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Harry Potter & Inheritance- Opinions Wanted!!

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:05 am
Elelel says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)?
Harry. Ergon annoys me a bit. Harry has his sulky moments where I get a bit fed up with him, but I get sick of Ergon more often.

2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)?
Voldie! YAY!!! He's way eviler than Galbatorix. What has Galbatorix ever personally done to Ergon? That's right! Voldemort's a much better villain. It's like small shops versus huge chain supermarkets. At which one do you (generally) get better service?

3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)?
Probably J.K.Rowling. I agree that is it was easier to read, and I like that in a book. None of this nonsense with page long descriptions you just end up skipping.

4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)?
Er ... Harry Potter. Eldest brought Inheritance down, for me. Anyway, big heroic quest adventrue stories aren't really my favourite thing in the world, although I do like them. Plus J.K. Rowling has some fun ideas that Pauloni does not ever hope to rival.

5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.
HP - loved: Ron, Molly Weasley (don't mess with Mollywobbles!)
- hated: *draws blank*
E - loved: er ... Brom. And ... not really anyone else.
-hated: No one, really. They were just all in the middle.

Hehe. Harry Potter seems to have won the most questions overall. I'm not obsessed with Harry Potter, it's just more my sort of thing than Eragon.
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Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:45 am
Fantasyfreak14 says...

2. Lord Voldemort
3.can't decide
5. Inheritance-Love: Eragon, Saphira, Roran, Murtagh
Hate: The Ra'zac, Galbatorix, Sloan
Harry Potter-Love: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks
Hate: Draco, Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange
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Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:20 am
Fireweed says...

1.Harry, though he annoys me a bit when he's being angsty, like Elelel said.

2.Voldemort... again I agree with Elelel.

3.Tie, I like the writing styles of both.

4.Harry Potter, hands down. It's much more imaginitive, Eragon's plot and characters are totally cliche.

5.HP, loved: I only get 2?! Feh. Hermione and Tonks. But there are so many awesome characters...

HP,hated: Proffesor Umbridge

Inheritance, loved: I don't know... none of the characters really stood out to me. I guess Saphira was cool...

Ineritance, hated: I basically had no strong feelings toward any of the characters, negative or positive...
Last edited by Fireweed on Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I myself am composed entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."- Augusten Burroughs

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Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:26 pm
lexy says...

1. HARRY!!!!!
2. Voldemort
4. HP
5. Ron because he is so funny and also dumbledore with some of the things he says!!!!!

lexy xxx
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Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:10 pm
Pushca says...

1. harry
are you kidding me? eragon is... annoying. i am really trying not to swear here. paolini is just an awful writer and his characters are flat... maybe the movie will be better...

2. voldemort
voldemort beats sauron every time.

3. rowling
paolini has a style? like where he has boring sentences which he wrote with a thesaurus in the other hand?

4. harry potter
i think i might have expressed my views on hp vs. inheritance before, maybe...

5. inheritance - love: murtagh
-hate: eragon, and pretty much everybody else, too
hp - love: harry, ginny, ron
-hate -the dursleys. in some ways they remind me of my parents... which, you know, probably isn't the best thing
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Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:23 pm
Sureal says...

I have never read any of the Inheritance series. However, from grazing reviews, it does appear to be a rather poor series (largely due to a complete lack of origionality).
I wrote the above just for you.

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Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:20 pm
EstelPax says...

I have never read Harry Potter and still think it would be excellent searies to read.
Eragon as a book is better than the movie.
Arya is a elf who is the movie is a weak female.While in the book she's a tough youngwoman who deals with inumerabal totures.
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Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:28 pm
Sureal says...

Don't get me wrong - I do intend to read the Inheritance series (I wouldn't dare judge a book properly without reading it). My last post is just based on reviews I have read (which aren't always reliable, as everyone has their own opinion).
I wrote the above just for you.

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Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:16 am
gold_tangerine says...

Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban made a strong impression on me. The amazing plot makes it the zenith of Rowling's whole series (it weakened for me after 3 somewhat) and the lightning-fast descriptions of Quidditch matches was adding another column to a solid Parthenon of awesomeness.

Ahem. Eragon, Chris Paolini and the Inheritance Trilogy is a sensitive subject with me. I respect everyone's opinion here and don't want to offend your literary taste at all, I couldn't get through Lord Of The Rings so I might be oil-and-watery with straight fantasy, BUUUT...I can't believe they're making a movie. And a game. That guy has his future cut out for him; I need to get my act together.
Anyway I hated Eragon so much I posted an Amazon review on it for 2 stars (now you really hate me) because it was just so cliched, and how come he loses consciousness in like 5 different chapter ends and wakes up in five chapter beginnings? Get some real plot twists in there. I learned later that he took a lot from established dragon/fantasy authors, and a lot of other people disliked his unoriginality.

I like Dean Thomas from Harry Potter. He's a minor character, but he likes to draw like me.
Lee Jordan because he's funny.

Hate: Umbridge from Book 5, and Percy.

If I had to pick, in Eragon, I'd choose:

Like: Solembum (both forms, so thats 2)

Hate: Eragon and everyone else (sorry!)
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Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:36 am
Mr. Everyone says...

I have heard alot about the inheritence series im going to have to pick it up, and the eragorn series, and i can't wait for hp7 to hurry up and release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep writing and =) happy reading (=

=) *wave*

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Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:24 pm
Lilyy03 says...

Speaking as someone who's not very fond of Eragon *cough*seriouslackoforiginality*cough*, my answers might not be exactly what you're looking for, but....

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)? Harry.
2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)? Voldemort.
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)? Rowling!
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)? Harry Potter.
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series. Eragon: hate Arya, Eragon, Angela. Love Murtagh. Harry Potter: hate Hermione, Cornelius Fudge, Umbridge. Love Dumbledore, Lupin, Sirius and the Weasley twins. (sorry for giving more than two!)

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Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:12 pm
Shafter says...

Uh... yeah. I'm not an Inheritance fan at all. Paolini is not original in the least, and I don't think his books deserve the millions of fans they've gotten. I did like Harry Potter, though.

1. Harry. Definitely.
2. Voldemort. Definitely.
3. J.K. Rowling, although her use of all capitals when someone's yelling annoys me.
4. Harry Potter.
5. Inheritance: I hate Roran and Eragon. Mostly Roran. I love Angela and what'shisname, the Yoda guy. Harry Potter: There really aren't any characters I hate, per se. I love Hermione. I am Hermione! :)
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Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:17 pm
Swires says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)?

Harry Potter

2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)?

Voldy, Galbatorix has no real aims and is a mere overtone of the books as oposed to Voldemort which plays a vital and blood curdling role in HP.
3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)?
4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)?

Harry potter - It has far more depth in character, plot and everything else.
5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series.

Inheritance -

Liked -
The Shade
The twins (ok thats three lol)

Harry Potter
Severus Snape


Harry potter
Ginny Weasley.
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Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:31 pm
uniaeca says...

1. Eragon or Harry (as heroes)? Out of these two unlikely heroes, I would have to say that Eragon is definitely my favourite, as I don't really see Harry as a hero. Eragon... is extraordinary in how far he has gone to achieve what he must, while Harry is still immature and not thinking far into the future. A hero needs to plan ahead, not take things as they come.

2. Galbatorix or Lord Voldemort (as villains)? I actually can't remember Galbatorix (long time since I've read Eragon and Eldest), so I'll say Voldemort is the best kind of evil, though I'm pretty sure I can do better at being evil.

3. The writing style of Christopher Paolini or J.K.Rowling (only the style, not the plot)? I believe that Paolini (though young) is far better polished than J.K. Rowling. I'm also more pleased with him, because of Rowling's own lack of respect to her series - she does not think everything through and has even been heard to say that though she messes her own timelines up, she doesn't really care.

4. Inheritance or the Harry Potter series (as a whole)? The Harry Potter series, by a margin. I find it difficult to re-read bits of Inheritance, but not Harry Potter. Also, Harry Potter has more books, more pages equaling more time that I can get away from the world.

5. Your two most hated and loved characters from each of the series. I only have one hated character from Inheritance - Arya. God damn it girl, fight! And I love Eragon and Sapphira. Enough said. For Harry Potter my most hated characters are Snape and Dumbledore. There are times I want to whack Snape over the head - and others when I feel like hitting dear old Dumbles too. I love Luna and Ginny, and I pity Draco. I can understand why he was trying so hard to kill Dumbledore.
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Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:43 am
Jenita says...

I read most of the harry potter in third grade! it is definitly a lower reading level than inhereitance.

The age you read a book at is not the same as its reading level. I'm betting that Inheritance wasn't even around when you were in third grade.

1. Harry... he has his angsty moments, but there are times when he's brave, and times when he's stupid, and times when he's actually intelligent (*gasp*). Eragon is just very whiny.

2. Lord Voldemort. :D

3. J.K. Rowling, Paolini is very difficult to read and frankly, it's not worth it. If his plot were actually original, I'd probably read through the boringness. But it's not, so period.

4. Harry. Potter. Is. AMAZING.

5. Inheritance: Loved: Angela and the cat. Hated Roran and Saphira, because although she's a dragon and supposed to be intelligent, she's not.

Harry Potter: Hated... I didn't like Peter Pettigrew or Marietta in character, much, but everyone was very well written, methought. Loved a lot of characters, but if I had to choose two people...: Tonks and Tom Riddle. Yes, not Voldemort, Tom Riddle.

And Rowling not thinking everything through? I actually don't like Paolini's lack of intricacy. Rowling, not thinking things through... Have you noticed that she has practically never used a character just once? That there's forshadowing for the sixth book in the first?

Oh, and the reason books three and four are considered the best by so many people, me thinks, feel free to kill me if you don't agree, is that the first few are introducing things and with the fifth and onward, all the plot threads are starting to tie up, and there aren't as many introductions. If that makes any sense. Three and four strike a healthy balance.

Ooookay, I 'm done ranting now. :D

As ideas are always better than their execution, so too must dough taste better than cookies.
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