
Young Writers Society

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Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:16 pm
Skell says...

When im looknig for a new book the first ones i look for are ones from authors i know. Then i start to look for new authors.
so i thought i would review authors instead.
Jennifer Fallon, a great Author. i have read all of her books and they are all great reads. She has written three trilogys
the Second Sons trilogy had me yelling at the book. jennifer fallon certianly knows how to make the reader hate the bad guy in her books.

I pride myself on owning only what i call the good books. Any book written by Terry Goodkind is a best seller, he is a brilliant author. Raymond e feist's Best seller magician is what originaly got me into reading and then into writing.
Robin Hobb, her Farseer Trilogy is a must for any Fantasy Fiction reader or writer. Any books by Robin Hobb is worth a look at.
Trudi Canavan, Both her Trilogys are good. i ended up reading the whole Ages of the Five in only 2 days. not that they are small books, i just couldnt put them down.

I really hope that anyone who reads this and dosnt own these books will take a look at them the next time they are at a bookshop or shopping online.

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Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:49 pm
Esmé says...

Tamora Pierce is great - she's a YA writer and wrote loads of fantastic books.

Terry Prachett is okay, too.

Whiever wrote "The Blue Sword" deserves to be here, to.

J.K. Rowling is good, but to tell the truth I have enough of HP

Sapkowski IS ONE OF THE BEST (but polish. I think his books have been translated, but I am not sure)

Last but not least; TOLKIEN!!!!!! (He's awesome, lol)

To Skell: I agree with you on Robin Hobb, but I'm sad to say that I do not know the rest.

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Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:51 pm
misspriss says...

Oh! I loved The Blue Sword, I believe the author is Robin McKinley. :-)

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Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:49 pm
Swires says...

Skell - Age of Five book 3 hasnt been pubished.

I love Trudi Canavan though, I have read all the Black Magician Series, Priestess of the White and I'm now reading Last of the Wilds.

I like Rowling - HP is one of my favourites.

Ive also just read Chapter 1 of Tolkien's LOTR, I am one of the anti-tolkien people on YWS so I thought I'd read a few chapters and see what happens, I may end up liking him!

Holly Lisle - Talyn is a beautiful adult fantasy novel.
Previously known as "Phorcys"
Witherwings Harry Potter RPG

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:05 am
uniaeca says...

Jodi Picoult's 'My Sister's Keeper' is a heart wrenchingly amazing story. Apparently her other books are pretty good as well but I haven't read them yet.


Oh yeah - I love Traci Harding's 'Ancient Future' and 'Mystique' Trilogy.

The Ancient Future (Interesting title, aye :P) has a pretty basic idea, but is more intricate than you think. Simply put, it's about a 21st century female who travels into the past.

Mystique... it's been so long since I read it so I don't remember much but loving it, sometimes it's a bit of a difficult read due to it jumping through different time zones.

I love Traci Harding, mainly because she's dyslexic, failed English with a D and still manages to get past it and write amazing stories.

Ahhh... my hero
Sporks!! and Waffles!! Ohhhh that waffley goodness stabbed with a spork!

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Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:02 am
Jenita says...

Let's see, what hasn't been said yet? In fantasy...

~Diana Wynne Jones is AMAZING. She writes mainly fantasy and some sci-fi, and though some of her books are bit boring at the beginnings, they usually they get more exciting soon. For the first time reading her books I'd recommend the Chrestomanci Quartet -- those books are brilliant.

~William Nicholson wrote the Wind On Fire Trilogy, which is really good. The first book is called The Windsinger. I tried reading it at the age of seven (because my older sister was reading it and I really looked up to her) and couldn't manage it, so I guess I wouldn't recommend it for elementary school, even though the main characters are 10 in the first book... the next one's five or six years later, though. Anyway, back on topic, these books are REALLY good.

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
— Arthur C. Clarke