
Young Writers Society

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

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Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:31 am
chocolatechipmuffin says...

I loved it. It's not the best writing...I don't want to say it's bad writing, but YWSers could do just as well.
But I really did love the story...it came at a time when I was feeling very open to love stories, and I overlooked the writing because it was good.
New Moon is way better, although the middle gets annoying.
I loved Edward. I think everyone does. I think everyone wants an Edward. Doesn't it suck that he's not real?
I thought that Bella's clumsiness was overdone, I mean, no one's that clumsy. This is from the girl who falls down putting on pants. I know clumsy. And Bella's too clumsy. But at the same time, she's an adorable character. I have to say my favorite was Alice. Alice growls at Edward. I think that's when I started loving her.
Also, Bella worships Edward a little bit too much. No one confesses that openly that they need someone, especially if there's a chance that the other person might not even be interested. Do they? I mean, would you go up to your crush and say "Don't leave me! I need you!"?

So, I read it for the story, and I read New Moon for the story. In New Moon, the writing's a lot better. Hopefully, she'll continue to grow as a writer, as she plans to write more.
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"We are all of us living in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
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Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:58 pm
Alice says...

I cannot even begin to convey my love for this book, and I wish I had been the first to read the post, because, well frankly I feel like a copy cat doing this. But alas, I do not care. True Anne Rice is a more complex and detailed writer, but her characters are too dark.

To add, Twilight depresses me. But I also love it! In what universe is that fair? If I was to explain why it depresses me at length it would go on and on. In a nutshell it’s this, Edward doesn’t exist! And nobody like Edward does exist! AH! There is no hope for my future, as if my standards weren’t high enough, now I just added Edward to my standards!

I have even gone so far as to say the first car I want to get is a silver Volvo. For reasons apparent. In short I can hardly wait for her next one to come out! Come on October come faster!
I just lost the game.

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Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:38 pm
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Caligula's Launderette says...

I thought that Bella's clumsiness was overdone, I mean, no one's that clumsy.

I'd have to disagree with that, clearly you haven't met my best friend.

Fraser: Stop stealing the blanket.
[Diefenbaker whines]
Fraser: You're an Arctic Wolf, for God's sake.
(Due South)

Hatter: Do I need a reason to help a pretty girl in a very wet dress? (Alice)

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:41 pm
BellaLuna says...

author13 wrote: If I was to explain why it depresses me at length it would go on and on. In a nutshell it’s this, Edward doesn’t exist! And nobody like Edward does exist! AH! There is no hope for my future, as if my standards weren’t high enough, now I just added Edward to my standards!

I have even gone so far as to say the first car I want to get is a silver Volvo. For reasons apparent. In short I can hardly wait for her next one to come out! Come on October come faster!

I know exactly how you feel. It is rather depressing to think that I will never find a guy who is even remotely close to being as wonderful as Edward. *sigh* If only vampires really existed... :D
And speaking of Volvos, my friend told me the other day that he just bought a Volvo. I nearly died right then and there, in the school cafeteria. lol.
Oh and one more thing, I think that the third book is coming out August 7.

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:53 pm
Leja says...

This is a book for the hopeless romantic in all of us (myself included). It's definitely not the best-written book I've ever read, but after I finished it, I turned back to page one to read it again, and I rarely do that. As I said before, I am such a hopeless romantic. What I thought was interesting was that there was little to no description of Bella, though that neither bothered me, nor did I really notice it until a review of the book got be thinking about it. Yes it's YA (there were definitely times when I thought the plot was stretched), and yes, it's not the writing of Anne Rice, but it's a good book for a rainy afternoon when all you want to do is curl up with a book and a cup of hot chocolate. I mean, I re-read it, didn't I?

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:54 pm
Emerson says...

Yep a third book in August.

I just got my hands on New Moon and I have to say, though I am still reading it, I'm horribly disappointed.

Perhaps I am not used to YA series, but she seems to be reminding us of everything from the first novel. I understand this is natural, heck, they do it with TV shows, but it books (where it is so specific as she had to be) it drives me up walls. But really, the only series I have read (as far as I remember?) was A Series of Unfortunate Events (I have such poor memory, I forget it all, and never finished it) and The Vampire Chronicles, by dear Anne Rice, who I can hardly compare to Meyer, but that's ok. Two completely different types of vampires. I just didn't like how she had to reexplain everything...

And from what I've heard this book (New Moon) is extremely "emo". I can already see that it is. She gets all boo-hoo and depressed. One friend told me she stopped reading, it was so bad. My other (My Anne Rice loving best pal ever, Cat!) said it was really bad. So why am I still reading it? The only thing I can come up with is that I like the characters. If Stephenie Meyer had one good writing quality, it would be her ability to write believable and lovable characters. If it weren't for that, I'd be tossing this aside for the tons of other books waiting for me to read....
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
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Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:33 pm
JC says...

It doesn't surprise me at all that this book has so many reviews. I mean, it's awesome. I love how different it is from anything else I've read. Except for the unlikely love that teens seem to go for...myself included (hides in shame)...overall I highly recommend this book and its sequels to...well...anybody looking for a mindless, but lovely read.
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Wed May 09, 2007 3:34 pm
PerforatedxHearts says...

Yes, I agree that throughout most of the book the author "babies" us into the setting and all. Considering other books, it's not that original. I love Meyer's voice, the sense of humor is alright.

I didn't like New Moon, though. It was just...boring. Was it because of the absence of Edward? I don't know.
"Video games don't affect kids. If Pacman had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills, and listening to repetitive electronic music." --anonymous/banner.

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Sat May 12, 2007 3:42 pm
Esmé says...

Twilight, my love.

And OMG did you just say that there's no Edward in book 2? :( :( :( (Haven't read it yet).

:( I think I fell in love with him, haha.


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Tue May 22, 2007 6:53 pm
Lady Pirate says...

I loved this book was very good, the fast pace, the quick and witty writing, and page turner. When I first read it last year I could not put it down.

And then New Moon came out, and I want to stranggle Edward, and then I have mixed feelings about Jake.

Cannot wait until the next one.
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Tue May 22, 2007 7:00 pm
Alice says...

omg they have am exert from Eclipse in the back of NEW MOON now. and if i could pull characters out of books, i'd pull edward out.
I just lost the game.

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Sat May 26, 2007 4:37 pm
Samara says...

misspriss wrote:So basically before I ramble on any longer, I'd like to know, is this book SUITABLE?

And that is my original question, believe it or not. Gosh, I've rambled so much I could barely remember my question...

yeah, actually i was really impressed with how "suitable" this book is. there is a TON of mushiness in it, but its very sweet, non-sexual kind of romance, which was sweet (e.g. waiting outside the door of her classes, watching her sleep, kissing her forehead...). i usually don't like romances, but this one was pretty cute.

New Moon on the other hand...drove me absolutely mad. Bella was a jerk, Edward was an idiot, and Jacob was the only decent character in the book but Bella broke his heart and didn't even care b/c she had her perfect vampire stud.

"I can't stand him. His ego is splattered all over that screen and it's making me nauseous."
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Sat May 26, 2007 5:48 pm
Sam says...

Augh, see, I don't like it very much...granted, I'm on page 250, but here's why.

- Bella is totally a Mary Sue. Meyer describes a beautiful character- black hair, milk white skin, COME ON- and then tries to convince us she's horribly ugly and no one wants her in Phoenix. And the whole 'I was lean, but never athletic' descriptor made me a bit wary. If you're not athletic at all, you're probably a little more round than the average bear, and certainly not lean, in modern day America.

- I hated Edward at the beginning. And his witty banter. How are we supposed to like characters that are complete tools? Hmm...

- The dialogue is unrealistic for the characters. Both of them seem to be very antisocial- if your only friend is your mom or, in Edward's case, your siblings- and so their conversations wouldn't be as elegant or clever. There would be a lot of, "Uh, I don't know, uhm, want to go out? Or something? *swears under breath* I sound like an idiot..."

And Meyer describes Bella as being insecure and thinking she's said the wrong things, but really she's very verbose. It doesn't make any sense.

Most definitely, the girl who didn't have any friends in Phoenix would have eight thousand boys following her. It's usually not the insecure girl in that position, is it?

- It's too easy when Edward likes her. It's obvious after the first fifty pages, and so the other two hundred thirty or so that I read are totally devoid of conflict.

- I love Edward's chest. Really, I do- it's probably a very pretty one. I'm tired of hearing about it, though, and in what particular direction it happens to "ripple beneath his tight-fitting turtleneck sweater". Gary Stu, hello.

However, I do like the setting. Very creepy- who doesn't love rainy, drizzly woodlands for a vampire story? No one.

...rant over. :wink:
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Mon May 28, 2007 12:28 am
Samara says...

lol. i agree with you on a few points. 1st, the setting was awesome. second, it definitely is too easy when Edward likes her. i also really think that Bella's obsessiveness is kind of pathetic.

i disagree with you on the skinny-unathletic person. i'm skinny and unathletic. granted, i do work out. but i do not play serious sports and i don't really struggle with my weight. so it is possible. some people just have weird metabolisms.

about the dialogue: Edward has lived 100 years. his choice of words probably would be pretty elegant. and even if he's antisocial in 2003, he may not have been antisocial 30 years ago. which means that he has practiced, at least at some point in time.
"I can't stand him. His ego is splattered all over that screen and it's making me nauseous."
~Me referring to Ashton Kutcher.

"I think the dragon should eat him."
~My boyfriend referring to Eragon

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Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:44 am
Lil Dono says...

I'm about three fourths through the book.

I'm betting on Alice.

I wouldn't say 'great' book, but it's a good read, at least for me. It captured my attention for quite a while, but unfortunatly it couldn't keep my attention.

The way Edward is portrayed, especially when Meyer's describes his room is one of my favorite aspects of the book. She doesn't put all this old fashioned furniture in his room, it's stocked with CDs and a sound system, sofa, ect.

The characters while increasingly interesting the farther I get in the book, all seem to be nearly flawless. Of course they have flaws but they aren't nearly exemplified as much as they should be, in my opinion. For once I'd like a character who isn't totally beautiful or handsome who stumbles across their words once in a while or trips as they walk down the stairs. It's just more human. Hah, a vampire...being more human...ha, funny.

I guess I can't totally judge the book until I've read the ending, but hey, I can try.

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