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When the World Throws Sh*t at You

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:59 pm
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azntwinz2 says...

When the World Throws Sh*t at You
Lately, the world’s been throwing shit at me. Now, don’t get me wrong. Nothing huge happened. I didn’t lose a loved one, nor did I suddenly incur a life-threatening malady. No, it’s all the small-little-things-that-shouldn’t-matter-but-they-somehow-always-manage-to that have been bombarding me. Those tiny pellets that the world shoots at you; they just graze enough to hurt, to annoy, and to make you wallow in self pity. You don’t realize it, but somehow they sneak up behind you in a hulking, precarious avalanche – ready to bury you in any second. All it needs, all it thirsts for is that slight, slight wisp of wind that hardly ever comes…
When I think back, it probably started with the breakout. For all my fellow specimen with perfect, flawless skin, I sincerely envy you. For the rest, anyone who spends hours staring at the mirror with your eyebrows crinkled in the middle, you have my empathy. Now, normally, after a breakout, I don’t savagely pull my hair out and curse those evil, red pustules. However, it’s a different story when you push your foot into that cool, air conditioned place that promises to fix every blemish (a.k.a. skin care clinic). Not only do I spend both my time and money, but I also clench my jaw and endure a procedure so terrible and painful even the Rock* would blink a tear.
I’ll describe that process.The esthetician* carefully cleans my skin and then uses her sharp, circular tool to jam it down a pimple for the satisfaction of blood and white pus. For some who still can’t quite visualize, allow me to share a lame joke: Remember that crazy girl in Black Swan* who stabs holes in her face with a knife? Yeah…I kinda understand how she feels.
But the worst part of it all is that sinking, creeping doubt that slides into your defenseless brain and taunts, “Did you actually think professional help would get rid of me? I’ve been around for seven years now! Think again, you and I are going to be best friends forever [inject evil laughter]!” Yes, that’s where the crappy feeling originated from.
But what really amplified that crappy feeling was that even crappier scholarship. I suppose to fully hook you into my black hole of despair and plot complications, I should probably provide some background info. My twin and I have recently received the pleasure of admittance to a dream college of ours – quite renowned and famous. Okay, so that’s where I fade out. My twin continued on to also receive a quite renowned and famous scholarship. Although I did not have the same honor, I disregarded the lost opportunity and applied to a scholarship of lesser value (hey, it’s free money). On the D-day, however, I expressed neither elation nor disappointment. The website was not updated, no congratulating announcement plagued the newspaper, no foreign phone number bothered to call me, and no one won any money at all. Trust me, I am just as confused.
People exclaim all the time: you’re so lucky to have a twin. I am, this I freely admit, but not all the time. Especially not when she nabs a scholarship and earns her place among the family. And not when she drives with ease when all I hear is my father yelling at me to use my god-damn blinker while the car behind speeds up only to give me The Dirty Look*.
Please don’t misunderstand. She’s my best friend. But she’s also my biggest competitor. That’s a fact we both don’t bother ignoring. We’re fair yet sneaky – a natural occurrence from sharing the spotlight since the beginning.
But all this so far is just the pellets grazing my fractured skin, leaving a faintly bloody trail. They pass unnoticed, building into that dangerous avalanche. That slight, slight wisp shudders by the moment I open my favorite website: YWS. I’m sure everyone relates to that nervous excitement when you see “Notifications (1)” on the top of your screen. Well, so did I, for a while at least.
I mean, sure, the comment was rude. But that wasn’t what surprised me (it’s called cyber bullying). What surprised me was that it lay there, underneath my story on my favorite website. Because YWS isn’t just a website to me, it retains a deeper meaning. It’s that place where everything just clicks, where people feel and write like I do, seek to inspire and be inspired like I do. Where all across the world people connect through that special bond of staring dreamily at nothing, and in the next instant, we’re pushing the lead furiously against any available scrap of paper.
And though I enjoy embellishing my gifts and avoid acknowledging my short-comings, I shall honestly say I sat there fuming like a three year old, beating my anger into that shapeless, white concoction of protein. Also called an Egg Facial Mask. The soothing pattern of whipping the egg whites into a frothy, foamy substance allowed me to think rationally. I decided that if the world threw shit at me, well, I’d just beat the load of it into this Egg Facial.
Yes, the comment may have been well deserved. But not in that disrespectful manner. Not in that condescending, immature manner. And yes, I may have written a confusing, misconstrued, mistaken, and pretentious piece far beyond my miserable capabilities. But, and I say this in the most solemn and quietest voice, at least I tried. At least I leaped out of my comfort zone and strove to reach for that epiphany far more advanced and less recognized. And though some may consider it a failure, at least I believe that story to be a step in the right direction.
I have learned from The Egg Facial* that anger management is such a mystifying and personal experience. It pinches and curls in your stomach until you release the raw emotion in a positive way. So what if I struggled in a long battle with acne? Grow up, other people – some even more severe than yourself – do it bravely every day. So what if you didn’t get a lousy scholarship? You’re going to the college of your dreams, moron! So what if your twin seems to best you in every, insignificant matter? At least she puts up and encourages you with your crapped up writing! So what if someone didn’t like your work and wrote something rude? At least you got the chance to act just as rude and immature! (J.K.) At least he commented.
Let’s face it, the world may have thrown shit at me lately, but it does that to everyone. The world will throw shit at you, put you down, and make you feel small whenever it can. But only if you let it. It’s really that simple. Here’s what I say.
Pick up the smelly and dirty turd, the feces, the shit around you, and THROW IT BACK!

*The Rock: A pro-wrestler turned actor.
*esthetician: Someone who is trained to administer facials.
*Black Swan: A 2010 film I would not suggest you watch with your boyfriend or parents.
*The Dirty Look: It should look something like this -_-, but more intense.
*The Egg Facial: A fascinating anger management mechanism that also helps exfoliate and tighten pores.
Please make sure to check out my portfolio! Any comments are immensely desired!

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:14 pm
MasterGrieves says...

I admire your honesty. This is a very, very personal piece. A lot of people can relate to this on such a level that they can hold it to their hearts and empathize with you. I especially loved how you didn't hold back; even from the title I was hooked in. The comment itself? A waste of your and my time. Don't worry. There are plenty of assholes in this world (me included) and you just have to tell yourself this: "I am better than them". Great piece. And again, I admire your honesty.
The Nation of Ulysses Must Prevail!

If you don't like Mikko, you better friggin' die.

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When you greet a stranger look at his shoes.
Keep your money in your shoes.

I was 567ajt

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:23 pm
EliteHusky says...

Those tiny pellets that the world shoots at you; they just graze enough to hurt, to annoy, and to make you wallow in self pity.

Good description.

For the rest, anyone who spends hours staring at the mirror with your eyebrows crinkled in the middle, you have my empathy

Shows attitude and aids in the enjoyment of reading.

Please don’t misunderstand. She’s my best friend. But she’s also my biggest competitor.

There has always been debate as to whether a person can 'handle' starting a sentence with "but". I think you can pull it off otherwise perhaps try, "She's my best friend, but she's also my biggest competitor." The comma would have the same pausing effect as the period without signalling an end as you are still referring to the same person.

*The Rock: A pro-wrestler turned actor.
*esthetician: Someone who is trained to administer facials.
*Black Swan: A 2010 film I would not suggest you watch with your boyfriend or parents.
*The Dirty Look: It should look something like this -_-, but more intense.
*The Egg Facial: A fascinating anger management mechanism that also helps exfoliate and tighten pores.

Despite getting the references, I have to give you bonus marks for adding this. Not only will it better clarify references people do not understand, but it is almost polite in nature to enable their understanding.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this. Sure, it has a target appeal to young women with references of acne, not to mention the strong female perspective, but I believe both sexes can empathize with what you have written. Conclusion wise it has a good strong conclusion. Thank you for sharing this submission and I hope this review has been helpful.


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Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:44 pm
shadowraiki says...

I can relate even though being a guy. I have a sister who went to a college that begins with an H and ends with a D. It is hard to live up to expectations, especially those of family members. It gets really hard when you find out that you can't do exactly what it is people want of you. On the topic of acne, it haunts me too. Just this morning I took a shower and accidentally rubbed my forehead too hard with the towel, making one pop and bleed (gross, I know). It seems that my aunt comes every other week with some new cream to try. Let me tell you, they don't work.

As for the comment. You have a right to be angry. That's right, be angry! Because nothing angers me more than when someone tells me to chill out. You'll feel better after shouting, even if no punishment is ever done. The sarcastic parts were especially biting. I could imagine you furiously typing behind your computer, wishing to smash something, but instead releasing all of that emotions behind a second piece of work. Everything seemed to flow so smoothly that I didn't realize it was over until I read the next person's comment!

You're last line reminded me of this: When life gives you lemons, you throw the lemons back at life and say, "I don't want your freakin' lemons!" Feel better soon and keep writing! Don't let one negative comment get you down.
If words are just letters put together, why do we decide on what they mean?

I step away from the grammar to review the story.

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:41 am
NerdTurd says...

Hahahah this was an awesome piece.
I found it funny, witty, and just so damn nice to read.
Everyone's already saying it but it was really honest and cutting inch to the bone. The references at the end: HILARIOUS. I really like how you take these terms and give it something of your own. Adds a touch of humor to the piece. Just want to say that you don't need a scholarship to earn a place in the family. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. Why make things hard for yourself and try to earn what you already have? That's the thing with family. You already have it without trying and you can't not have it no matter how hard you try. So, lighten up and I really hope you take this rant and practice it! I mean in real life. Throw shit back at the world and have a fight!!!!!!!!!!

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:53 am
WriteWriter says...

I related to this on so many levels, it's nice for someone to finally have the guts to say it loud and say it proud(I think). You said it as it is for you and it is nice to see someone else's point of view and feelings. I also noticed how personal this was even though you didn't know whether or not you'll get some sh*tty comment about how you think you have it bad. I admire you for putting up something this personal.
I Know I Can Wish Upon A Star But My Past Is My Past, And That Includes Last Night And Yesterday.

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