
Young Writers Society

Worst Book You've Ever Read

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Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:02 pm
Teufelshund says...

The Awakening by Kate Chopin is the worst book I've ever read.

I don't mind women's lib, it was just a flat-out poorly executed book imo. Too preachy.
Semper Fidelis

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Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:22 pm
Cheshire-Writer says...

Palip wrote:i cant believe some of u say eragon and harry potter are amongst the worst books, theyre some of D BEST BOOKS ever to be written. Anyway, I don't read books I don't like; if the beginning is boring, I put it down immediately. Please don't take offence about my eragon and harry potter comment, every1s got his opinion

I used to like Eragon to (dragons kick @$$!) but then I read and watched more books and movies and I saw all of Paloni's ideas in older books and movies. The true names thing comes from an old book called Earthsea, the plot is from Star Wars, the dragon and rider connection is a slightly twicked version of a human dragon connection from Dragon Heart, and Alaglesia (and it's languages) are a mirror image of middle earth from lord of the rings. Yeah I started making connections and I didn't like what I saw. Though I'm still gonna finish it when the last book comes out, because I'm stubborn and beleive in finishing what I started, and I hope that the ending won't be as predictable as I think.

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Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:02 pm
LolitaRose says...

The House of Night series by Pc Cast and Kristen Cast.

Could not stand these books at all. I'm pretty open to books, even those that many others haven't enjoyed. However, Zoey(the main character) annoyed me to the point that the damn books gave me a migraine to read. Her narrative sounds so much like a cliched sixteen year old that I just couldn't finish the series. A lot of others in my grade enjoyed these books, and I just can't see where they could be coming from.

Maybe if a different character had been the narrator I might have enjoyed the series. But, I didn't.
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Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:00 pm
hen.hug says...

"We Can Build You" by Philip K. Dick

I like Dick. I like him a lot. His books are funky and futurustic and thought-provoking. This book, though... This book is awful. I liked the premise. It got a little loopy in parts, but it's an interesting plot. Then there's the end. It just stops. Nothing gets resolved. I wanted more. I wanted to keep reading. But instead, it stops.

To be fair, even with more resolution at the ending, it wouldn't be a great book. Without it, though, it's a pointless read.

That said, go read a Dick novel though. It's good stuff. Just avoid this one at all costs.
Last edited by hen.hug on Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:17 pm
Xayah says...

A passage to india by EM Forester. Don't hate me but ugh...dreary narrative of an otherwise memorable story and the ideas may have been ground breaking at the time but have been superceeded. Too bad, I was expecting it to be much more enjoyable

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Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:08 am
BigBadBear says...

Slaughterhouse 5.

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:22 am
Hyunthesosarian says...

My university's writing publication is pretty atrocious -- you have prose wanting to be poems and poems wanting to become prose -- the end result is a bunch of esoteric slip that basically says, "Yeah, bad stuff happened after I got drunk."
Stop thinking pessimistic thoughts. You will run out.

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Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:33 pm
Cheshire-Writer says...

Hyunthesosarian wrote:My university's writing publication is pretty atrocious -- you have prose wanting to be poems and poems wanting to become prose -- the end result is a bunch of esoteric slip that basically says, "Yeah, bad stuff happened after I got drunk."

I haven't read the book but I love your summary of it.

And I have to mention the Darren Shawn series. I got through the first two Chapters of the first book before I had to quit. It just seemed like a typical Gary-Stu story.

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Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:36 pm
Fantasyfreak14 says...

There are actually several books that I couldn't stand.

1. The Wind In The Willows-couldn't stand it! i read 100 pages of it and put it down.
2. The Lord of the Flies- i got totally sick of all the symbology that was supposed to be represented. plus the teacher who taught it to us was crazy, and she probably ruined it for me.
3. Fahrenheit 451-it was an interesting concept, but it bored the heck out of me.
4. A Separate Peace- soooooooo boring! the ending was sad though...but the rest of it..urgh! i had to read it for school.
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Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:36 pm
Moody says...

Lord of the Flies is one of the worst books I've read. It seems like the whole reason it was written was to be studied in school, not to be enjoyed.

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:16 pm
Cheshire-Writer says...

Moody wrote:Lord of the Flies is one of the worst books I've read. It seems like the whole reason it was written was to be studied in school, not to be enjoyed.

Okay I would just like to say that Lord of The Flies was written to show the brutally honesty of how young boys would act if the were stranded and isolated. The Author, William Golding, said in the audio version of the book, that he read himself, that he was sick of all the books in his time having the boys being too good because real kids didn't act that way. He wrote the book so that people could reflect on the humans savage nature.

Yes studing books in school can be tiresome but don't blame the books for being distributed in schools because where the books are sold are not up to the author.

I didn't really enjoy Lord of The Flies but I wouldn't casually call a classic one of the worst books I've read.

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:52 pm
Exialac says...

goldcomet wrote:Ishmael. Its about a monkey (that talks) that tells the world how mankind is viewed from another perspective (Stranger in a Strange Land??) a whole bunch of philosophical fluff, basically.

This is the WORST book you've read. God. I'll love to see the best book you've ever read. Read Ishmael carefully, many readers misunderstand what Quinn actually wants to say. >.>

Stranger in a Strange Land was brilliant.

The worst book ever would be any book in the twilight series or Eragon. Awww no fair. Okay the worst book I've ever read would be Insomnia by Stephen King. It's just 500 pages of build up to nothing. I think when he wrote it he just wanted to focus on marketing for the Dark Tower series. Pitiful really.
Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson. You find the present tense and the past perfect.

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:20 pm
Cynara says...

Worst book ever Flush! I hate it. It is the crappiest book ever.
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Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:17 am
Haimerej says...

alwaysawriter wrote:Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer (The beginning was too confusing)

How dare you?! Artemis Fowl was absolutely incredible. What on earth was too confusing about the beginning?

Sorry about the random quote to a post near the beginning of the thread, noticed it and just had to respond to it.

I don't think I have read any bad novels, or if I have I blocked it out of my memory.

No wait, I remember one, but I can't remember the authors name. The name of the book was Feather Boy, or something like that.

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:27 pm
AquaMarine says...

No wait, I remember one, but I can't remember the authors name. The name of the book was Feather Boy, or something like that.

I got that out for the summer holiday from my school libary and i agree, it's horrible. it just dragged on and i couldn't get into it.

others would definatly be shadowmancer and it's sequel, (can't remember what it's called) and madam bovary. they were both so boring.

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The idea that a poem was a made thing stayed with me, and I decided then that I wanted to be an artist, not just a diarist. So I put myself through a kind of apprenticeship in writing poetry, and I understood even then that my practice as a poet was deeply related to my reading.
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