
Young Writers Society

What Might Be Thoughts? part 1

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:34 pm
Lord Anzius says...

What Might Be Thoughts?

I’ve often asked myself:”Why do I write?”
I’ve come up with many answers: I want to accumulate wealth, that’s a given, but there are a lot of other ways of getting money besides writing, and writing is a gamble. I enjoy it, well this must be very close to the truth since I do, and it is one of the things I enjoy most in the world, but that isn’t the actual reason why I write. I wish to have an outlet for all my thoughts and feelings. That can’t be it though, that is the reason I’m writing this work but not the reason I write stories. I need to get rid of the stories in my head before the violently overcome my sense of reality. No even this is wrong since when I start writing I never find the willpower to finish my works, yet I never forget the stories. They’re like my children always growing and expanding in my head. Then why do I write? The feeling of fulfillment when I finish my work? Not even that! That is why I cook. It takes less time and it seems to be twice as hard. When I reflect on the reason I write I can’t come up with any really coherent answer, I just write because sometimes I feel like I must write and so I do. It is like a primal instinct taking over me, but this time instead of fiction I want to write my thoughts about life and the world as I perceive it.
So first what purpose does this work carry with it? The answer is: None. I’m writing this to express myself in a way unique to me. Although other people have written essays, they do not speak like me, simply because they are not me. So this work is unique. If someone decides to like what has been written I will be glad. If you disagree, well then you just disagree.
I’m a positively pessimistic realist. I see the world as a place that is not fair but the clouds have silver linings, but those linings have ornaments shaped out of feces. Cheery aren’t I? None the less I don’t believe that the world is somehow a lost cause and that life isn’t worth living. The world has no cause to be lost and life is only for living so we better not waste it on complaining.
With these forewords I start a collection of my thoughts.

Power is a construct, hard to build without a good base but easy to grumble without that same good base. Some people have that good base for power since they are born. Those people are the people who do not understand the value of power. Power is the influence over other people and the ability to shape the world and current events. Who are born with a good base for power? Well rich people of course. Worldly wealth is probably the second oldest base for power, following only physical power. Wealth doesn’t vanish; instead it stays in the same hands for generations. The non circulation of money by means of inheritance is a major factor in social unrest. The fact is that people with so called “old money” tend to also have “Old names”, “old friends” and “Old land”. Nothing angers people as much as educated people with money they didn’t work for, it makes the average lazy Joe with a swastika on his shirt very, very mad. Of course I can understand the feeling. The Jews in Germany had “Old money” and that money didn’t circulate away from them. Money is a very personal subject for many people, close to our unbelievably material hearts, which is exactly why Nazi Germany was possible. The Germans had little money, except the Jews, they wanted a scapegoat for the times they faced and Hitler needed money, fueled with this and the fact that Hitler wasn’t too fond of Jews even though he had Jewish heritage in him. Hitler hated them because he was a devout Lutheran and because a Jew had denied him access to a life of art.
Germany is a prime example for a lesson about power: Money is power but it is easily stolen. There have to be measures taken to protect the bases of Power, these precautions are to build other pillars to hold up the power, of course Jews in Europe never had that chance because they were lacking at ideological power, the religious ideologies were Protestant against Catholic against Jews and the Jews were not on the winning side.
I want to take some time now and explain my idea about the pillars of Power, they have changed over time but the primal pillars still stand and are as follows:
1. Physical power- From a child this molds a person. It is genetic but also trainable. Physical power gives you a sense of self importance constituting you as an Alpha. The physical power changes with genders though and social groups. In stereotypical western cultures a woman has physical power through looks.
2. Wealth- Wealth in terms of money, and material goods. Money is the golden god that people worship in the darkness
3. Knowledge and Intelligence- Intellect is a thing that many desire but few have, knowledge builds on intelligence, making it stronger. The more a person knows the more leverage they have in different situations and the more apt they are at doing different tasks.
4. Manipulative skills- Lying is a work of art, so is telling the truth. How to make people follow you instead of kill you? Manipulating the masses is an important skill and a very important pillar of power.

But how has the construct of power grown from these four pillars of power? Well it has been shaped by new inventions and such things as the birth of civilization and social media. So the pillars expand:
1. physical power
2. wealth
3. Knowledge
4. manipulative ability- The birth of media outlets have rendered manipulative skills less important and manipulation is much easier to practice
5. Reputation- Reputation and public face are very important, lose your reputation, lose your respect
6. Respect
7. Military force- military is often needed to maintain power, military exerts fear upon people and makes them more docile.
8. Public relations- much to do with reputation
9. Ideological backup- Ideologies are good boosts for power, they keep people happy and loyal.
10. Uniforms and authority (manner and presentation)- How one presents oneself is critical, never appear weak or you lose your power.
To copy reality is good... But to create reality is much, much better.
-Giuseppe Verdi-

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:10 am
blackholmes says...

writing is about giving. :smt003
combine your heart and brain

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:12 am
Preachergirl18 says...

So first what purpose does this work carry with it? The answer is: None. I’m writing this to express myself in a way unique to me. Although other people have written essays, they do not speak like me, simply because they are not me. So this work is unique. If someone decides to like what has been written I will be glad. If you disagree, well then you just disagree.
This was my favorite part I really like this piece keep up the good work and please inform me when you have anything else I can read.

When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him.
— Euripides