart was worse. I missed my family--my mother. It was hard, trying to remember her. She was a blur of dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin.

There wasn't much else to do when I was hiding. Thinking of my mother and the man she used to see. Most of my life before Darren was only barely remembered. It was better to focus on the present, anyway. I would never be free of him if he had his way. I had hopes of eventually paying him off for my freedom, but I doubted I ever could. So, what were the rest of my options? Death; I was only young. It didn't seem like a very good idea. Or running away? I coudl do that, but it'd be bad for me if I was caught. Worth a try, though.

I pushed myself onto my feet, stumbling. My legs were asleep--I'd been hidign in my corner all night. Rubbing my legs until they woke up, I slipped out of the kitchen adn made my way towards the garden and the path that led to the side gate. Darren's room overlooked the front of the Mansion, so I had to be very careful as I crept through the garden, round through the side gate and out over the front lawn. I probably should have found something else to put on, but it was too late. I was nearly out the front gates when the guard stationed there turned and saw me. For a moment, I was frozen.

"Hey, you," snapped the gaurd. A man I recognised as Jinan, one of Darren's Guards. I was frightened. "What do you think you're doing?" His didn't sound impressed or happy. I swallowed. Think, Liora, think! I thought, trying to find an excuse for my being headed for the main gates. Jinan rolled his eyes and moved forwards, as if to grab me.

I skipped back a step. "I-I'm... My m-master sent me on an...an errand," I stuttered, sounding meek even to my own ears. My heart was pounding so fast--I thought the man would hear it.

Jinan sneered at me. "Did he now?" I nodded and quickly ducked around the man. I felt his eyes on me as I walked. "And he let you out dressed like that? I thought he'd at least give you a cloak if you went to the markets." I stiffened and paused mid-step. The man chuckled. "After all, I doubt he wants all those eyes roaming over his property."

I quickly shot the man a glance. He was smirking, his intent clear in his eyes. Oh, by the gods and goddesses. He wasn't thinking what I thought he was thinking, was he? I frowned at him, then gave him a calm, seren look. "I don't think my master would like it if one of his own soldier harmed his favourite toy." It made me sick to talk about myself as such, but honestly. It was better than what I wanted to say to him. With that said, I made a run for it. Behind me, the guard started shouting about a runaway slave.

I cursed and ducked beneath the arm of another guard. This was definitely not how I had planned my escape. At this rate, I was going to get caught and dragged back to Darren. Mind you, I would be kicknig and screaming. I dreaded my punishment if I were to be caught.

((Yep, you've read that right. Liora's making a run for it. DSF, enjoy having her captured and dragged back to her master. I don't doubt that Darren has a few ideas about punishment for poor little Lili.))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:06 pm
Synnoev says...


It was early morning when both Xanthe and Essy returned to the infirmary, matching scowls visible on their faces. I I had only woken up an hour previous, and from the tired expression on Essy's face, they hadn't been awake for long either.

"Essy wants some more cream for her cuts," Xanthe asked bluntly, and I nodded whilst avoiding his gaze, still sore from his comments the other day. Essy's scowl deepened as he spoke, and I could only assume that the decision to return here had been Xanthe's, not hers. I chanced a glance back at him, a slight frown creeping onto my face. He really would make one of the best physicians out of all the resistance members, I mused, before turning away to get the lotion Essy needed.

"Don't need-"

Xanthe silenced her with a look of mock-disapproval, and Essy glanced away with a sulky expression as I returned with the lotion, applying it quickly. "It should be healed completely in a few days time," I informed the pair calmly, before straightening up again. "Anyway, what are you two doing in the tunnels? Aren't you going topside for the Day of Filth?"

"Xanthe is taking me now," Essy replied smugly, and I offered a small smile in response. Of course they were going together, the two were completely inseparable at the best of times.

"Well, you make sure you look after him, then," I teased, and the girl nodded seriously, flicking her hair out of her face after inspecting her cut briskly.

"I always look after Xanthe," she said in a serious tone, then started to tug him away impatiently. "Come on, Xanthy."

Rolling his eyes slightly, Xanthe swung Essy onto his shoulders, ducking slightly to make way for the door frame, then continued off down the tunnels, giving a slight half-wave as means of goodbye, not turning back as he did so. My farewell died in my mouth, and I watched as the two disappeared out of sight, then let out a weary sigh, sitting back down at the table and laying my head down on the surface. Hopefully this Day of Filth would result in less injuries than the previous few had.

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:01 pm
DSF6647 says...

Darren | His Mansion

“My Lord, my Lord,” a young soldier gasped as he came darting up to where Darren and Garret sat. The young man bowed low on the ground

“What is it?” Darren asked irritably, as he glanced at the young man with obvious disdain.

“The young slave girl, Liora, she’s escaping,” the soldier gasped in between ragged breaths.

Darren froze. His face became impassive and cold as he slowly looked toward the gates to his manse. The young soldier shivered as the sun caught the slave lord’s eyes, causing them to shine like two azure flames. The slave lord slowly rose to his feet and whispered, “Grab my sword and my horse, we shall see what sport this whore can offer.”

The young soldier didn’t move for a moment, but a swift kick from Garret sent him scurrying off. “My Lord,” the gruff soldier said, “Are you sure you wish to trouble yourself with this? Allow me to go and get her for you.”

Darren didn’t answer. He slowly turned and gave Garret a look that sent a chill through the man’s bones. “I will handle this personally,” he whispered, “the girl will rue the day she forsook my love.” Without even another word Darren whirled about and marched away. He entered into the courtyard where the young soldier had his horse and sword ready for him. Darren slipped the sword on and swung up on his horse as another guard hurried over to him. “She just went running out the gate sir, should we pursue?”

“Have two guards follow me, but stay out of the way, I will take care of this, personally.”

The guard visibly gulped as he saw a dark look pass over his lord’s eye. Darren smiled thinly and gave his horse a sharp kick. It reared and galloped forward, racing through the gate and out onto the road. People screamed and hurried out of the way as he plowed through their midst. Liora hadn’t gotten very far; Darren could see the girl’s ragged form running through the streets ahead. She zigzagged and darted along like a panicked animal, afraid and unsure of what to do.

“Out of the way!” Darren screamed as his horse pushed forward. He didn’t slow down; if anyone was foolish enough to get in the way he would run them down. The people parted before him as he pointed at Liora and shouted, “That girl is a run away slave, help her, and your life is forfeited!”

Liora heard him yell and began to run faster. People ran out of the way, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the slave girl. In moments a path was cleared in the street, Darren at one end, and Liora at the other. He would ride the bitch down. With a malicious smile Darren urged his horse forward and raced ahead, closing the gap between him and the girl in seconds. Liora tried to dart into the crowd, but the people refused to move. Most advert their eyes to the girl’s cries, and others simply stared at her with cold eyes.

They wouldn’t help. They knew the price they would pay for involving themselves with a slave and her master. None of them wished to die, and none of them wished to be enslaved themselves. Liora let out a scream, “Help me! Someone please, help me!”

No one moved. The street was silent as Darren rode toward her with a grim ferocity. As he sped by Liora he lashed out with his sword, and with a faint shriek the girl collapsed in the street, a thin line of blood spread along the back of her shirt.

Darren jumped down from his horse and slowly sauntered over to where Liora lay on the ground, whimpering and bleeding. “Is this how you betray my love?” he hissed as he lashed out with a ferocious kick that caught the young girl in the face. She let out another shriek of pain as his boot caught her across the cheek, tearing a gash in her face as she lay in the dirt, weeping. “You are making me do this,” Darren calmly said as he kicked her again, this time in the stomach. Liora wretched, her lungs compressing as she attempted to breathe. Her strangled sobs were like music to Darren’s ears. “I don’t want to do this, I never had,” Darren whispered as he slowly knelt down beside Liora.

He gently traced a finger along her face and placed two fingers under her chin, raising her eyes to meet his own. “Why do you like being hurt?” he asked her with obvious distress. “Why do you do this to yourself my littler bird?”

Liora didn’t answer; her breathing was still ragged as a slow tear traced a dirty line down her face. Darren wiped the tear away and slowly stood as two of his guards rode up. “Take her back, bind her in the chains that are in my room, I will deal with her tonight.”

The guards nodded and dragged the sobbing Liora away as Darren slowly turned to look at the crowd of people who were staring at him. Some glared, others just watched with horrified expressions and fear. “We don’t seek this for any of you,” Darren slowly said to the crowd. “You honor us, and we shall return the favor, you seek to cheat us on what is owed…” he pointed to Liora who was being dragged off, “And your punishment shall be swift and without mercy.” Darren swung up onto his horse, and without even a glance back rode back to his house, a grim smile on his pretty face. To care is to be weak, he thought as he rode along, And I will never curry such weakness!

Darren | Mansion, late that night

“It is almost time,” Garret murmured as the scarlet sun dimmed below the cities rooftops. “Soon my Lord, the Day of Filth will begin.”

“Indeed,” Darren mused as he slowly swirled the cup of wine that lay before him. “We will soon be writing a new chapter in this cities great history. A minor Purge, but a start none the less. “

“Minor?” Garret asked with surprise, “My Lord, you will be able to capture hundreds of slaves tomorrow, it is far from minor.”

“For what I have planned it is,” Darren answered somewhat wistfully. “We will have free reign of the Day of Filth, and it will be easy because all of the peasants will come to us. But there is still so much more Garret, there is still the slums.”

Garrett paused and gave his Lord an odd look. “I don’t think I understand what you mean my Lord.”

Darren dismissed the question with a casual wave as he drained the rest of the wine with one swig. “It is of no consequence Garret. See the men are well rested and fed, in the morning we begin.” Garret bowed as Darren slowly stood and strolled casually from the room. As Darren disappeared Garret cast a small glance down at the map of the city. The morning would bring terror and death for many, and opportunity and growth for others. He stared at the red circle that surrounded the slums on the map. That one area housed most of the cities population, and most of the cities potential.

Darren slowly meandered into his room. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark. Dozens of candles cast dark shadows around his large room. The silken curtains rippled as a small breeze wafted through, and the scent of incense made it smell like flowers in spring. Chained off to one corner was Liora. Her arms shackled to chains that hung on the wall. She was limp, a small pool of blood down by her feet from the cut she had received earlier.

Darren just stood there and watched her for a moment. The way her dark hair framed that smooth pale face stirred something in him. Excitement? Lust? He wasn't sure, but he reveled in the feeling as he moved toward her. As he approached Liora didn’t even move, and he raised a finger to gently caress her skin. He moved in a bit closer, and all Liora did was whimper as Darren whispered in her ear. “I want to help you,” he whispered, his breath hot on her face. “Just ask me to, and I will remove these chains and see you helped. Ask me to take you.”

Liora didn’t answer. She just stared at the ground, hurt, confused, almost dead to the world around her. Darren softly kissed her neck, and pressed himself against the young girl. He could feel the blood rushing through him, pounding as his desire began to stir. Then he took a finger and stabbed it into the cut on her back. Liora’s body arched and she screamed in pain, a shriek that split the calm night air like a razor.

Darren smiled and softly whispered, “You can end this all, just ask me to take you and your punishment will be over.”

Liora just trembled, and then she softly said, “Take me.”

Darren smiled and pulled a key from around his neck and quickly unlocked Liora’s chains. Picking her up he threw the young slave girl onto the bed. Scarlet streaks of blood followed her along the silken pillows as Darren jumped into bed with her.

Darren | The Day of Filth

Darren stood out on his balcony. His naked skin glowed like bronze as he turned his face toward the rising sun. The air was still, quiet, almost as if the atmosphere could fear what was about to come. His blue eyes danced in the morning light, and he raised a hand to brush his dark hair from his face. The time had come.

Turning he walked back into his room and took a moment to stare at Liora’s still form. She lay asleep, cradled by the silken sheets that were dotted with dried blood. She had been willing last night, and he had taken her. It had surprised him how alive she had become while in bed. Her body had melded with his, and for mere minutes she had been more then a slave. She had been a lover, and her passion had only kindled his further, feeding the flame that was already there.

He looked at her form, and once again felt the passion stir. He could take her, one more time before he left for the day. The thought was appealing, but he also knew that he shouldn’t bother. She was a slave, and to care for a slave was a weakness he could not allow himself. No, he would leave her in bed and send up one of the midwives to bind her wounds. Then she would be back to serve him when he got home from hunting.

Darren quickly dressed him self and left the room. He wore a stark white tunic, embroidered with gold thread and inlaid with scarlet silk. A thin circlet of gold was snuggly fit on his head, and his skin seemed to glow against the pale clothe. Darren looked more like an ancient god, wreathed with beauty and rage as he made his way down stairs and into his courtyard.

Hundreds of soldiers were already gathered there. They were armed with nets and clubs, while swords and axes glittered on their belts. They wore the simple armor of a guard, and all of them looked grim and fierce. Most were slaves, some had fought in the arena, and Darren had bought their freedom so they could serve him. Others had once served in the Emperor’s army, but gambling debts and poor decisions had cost them their lives. They were all his men. Promised freedom if they served well, they were fed, clothed, and given woman to release their seed into. They were his.

“It is time,” Darren called to them, “We will capture as many of the filth as we can, and bring them to the pens at the arena. Do your best to keep them undamaged, and do not use your weapons unless you have to. We are here for profit, and not for anything else, do not forget this. To the man who captures the most slaves a prize will be given.” Darren paused for a second and smiled at them all as he said, “To the one who captures the most slaves, he will received his freedom. All his debt, no matter how large will be erased. Now go!”

With a roar they broke up and poured out of his gates, all of them going to their assigned spots. Some would be at the gates, to release the peasants and allow them to go into the city. Others would form a perimeter to make sure no peasants slipped free. The Day of Filth would begin, but not till noon, when post of the slums residents were about in Pash.

Garret came walking over to Darren and bowed. “My lord the men go to take their positions. We have scribes standing by at the Pens to log all the slaves and the estimated worth they shall bring. Engineers also stand by to take account of any damage done, and to pay those who will lose property doing this day. “

“Good,” Darren said with a wicked smile, “Let us see what kind of rabble we will gain today.”

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:02 pm
DSF6647 says...

OOC: My bad the stupid thing double posted. But the day of Filth has started, so feel free to get your characters out on the street.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:12 am
Lumi says...

Rein | The Tunnels

“I’m telling you,” she said, teeth cracking into a chunk of bread, “the trick is all in the wrist.”

“But it makes no sense to me!” Rein leaned back against the stone wall behind him, flicking his wrist back and forth. “Either way I move my wrist, a person is sure to notice me taking from them.” He shook his head, smiling in that nearly-embarrassing way that only Rein could, dimple digging into the right of his face and eyes beaming. “Besides,” he said, taking a berry from the bowl between them, “I would much rather earn my fair share in life than just take it from someone else who may need it even more.” He straightened his back, dusting the crumbs on the table into one little pile.

“But where’s the fun in that? Where’s the, the carnal instinct, the natural feeling of being a predator...it’s so thrilling, so energizing!”

“Maura,” Rein said, closing his eyes and laughing, “if I wanted to feel carnal instinct, I’d try and fall in love.”

She let him trail off, then, taking another bite of her bread and looking across the room at where a few newer refugees were huddled together. “I wonder how many horror stories we have here in the tunnels,” she pondered, glancing back at Rein and folding her hands under her chin. “I mean, people like Kalle have to put up with Emperor Tharin, people like Leinad have seen decades pass of this nonsense, and people like you never talk about your pasts.” She narrowed her eyes. “Why is that?”

Cue panic.

A bead of sweat formed in the crook of Rein’s neck, his fingers drumming on the table in a quick cadence. He blinked, speechless, almost hoping the question would go away if he ignored it. After all, if he couldn’t see the question, the question couldn’t see him, right?

But it was Maura.

God, Rein, of all people to hide from.

He slowly turned his eyes up to her, catching that mischievous gaze of hers. He swallowed air, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and pursed his lips. “I, um.” His head was beginning to spin. It was just a question, though. “Well...” he trailed off, changing his gaze again. “You see--”

It wasn’t even anything to be ashamed of. There really didn’t seem to be anything wrong with his past.

He just really missed his mom.

No no nonononono--

A tear stung at the corner of his eye and he blinked it away, biting down on his lip. “I’m an orphan--”

“--like me,” Maura soothed, sliding her hands across the table, almost like she was going to grab Rein’s. His little hands shook, nervously, as that little tear hit the table, leaving a shiny streak down his face.

“Like you,” he repeated, choking himself up. He really, really missed his mom.

Maura’s hands brushed over his, stopping them from shaking almost instantly. His neck loosened as he turned his eyes up to her, shakily. “You’re always afraid of the next moment.” She shook her head, her short hair barely moving with the motion. “But you have nothing to panic about at a breakfast table, Rein. The world isn’t going to suddenly decide to conspire against you all at once--”

“--but the Emperor--”

“--the Emperor doesn’t know you exist, doesn’t know any of us exist. We’re safe.”

Rein swallowed the tight air, peering down at their hands. Maura had, more or less, suppressed him by the wrists, keeping his hands--which seemed, at least at this angle, to be smaller than her own--steady. “If you say so, M--”

“--Maura, Rein.” Rein jerked his hands back into his lap, peering up to see Leinad slowly approaching. “I have a veeery small favor to ask of you today, and it will wrap up this week’s duties for both of you quite nicely.”

“What do you need, sir?” Rein cleared his throat and hesitated.

“Oh please, Rein. M’boy, if you haven’t learned by now, you have no reason to revere me like a Lord or Master--I’m just Leinad.”

“Well,” Maura wound up, bringing the conversation back on-point, “Leinad, what do you need us to nab you?”

Leinad gave her a look. “Maura, your sly wrists and sticky fingers won’t be needed today. I’m simply requesting that you take a stroll today around noon.” He smiled at both of them in turn and nodded. “As always on the Day of Filth, some of our children wish to scurry about. And that’s fine, but Kestral seems to have an eagerness to get out, and I’m not quite keen on her going alone.” He looked at them, allowing them to piece the rest together.

“So if you would, merely follow her at a distance. Enjoy a nice piece of Lord Nolan’s Day of Filth Passion Fruit Pie--I hear it’s delectable.”

It was definitely an easy job, at least easier than what Rein normally got, tucked away in the studies for days at a time to figure out a hidden schematic or coded message to the armories, and it gave him a chance to spend more time with--


Rein snapped out of his thoughts, looking up to the door as Maura slipped out as quietly as a thief.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:02 am
ScarlettFire says...

Louarn | Savas Manor/Markets:

Louarn sat at his desk, a glass or long-forgotten wine sitting to one side next to a plate of half-eaten bread. The words on the pages in front of him were blurry, but not because he'd drunk too much or couldn't focus. He was too tired. He'd barely slept at all the previous night and now he sat at his desk trying to focus on paperwork. As far as he could tell, Lou's money was almost gone. He cursed and let his head hang, one hand gripping his hair. He was going to loose everything if he didn't get his father's old debts paid off, not to mention his own.

"Crap," he muttered, reaching for the only just remembered wine. He took a large swig and set it down again before flipping his books closed. It looked bad; Louarn Savas was in trouble, but he didn't care to admit it. I need to go see Leinad, he thought, eyeing the closed books. It was the manor. Lou would bet his life on it. The damn house was like quicksand--he kept pouring the money in and nothing ever really got fixed. He could, should, probably try harder, but it wasn't something he felt he could do. He was only the second son; he wasn't meant to be running the household. That was supposed to have been his brother, but sadly, the older Savas son was no longer among the living.

Frustration was not a good thing for Lou, and now it was driving him up the wall. He didn't know how to fix this, so he would go and see the only man he thought might know how. He had to go see Leinad, he really had to. So he stood and left his home, wandering through the streets until he bumped into the guard--and it was only then that he realised something. He had left his papers at Lein's the other door, completely forgeting about the need for them. And now, here he was in the middle of the street and facing down a guard.

"Sorry," he mumbled, trying to brush past the guard. The man grabbed his arm.

"Papers," he grunted and Lou would have cursed if he dared. They were at Leinad's! He was definitely in trouble now.

"Uh...." Lou backed up a step and the guard came with him. "I'm a noble," he said. "My name is Lord Louarn Savas. Would you care letting go of me?"

The guard's grip tightened. "Peasants who claim to be lords, no matter how well they seem to be dressed, will be punished," snapped the guard. Lou tugged his arm away but the man jerked it back. "Come with me now," the gaurd said, expression and voice dark. Lou tugged harder.

"I'm Lord Savas," Lou insisted. Please believe me, he thought, almost begging the man silently. "I was on my way to Leinad Marsuvis's shop. M-my papers are there. I swear on it. Look, I'm even wearing the Savas ring." He shook his free hand and the guard's eyes darted down to it.

"Easily stolen by some stupid pickpocket!" He growled. Panicking now, Lou tried to pry off the man's fingers. They struggled and Lou found himself pinned face-first to the nearest wall. "I suggest you stop lying right now, peasant."

"What's going on here?"

The guard froze and Lou relaxed slightly. He really hoped that was someone here to stop this stupid guard. He twisted round to see and his hopes died. It was Lord Stal’vuth, the Slave Lord of Pash. Dread replaced the hope. Lou wasn't well known and the Slave Lord had every reason not to set him set free.

((DSF, enjoy whatever you're about to do to capture Lou. Also, Lili posting coming soon. Princey is passed out in his rooms....again... He won't be awake just yet.))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:46 pm
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Lauren2010 says...

Maura Rowe | Following Kestral

Leinad had impeccable timing. Just as soon as he had left the room and Maura had slipped away - with Rein eventually catching up behind her - they came up on Kestral sneaking through the tunnel exit into Leinad's shop. Maura held back, and Rein slammed right into her back as he jogged to catch up with her.

"Shh." She held a finger to her lips as Rein let out a sound between a groan and a squeak. "Do you suppose Leinad literally wanted us to let an orphan into the streets on a Day of Filth?" she asked, keeping her voice low. "We'll have an eye on her, but is it worth the possibility of being captured?"

Rein held up a stack of papers that Leinad must have handed him after Maura had slipped away. "Leinad wouldn't risk that," he said. "We'll be safe with these."

Maura took the papers and flipped through them. "Rein," she said, a slight smile tugging at her lips. "Have you read our papers?"

"No, why--"

She held up the papers for him, fanning them out so the names on each were showing. "Today, we're Sir and Madam Rein and Maura Rowe, with our daughter Kestral Rowe."

Rein's eyes widened and he cast his gaze to the floor. "I- er, I'm sure Leinad didn't, er--"

"Relax," she said, placing a hand lightly on his shoulder. "The world isn't conspiring against you. This--" she held up the papers "--is his idea of a clever joke that will also extremely benefit us. If we're caught, these could save us from imprisonment." She tucked the papers inside her cloak and turned toward the exit that Kestral had just disappeared through. "Of course, now I have to speak with Kaya about a dress," she said, irritation rising in her tone.

"A dress? Maura, wait," Rein said, running to catch up.

Kaya was in the back of the shop, her nose in a book, when Maura came in requesting her assistance. She gladly suited Maura in the largest dress she owned - she was quite smaller than Maura, who had put much of her effort for years into looking as masculine as possible. She lent her a pair of slipper-like shoes and a woman's cloak as well. "You'll want this," she said as she handed the cloak over. "You'll look--"

"Less like a cross-dressing man," Maura finished for her. It was true; she looked anything but natural and comfortable in the simple dress. It revealed her muscular arms much more than she ever desired, and no woman would show herself in public with the rats-nest that was her hair.

She turned to leave only to come against Rein staring at her from the doorway. He'd only been there for a moment while Kaya was fetching her cloak for Maura, but he had this strange look on his face as he stared at her.

"What?" she asked. "Haven't you ever seen a woman in a dress before?" She pushed past him and out the shop. Luckily in all their time wasted Kestral hadn't wandered too far and was still picking around in the street nearby.

"Come on," Maura said. She tried to keep her voice as light and feminine as possible, tried to recall what she had once sounded like before she had grown so accustomed to feigning a man. She coughed and cleared her throat a few times before speaking again in the softest voice she could manage, "Isn't it a lovely day?"

I'm assuming Kestral and Rein want to write their own capture scenes ;)
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Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:20 pm
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PrincessOfDarkness says...

Kestrel | Picking Gifts

I walked idly up to the store, running my fingers over the necklaces.

"Ar' ye gonna buy an'thing, lassie?" I looked up into the face of the stall holder. He had big, bushy eyebrows and a gnarled face, with black, wirey hair and beetle-like eyes.

"I might," I said.

I spotted a necklace that would be perfect for Essy. "How much?" I asked, pointing to it.

"Too much for ye," He said, glaring at me. "No' an Orphan, are ye?"

"Of course not. Try me. How much?" I said, still stroking the pearly beads.

"______, if ye kindly would," He held out his hand.

"Ah," I dove my fingers into my pocket, jingling the money about. "Too much, too much. How about ____?"

"Nay, too little, lassie,"

I shrugged. "Fine then."

I crossed the road, noticing a woman exiting the clothes shop. I stroked the beads from the necklace, my hand still stuffed in my pocket. I meandered over to another shop, noticing a small gift for Tib. I bartered it down to a respectable price and bought it. Then I noticed the guards.

Beetle Eye was talking to them. He pointed straight at me. One of the guards laughed. I could hear heavy breathing, and a smell like stale beer.

It hit me like lighting.

He hadn't been pointing at me. He was pointing at-

I leapt sideways, crashing into the stall, jewelry and bound leather notebooks flying in all different directions.

I scrambled up and bolted. I twisted down the alleyway, my feet slapping the pavement.
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Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:58 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Liora | Stal’Vuth Mansion - Darren's Room:

I woke with a start, groaning as I rolled onto my back. The room was unfamilar and clearly not my own. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was....and what I had done. Oh, by the gods. That wasn't good. I ached all over and I could feel the blood from the wound on my back sticknig the sheet to me. I grimaced and gently pulled it away. Dread was making my heart heavy. What had I done?

Breathing though my nose, I shifted to sit up. My back protested--loudly. I had a feeling that the wound one my back would be bleeding again soon. I was also panicking. What if he came back? What if I wasn't meant to be here when he did? Ohgodohgodohgod. I had to get up....leave...move. I had to do something. I moved again, wincing, and then hugged my knees to me chest, the sheets pulled up to my chin. How could I...let...him...do....do that to me?

I was breathing really fast by the time I realised that someone had entered the room. When I looked up, I found a couple of my master's healers standing just inside the doorway. The older one was frowning at me while the younger just stared--quite blatantly, too. I blinked at them, hugging my knees and the sheets to me chest. Had...had he sent them to check on me? I suddenly felt like crying--which I did. The rest of my time in his rooms was a blur.

When I was aware of my surroundings again, I was alone. I couldn't help wondering, a little numbly, how long it would be before he came back. I hoped it would be a while, but then everything faded and I felt numb. I stared at a spot on the bed, motionless.

((Crappy and short post, but Lili is kinda freaking out? I think... *sighs* Oh, well. You get what I mean by this, don't you? Also, I should probably post for Rian....but he's probably still passed out in bed. x.x))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:45 pm
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eldEr says...

Leinad | The Tunnels

Leinad stared at the freshly re-stocked shelves, sighing to himself. There was something... not right about today. The Day of Filfth always put him on-edge, but there was something particularly unsettling about today. Perhaps it was just due to the fact that this was the first time many of the younger children were being allowed to go out. On their own. Of course, Maura and Rein were watching Kestral and were hopefully keeping tabs on some of the others... and Xanthus was with little Eselda... even if the boy didn't act it, he was genuinely responsible. There was absolutely nothing to fear in this.

So then, why did he have this nagging feeling in the back of his mind? It was telling him that he had forgotten something... or pehaps he hadn't paid close enough attention to some minute detail that would later explode in their faces. Not just his face. All of their faces.

He sighed, leaning heavily on his walking stick as he shuffled out of the room. They would be okay, wouldn't they? Of course they would be. This was, after all, the one day they could wander the streets without too much fear of being yanked into a dark alley and getting beaten to death. And if that wasn't an unnerving thought, Leinad didn't know what was.

"I'm going to get a bracelet. Or maybe a ring." Eselda's voice echoed through the tunnel, and Leinad had to admit that the unusually cheerful tone of her voice was... well it was just soothing.

"Is that right?" Xanthus. Those two were joined at the hip-- it was rather amusing, really. Most would have assumed that Xanthus' straws would have been pretty much cut by now, but it didn't seem to be the case. Leinad was more than thankful for this, of course. Eselda needed attention, and Xanthus seemed to provide it.

He smiled brightly as they rounded their corner, Eselda perched on Xanthus' shoulders, stooped over his head a bit to avoid hitting the ceiling. "How's your cheek feeling, Eselda?"

Eselda blinked, smiling a little. "It's okay, I guess." There was undeniably color rising to her cheeks- obviously, the poor thing was embaressed about her little run-in with the wall.

"Good, then." He shuffled past them, mind drifting back to his conversation with Leo. He would leave Xanthus alone for now, but that topic would be breached eventually. Leo needed an assistant, and he seemed to have taken a... liking, of sorts, to Xanthus. "Be careful, you two."

They might have answered, but by then he was too far away to hear. He paused, head tilting slightly to better accomodate the sounds of two voices. Bartimeus and... Lyra? Interesting- what would those two have to discuss in the tunnels? Blind Bart was probably lost again, no doubt. That man needed to be a little more cautious of where he treaded in these tunnels. Leinad prepared braced himself for Bartimeus' snarky comments and snide remarks, sliding into the small side-room that the two seemed to be conversing in.

"Aren't you two going top-side? You have papers on the stairs leading into the shop, if you want them." He had left the vast majority of them there. Of course, he didn't know that he felt comfortable with letting Bartimeus into the city. There were so many things that he could say to the wrong person, so many people who would drag him into a dark corner and beat him to death... he was blind, and Day of Filfth or not, they would kill him.

Posts for the other two characters will be up later. I feel all sick and such. Blah.

got trans?

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:03 pm
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SisterItaly says...

Lyra | Tunnels

Lyra glanced up at Lien, "I suppose," she muttered, getting to her feet and helping old Bart up. The old man had wanted to go topside, though Lyra didn't know why.

Going topside just led to ridicule on the day of filth, granted that was a step up from being beaten to death or thrown into the arena. No matter how little she respected the man, she still had to protect him. Being blind was a great disadvantage in a city of cut throats. She brushed past Lien, smiling weakly at him as she led Bart towards the shop. Her mind wandered to the shops, hoping somewhere she'd find an eye patch. Those were hard to find in a city that demanded perfection.

"Where's the ladder?" Bart asked, pressing his hand against the wall.

She let out a sigh and led his hand to the first step, making sure he didn't fall before she climbed up herself. Maybe she'd get lucky and he'd just stay silent today. He was constantly trying to get her to talk, saying how she was troubled and he just wanted to help her. Lyra didn't consider herself a troubled person. Perhaps a little mad, but not troubled. Sometimes she just wanted the world to go away, and when it didn't she would. She would go away to that place in her mind where there was only laughter and darkness.

She picked up the papers and folded them before putting them into her pocket, turning to old Bart. "Ready?" she muttered, opening the door. The old man muttered something under his breath before stepping out, Lyra resisted for a split moment- having noticed a guard.

The two simply walked through the streets in silence for a while, Lyra was beginning to notice a disturbing amount of guards.

(Pfffffttiubrg I am never using Lyra again. She's such an impossible character.)
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:33 am
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DSF6647 says...

Darren | Streets of Pash

“What’s going on here?” Darren demanded, as he pulled his horse up.

Two of the city guards had a young man pined up against the wall, and they were struggling to hold him there as they did a search. The guards quickly turned at his voice, and one muttered, “We found this one just wandering the street Milord, and well… we thought he would be a good one for the markets.”

Damn the men and their impatience, Darren thought, I haven’t even given the order to begin rounding everyone up and already they are beginning to grab people. They’ll start a panic and half the slaves will be back into the slums before we can get any!. His anger died down a bit as his eyes settled on the young man they were holding.

“And who might you be?” Darren asked mildly.

The young man gulped nervously and said, “My name is Lord Louarn Savas. I forgot my papers and don’t have them on me, if you would allow me to go get them.”

Darren cut off the young man with a wave of his hand. “If you don’t have your papers then the fault lies with you,” he said with a wicked grin as he slowly swung off his horse and sauntered over. The two guards held this supposed “lord” and Darren ran his finger down the boys face. “Such a pretty face,” he murmured, as the young man squirmed with disgust.

Darren allowed his hand to wander further down and the the boy suddenly snapped, “Get your hands off me! I am a Lord, you have no right to do this!”

“Actually,” Darren said with mild amusement, “I do have the right.” He turned toward the guards and said, “Strip him, I want to see what he looks like without anything on.”

“You can’t!” the boy yelled in surprise, “You can’t do this!”

“Hurry up,” Darren snapped to the guards, “I want to see the product for myself.”

The young man suddenly whirled around and punched one of the guards in the face. The man gave a grunt, and Darren heard his noise crack as the guard let go of the boy’s arm with a cry of pain. The other one tried to hold the prisoner down, but the “lord” managed to twist out of his grip. He made it two feet before Darren tackled him to the ground and punched the young man solidly in the stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Louran gave a gasp, and before he could recover Darren hit him again.

A few more guards had stepped up, and Darren waved them over. They lifted the gasping prisoner as Darren pulled out his knife, and with a couple slices, carved of Louran’s clothing. The young man gave a strangled sob, but Darren hardly heard. As he tugged off the last few pieces of clothe a tender smile played across his face. “You’ll do perfectly,” he whispered, as he admired the young man. “Bind him and take him to my house, bind him in the garden and if he get’s hungry or thirsty give him salt and vinegar.” The guards nodded and Darren gave the man one last fond look. "I will have fun breaking you," he said.

The guards nodded, and dragged the young man off. Louran, the supposed Lord, gave another half hearted struggled, but soon gave in. Darren watched him go, admiring the view as he turned around and swung back onto his horse. It was already turning out to be a good day, and he had found another personal slave.

He turned to Garret and said, “Sound the trumpet, we might as well get this whole thing started.”

Garret nodded and raised the small horn to his lips and blew out three shrill blasts. The noise echoed across the city, and seemed to hover in the air. Darren smile thinly as his guards began to move in. Off in the distance he could hear the noise as the gates to the slums were closed, and seconds later, the screams began.

Old Bart | With Lysa out in the Market

He could tell the girl wasn’t exactly happy to be with him. But she was obedient enough to lead him along. Bart did his best not to act blind, something he was actually good at after years of practice. Lyra didn’t say much, she just clung to his arm like the obedient grand daughter she was supposed to acting like.

At least Lein let me go out without to much of a fuss, Bart thought with a grin. He must be really getting old if he can’t even argue with me anymore.

Lysa led them forward, and Bart noticed that the girl’s grip on his arm was getting tighter and tighter. “Loosen up a bit,” he muttered softly to Lysa, “This day only comes once a week, and by Babu I am going to enjoy it.” Lysa didn’t reply, but he could almost sense how annoyed she felt with him. Well let her be, this was a day when he could actually get out of the tunnels and the slums and smell the good clean air all the rich people smelled.

He took in a nice deep breath, enjoying how clean everything smelled, when his head suddenly began to pound. The pain was like a razor, searing through his skull and Bart stumbled as his stomach churned. Lysa didn’t say anything, and Bart did his best to play it off. “Stupid food,” he muttered. But the headache came again, and this time he nearly cried aloud as the pain screamed through him.

Lysa had stopped, and he could feel her hand on his back as he struggled to breathe. The pain came washed over him in waves, and it took everything he had not to just collapse on the ground and weep. Lysa looked up at him, and Bart could see her eyes, silent, yet worried as she watched him. He could see…

The pain vanished in an instant and Bart whirled around. He could see. Everything in the street was crisp and clear. Every step, and every noise created a vibration that filled the air around him. He could make out people, or the outlines of them, and he could see them moving about. “Oh Babu, not now,” Bart whispered as his stomach churned with dread.

“Bart?” Lysa finally said, “What’s wrong, what is it?”

“Something’s not right Lysa,” Bart hoarsely whispered, “We need to get out of here, our lives are at risk.”

He grabbed the girl by the hand before she could protest and yanked her down the street. “I should lead,” Lysa protested, but Bart shook his head.

“I can see girl, and by Babu, that means all hell is about to break loose.” Lysa didn’t reply, if anything she was probably a little shocked. Three loud trumpet blasts suddenly echoed through the city. Bart and Lysa paused and listened to the melodic wail as the sound slowly faded. Then the guards began to move. Bart could see their shapes coming forward. Some pulled out clubs, while others tugged out nets, and in seconds everything broke into chaos.

A mother screamed as a guard grabbed her baby from her arms and tossed the squealing child aside. The man beat the woman down and began to bind her as another guard through a net over a group of children and began to drag them off. Men with clubs and nets were everywhere, grabbing and beating people. Bart so an opening and ran for it, Lysa’s hand gripped tightly in his own.

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:42 am
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Lumi says...

Rein | Pash Market

“Get down!” Maura swung an arm around Rein’s mouth and pulled him beneath a quilt hidden behind a shopkeeper’s kiosk. Trumpets were blaring through the streets, and there were screams. Rein’s eyes were huge, and Maura knew him well enough to know that, if she let go of his mouth, he would be screaming just as loudly. She pulled his head to her chest and pressed his cheek down to her bosom, bringing a mad blush to his face. Maura didn’t notice, though, because it was the wrong time for Rein’s awkwardness.

As trampling footsteps ran by, Maura slipped from the quilt and into the shadows of the alleyway, leaving Rein trailing behind her, breathlessly. Even from a place that seemed protected, Maura had a stalker’s eye--a vision for attack at any angle. Rein caught his breath and leaned back against the stone wall of the shop, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head. “What in Archimedes’ name is going on?” He looked around, desperately. “And where’s Kestrel? Gods, Maura, we can’t lose Kestrel!”

Maura shook her head, watching the open streets ahead where guards were storming the bizarre. “Rein, I don’t like how this looks.” Her eyes narrowed as a shrill cry rang through the market. “We need to get back to the tunnels, somehow.”

Rein crossed his arms, taking a step forward to stand just behind her. “So we’ll just head back to Leinad’s shop. After we find Kest--”

Maura turned, grabbing Rein’s head by his mane and mashing their faces together. Rein wasn’t sure if it was a kiss or if Maura was about to eat him, but her lips pressed against his and spoke without speaking barely a whisper--There’s a guard behind me. Rein blinked, awkwardly unsure of how he was supposed to breathe--if he was supposed to breathe--or if he should hold her or lie down or what. The blush was back--maddeningly strong this time--and it was weighing down on every last nerve he had. And, just when Rein thought he had the handle on Maura’s act, she made a noise.

The footsteps passed as a man chuckled behind them, leaving them alone in the alley. Maura let go of Rein and took a step back, leaving an awkward amount of distance between them. They just watched each other. A long moment of awkward silence lingered in the air before Rein squirmed. “I really need to pi--”

“--later,” Maura quipped, cutting him off. “Right now, we have to find Kestrel and get the hell back home.”

And, well, the search probably would’ve been hard if Kestrel didn’t have this...Rein called it unique...screech. Without a thought, Rein sprinted for the main streets, breaking through lines of guards and orphans to see Kestral being bound up near a jewelry cart.




Rein ran into the middle of the scene, grabbing a guard by his shoulder--and the second he looked up from his task of binding up the girl, Rein remembered to think. He remembered fear and consequences and all those things that Maura teased him about in the tunnels since the day was surely not going to conspire against him; it was certain not to conspire against him because Maura said so, and what Maura says is right...right?

“I’m her father,” Rein squeaked, poking out his chest slightly. He took a step back, shuffling in the dust, and nodded. “I demand you--you release my daughter this instant!”

“Papers,” the guard grunted, and grinned. He had broken, yellowed teeth that stunk like eggs that’d been forgotten in the tunnel pantry for too long.


“I have them,” came Maura’s voice behind him in the midst of the calamity. Her dress swayed in the breeze as she approached, and she reached into the top of her dress to fish out the papers.

“Well?” the guard asked, arching an eyebrow, “May I see your papers, or go back to my duties of tying up this bitch?”

A knot formed in Rein’s throat. Any time now, Maura.

Maura removed her hand from her bosom and cleared her throat, peering from Rein...to the guard...to Kestrel. “Well,” she murmured, “you may not go about tying up my daughter,” in her lightest, most refined voice, “for it seems you may be a bit OCCUPIED!” She slammed a foot against a block holding the jewelry cart in place and grabbed Kestrel by the collar as the guard stumbled beneath the rolling kiosk. Gems and necklaces spilled everywhere, and Rein took off after the two, garnering the immediate attention of nearby guards.

They knew the way; they knew the way to Leinad’s safe haven like the backs of their hands. They were home free. They were safe, they were secure, they were--

--suddenly a long, long way away from Rein.

It was one of those moments when time seems to stand still--like the moment of your first kiss, or when you realize that other people are just as alive as you are--and Rein’s lips and teeth parted, spit flying out as the blunt mass of a club clobbered into his gut. His legs fell out from under him and he flipped, landing face-first in the Pash streets.




It was game over if he ever knew one. The guard with the club clutched Rein by the neck and pulled him off of his feet, dropping him like a ball ready for the mallet. The last thing Rein remembered was the waving blue of Maura’s dress as she ran, hand-in-hand with Kestral, away from him.

That’s when the club hit his head, and that’s when the lights went out.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:27 am
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PrincessOfDarkness says...

Kestral ¬

"Maura!" I yelled, as she tugged me through the streets. "I need to find Tib!"

"It's too late," Her blue dress flew behind her as we ducked behind a stall as the guards ran past.

"Please, Maura!" She looked me in the eye, and a strange expression flitted across her face.

"Alright, but it's your funeral. I'll just get Rei-" Her eyes widened. "Rein? Rein!" She looked around wildly.

"Maura!" Something hit me suddenly, with the force of a sledgehammer. "If Rein means the same to you as Tib means to me, you'll let me go,"

She nodded mutely. I took off. Tib. Rein. Everyone was being captured, and most of us didn't have our papers. As I rounded the corner I saw him. Not Tib, but the man that had started it. He held the horn loosley in his hand, smiling at the chaos around him.

A suden rage filled me. He'd taken Rein and Tib, and countless other orphans and beaten them and tossed them away like discarded rag dolls.

"You bastard!" I screamed. I was aware that eveyone stopped, and silence fell, but all I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my ears.

I really shouldn't have done that, but I was still so full of anger I stayed where I was, and simply glared.

Run. Find Tib!

But I didn't.
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Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:37 am
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Sins says...

Xanthus | Streets of Pash

Screaming, crying, bellowing, cursing, hard, heavy footsteps. Nothing else. Just ferocious sounds echoing all around me. Around us. I had no idea what was going on, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. All I knew was that I had to get Essy the hell out of here. I yanked her towards me, and within seconds, she was in my arms with her head pressed into my chest. I could instantly feel a wet patch forming where her face touched my clothes. Essy was crying. Not that I could hear her over the sounds of panic.

Making sure that there wasn't a guard in sight, I took my chance and legged it towards the direction of Leinad's shop. In reality, it wasn't far away, but by gods, it felt like miles right now. As I ran, the bracelet I'd bought Essy moments ago was digging into my neck as her arms were wrapped around it. I gritted my teeth and ignored any ounce of pain though. We were getting closer to Leinad's shop... I could... I could see it! Yes! Come on! While making sure Essy couldn't see anything that was going on around her, I sprinted even faster than I was before.

I wished I hadn't.

Before I'd even realised it had happened, I collided into something hard. Essy fell out of my arms. I dropped her. I let myself drop her. A wail erupted from her mouth, but above me, I heard the snarl of a guard. Without a single thought, I grabbed Essy off the ground as the guard swiped for my arm. Through some miraculous pot of luck though, I barely dodged his dirty hand. Once again, I ran, except this time, there were footsteps parading behind me. Shit.

Essy's sobbing was louder than the sounds around me now. A lot louder. Why did I have to screw every damn thing up? I couldn't even run towards the shop anymore because that would have meant heading right towards the guard who was now yelling behind us. That was when I spotted the wall in front of us. Then I spotted the wall to our left, and then the wall to our right. A dead end.

The guard was still a good distance away from us, so I quickly put Essy back onto the ground. She had a graze on her cheek form where I'd dropped her moments ago, and the palms of her hands weren't in any better condition. I manically glanced around. There had to be somewhere... just anywhere we could go. There was no such thing as a dead end, not in a place like Pa--a hole in the wall! It was tiny, but it was there. I hesitated as I took note of its small size. It was perfect for Essy, but not for... That didn't matter.

I took Essy's hand and pulled her towards the hole to our right. She kept on screeching my name, but I forced myself to ignore it. She protested, but I nudged her as gently as I could while I was in utter panic into the hole in the wall. I could hardly see her face because it was so dark. Perfect.

I bent down, took Essy's hands, and whispered hastily. "Stay here."

She tried squirming out of the hole. "But you don't fit, and--"

I nudged her back in. "Essy, just do as you're told. In an hours time, we'll all be back in Papa Leinad's shop, and you can show off your bracelet to everyone. I promise." The sound of footsteps were becoming louder and louder. "Just stay here."

I jumped back up, and searched hopelessly around me as though I expected to see some enormous door in one of the walls. In my dreams. I was facing the back wall when I heard a husky voice coming form behind me. At first, I didn't turn around. I had to take a long intake of breath first.

"Where's the orphan?" The guard stepped closer and closer towards me until his grimy, untamed hair was almost touching my face.

I purposely avoided glancing towards the hole as I allowed a subtle smirk onto my face. "Where's your hair comb?" Hey, I was never one to be polite.

There was a thump against my crotch, and like a limp rag doll, I fell to the cobbled ground. Pain exploded into my gut, and in an instant, I regretted what I'd just said. I could hardly breathe. My crotch throbbed. My stomach ached. The sound of leather bending and twisting entered my ear, and then I felt a warm breath against my ear.

The guard sniggered. "Hm. Pretty and arrogant."

Then a bang on my head, leaving nothing but a lingering thought. Please, let her go unnoticed. Then nothing.
Last edited by Sins on Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you're made of, not the circumstances.
— Unknown