
Young Writers Society

Character ideas

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Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:27 am
ikiru says...

This forum is for people who have good character ideas, and want to share them. It is also for people in need of ideas for their characters. You can post backstories and character bio here!

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Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:04 am
Kopaka says...

Why didn't I see this?
I'll post one here soon!
"They are rage, brutal, without mercy, but you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done" -DOOM

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Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:59 am
StoneHeart says...

A Extreme Teens Profile :P

Name: Ryan Kelsey.

Age: 18.

Gender: He's a guy!

Appearance: Six foot two, tapered build (wide shoulders – thin waist), blue eyes, fairly long brown hair, really rough, hard hands, and really thin, pale lips. For some reason he really likes to wear dusters over his usual black or gray cargo pants and white or black shirt. In line with his character he usually is pretty easy looking . . . with that really gentle, easy to talk to look on his face, casual poses usually, and a great smile. But he has a serious side – and it goes with his looks.

Extreme: Weirdly enough his extreme is sports. But mind you that he's an extreme in sports for a reason. Ever seen a video of someone who can take a cart-load of basketballs and shoot them the whole length of a basketball court right through the hoop without even touch the rim, one after another? Or one of those guys who can be running down the street, see a random football, kick it and send it flying two hundred feet to knock a pop-can off of a fence-post? . . .

Well, he's like that. He's an extreme for two simple reasons: First, he's hardwired for it. He's built for it, with really precise movement, good muscles, fast response time, good eyes, and a passion! Second, he's been practicing since he could walk. His main strengths are football, basketball, and golf.

Personality: Well, he's hardwired for sports. Fast thinking (nothing too complicated), decisive, and quick to act. However, he's good with people too . . . but he's not the typical 'jock' type of guy. He's more the friendly, confident, but non-advancing type. If you talk with him he'll be fun, sarcastic, and easy going, but he's not good with hard thinking, arguments, or history. He'll just go quite (answering real abruptly) if you go into those things.

Strengths: Well, duh, sports and social interaction. He has a life ready for him in sports, and he's good with people, so he's really in line for life. Other than those two though, he really has no strengths particularly worthy of recognition.

Flaws: As good as he is with sports and people, he can't really handle schooling and higher-level thinking things. Math kills him. This weakness keeps him in second place. Also, he's really not good with fighting. If there's a problem he has a horrible habit of doing everything he can of avoiding it before he finally faces it down and solves it.

History: His dad was a member of a Los Angeles motorcycle gang and his mom was a struggling hotel janitor. When he was two his dad got in a fight with the police and when told to cornered he was turned to turn around really slow. He turned around too fast and was shot dead. But that probably wasn't a particularly important thing for Ryan, because he probably would never have met him anyway.

As mentioned, his mother was indeed a struggling person, carrying the burden of serious asthma on top of taking care of Ryan. They moved around a lot in his early years, ending up in St. Louis when he was 15 – where he stayed. Ryan got into sports at a really, really early age and it was his passion over the years – though his grades tended to get in the way a lot. When he got offered the Extreme Teen's option for his life, his best friend -and coach- told him that if he ever wanted a great sports career then this would be the perfect beginning spotlight!

Up for Love: Er, sure.

Theme Song: I got a really good one but can't find the link. Brand New Day – By Ashar Somebody.

Other: Please, please, please be careful to stay in line with his personality! Don't contradict it or I'll have to mess with things a ton!
For I who am poor have only my dreams
I spread my dreams under your feet . . .

. . . tread softly for you tread on my dreams.

We are masters of our silences, and slaves of our words

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Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:16 pm
Kopaka says...

Mine's gonna be sooooooo different than the one above me haha. (Good character btw)

(Points for who can guess this is off of)

Name: Dr. Todd Barker

Role: Teacher/Doctor

Class: Economics. (Abusing/results of your powers and how to avoid doing so)

Power: Blood control (Bending and shaping it to any form) Main form is a humanoid "Blood Phoenix".

Morph: Can't morph but can shape his blood to make a aura of just about anything.

Kinda looks like Cronos from Bloody Roar:

Weapon: Wing blood blades, spears, almost anything he can bend with blood.
Trusty straight edge razor to make full use of his power.

Back story: Being contacted by the Principal about a uprising in the school he decided to help out.
Todd is a teacher at the school and a doctor. He teaches others how to control their powers and warns them the effects of staying in transformation for to long. "The longer you stay, the farther from regaining control of your own conscious and body".

He's also there to find potential students to enroll for the schools defense force. However the way he "tests" them can be called "questionable".

He's not emo mind you! How else would he be able to use his power with straight edge razors? (well he can whatever he wants but that's his favorite thing to use)

Well...thoughts? good? bad?
"They are rage, brutal, without mercy, but you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done" -DOOM

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:26 pm
dreamwalkeramrita says...

I like drawing character concepts for my stories...so this is just something I drew in Photoshop...

Low Quality Boy.jpg

Name: Okay, I haven't thought of a name. This is something weird about me: I don't like naming my characters. Somehow they feel less real to me. I really loved how the name of the main character in Rebecca was never revealed. So yeah, no name.

Personality: Friendly, open and engaging. Not overly cocky; he doesn't think that he's God's gift to women. Because of his unprepossessing and likeable demeanour, many girls like him. Although he's a patient and understanding listener and offers sensible advice, he is aloof, in the sense that he never shares much about his own personal life. He is 6'1'', and enjoys sports, but he doesn't have ostensible muscles, or any accompanying machismo.

He's basically a nice guy, in the purest sense of the word. I don't know if nice guys are much in demand in fiction anymore (Most guys seem to be jerks, or at least horribly cocky at any rate. Even Mr. Darcy, who I adored nonetheless.)

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Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 am
toomanykids says...

i have a wonderful character idea. anyone interested? --> ~ *** Who wants to play the fun story game? *** ~

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Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:41 pm
WritersCanDream77 says...

I don't know if this is a cliche character or not but...here we go!

The Racing Tree main character info :)

Name: Benjamin Fischer (Nicknamed Ben)

Age: Eighteen-Birthday: November 17

Gender: Boy!!!

Looks: Brown, shaggy hair with sky blue eyes. He's considered to be pretty tall compared to his shorter friends, but he is actually an average size. About five foot ten. He has a slender body with a fair amount of muscle. He has an inch-long scar on the side of his jaw. Light, thin lips; straight teeth, though when he was twelve he had braces. He has an intelligent look to him, and he always puts on his amused, "calculating look" when he wants to hide his true feelings. Loves to wear his favorite blue zip-up hoodie since his best friend says it brings out his eyes. Usually wears his old jeans and worn sneakers because he barely goes shopping with his irresponsible parents.

Ben has quite a history. History: He had a sister, Ellie, and she was nine years older than he was. His dad worked as a bug/rodent exterminator, and his mother was a stay-at-home mom, taking care of the house. His parents used to only pay attention to Ellie because she had a future in academics, getting the best grades, but they never noticed how pressured Ellie felt. Ben, being only six, had noticed however and comforted her as best as he could...but he could only understand so much at that age. Ben was affected by the lack of his parents' attention, and turned to Ellie instead of his parents. Though Ellie was his big sister, he liked to imagine she was also his mother, taking care of him gently. After a year or so, Ellie had gotten depressed from problems with her boyfriend, and one day, after a harsh breakup with her boyfriend, decides to take her own life. Ellie's death impacted Ben's parents the most. They blamed her death on Ben, since they couldn't bear to blame themselves. Ben's father quit his job, and both parents started drinking – and becoming abusive. They took out their anger on helpless Ben.
Then Ben met his best friend, Gretchen. She helped him in so many ways, teaching him bravery and control. He loves her. A few days before his thirteenth birthday, his parents tell him they signed him up for a boarding school in Canada – without his permission. He is due to be there on the day of his birthday, and they throw him out of the house, along with his packed luggage and passport. He meets Gretchen, and they part sadly with a promise.

Personality: He usually keeps to himself around everyone, doing a great job restraining his bad temper, but if something really makes him mad he cannot control himself and can get physical - but it's not his fault he is like that. Even with his past, he puts it behind him at his arrival at the boarding school and becomes a strong, sarcastic and intelligent boy he had learned to be. He joins his school swim team, where he becomes the star swimmer. He avoids his taunting rivals.
So yeah...I think that is all. :) I tried to keep this as short as possible but even in its shortened version, it's still long. Ben is just a really in-depth character.

I'm officially making it my goal in life to become a roomba. I want to be little robot. I want knives taped to me. I want to be free.
— TheMulticoloredCyr