
Young Writers Society

The Wonderland Rift

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Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:18 pm
veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts)

As soon as I had calmed down, I thought of looking for Jubiah. Then I noticed the boy I had talked to before, and remembered what he had done. After assuring myself Jubiah wouldn't go too far, I approached the boy.

"I believe we were interrupted before. The name's Lord Lordshire." I said to him, holding out my hand.

He eyed me suspiciously but shook my hand anyway, "I'm Ellon."

Ellon. Hopefully, he'd make this conversation worth my time.
"I was just wondering, would it be too much trouble if I asked you for a favor?"
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:44 pm
VampireSenshi says...


Someone had grabbed at my shoulder, and then there was a commotion and they were gone.
I didn't have anything to do, so I wandered around the headquarters and the barracks. Eventually went home, but I found myself continuing to wander towards HQ. So I went back in, and there was the man again.

"I believe we were interrupted before. The name's Lord Lordshire." He say's holding out his hand.

A lord you say? That sounds something tricky to my ears

I look him over suspiciously, and shake his hand firmly.

"I'm Ellon."

He didn't wonder about my surname, not that it mattered. Rebels don't have surnames...

"I was just wondering, would it be too much trouble if I asked you for a favor?"

I raise my eyebrow,
"You have need of an assassin?" He nods.

"Then I am all ears..."

NIGHT is always watching...

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:23 am
veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts)

"Excellent." I said. I looked around and watched as Jubiah wandered around behind us. "How about you tell me about these, abilities of yours?"

He smiled and stepped back, suddenly disappearing into the shadow. My eyes widened in surprise. Maybe I wasn't going crazy after all. He must be able to travel through shadows. Before I could ponder it any longer, I felt a blade against my back and with it came Ellons voice, "How's killing someone before they ever see me coming for an ability?"

I threw my hands up and feigned surprise, "Wow. I'm impressed, I've yet to see anyone who can do that. How come I've never heard of you before?"

I felt his presence disappear from behind me as he reappeared in front. He shrugged and smiled, obviously impressed with himself.

"Think you could show me that one more time, except," I pointed with my head towards Jubiah, "To that guy? And if you would be so kind as to tie his hand together?"

He looked from me to Jubiah, and back. "If you say so Lordshire."

"Please, call me by first name, Lord." I said, taking pride in his confusion.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:53 am
VampireSenshi says...


With pride I step back after showing the Lord my ability, he was definitely impressed.

"Think you could show me that one more time, except," he points with his head towards a man in the background, "To that guy? And if you would be so kind as to tie his hand together?"

I look back to him and examine his features. And then I look back to him, and eventually remark. "If you say so Lordshire."

"Please, call me by first name, Lord." He says, he see's my confusion and wheres a smirk. I chuckle.

I see a sort of friendship growing here Mr. Lord Lordshire who isn't a lord at all

"Okay then Lord, It will be done. I nod, and back into the shadows.

NIGHT is always watching...

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:33 am
AlmondEyes says...


He sat silent for a moment before answering, “Well, It’s not really that complicated. I thought I’d get a drink, so I came to the tavern.”

“You thought you’d get a drink?" my eyebrow rose of it's own accord. "Don’t make me laugh, this is a rebel tavern, I couldn't think of anyone stupid enough to walk in here bearing the heart symbol.”

“I had forgotten I was wearing it.” I shrugged, “It was a simple mistake. But enough about me, what about you? Last I heard you were a free agent," he raises an eyebrow, "has that changed?”

I laugh. "If that's your way of asking if i'm a rebel, then the answer's no."

Just then Something caught my attention, or rather someone. The person was standing on the far corner in an black hoodie. The person's face was hidden, but something was off. I hadn't realized Jasper was talikng until he touched my shoulder. I turned to him absentmindedly. "Huh?"

"Something wrong?" he asked with a frown.

I looked back at the corner. Empty. Hm. "Yea, everything's good."

"You sure?" he takes his arm off my shoulder.

"Yea," I nod mechanically.

Something did't feel right. Everything was most certainly not good. Not by a long shot.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:54 am
Trinity9001 says...

Jasper, Jabberwocky

“If that’s your way of asking if I’m a rebel, then the answer’s no,” She laughed. Then all of a sudden she froze, her eyes distant.

I ask her if she’s okay, but she doesn’t answer. I put my hand on her shoulder and that seems to do the trick, “something wrong?”

“Yea, everything good,” she didn’t look good to me. “You sure?” I ask, taking my hand off her shoulder.

She nods, “Yea.”

I decided not to press her any further, and besides, I had lingered here too long. Rebels will probably start to realize who I am and try to capture me. I finished my drink and got up to leave. “Well it was nice meeting you here, Luna. Hope we can talk again.” I waved to her as I walked out of the tavern.

Spoiler! :
hey, Janika. I wasn't sure if you wanted to keep talking. If you do I can change my post, I don't mind. Also, I wasn't sure what you were getting at with the man in the corner.

Gavin: "I wanted us to bond over a common problem."
Michael: "But Gavin, you are the common problem"

"We are the things you see out of the corner of your eye"
-Mother Maiden

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:27 am
Alvarin says...

Miranda Marble, The White Queen
She chuckled too. Maybe she didn't dislike me as much as I thought. "You can count on it," she murmured and hesitated before asking: "Ah... Which way is my room again?"

I raised a curious eyebrow. It would be rather nice to have a family member by my side, even if she would stab me in the back later.. If there was a later, I reminded myself. I might feel a lot better, but that didn't mean that I wasn't still sick. "It's just down the corridor," I said and nodded to the opposite direction of the lobby. "To the right."

Haigha March, The March Hare
The rebel had melted into a shadow, to then appear from Lordshire's own shadow. That man was dangerous. Extremely dangerous. If they ever sent him after the Queen.. It wouldn't end very well. She seemed to be thinking the same thing, since she tensed like a bowstring when she saw him emerge behind Lordshire.

They talked a bit, but we were to far away to catch more than a few words. The rebel suddenly disappeared, showed up behind Jubiah and tied him up. Jubiah didn't even have time to fight before he was laying on his stomach, his hands being tied behind him. A simple rope wouldn't be able to hold him for long now, would it? I knew he had knifes hidden in his sleeves, but Jubiah made no attempt to free himself. Then I realized that he was following orders. Miranda's orders.

I began to walk towards the closest exit, trying to pull the Queen with me, but she refused to move, and tried to let go of my hand. I wouldn't let her. I already knew that they were headed for the castle, and it would be better for us to already be there when they arrived.

When they were about to leave she finally gave up, or realized what I was thinking, it was hard to tell when I couldn't see her face, and followed me.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:54 am
Pencil2paper says...


I was wandering around the HQ, minding my own business, when out of nowhere a man materialized behind me and pressed a knife to my throat. I froze, not moving a muscle. I wanted to call out, to yell some sort of obscenity, or at least fight back or struggle a little. But for no reason whatsoever, I was paralyed with fear. I had been beaten up, arrested, sentence to death, and had laughed during all of it, been defiant during all of it. But now, when it was unexpeted, I was dumbfounded.

Before I knew it, the mysterious man grabbed my arms and shoved them behind my back, tying them expertly with course rope. This is all Lordshire's doing, isn't it? I think to myself. I hate that man. Imea, really, sure we had agreed that I would go back to the dugeon acting as his prisoner, but he didn't have to set up this entire scene, especailly not in the rebel HQ. Besides, who would tell the Heart soldiers? And what would he gain? This would just make therebels tust him less.

I am torn from mythoughts as I hear a slow clapping noise. As the noise increases, the person moving towards me, I hear the unmistakable voice of Lord Lordshire. "Very nice work, Ellon." At his word, Ellon removes the blade from my throat. I can practically feel his smug satisfaction as he backs away. Then he comes over to me, laughing at my seething, fury-filled face. "I trust you will still come with me to the castle."

"Yes," I say with gritted teeth, tryig in vain to quell my anger. "You didn't have to stage an arrest though. I mean, who'd tell the Red Queen?"

He grabs the rope and has me walk along beside them, heading towards the lobby. "Because," he says with a lowered voice, "What if one of the rebels gets caught? What if they tell? What then?"

Instead of answering, I stare straight ahead, lips pressed into a white line. Satisfied, Lordshire pulls me along. "Now," he says after a while of tense silence, "You are going to have to act the part when we we get there. Staring at the ground, not making eye contact. You have to act submissive."

"No," I say, determined. "Not going to happen. I'm going to still be defiat, even if I am playing the prisoner. I'm not really not that good of an actor. Plus, the Queen isn't going to believe that someone who just broke out of the dungeon is going to just give up."

"Fine," he says, and yanks me loser. "But don't insult her. I need time to but you out again. If you end up getting your head lobbed off before I get to freeing you, it's your own damn fault."

We walk the rest of the way in silence. When we reach the lobby, all eyes are on us and it grows completely silent. I makea point to look eeryone inthe eye. I hate the way they look at me, a mixture of pity and repulsion, backing away from me like I have the plague.

Once we are ut of the HQ, we begi to walk towards the castle. I have no doubt that he will have me go through all the busy streets, through all the sidestreets too, like he is boasting a prized pig. This is going to be a long, long walk.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:22 am
veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts)

As we exit the HQ, I signal for Ellon to follow me.
"You wouldn't mind coming with me to the Red Queen's castle, would you?" I asked him, once he was beside me.

He seemed taken aback, "The Red Queen? Who's side are you on?"

"You'll see in good time." He wasn't satisfied with that answer. "For now, all you need to know is that I'm not your enemy."

He didn't seem to like the answer but he accepted it. We walked down the street towards the rebel bar. I at least wanted to show off a bit before we got to the castle, though I wasn't planning on taking my time. I wanted to reach the castle as fast as possible.
We just about to pass the bar, when someone caught my eye. Jasper. He was leaving the bar. But didn't he work for the Queen? Why would he go to a rebel bar?

"Ellon. Remember to remind me about the Jabberwocky when we're coming back."

He nodded at me and we continued walking.


We stood outside the gates of the castle.

"Ready?" I asked Jubiah.

He shot me a look of pure hate, and I smirked.

I turned to Ellon and said, "Now's when you come in handy. I'd like you to use that power of yours to stay hidden. Follow us into the castle and into the Queens throne room. When you see me tap my stick on the floor twice, sneak up behind whoever I'm looking at."

He looked at me, expressionless, and sank into the shadows.

With that, we made our way into the castle.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:26 am
Pencil2paper says...


"What was that all about?" I say irritably, afriad that he may end up looking at me. Then a question pops into my mind, and I voice it before I can stop myself. "Are you going to try to assassinate the Red Queen?" I say, incredulous.

"Hush," Lordshire hisses. "Not so loud. If you ever do that again I will chop you into bite-sized bits!" I think he meant it. His fevered, reddened eyes sure did. I nod vigorously, knowing that one step too far and he will chop me up ad slice me down with as little remorse as squashing and ant- or maybe even less.

"And no," he says, whispering. "I am not doing that. Only an idiot would do that." I smirk, and he jabs me in the stomach. It hurts a lot, but I try not to show it. I won't give him the satisfaction. "You're acting, remember? Besides, I could just not come for you." he threatens. I gulp, fear tingling down my spine, making my blood run cold. I nod tersely, and keep acting the part.

"But what are you going to-" I am cut off by Lordshire.

"Enough. You'll find out soon anyway."

I hate this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Everyone is using me like some pawn in chess. They play with me and use me and I don't even know why. I want to at least know what people are going to do tat effects me. I want to know what I'm getting into.

I am seething with rage at this point, rage for both of the Queens, for the bullies and tormentors I have had through the years, for my parents, for everyone, but mostly Lordshire. At least the Red Queen appriciated me. At least the White Queen asked me before she used me as her pawn. But Lordshire- he cares about and for no one, no cause, just himself and his own well-being. And he is using me as a tool to get what he wants.

I am ready to explode with rage, until I realizr that I still need to act the part- and if I blow our cover now then there is no way to escape the gaurds if I do. And since Lordshire is respected in the palace they willnever believeme. And if they somehow do, then I'll have blown the Resistance's best chance at victory. God, I hate this.

We walk the rest of the way in silence, him smug, me silently seething with barely supressed rage. He stares ahead, smug grin on his face and whistling ocasionally. I'm glad he's enjoying this. I again make a point to look into every person's eyes as I pass. They laugh at me, backing away like treason is contagious. They seem disgusted at me. Except for the rebels. They seem saddened, I guess because they know another one of them is being killed. They have pity in their eyes, and I am disgusted that I am the recipiant of such pity. This onlyadds to my hatred and fury. I stand up taller, my eyes straight ahead, looking at the approaching castle.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:10 am
VampireSenshi says...


Lord turned to me and said, "Now's when you come in handy. I'd like you to use that power of yours to stay hidden. Follow us into the castle and into the Queens throne room. When you see me tap my stick on the floor twice, sneak up behind whoever I'm looking at."

I look at him without expression, and sink into the shadows.

He comes in with another person, and I wait for the longest time for them to stop talking and for him to give me the signal. And then he did, he looked at the man.

I come right up out of the darkness and knock him as hard as I can in the back of the head. He collapses onto the floor, and I start to bind his arms and legs.

"Took you long enough to give the damn signal Lord that isn't a lord at all..." He rolls his eyes, and says something I can't make out.

"What was that?" I ask

"Let's just get him moved..."

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:45 am
veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts)

We were stopped at the gates by guards. Of course. Because they didn't learn their their lesson the first time they stopped me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asks us.

Without bothering to reply, I tap my stick on the floor twice and look at him, thankful that Ellon got the message. He was knocked out in a matter of seconds.

"Took you long enough to give the damn signal Lord that isn't a lord at all..." He says to me while tying up the guard.

I roll my eye and mumble, "Oh you're so funny."

"What was that?" He asks.

"Let's just get him moved..."

After we had the guard stashed behind some bushes, we walked back to Jubiah, who'd been waiting for us the whole time. To be honest, I was surprised he hadn't tried to escape. He'd been quite rebellious lately.

"Alright, now that the practice is done, I hope your ready for the real thing," I tell Ellon, "You have to wait for the exact moment that I give you the signal. And this time, don't jump the gun and knock out your target. Just hold your blade against their throat or something."

He didn't seem happy about it, but he sank back into the shadows.
Hopefully he wouldn't mess this up.
At least not until after I spoke with the Queen.

Grabbing hold of Jubiah's shoulder, we made our way into the castle, and through the doors to the Queens throne room.

Spoiler! :
You kinda confused me Vampire, I was trying to figure out what 'other person' you were talking about :p
But sorry it's taking so long to post, I was just waiting for shadowvyper to post as the Queen meeting us in the castle or something
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:03 am
VampireSenshi says...

Spoiler! :
My bad! :D
I'll be more specific next time

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:06 am
Pencil2paper says...


As we approach the castle, my resolve grows stronger to have my revenge on the Queens, on Lordshire, on the world. But the only way I'm going to get my revenge is if I act the part now. Play prisoner, and you will be the executioner. And I can't keep running. I'm doing no good running. I will act the part, but only for the sweet revenge to come- blood, I assure you, is much sweeter than any chocolate. I am thinking this as we come to the castle gate.

As we approach, a gaurd stops us. Of course, I expect this- they did the same thing when Hiaga captured me. But Lordshire seems irritated.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asks us, clearly annoyed at our presence- more work for him.

Without a word, Lordshire taps his staff twice and Ellon suddenly appears behind the drowsy gaurd, who whirls arould just in time to be knocked out cold. I hear Lordshire and Ellon whispering behind me, but I cannot tell what they are saying. They they go to hide the body in some nearby bushes.

This is my perfect chance to escape, I think. But, no, I can't do that. I came here for a reason. Sure, I hate both Queens, but life would be a lot better with Miranda on the throne instead of Yamini. Besides, this is the only way I can even hope to get my revenge. No, I cannot run. I have to finish this.

Lordshire and Ellon return, Ellon slipping into the shadows after conversing some, just out of earshot. Lordshire grabs me by the shoulder, dragging me along, his fingers digging into my skin. I guess he has a role to play too. We head towards the castle, Ellon following silently behind. I am afraid of what is to come, but I am fueled by rage and bloodlust, keeping the fear at bay. One way or another I would make someone- anyone- pay before leaving the castle.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:45 pm
Alvarin says...

Haigha March, The March Hare
We hurried back to the castle, using all the shortcuts that we knew. I followed the Queen to the door to her room.

"Thank you," she said before giving back the coat that I had borrowed her. She kept the sword though, and I didn't complain. It was her sword after all. "I'll hurry down to the throne room as soon as I've changed. Until then, try to stall Lordshire."

I bowed, and was about to leave, but she grabbed my shoulder. "Be careful, he obviously has something up his sleeve."

I couldn't be killed, not at the moment anyway, she had seen that with her own eyes, so it was weird that she would be worried about me. Flattering, but weird. I remembered what she had done in the alley, and for a moment I intended to do the same, but then I remembered my place and stopped mere inches away from her face. I backed of, bowed again and hurried down to the entrance hall.

I found them already waiting in the throne room, and when I see Lordshire's smirk I remember the fact that my shirt is still bloody where Jubiah stabbed me. Jubiah seems to turn a bit pale when he sees me. He was probably expecting me to be dead by now.

Stalling. That would be a bit difficult, since I couldn't actually speak, but since Lordshire had always seemed to be the type who love hearing the sound of his own voice, I waited. Sure enough, he began to speak, asking me questions and then answering them himself. He was probably trying to taunt me.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

To be a master of metaphor is the greatest thing by far. It is the one thing that cannot be learnt from others, and it is also a sign of genius.
— Aristotle, Poetics