
Young Writers Society

I feel my inhibitions breaking...

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Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:20 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

1.)The changes within...
I’m cold...
My legs drawn up to my chest,
Still I feel the chill against my breast.
The chill is not from the world,
But rather from the inner fold
Of my off beat inner sanctum.
When suddenly I feel lifted and I’m hurled,
My inhibitions scream No! But I don’t have time for its tantrum!

I’m moving forward,
But to what end?
Is this the emergence of something great from a turd?
Or in this ever changing unforgiving world, just another useless bend?
All I know is as look at my newly strengthened hands,
I know that with effort these will change all the lands.
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:46 pm
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TolyVilapoo says...

2.)The precise and mighty
I gazed out of my window
As the morning light
Streamed in. Oh! So bright.
But before I could shield my eyes with my pillow
I saw it swoop down, as if it travelled at the speed of light.
It reached out and grasped the little critter in razor sharp talon.
Talons that flowed with power, justifying its might.
It glided up and gracefully landed atop a wooden pylon.

A tribute to a world it once knew,
Where it was king of the sky,
Free to the open air, day or night, it flew
And now it pleads with its eyes asking us, “why??”
Yet even perched atop a pylon it makes us seem so feeble.
Oh, how I admire the precise mighty Eagle!

Whew just got this posted in time...
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:38 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

3.)God is Key
He sent a man so high, yet humble.
To teach us not 2 fumble and tumble,
Into the harms of this ravishing earth
For we may just find ourselves at the fires hearth.

As they burn and cry, “Why!?
If only we had listened 2 the One in the heavenly sky.
We would be sitting in the place built just for our leisure
If only we had not earned his displeasure
for those few hours or minutes for our pleasure."
Surely we should now take a measure,
will it be the eternal bliss?
Or will we find ourselves in the depths of the fiery abyss?!?!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:02 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

A friend and my niece inspired this one. still could be a bit better i feel.

She pulled my leg and pointed to the open pizzarette,
“Papa can we go?”
With just those little words, I was in her net.
A dangerous place to be,
As my wallet was already low.
Yeah it sucks to be me,
But her smile was all it took.
For in my heart she always has a little nook.

Oh how she nagged me for some,
She cried, “The cheesy double stack,
With peppadews just for fun,
and pieces of rib straight of the rack!
And even just a little bite of that margarita one,”
Her English was improving I admitted,
She needed a treat, even though funds were limited.
I mean how could I not say yes to that little One?
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:26 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

5.The winter wind

The promises of yesterday are gone
As winter slowly sets in.
Yet the drop in temperatures are not done,
As down the mountain come...
The winter wind.

It sinks its icy grip in all
With chills to our earthly bodies.
It relishes our sickly fall
Like loggers as they drop their trees.

As we succumb to every winters day,
And the winter wind rattles us to the bone.
The cattle reduce their stocks of hay
To little specks amongst the stone.

Reality soon dawns.
Winter is just another one of natures
Unforgiving thorns.
We have to learn to mature
As the world tries to hinder us
This is a must.

this poem was a bit weird when writing, couldn't get the right vibe, but i felt that writing like this was just better.
Last edited by TolyVilapoo on Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:16 am
TolyVilapoo says...

6.A trip to the depths of my heart...

There’s a place reserved,
For all those special
Be them here or gone.
Some places bigger while others tiny,
But still they’ve managed to creep their way in.

There’s also a dark place
Where the evil boils and toils
And begs to be free
It struggles day and night
Just to be free and turn my life
Towards those around into a blight

Yet still life must go on, and as I struggle with my heart
The people who’ve snuck their way in,
Just burrow in deeper,
And albeit slowly,
They destroy the evil within.
With their loving smiles,
And the love they’ve given me.
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:36 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

Much like a zombie nation
We’ve become.
We fail to see that happiness is not the station,
But rather it’s the train weighing that ton.

What is this?
You often ask.
Failing to realise that this,
Is the journey of life,
Held in our little flask
Yet we try to travel it with a knife.

We often seem to lose ourselves,
We break down any and every barrier.
All in the bid to make ourselves seem better.
But in the end we just torture ourselves!

We must learn to not reach an end in it,
But rather travel a life of happiness.
Because life is not about finding contemptment
But rather living it!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:01 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

8.A State Of Trance...
Welcome to the new world...
The words I hear every week,
Just before my entire being is rolled,
Giving my mind a little tweak.
The music begins
I’m no more troubled by little things,
Because I’ve lose myself in the cadence
Between light percussions,
And the radio transmissions.
This is not for little ‘uns
as my body is lulled into a dance.
I give in and succumb
To the DJ as he twiddles me between his thumb.
I’m already in A State Of Trance.
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:30 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

9.More than just a teacher
She tried moulding me into a brilliant tool.
Even though I always played a fool
Yet deep down I always knew
Her work was undoubtedly true!
She was more than just a teacher
She was, is a friend
Her way was more than just a trend
She out shown any bleater
Not because she was just amazing.
Her lessons were absolutely tantalizing
But now all we can say is goodbye
May your future be blessed.
Others may come and try
To fill your shoes, but they’ll never pass your undying test...
A place in all your students’ hearts
Just like those delicious milk tarts!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:58 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

10.My shower
My little sanctuary really,
My place of rest,
The place I relax after the everyday test.
I’m lucky when I’m early,
Why? Well firstly the hot waters still there!
There’s a freshness still in the air.
Living in a house of nine
You’d also need that time!

Yet somehow, they still manage to get to me,
Even in my little hive.
Just like keepers who steal honey, from the little bee
Ah, but as the water comes streaming down, I feel alive!

My mind is clear...
This is just for me, not we...
I have no fear, not a tear...
The shower what a wonderful place to be!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:53 pm
TolyVilapoo says...


A mad capped bunch undoubtedly,
But in the end they the ones that love you truly.
Between the insults and quirky remarks;
They’ve always managed to put marks,
Onto that precious thing we call our hearts.
There steely looks may pierce us like sharp darts,
And when we are hit with their unkind words
We feel worse than the trampled dirt.
Yet still their encouragement raises us like lords,
And we see their true worth.
A friend is one, who can be replaced by none,
Because each friend is special, like the dandelion
You make a wish and dream with them,
And they’ll glow brighter than neon.
Cause friendship is an unbelievable sanctum!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:40 pm
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TolyVilapoo says...

12.The babe’s world
We welcome them into this world,
With open arms and smile on our faces.
Yet still they cry and their tears leave traces,
As it travels down their cheeks with a slight swirl.
Ah how our joy over powers them,
We’ve already thought of its name; Sarah or Ben.
But we fail to see it that they’ve been stolen,
Away from their home, and brought into the unknown.

All they see are the lumbering giants
Speaking in heavy tones and laughing gaily.
Yet to the little bundle they just seem to be the tyrants
Yet after a while this all just falls to the infant as daily.
It’s realised that life with these people are good
If only they weren’t so big and booming.
It cried every time the bearded one laughed yelling, “My child!”
But adored the way the sweet smelling one whispered tunes.
Ah it was beginning to get used to the new world.
It’s a pity it’s now so corrupt... What a place to live in!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:11 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

13.Over the years
Looking back now...
I miss the days of cops and robbers
The days of putting up cushions
In a circle around me to protect me from my brothers
How those four walls protected me form their troublesome passions
We loved each other yet we fought more than anything
A fully functional family I suppose.

Ah I miss the days of jumping from rocky outcrops
Into the flowing river system below
Showering the patrons with massive water drops
Then diving down low
Touching the sandy bed then bursting up gasping
Air streaming into our lungs we laughed watching some gag
Soon though fatigue would set in and we’d have to nag
As if by miracle down would stroll my parents bearing
A platter or the most divine barbeque ever
People as ravenous as this... unbelievable
This is something that puts witnesses in a high fever
The horror of the falling bones... undeniable

Ah the fun we used to have
Pity we grew up now we must behave...
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:39 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

Amongst the hundreds of out fears,
The one we dread the most;
Often incurs us the largest cost.
But it’s not the monetary loss that harms us the biggest fear is the one filled with tears.

The emptiness that surrounds us is dark.
It has no centre or any form
It just is there, soon a norm.
No matter what, without help all we can do is shout out, “hark!”

The walls around close in,
But as if from the heights of heaven
An angel arrives, its name- a friend.
It says, “life is meant to be shared not contained.”

The walls have gone, oh pure bliss,
And so has the dreaded loneliness .
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:56 pm
TolyVilapoo says...

What a magical place!
Where trees walk
And bird don’t just sing, they talk!
Ah the joy of a donkey race;
Pity the horse didn’t see that coming
Too involved in his running.
Or so I assumed as I jumped on a cloud
And rode it to the room at the centre.
Was room the right word,
Because this was a castle bigger than Buckingham place.
This was a real palace.

I opened the great double doors
hoping to see the William’s and Kate’s wedding.
Instead I found myself back in bed
My mother shaking me to show her how record.
Damn I already miss dreamland!
"You know you're in love when you can't go to sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr Seuss

Despite everything, it's still you.
— TobyFox