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Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter?

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Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:42 am
Bjorn says...

Phorcys wrote:The LOTR Movies were half baked crap which were better than the raw crap books. THe books are drawn out and long winded to the Nth degree, every single page bored me.

The films likewise, they were a waste of 12 hours of my life. They went on and on and on when such alot could be cut.

I am a huge part of the HP fanbase as I am admin of two fairly active rp sites, one custom made on my own space. I am a HP podcaster too. Ive read the books millions of times and have never found a dull moment.

I also love the films but ever since Gambon and Fiennes have come in I have reviewed them harshly.

HP ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....Wow :? I don't know whether to laugh, cry, throw a fit...nah, I think I'll just stare in amazement :shock:
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Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:24 am
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Fireweed says...

I haven't read the LOTR, though I plan to read at least the 1st one someday... I'm probably not mature enough yet. I have a pretty short attention span. :) My parents read me the Hobbit when I was little and I adored it, but I'm sure it's totally different than the trilogy.
I have seen the LOTR movies, which were pretty awesome. I know from seeing them that even if Tolkien did tend to over-describe things, he still had a great storyline and characters.

The HP series is cool, though maybe a bit over rated. It's very entertaining and has really strong characters. I don't think that people should dis it just because they're kids books. Even if something is simple and intended for children, teens and even adults can still appreciate it for the plot, characters, suspense, humor, ect.

As for the movies, LOTR, hands down. Most of the HP movies were pretty much pathetic, and really quite insulting to the books. The LOTR movies were exciting and engrossing had much better acting, as well as lovely scenery. I didn't like the long, gory battle scenes much though. I was thinking, "Okay, we get the point, they all slaughter each other, spare us the gory details, please." :)

Anywho, I don't think it makes alot of sense to compare the two with each other. I think there completely different, besides both having magic, and that they're probably both good for totally different reasons...
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Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:02 pm
Elemental says...

I'm leaning towards Harry Potter; I, too, read a few pages and I wasn't "sucked" into the story as I wish to be. I don't find Lord of the Rings too intersting, and I never really liked the concept of the book. I was a bit surprised that I liked Harry Potter, I picked it up four or five years ago, and ever since I've been hooked.

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Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:13 am
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jack_knife2005 says...

How about this...both series blew.

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Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:22 am
Lufgif says...

How about... not.

HP's my favorite. It's interesting, great and the characters are believable. I only read LOTR because my parents said I had to in order to see the movies, which are amazing no matter what anyone says.
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Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:24 pm
Jester says...

They are both some of the best fantasy novels to date, but if I had to choose, I would pick The Lord of the Rings because I am extremely fascinated with how much background there is to it. Aside from the main trilogy there is The Silmarillion, The Book of Unfinished Tales, and the 12-book-long History of Middle-Earth. They are very close, but I'd have to sway towards The Lord of the Rings because of all the extra information provided.

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Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:17 am
Chandni says...

Erhmm well I'd say Harry Potter, LOTR story is very very dull to read very descripted and such, if the film is already so descpripted you wouldnt expect anyyy less from the book lol But they are both very well thought out books. And I think it has a lot to do with the time they have been written in, harry potter is more modern maybe thats way much more easier to read ?
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Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:15 am
Wiggy says...

I don't know. LOTR storyline, hands down. Prolly LOTR. HP is all that jazz about witchery and wizardry-I think that LOTR is deeper, even if the books aren't as lively. I read almost the whole trilogy, and I prolly need to go back and reread them. They can get pretty dull, though.

Again, I'm more of a historical fiction buff. :D
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Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:18 am
Insomnium says...

I'm the common male, so more violence owns little witch craft crap. Although, LOTR was written like a history book.

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:28 am
aeroman says...

Very tough question, both so original and both so unbelievable fantastic. My question is why pick? They both rock, so why pick? lol...so in answer to my question I'm not going to pick one at all. They both satisfy different aspects that I look for in books and I admire both authors greatly. But if I had to choose one, I would choose...Tolkien. He has had the greatest effect on the world of literature and is simply..."fill in a really good word, whatever you prefer."

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Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:49 am
Shafter says...

Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Is that even a contest??!!
LotR is a incredibly deep, epic story about a group of people changing the fate of an entire world. Harry Potter is a fun story about a bunch of kids going to school and fighting off bad guys. You can't compare them!!
But, if I had to choose one, I'd choose LotR. Because every time I read it, I see a new truth, a hidden metaphor, something that challenges my thoughts. I'm afraid that's not so with Harry Potter, despite the fact that they're cool books.
There. I have said my piece. Those of you who just slammed Tolkein are lucky I don't know where you live. Otherwise I would drop by and debate you to death. ;)
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Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:44 pm
Lady Jasmine says...

Harry Potter. I did try to read LotR, but I read one page and I couldn't bring myself to read anymore. I did however, read and enjoy The Hobbit, but even comparing it to that I do still prefer Harry Potter.

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Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:28 pm
lexy says...

HP all the way!!!
Its more gripping, its got sequels.... it isn't so long and boiring and confusing!!!
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Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:58 pm
Pushca says...

uhhhhh lotr movies are f'in awesome. books? unreadable. i only every made it to chap 10 of fellowship. hp movies, blow, though, but the books are amazing.

did you just say that hp isn't as long as the lotr trilogy? uh huh...

anyway, lotr wins. pretty much because it makes such a great movie (love to peter jackson). i am a bit biased, though.
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Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:03 pm
doubt_all says...

Erhem. Far too much HP support on this thread in my opinion, because Lord of the Rings (as Literature with the dreaded capital L) is vastly superior. Vastly, vastly, vastly. And I'm not even a LotR fan. I read the first two books when I was sixteen and hated them - but my sister forced me to read the third. It was semi-enjoyable. 4, 5 and 6 were very entertaining, I'll admit... a highschool soap with magic, great idea - but lacking any remote hint depth.

Personally, I think that Phillip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy trumps both. But alas, it was never as popular as either HP or LotR. :roll:
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