
Young Writers Society


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Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:07 pm
Whiterose24 says...

I like games. Who doesn't, right? They're entertaining, fun & keep things interesting. Silly games are the best. Those kind of games that you keep playing without really knowing what we're doing down there. But we don't stop. You can't stop. It's the impossible. At that moment, when you're deep down way over your head, drowning in the echo of the game you're playing, everything else is worthless. Everything else is not even there. All that exits is the game, you and the other players. I'm not talking about Poker or checkers for that matter. I'm talking about the games we play everyday in life. Those games we play with friends, family, x-friends, people we don't really like but still have to talk to, enemies & frienemies.. you name it. What I was wondering though is who signs us up for this , is there an instruction manual I could use or basically How do I win. Isn't that the soul purpose of any game we play, winning. Or maybe it's the satisfaction, the sweet honey-tasting feeling you get after knowing you are the best. We are the Best. You are not the best. I just beat the hell out of you. I win. In what exactly? It doesn't matter, we were playing & I won. You lost. You suck. I am superior. I am great. You? You're just a loser who just lost. Don't you dare tell me I don't deserve it because I do.

I really like games. I already said that, didn't I? I also like people who play me back. Those people arouse my curiosity. I bet they do it just to feel like I am. Topnotch. First-Class. A-one. It's very sad though they are clueless of how I will make all those dreams & aspirations break into a million small pieces, like shattered glass. Glass that hurts when walked on. I've been there, u know. I've walked on that glass. But I learned my lesson. Those bastards will never outrun me again. They were so stupid actually. They never knew that all the time they were plotting conspiracies against me, I was eavesdropping. I memorized by heart every plan they organized, every plot they thought. So stupid, they were. Maybe the only reason they made those secret meetings in the first place was because they had felt endangered by me. They knew deep down I was capable of something they didn't know how to do. Many things actually. They were just way in denial to admit it. Way too proud of their freakin' empty minds to confess it to themselves. I hear they say that Admitting your mistake is the first step to therapy or whatever it is those weird people call it. Perhaps they were mistaken of being brainless. This should be illegal. I call all the brainless souls out there to bring themselves to justice. NOW!

Just kidding. Maybe not though. I'm never really sure of anything. I know you're thinking that no one stays on top forever. If you're standing on the top now, you're bound to get back down there someday. Not me. I'm what they call The Chosen. I was selected to take the top place &…. win. That's what I do. I win. Got a problem with that. Go bang your head on a wall. It might help. It might not. How in the world should I know. I'm not a doctor. I'm a player. My ambition in this mad world we live in, is to win. Speaking of mad, the bastards I told you about before were using this word a lot. I think they were saying I am mad. Ha! That's new. Of course, I'm mad. I'm crazy. Just one ball of crazy walking around the universe with insane, unrestrained, disturbed, demented, brainsick ideas swimming in the unbalanced hollow of my brain. But at least I know that. They were the ones who drove me mad. With all their stupidity. Honestly, How dumb can one person get. They should make a TV show about that. I'm kidding. I'm not mad. Or maybe I am. No one's certain of anything now. No one's sure. Doubtful ideas are running through our minds. What is sanity & insanity? I know the answer. Not going to tell you though. Why. Because I'm freakin' mad. Got a problem with that. Go jump off a bridge.

People can be so distracted from the truth sometimes. It's disturbing. Truly is. It's right there in front of your eyes but you still make the effort to turn your body and look backwards. Epicly sad. I have a confession to make. I make people do that. I make people distracted from the hidden truth. I mean obvious truth. I don't force them to do anything. That's not how you play a good game. I throw the bone and they jump. I sing the song and they dance. I do the talking and they listen. See, what the other players don't realize is that there's something really exciting about running towards that bone. It's magnetizing. Mesmerizing to an extend. You found a treasure. A treasure just for you. You were destined to run for that, take it and enjoy it. It's yours. All yours. Nobosy else's. Nobody has the right to take your treasure. Not the treasure that you found. You can have it. You will run after it. You will take it in your arms and sense it. Sense that beautiful winning feeling. Fake winning feeling. It feels nice, not gonna lie. I know it's fake. Not real. But what is nowadays. You will love that feeling. You will cherish that feeling. You will worship the moment you held the treasure. Your treasure. You will die the minute you realize its fake. You will die the minute you know you are losing. You will hate yourself for it. You will despise yourself for the fact that you were not smart enough to win a silly game. You didn't actually think you were going to win. I thought I explained myself earlier. Oh well. I alseo did mention something about the stupidity of people.

Who am I? I am that squeaky voice inside your head driving you away from the beating of your own heart. I am the feeling of hate you get when you lose. I am the envy that burns your eyes when I win. I am the broken plate. I am the lost chance. I am the broken window. I am the advice you didn't take. I am hug you didn't have. I am the best friend you never had. I am the sea you never saw. I am the rain drop you never touched. I am the wind that you didn't feel. I am the rose you never understood. I am the music you never tasted. I am the sunrise you never had. I am the sunset you never witnessed. I am the young blood that never ran through your veins. I am the air you didn't breathe. I am your enemy. I am your twin. Except that I win. And I take great pleasure in seeing you fall down. Seeing you crumple. It's haunting. In a good way. I am your everything that you didn't get.

You can win, technically. But for that, you will have to know the secret. I know it. Not gonna tell you though. Why. Because I'm smart. And insane. We are all insane. We just don't know it yet. That's when the game ends. We would never let that happen. We can't. We would never. It's against the rules. You wouldn't want to break the rules. Why. Because they're rules. They were not made to be broken. Or were they. Nah. It's just what stupid people say. Rules are rules. I am the Rules. I say The game never ends. Players change but the Game is eternal. I am Eternal for I will always win. Beauty lies in things that vanish. They're there for a little while. Your silly little worthless treasure. But this game is not beautiful. It's distorted. It's forever.
Games are very interesting. I love them. I love how words can play one person from emotion to another. From one sorrow to the next. I adore that. I adore playing people. You adore it too. Magic I tell you. It's magical.
I hope life isn't a joke, because I don't get it.

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:09 am
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Crimsona says...

I usually review poems, but this looked interesting and I really liked it. The first two paragraphs remiended me of a book by Anne Fine called 'The Tulip Touch' about a girl who plays silly games with her best friends that become more and more dangerous and end up in burning her friend's house down on purpose. Reading on I saw that your idea developed more into the general insanity rather than just 'games'. I liked that, though it was a little confusing at times (but then again I'm reviewing this at 3 in the morning so it's probably just me) it really made me want to read right until the very end.

The ending was perfect, it really was - it rounded off the piece brilliantly.

My review doesn't really do this justice, but maybe a like will. xD

Keep writing, you're really good at it!

Avatar (c) to Thalia - A great friend of mine

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:48 pm
Nate says...

This probably doesn't belong in General Articles. If you want, I can move it to either Other or General Fiction Short Stories. Just let me know.

At any rate, it's an interesting piece. But you do need to do some proofreading. In the second paragraph, you wrote "u know," and there's several other places where there's a misspelling or the wrong punctuation.

I've written many pieces like this myself over the years, and the problem with them is that they're always too long and go nowhere. I feel like what you have here would make a great character profile for a story, but the piece in and of itself lacks substance. Yet, that's also alright. Not everything you write needs to go somewhere.

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Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:01 pm
Emmzziee says...

Is this based on the SAW films? :D
I want to play a game.

Is that a carrot?
— WeepingWisteria