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Harry Potter & Inheritance- Opinions Wanted!!

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Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:47 am
HeadInTheClouds says...

Between the two I would choose HP. Mainly because it's far more original than Inheritance, has more depth, and was actually able to shock me.

It's not that Inheritance is bad, it just lacks originality, character development, and depth in general. Lets face it people, Paolini didn't exactly think of most of his ideas himself. It was also very predictable. All the major "twists" in Eldest I saw coming from page one. I'm not sure if I would bother reading the next book if it wasn't for Murtagh. He's awesome. :wink:

But.......yeah. I prefer Rowling. End of story.
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron

Captain Jack is back May 25!

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Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:24 am
flytodreams says...

1. Harry because he's strong, and tough, and determined. (I have no idea how to put it) Eragon's...not like that.
2. Lord Voldemort because he's a cleverer, and better villain than Galbatorix.
3. JK Rowling, because her style is nice and easy-to-read, unlike Paolini's, always describing everything.
4. Harry Potter because it's way more interesting than Eragon.
5. Harry Potter Hated: Snape and Voldemort. Harry Potter Loved: Harry and Hermione (not as a couple, I know)

I think Harry Potter is better than Eragon. Funny, because a while ago, I wouldn't have said that. (What's wrong with me??)

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Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:16 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

To me Inheritance cannot compete with HP. I find Inheritance a complete rip-off of at least two other great series: Star Wars (plot-wise) and LOTR (world- and language-wise). Star Wars - one of the greatest plot twists ever (Luke/Vader thing), and a consistently high standard of originality. As tedious as LOTR may be (and though the characters are extremely flat, in my opinion) at least the world was original. Paolini has basically taken the entire plot of Star Wars, the world of the LOTR, and put them together. But, let's give him some credit, at least he did make the highly original move of having the elves and dwarves complete rivals *note: sarcastic tone of voice*

As you can tell, not a Paolini fan. To the questions:

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)? Harry. He actually has a personality. Eragon is way too noble for my liking. Much too flat, and no depth to his character at all.
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)? Voldemort. We've actually seen him, so his character is much better developed.
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)? Rowling. She's funny and light-hearted, yet also serious, sometimes all in one page. She really entices you to read more. Paolini appears to be trying to hard. It seems he wants to imitate Tolkein.
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)? Harry Potter.
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series. Inheritance - Hate: Eragon. Like(I can't bring myself to say love): Saphira and Murtagh - the one character with any depth.
Harry Potter - Dislike(again, I don't hate any of them. The real nasties have a depth to their characters which makes it possible to relate to them, while the 'just mean' ones can be useful for comic relief): Umbridge. Love: Hermione - so funny!

Well, maybe I am being a bit aggressive to Inheritance, but the fact that such an unoriginal series has such a huge fan base is quite unbeliveable. No offense to any of you Inheritance fans, I appreciate your taste. But I just don't enjoy reading Paolini as much as I do Rowling.
Last edited by Cpt. Smurf on Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

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Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:39 am
Sohini says...

aren't all these views interesting?

i knew this thread would attract a lot of fans.
Calvin : You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.
Hobbes : What mood is that?
Calvin : Last-minute panic.

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:11 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)?
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)?
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)?
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)?
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.

In my answer:

1: Harry
3. Rowling
4:Harry Potter
5:I love the twins from HP, and Solembum and Orik from Inheritance.


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Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:00 pm
Aet Lindling says...

1. Harry
2. Lord Voldemort, he has more... finesse. :D
3. Definitely Paolini, actually. (I feel like a betrayer... :()
4: Over all, Harry Potter, except today I feel more like Inheritance for some reason...
5: umm... get back to you on that...
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Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:51 pm
Meep says...

1. Harry.
2. Lord Voldemort.
3. JKR
4. Potter.
5. loved: Remus, Sirius (Remus/Sirius :wink: ), Tonks, McGonagal, Dumbledore, Luna, Hermione ... the list goes on.

It should be noted that Eregon made me want to scream and pull out my hair. I've read better Lord of the Rings fanfic than that, and I didn't have to pay $15 for it. :twisted: Paolini makes me want to burn books. :D

Not that I'm bitchy or opinionated or anything.
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Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:54 pm
chocolatechipmuffin says...

I appreciated Eragon, and it was a good story, but...not very original, and I honestly don't like Paolini's style. I saw everything coming long before it happened, even the SURPRISE! parts (except for Murtagh "dying" and then coming back...which I thought was pretty lame...) JK Rowling took me on a roller coaster ride, her plot is more in depth, her characters more dynamic and life-like (example: Harry goes through a huge bout of depression and anger after Sirius's death, vs. Eragon, who felt guilty that it was his fault, said, "I will avenge you," and has spent the rest of the series riding dragons, fighting battles (not thinking about his uncle), and falling in love.)
Also, HP was my first chapter book, it took me forever to read, but I picked it up in kindergarden, I was happy then, and JKR has continued to produce good books. The only parts I don't like were...Dumbledore's death and Sirius's death...okay, and I might possibly have been a Harry/Hermione shipper...but I spotted Rowling's grand plan for Ron and Hermione by the middle of Prisoner of Azkaban (she's been trying to give us a message for ages, I took it with a sigh), and I deferred to her authority as the Author.

1. Harry. More emotional depth, deeper issues, more real, likeable, and...well, in the last couple of movies he was cute. :D WHich has nothing to do with his character, but still.
2. Voldemort. *giggles* Voldie-Shorts...
3. JKR. I have already described it. I love her light humorous touches, the ones you just barely noticed (influenced by Jane Austen, perhaps? Yes.).
4. Harry Potter. I have also discussed this, but...I can see other books quite clearly in Paolini's work, his influences are obvious.
5. HP: Loved Sirius (still in mourning), Harry, Hermione, Ginny, the twins...Ron...Oliver...the list goes on...I liked Umbridge, it was fun to watch her get tortured. Hated Filch, Mrs. Norris, Marcus Flint...I don't actually hate most of the evil characters, I appreciate them as well-crafted...slugs...Inheritance: Loved...Saphira...Arya... Hated Eragon, the old dragon rider whose name I forgot (not Brom), Galbatorix, Arya (in that she was too perfect)...the list goes on...
Last edited by chocolatechipmuffin on Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:02 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

:lol: I loved that avatar...was sorry to see it go! Voldie-shorts!

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:37 pm
KiteRide86 says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)?
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)?
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)?
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)?
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.

Alright, while Inheritance sucks, this will be very easy.

1. Neither, Ron!
2. Voldemort, duh!
3. J.K. Rowling, Paolini is a no!
4. Duh, do I have to answer? HP
5a. Eragon and Roran-hated. Brom, Saphira, Murtagh, and Angela-loved
5b. Harry, sometimes-hated. Sirius, Lupin, Fred, George, Ron-loved

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:28 am
Mythic Writing says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)? Harry. Eragon is a little too ... I can't think of the word. He's not deep enough.
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)? Voldie. We have yet to see Galbatorix!
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)? Paolini tends to write like Tolkien. Someone I don't really like that much. So, JKR would have to win.
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)? Inheritence overall. Dragons *hugs*
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.
Hated: Umbridge + Lockhart, Morzan and Galbatorix
Loved: Draco + Hermione, Saphira and the Cripple Who is Whole
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Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:37 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

Re-taking this after a serious re-thought. :P

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)?
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)?
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)?
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)?
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.

1. Harry.

2. Moldy-Shorts. He's got a grace, since we've met him in the series, that Galbatorix can't achieve.

3. Rowling.

4. Harry Potter (bleep bleep bLEEPity BLEEPS!) Eragon's wimpy little dragon-rider butt-book anyday. GO HARRY!

5.I love the entire Weasley family, Hermione, Harry, Sirius, Neville, even Malfoy, Snape and even Moldyshorts. The only characters I really don't like are Bellatrix are Wormtail.

Least favorite characters from Eragon? Eragon, Arya, Brom, Oromis, Saphira, Glaedr...oh, I'm sorry. I've just listed all the main characters. :P

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Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:52 pm
whence says...

I haven't read through others' posts, so forgive me if I repeat.

But are you serious?!?!

You can't compare the two. JK is an excellent author, while Paolini uses rehashed everythings but has an accessible writing style.

As for Paolini being "ingenious", or his plot "highly imaginative" or his characters " unique"; what rock have you been living under for the past, oh, forever?! With how much Paolini relies on copying better writers and now-cliched-once-great ideas, I'm honestly surprised he can even breathe without George Lucas telling him how.

And this?
His style is mature and each sentence of his books is an individual masterpiece. His story has a greater depth of mind boggling philosophy and the use of different languages adds a special flavour.

WTF are you on? His style is accessible, not mature. Each sentence of his books is on cliche-life-support, and the only depth his story possesses is the four inches width that the pages waste. Now, 'mind-boggling philosophy' I can understand, if you're referring to the fact that the number of inaccuracies and poorly-used descriptions are indeed mind-boggling. And as for his languages? Just no. Tolkien created 13 full and separate languages, complete with grammar rules and rootwords. It added an unprecedented depth and level of immersion into his world. Paolini on the other hand, threw together some foreign-sounding syllables and called it 'language'.

In short:
Burn your copy[ies] of anything Paolini, take a deep breath, and let the healing begin.
The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life — and one is as good as the other.
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Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:12 pm
Black Ghost says...

Whence speaks the truth!

Seriously, how can you compare them? I mean it's Harry Potter, compared to what, a cardboard character that plays with dragons?

So yes, Harry completely and utterly ownes E[s]D[/s]ragon.


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Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:44 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

Whence does indeed show a remarkably... enthusiastic(!) insight into how the rest of us feel.

The Inheritance trilogy is also not lagging behind and has already proven its popularity. It is more popular with the teens than with the smaller kids because of its higher level. Eragon Shadeslayer with the help of Saphira Brightscales has come out if Alagaesia and is emerging victorious in our own world with flying colours.

On re-reading this comment, I felt compelled to add that I have never met any teenagers who have preferred Inheritance to HP. Indeed, if anything, it's the other way round, small children not being so perceptive to the amount of constant over-used cliches present in Inheritance. As to it being of a higher level... *looks darkly upon post*
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

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