
Young Writers Society

Snidbits from the book I will be publishing

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Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:12 pm
caruccichris says...

Such primitive creatures we are, simply providing for ourselves while not taking into consideration our damages to the largest organism - the Earth. How juvenile, in the grand scheme, we are in comparison with that which we idolize. How are we, as mere human beings, ever capable of rising above our rather common place misconceptions? Clearly our brains work more efficiently when it comes to our ability to cope with the myriad of extravagance that continuously surrounds us; seen or unseen, of course. What is our place in the cosmic perspective of life? Such an incredible mystery remains unsolved - the universe. Such beauty lies within even the simplest of organisms, a myriad of truth arises upon simple inspection. What does this say about our emotions and feelings? Unfortunately they are not prone to inspection as the brain continues to be a mystery. Of course, you are more than capable, through continuous observation, to observe and witness some cases. However, I must pursue the fact that most emotions in their extreme states are from prior incidents. For short, they are simply working reactions coupled with coping mechanisms. We, as a species, are capable of remembering, understanding, adapting and allowing ourselves to create incredible achievements. Unfortunately, we are not always capable of controlling ourselves, despite our beliefs of ourselves. After such misfortune - "There is a choice in life - one either grows or decays - I think we should grow."(Carl Sagan)

"Generalizations that lead to stereotypical niches are simply a defecting form of what would otherwise be a healthy society. Through such deliberate and unmanaged and biased opinions we are capable of truely understanding what our society is capable of in all aspects, including trivial and urgent situations. We must begin to understand the root causes of even the most minute circumstances, on both the 'micro' and the 'macro' levels.

I would like, if you will, to start this limited and soon-to-be rather unread essay off by deliberately attempting to alter your understanding from the general norm of what we believe is right, this in turn, to allow you to have somewhat of a sociological perspective and insight into both domestic, foreign, and privileged information. This is of course assuming you are capable of logical reasoning and a critiques rationale.

For many years we have been in assumption that such basic and common occurrences as "Criminal" are simply that, criminals. We, as a public, provide no source of actual understanding through either neurological reasoning or psychological comprehension, we simply assume. We assume that someone who has committed a crime, who has wronged another, to be simply so by design, by unknowingly being a simple victim of chance. Advancements in the neurological field as well as psychology have proven for many years, over ten, that such problems are not that of the person, but a brain abnormality, in the majority of cases.

It must be understood that when I say 'Brain abnormality' that I mean a simple dysfunction in regards to the chemical output of various regions, depending on the affected part of the brain, that causes adverse behavior and thinking. Some of the most notable areas of the brain that affect aggression are the left frontal lobe as well as the Cingulate Cortex, which lies within the Prefrontal Cortex, right in between it to be exact.

The Cingulate Cortex is largely seen being affected by those with obsessive compulsive disorder, or in other cases attention deficit disorder. These disorders are caused by either too much activity or too little within the Cingulate Cortex. The Cingulate Cortex is largely attributed to our ability to change our attention, in other words it IS our attention span.

Anger, as stated above, is affected by the functioning of the Prefrontal Cortex, in the area of the left frontal lobe. It must be understood that, in cases where the SPECT scan has been done, it was shown in almost 3/4ths the people attributed to aggression, or other issues relating to such issues, either involving physical or verbal abuse."


The average person, that being someone of a relatively general intelligence quotient, are brought up, whether through nature or nurture, to adhere to the current demands of society. Ever the successful adapter, those of average intelligence are more prone to socialization and thus acceptance by their surrounding peers or elders, this in itself can create an adverse society in which the average, mongering, person retains control of society in it's whole, rather then those most suitable arriving at the same positions of power. Though their are varying degrees of government, all arrive at the same conclusion, however some retaining better results.

Through the election of officials through a public, advertised, and often exaggerated view, the general population are lead to believe that such political stooges are competent at their jobs, rather then the much neglected truth of their incompetence. Through the progression of government, society has advanced as a whole, though it advances, this is not always an acceptable, well concluded result. It is often at the face of immense blunders, horrid disasters, and misinformed decisions.

It is indeed impossible to hope for world peace and a unison. Through various methods introduced into society over a great period of time, for us to say the least, various political ploys and advancements have made it more intangible for the common person to see and understand the actual world around them. A plight made by leaders can inspire a great movement from their followers, those that believe in the same goal, idea, or purpose, that they themselves do.

Generally this would not be such a convoluted concept if we were more of an understanding genetic pile of proteins and Amino Acids, however we are in fact just that. While our imaginations have the capability to advance us far beyond what we see, it has the ability to poison us, whether indirectly or directly, and the more then potent ability to lay hidden under the guise of that in which we believe in so religiously, that in which we desire, what we have become to need.

I tend to personally believe that religion is one of the many examples, it is indeed a fact that in this day and age, those that follow a particular religion were raised upon that religion, and were given no other unbiased showings of what in fact the world's religions have to offer. A well debated incident within the scientific and religious community is often referred to 'Nature vs. Nurture' in which the scientific community, not as a whole but generally accepted as such, believe that without nurture, humans would not be capable of such luxuries that we currently take for granted, while the religious community believes man kind to be more then sufficient without nurture.

Various cases have been cited in such a debate between that in which we think to be, and that in which is proven to be. References to neglect in varying degrees of cases have surfaced that a few unfortunate people had been neglected to the point of no interaction with out humans, in one case solely a dog in a dark, locked room, where the parents fed her occasionally. As this girl matured, the brain itself did not, instead it interpreted the situation around it, believing more and more that she was an actual dog, rather then what she was, a person. Scientific studies, including various psychological applications and brain examinations, revealed that her brain had under developed, that her cerebral cortex has matured to only 10% of an average human.

She believe she was a dog, she barked like a dog, walked on all fours, and apparently, with all her heart, insisted she was. Now this girl, due to the Cerebral Cortex not developing properly, was in capable of speech, she had gone so many years without learning such an attribute that she slowly became physically in capable. Through extensive socialization, she was able to stand on two feet, rather then crawling on all fours, however her progress collapsed very shortly after, and she resumed the dog phase.

This thus proved, along with other similar cases, that nurture was indeed a great necessity to the developing child, and with out it, we would advert back to a much more primitive standing, as a steady integration of our surroundings and concepts are firmly the only thing in which advances a persons mental capacity and development. Arbitrary as you may believe it to be, this is all well rounded and referenced situations.

Through integration into society, one learns their own niche within it, becoming nothing more then a servant to the whole, a collective for the general consensus in which you unknowingly serve out your purpose to society and then die, living long enough to procreate and advance such a mechanism. Unfortunately, through our own adaptive nature, and the immensity of the current population, combined with the average intelligence being far more plentiful then that of higher intelligence, society in it's entirety will only progress so far, then spiral into a well predicted and hardly irrational decline.

The raising of such religious ideas and that of those nurtured with them from birth can only create conflict with differing views, indeed such religion's vehemently biased views, whether on those that follow the religion, those that deny it, or those who remain indifferent, can only create a shroud of illusion, thus stunting our actual interpretations of what is and what can be. (I.E World being flat, Gods in the clouds, Heaven, Hell, Sinners, Holy Wars).

Unfortunately I've spent twenty minutes on this little blog, and have to go to work, so I must discontinue my insight. This is only the surface, I could write for days. As a follow up note....... More so a question.....

Do you really want your leaders to believe in TALKING SNAKES(Adam and Eve), Drinking the BLOOD of their savior EVERY Sunday, and eating the body of Christ?(Church). Do you really want them thinking that if someone has a different view, a different idea, that they will BURN in HELL? I can only hope for the day that science surpasses a religion as a whole. But it's too much to ask for, it has already happened, though your views are too shrouded, to conflicted to understand such innovation into the eyes of humanity. The only thing I can ask is that you question as I have questioned you here within this paragraph. Learn to seek out why, not just how. Learn a deeper meaning of yourselves, understand that your own spirituality will undoubtedly lead to a knowledge far greater then those around you. For you will be open, and to a closed mind an world altering idea is nothing but dirt on the ground, free to tread upon..

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Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:20 pm
caruccichris says...

Don't take the religious ending to the last one too seriously, however, I must admit my opinion has changed since. This book is a dichotomy of myself, traversing through understanding and attempting to figure things out in a very misunderstood environment. While I must further admit that I am not religious in the traditional sense, as I believe solely in the universe and who knows what(Possibilities are endless!!)

The book has an equilibrium of sorts as time goes on, as my understanding of people and our perceptions starts to come to fruition. It's a book about compassion, understanding and most importantly - learning.

If you're interested at all after conversing with me or debating my attempts at figuring things out, check my kickstarter out. I have my book there currently, it would be a good reference for others as well.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/car ... chool-view

here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a treee called life; which grows higher than the soul can home or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
— e.e. cummings