
Young Writers Society

skipping the footnotes

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Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:36 am
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metrophobia says...


poetry is really neat
dust becoming skin and air, breath from a careful metaphor
and i am intrigued by the connection
and drink the words like a person who is not actually drinking words
but reading them because words aren't fluid.
and it feels a lot like eating paper in my attempts.

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Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:08 am
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metrophobia says...


i get so sick of hedging my words
with maybe, sometimes, like, and your name
or metaphors intended to put a veil in front of feelings
to make it more palatable for the masses

all i want to say is that i miss you
and i know that's not good enough
and it's sure not poetic
but i don't think poetry always has to be either.

and actually, if poetry always has to be pretty
or make sense,
at the expense of truth,
then what is it really worth?


if you don't tie your shoes
they never have to be untied
and that is pretty much my philosophy on life
except when my shoes fall off
or I wear sandals
but besides those qualifications
this rule is pretty much comprehensive
and I'll run and trip and fall on my face
until someone can prove me wrong!

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Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:11 am
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Evander says...

Dang, I really liked that first stanza in number two; it was a good introduction to the rest of the poem. Keep up the good work!
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German rat enthusiast.

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Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:02 am
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metrophobia says...


i keep deleting the words i type
these words sound too soft, or weak, or ill-considered
set to type-face and i have the sinking suspicion
that none of them
are worth saying, or typing,
and maybe not even thinking
they get caught at the edge of my mind
like water they
are dammed until they spill over
and i continue this endless cycle
type. delete. purge. repeat.

and yet, no matter how often i speak ill of them,
or delete their stray letters,

my words return and return again
they seem to have a mind of their

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Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:16 pm
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metrophobia says...


assent (/əˈsent/)

1. While my voice may be silenced,
do not confuse the absence of verbal dissonance to agreement.

2. I will express myself loudly whether or not you can hear.

The sounds of assent rang like trumpets; in their presence, in their refusal to resort to the old forms of domination and violence, in their rising up and walking away.

dissent (/dəˈsent/)

1. I reject your rules for how I should act, or how one might be allowed to disagree.

2. Look for me in the spaces you dare not even enter, in churches, in nurseries, in the pages of history never written.

Like a mother bird rejects the destruction of her nest because it is her duty and her nature, so you will find my dissent to your violence and in response to your cruelty against the earth and all of her children.

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Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:15 pm
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metrophobia says...


Why are we so surprised
that after skipping rocks over shallow brooks
and distorted streams
they always seem to sink?
The news is we are all terminally ill with life,
and we keep skipping rocks pretending we'll live forever.
You won't find me throwing rocks at the water though.
I like swimming too much.

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Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:15 pm
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metrophobia says...


repetition can be artfully done
___with | the
________________right formatting
so repeat |line break|
repeat |line break| breaking lines, to emphasize repetition
_____repetition + [/i]formatting[/i]
+ the right formatting
formatting |another line break|
can be artfully done
|break|break|break| indent and _____italics /repeat repeat repeat/
______________if done right.
so I repeat
______(+ repeat) (& repeat) (and. repeat.)
for aesthetic | purposes.

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Mon Apr 09, 2018 3:24 pm
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Cadi says...

You have some really cool stuff going on here - I like the interesting structures you've gone for in 5, 6 and 8. Also, #3 made me laugh, and I got a really good picture of the kind of person the narrator is!
"The fact is, I don't know where my ideas come from. Nor does any writer. The only real answer is to drink way too much coffee and buy yourself a desk that doesn't collapse when you beat your head against it." --Douglas Adams

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Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:36 pm
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metrophobia says...

Thanks for the comments Evander & Cadi! I'm falling a bit behind already, but hopefully will catch back up.



one rarely gives up clarity
in being concise.

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Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:47 pm
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metrophobia says...


i. there is something about roman numerals.

ii. that convey more authority in what is being said.

iii. a pithy saying, or a quaint reflection, a narrative of love and loss,

iv. delivered in delicate verse amidst these roman soldiers

v. and the words are given credence -

vi. with a bit of ancient

vii. and by that, i do not mean to say that there is magic in the numbers, or events that correspond to lines, dots, and dashes (_) (.) (-)

viii. however, i do reflect that in poetry the art seems to be v% meaning,
_____ v% word selection,

ix. and xc% formatting.

x. don't get me started on punctuation.

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Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:30 am
metrophobia says...


i don't particularly like the number eleven
because two ones should always equal two
rather than ten and one.

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Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:47 pm
metrophobia says...


where does a month go when it's not around
i seem to lose days faster
when i hold them too close
to my chest
i'm afraid i accidentally breathe them into these lungs
that are still frosted from december dreams and january wishes
and only notice in past-tense
that the date has changed and i'm the one who's fallen behind
so i said goodbye to april
and i said goodbye to winter
even as the snow melted in my hands
and i donned my spring clothes
because it is time it is time it is time
and i'm not sure where it went.

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Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:53 pm
metrophobia says...


i'll tell you secrets in the indentations
and you'll have to read the parenthetical writing
(because half the truth is always between the lies) and don't forget
that i've never told the truth
(except under my breath, where it's safe to wonder) and i'll tell you lies
that you can't possibly understand
(read between the lines maybe - poetry is a mystery - )
and there's nothing more to understand anyways
(except that there's more to understand) so just keep reading.

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Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:55 pm
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metrophobia says...


i don't always think in words
but when i do
their all mispelledt.


i don't always think in poetry
but when i do
it doesn't rhyme


Poetry would be a lot more interesting
if we remembered that Shakespeare was an anti-poet
and read revolution in the iambic pentameter


[if poetry] [can be written, /without/] punctuation
[can {poetry} be written in only] punctuation ?
[just read outside the brackets] .
[it probably depends more on how wide you set the printing margins]
[than artistic liberty]


I'm actually writing some of these in october
rather than april
but if a tree falls and no one hears it
is it worth asking even asking the question?


i have the sinking suspicion
that i used to know how to swim

twenty one

why 21 pilots? that sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen, but with even higher risks.

twenty two

What's the difference between poetry and everything else?

twenty three

to add

twenty four

sometimes it is funnier when no one gets the joke

twenty five

to be continued

twenty six

to be continued

twenty seven

to be continued

twenty eight

to be continued

twenty nine

to be continued


seems a bit arbitrary does it?

Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.
— Ellen DeGeneres