
Young Writers Society

Breaking Dawn

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Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:11 pm
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Periwinkle says...

clograbby wrote:And why did Renesmee grow so fast?

I didn't get that either. The only reason I could come up with was that Meyer wanted Jacob/Renesme to seem more perfect together? Maybe it's just a hybrid thing.
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:15 pm
Fantasyfreak14 says...

I liked it. A lot actually, but it wasn't what I expected. I thought the Volturi would come after them because they found out Bella was still human. Anyway, the pregnancy thing was definitely weird. Especially, Nessie's fast development. That kind of reminded me of Mistaya from Terry Brooks' Magic Kingdom of Landover series. She's half human, half wood nymph. She grows at an accelerated rate to the point that she looks ten when she's actually two. She's got that super intelligence too. I don't know, I just thought that was interesting. Maybe accelerated growth and intelligence is something authors like to stick on their half-breed characters. I thought the book moved a lot faster than Eclipse did. I was utterly bored half-way through Eclipse, but was then pleased with the battle at the end. Which was why I was disappointed that there was no battle at the end of Breaking Dawn. I mean, what the heck? They just talk things over and that's it? No epic battle and everyone survives? You've got to be kidding me. I thought it would have been more interesting if there was a battle and Jake and Nessie had to escape just like Bella planned when she got those forged passports.
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:56 pm
Clo says...

Ahh, that shapeshifter thing was so dumb!

BELLA: They're not werewolves?! They're shapeshifters?!
EDWARD: Yes. I've known this for 20,000 pages but didn't think it was important enough to bring up. No, this is not a sudden idea Meyer had while enjoying her cocoa puffs halfway through writing the last book.
How am I not myself?

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:58 pm
Periwinkle says...


I absolutely hated that. She didn't build this book up all too well. It seemed completely random to me. And, didn't Edward and the rest of the Cullens call them werewolves for the entire series up till the end?
Maybe you should kiss someone nice or lick a rock, or both - Regina Spektor

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:02 pm
Clo says...

Yes, I agree. Nothing was planned out, which makes the series read in this very disjointed sort of way. Like, I hate to bring up Harry Potter in comparison because everyone does, but it at least felt like JK had planned out her world, and so the world was a consistent experience as we read.

These books were all over the place. And yes - I always figured vampires naturally hated werewolves. So. What the deal with the hatred? :roll:
How am I not myself?

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:05 pm
Livinginfantasy says...

Aww man... finally someone to speak to about the books.

I'm not gonna read all the previous posts, so forgive me if I repeat something.

I didn't mind it. It was the worst book in the series in my opinion, but it was okay. I feel the problem wasn't really the content, just how she wrote it. Everything was too sudden and so weird. Jacob's part of the book was a smart move, although it still wasn't really good.

BD was really surprising and was just one big roller coaster.

If it were me, I wouldn't have the wedding and the pregnancy until the end. And then left it after Bella gives birth or something. That way, the reader can come up with their own conclusion that satisfies them. But that's just me... I'm a fan of cliff-hangers.

I liked how at the beginning they seemed to be more comfortable around each other. And Jacob's been my favorite character since New Moon. It annoyed me a little that he imprinted on someone.

Also, Edward seemed different. In Book 1 and 2 there were certain parts where he was Edward. Like the 'Burning Man', wanting to sing to Bella so the nightmares would go away, being reluctant to have sex with her again because she was bruised the first time. But then after Bella becomes a vamp, he changes.

And Bella still annoys me.

I like the idea behind Renesmee's name, but the name... not so much. She should have stuck with Carlie.

PREFERENCE- ordered from most favorite to least favorite
New Moon
Breaking Dawn

So BD gets a B- grade from moi.

EDIT: I guess BD won your "Freak Me Out' contest, ey clograbby? :wink:

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:57 pm
StellaThomas says...

clograbby wrote:Yes, I agree. Nothing was planned out, which makes the series read in this very disjointed sort of way. Like, I hate to bring up Harry Potter in comparison because everyone does, but it at least felt like JK had planned out her world, and so the world was a consistent experience as we read.

These books were all over the place. And yes - I always figured vampires naturally hated werewolves. So. What the deal with the hatred? :roll:

I know, the thing is that everybody does compare the two. At the beginning of Half-Blood Prince, where Snape turns evil, I thought that Rowling had messed up. But it worked for her. Whereas, as the last book in the series, there's no chance that Meyer can use this "mistake" to her advantage.

It seemed to have no real plan to it. I mean, suddenly she can have children? Oh, and Jacob falls in love with her daughter so that way everyone wins. Except of course, for the vampires the Volturi are going to kill for their part in this and Leah who has to live with her misery forever and the people that the vampires killed.

Had I been Sam, I would have sent all those vampires packing. And he would have done, if Meyer had followed her original ideas. But she didn't. She strayed completely. I may not have liked these books very much from the outset (okay, I did semi-enjoy Twilight but after that...), but it was at the end of Eclipse I started thinking "She has no idea what she's doing."

I mean, if the werewolves suddenly weren't werewolves after all, why do they hate the vampires? My question's the same as Clo's.

Also, in Eclipse, Bella said she was in love with Jacob, and then she isn't anymore? What?

It was all very messy, to add to my list of complaints. Inconsistent.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:10 pm
Clo says...

Livinginfantasy wrote:EDIT: I guess BD won your "Freak Me Out' contest, ey clograbby? :wink:

Haha, you devil you. That's fairly accurate though. That sums up BD: freaked me out!

I've been ranting a lot about this book, but I feel like I wasted my time with the series now, even though I read them for entertainment. The characters were amusing and cute. Because in the end, I wasn't entertained. I was mortified! Running for the hills!

To what Stella said... it was ridiculous what happened to Jacob. You know what it did? Completely voided out his character. It made him completely useless to the series. You know what - you could completely pry him out of the series, and you'd still have a storyline. Of course, New Moon would be gone, and Eclipse a lot shorter, but it would still be a story. And I don't believe you should be able to do that with a main character. Jacob, ideally, should be so integral to the storyline that it can't exist without him.

But, the disorganized, unplanned way she wrote it led Jacob to this whole pointless thing in the end. I love Jacob! Now, Jacob is useless. I'm an Edward fan, but I'm still ashamed.

Oh, and yeah... bye-bye Edward's personality once Bella became a vampire. :roll: He suddenly wasn't even there anymore.
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:09 pm
ldsprincess says...

She put HER wants before her character's, their goals and personalities took a back seat to her need to have Bella have kids.
Although why she gave Bella kids and not rose is beyond me. :roll:
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:18 pm
Anijumper says...

clograbby wrote:Ahh, that shapeshifter thing was so dumb!

BELLA: They're not werewolves?! They're shapeshifters?!
EDWARD: Yes. I've known this for 20,000 pages but didn't think it was important enough to bring up. No, this is not a sudden idea Meyer had while enjoying her cocoa puffs halfway through writing the last book.

:lol: I found this extremely amusing.

Where do I even begin? I definitely ended up liking Twilight and New Moon the best. Eclipse was good but the end left me feeling a little...weird. I thought it must just be because I hadn't read the fourth one, but I think that somehow this just must have been a foreshadowing of the fourth one. Because that's the only word I can find to describe it, even ten days later: weird.

Pregnancy? Totally unexpected and key word, weird.
Jacob's section? At first I was afraid it might be weird or it just might be him the same way he was at the end of Eclipse. But I was actually really grateful for this section after I read it, because I wouldn't have wanted to read any of it from Bella's perspective. She was being so frustrating to me, not because she wouldn't give up the baby, but because she was letting Edward and Jacob too just slowly die inside.
Other characters? I loved the vampires from around the world, and I loved that the rest of the Cullens got fairly large rolls. And that we got to see so much in the pack, especially with Seth and Leah (who appears to just disappear at the end...?).
Volturi? Oh my goodness. Totally anti-climatic. Everyone was all geared up for this fight and then they just put it to a vote?
Edward? What happened? He just didn't even seem like Edward to me anymore, most of the time.
Jacob imprinting? Weirdness. I mean think in the future. Having kissed both the mom and the daughter? Or Bella watching her daughter fall in love with a guy she was in love with? Or Edward watching his daughter fall in love with the guy that almost stole his wife away? So_weird.

Yeah, so probably my least favorite book of the series. I didn't absolutely hate it, but I might end up skipping this one if i re-read the series. It's just so *weird* and everything goes better than planned for everybody.

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:51 pm
xxfourthelement says...

Stella Thomas wrote:Also, in Eclipse, Bella said she was in love with Jacob, and then she isn't anymore? What?

I really liked Breaking Dawn, mostly because I hate Bella and thought it was hilarious that her future daughter was kind of just using her body.

I guess the whole thing Stella pointed out just made sense to me because of that one Lois Duncan book, The Third Eye, in which something similar happens. (Except that happens to a psychic...)

Actually, some way into the third part, I started laughing hysterically. My sister - who refuses to read it because of spoilers - looked at me strangely. I told her, "You know what? Twilight was never about Bella. Never. It was about Jacob."

And then I couldn't stop laughing.

I think a lot of my opinions came about, though, because I wanted Jacob and Bella to end up together, so I didn't take Breaking Dawn seriously since I knew she was going to end up with Edward.

"...I laugh, and laugh, and laugh. Sometimes I can stop laughing before people start edging away and talking about soothing drinks." - Lord Raould of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:06 am
SASSYLADY333 says...

I agree with mostly everyone at this point, but I don't think I was in LOVE with the book. I just felt like a lot of things didn't make sense. Stephenie had her mind set on BD for a long time, but she fluffled things out with the other two books, New Moon and Eclipse. But when she saw how things changed when she those two books, she should have reworked BD, cause it just didnt fit anymore. That's the thing about writing , you can have you mind set on an ending but sometimes the story changes. The characters give you new things, and I think Stephenie should had the guts to make things different.

I mean she ould have been somewhere in an interview laughing right now, "I really had to change things from my orginal idea for the fourth book. Just imagine I was going to make Bella pregnant! But I'm glad I didn't I think the fans would have hated that, I'm happy that I worked with the story and made things more realistic."

But nope....she REALLY did do that. What is wrong with her?

Although I think as a writer I can learn from her stupid mistake.
"Show us, don't tell us!" They say, but sadly I realize I'm a storyteller. When I cross over and accept maturity, when I want to change then maybe I'll be willing to show people my prose and not tell them. As a writer I have to grow. :)

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:37 am
cheese9975 says...

clograbby wrote:Edward? What happened? He just didn't even seem like Edward to me anymore, most of the time.

Exactly! I felt like his character changed completely, and the chemistry wasn't the same between him and Bella. It seemed like he was married to a totally different person, which took away all the fun.
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Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:03 am
SASSYLADY333 says...

salsashanno wrote:
clograbby wrote:Edward? What happened? He just didn't even seem like Edward to me anymore, most of the time.

Exactly! I felt like his character changed completely, and the chemistry wasn't the same between him and Bella. It seemed like he was married to a totally different person, which took away all the fun.

I think she butchered a lot of characters!
"Show us, don't tell us!" They say, but sadly I realize I'm a storyteller. When I cross over and accept maturity, when I want to change then maybe I'll be willing to show people my prose and not tell them. As a writer I have to grow. :)

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:13 pm
romance otaku says...

**reads through posts**

... 0_0 ...

i love spoilers ^^ (im only on book 2)
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