
Young Writers Society

The gay guy in the bar

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:18 pm
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skwaag5233 says...

You are in a bar. Enjoying a good beer. All the sudden you hear some commotion in the front of the bar. You look over to see a man being yelled at next to the entrance of the bar. The man is wearing short-shorts, a sleeveless light-blue shirt, and uggs. He is carrying a coach purse on his shoulder and a chihuahua in his arm. He is very clean cut and his voice was sort of effeminate. Three words stream across your mind. "REALLY FUCKING GAY".

But why? What did that man do that implied he was gay? Did he come in the bar and say "I'm queer and I'm here!"? Did he start come on to one of the guys in the bar? Why did people instantly imply that he was gay when he made no effort to imply that he was? Simple. He matched the stereotypes which our society has set up for gay people. Light blue? Uggs? Chihuahua? COACH PURSE????. You ain't no California girl foo'. Is he gay? Maybe. Maybe not. Intentional or not our appearances affect the way which people judge us. Whether it be your bulging muscles or those twigs you call arms. That towel you wear on your head that Arabs wear, or those half beanies Jewish people wear. Even your race can send out a message to other people about you in a so-called tolerant and accepting society.

For example, somebody wearing a t-shirt that simply says "this is what a liberal looks like" and you just happen to be a conservative. What do you think instantly? Baby killing, environmental, religion hating, socialist, communist, welfare dependent, asshole. Along with the usual cocksucker, pussyass, dipshit, dickhead, douchebag, blah blah blah. Kinda pretentious you are. But it's in all of us. WHAT YOU'RE A LIBERAL? YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON. But are all liberals horrible people? No! I know because I'm one and I'm not a bad person! Unless I am a bad person and I'm just an ignorant little shit. But is that because I'm a liberal? Is it because I publicly advertised "Hey, I'm a liberal!"? Is it because of how I portrayed myself?

And what about these so called "gangsters?". A person is wearing a large shirt graphic shirt, large baggy pants that are sagging, a hat that's turned sideways, shaved head, and some bling. What are your immediate thoughts about that person? Poor, uneducated, uncivilized, incoherent, violent, asshole. You might say "well I'm a civilized human being and I realize not everybody lives the same lifestyle as me", but you were thinking it! Not intentionally but subconsciously all those things were flying through your mind. And it's not because you're some pretentious asshole. Well maybe you are, I don't know. But mostly it's because of the stereotypes that society has set up for violent, uneducated, uncivilized people in our neighborhoods and in our cities. And the true is the same for the exact opposite dress of a person. You know what I'm talking about, suit , tie, combed hair, and that overly aggrandized businessman smile. You say to yourself "wow, that person must be educated, professional, rich, civilized, charismatic, and just a great guy! I'm talking to you Donald Trump.

Another thing that adds to to your "gangster" look is brawn. What better way to scare the crap out of people than to have big bulging muscles. The muscles that could rip the stitchings out of Levis. Imagine you have these big muscles and you're just walking around Kroger picking up groceries. People would be avoiding you at all costs. People would be hiding behind those towers of 12 pack soda boxes poking you with a 10 meter pole. Then when you get to the register holy shit . That cashier can't avoid you like normal pedestrians can. The customer is always first! So while your putting your week's worth of groceries consisting of Rice Krispie's cereal, grape juice, whole grain bread, chocolate ice cream, and goulash (whatever that is), on the little runway thing the cashier is trying to figure out where the meat, potatoes, and nails are in your diet!

And if your black, watch out! Because if you dress like a "gangster", have big muscles, and your black, people will be jumping off of planes just to not get turned into human pancake. What you're not a racist? Doesn't matter! And let me prove it to you. You're walking late out at night in Brooklyn going home from a party or a movie or whatever. Then as you turn a corner you see a black buff guy walking towards you. What are your thoughts immediately? Please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me I TASTE LIKE GOULASH PLEASE DON'T EAT ME. The black guy doesn't eat you and you're relieved so you keep walking, turn another corner, and there's a white guy walking towards you. Are you scared at all? No! You probably just wave to him and keep walking. But why? Why are you scared of the black guy and not the white guy? Maybe the white guy is a serial killer. Maybe he just killed somebody. Maybe that black guy is just going to Toys R' Us to get his 8-year old daughter the newest addition to Barby. Maybe he's been working hard at his job as an accountant at chase bank and he wants to get home. You're scared of the black guy because in society we have placed stereotypes on black people that say they are violent angry people. And you might say "well the statistics show this and that and-" blah blah blah. That black guy did nothing to deserve the manner in which you privately thought of him. He was just walking in the streets of Brooklyn at night.

And not only that, what about clothing for religious reasons. Now we live in a pretty tolerant society. All walks of life are safe from persecution here in the land of the free. Well except Muslims, Atheists, and Satanists. We're still a bit uncomfortable around them. But we are one of the best when it comes being tolerant of other peoples beliefs! Or so we think. What are you thinking when a guy with brown skin, a turban, and a long beard sits with you on the plane? That's right, you're thinking terrorist! Now you may not actually believe that, but you're thinking it subconsciously!Why? Because once again we have set up a stereotype for terrorists. Now this maybe less stereotype and more prejudice but with all the fear of terrorists from the Middle East racists have been using this opportunity to demonize these poor Arab people.

Now I understand that we live in a civilized age. And that we live in an age where cultures are widely accepted no matter how bizarre (well except necrophilia). But even with those set in place, prejudices can still get the better of us. Doesn't mean we're racist. Not all the time. Doesn't mean we hate this group of people and we hate that group of people. Doesn't mean we're stereotypical, pretentious, asses that need to get shot. The stereotypes and that society has placed in for us plus the personal prejudices that you have cause certain thoughts to instantly flow through your head when you see any of these people. They didn't say anything to you. They're not any of the things you think they are because of how they look (except dressing the way they are dressing). The only reason you assumed that they were that way, say uneducated for people who sag clothing, is because of the societies that have been placed by society and your personal prejudices that cause you to judge by a person's appearance. Whether it be the black guy at the street corner, the Muslim on the plane, the buff guy at the cashier, or the guy wearing a liberal t-shirt.

Oh and of course, the gay guy in the bar.
Last edited by skwaag5233 on Wed May 25, 2011 12:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past."

"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."

-George Carlin

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:30 pm
Jas says...

This should definitely be rated 18+.
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Sun May 22, 2011 3:43 pm
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skwaag5233 says...

Great now move on to what I actually said :3
"There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past."

"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."

-George Carlin

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:51 pm
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TylynRae says...

Hi there. I have to agree with you on the stereotypical issue, but I agree with the previous reviewer. You should definitely rate your stuff. Twelve year olds could click on this, man =\ It's not cool for the kids. Also, what you have to say seems important, but you're not holding yourself up. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure makes people want to believe you just as much as what you're trying to say, does. So my suggestion is to clean up the sentences, RATE IT, and then see what happens. You'll probably end up getting more reviews too.

As for the piece in general, I didn't think it was too bad, you had a strong message, but like I said before, you portray it poorly and almost childishly. Anyone can cuss, it's whether or not you can put those words to action effectively that makes you someone with a sense of purpose or just some hick with a dirty mouth.

That's all I have to say, hope you take some of the advice.
TylynTyrannosaurus<3 (tydecker777)

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:56 pm
popatemyheart1994 says...

I have to be honest, I date both guys and girls and I found this offensive myself. "butt-fucking" and saying "I'm here and I'm queer" is really not what gay guys do when they walk into a bar. I appreciate that your taking a stance against sterotypical views but I believe your going about it in a superficial and wrong way. I thought it was degrading to read and you're even writing your open stereotypes for what "real" gay men do anyway by writing this. You produce a good argument in parts, but then in parts it's like you don't even take yourself seriously. Sorry this was so negative :/ Also there are young people on this website and I do not think they want to see the word "butt-fucking". So please rate 18+ thankyou!!
Im the best :)

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Sun May 22, 2011 4:13 pm
Jas says...

I'll give this a review but you should definitely change the rating to 18+ before a mod does. :) My comments are in red.

skwaag5233 wrote:
You are in a bar. Enjoying a good beer. This is a fragment. All the sudden you hear some commotion in the front of the bar. You look over to see a man being yelled at next to the entrance of the bar. The man is wearing short-shorts, a sleeveless light-blue shirt, and Uggs. He is carrying a Coach purse on his shoulder and a chihuahua in his arm. He is very clean cut That's not proper English. and his voice was sort of effeminate. Three words stream across your mind: "REALLY FUCKING GAY". It's true.

But why? What did that man do that implied he was gay? Did he come in the bar and say 'I'm queer and I'm here!'? Did he start butt-fucking That could be more eloquently phrased. one of the guys in the bar? Why did people instantly imply that he was gay when he made no effort to imply that he was? Simple. He matched the stereotypes which our society has set up for gay people. Light blue? Uggs? Chihuahua? COACH PURSE????. I understand you want to emphasize this but you don't need to capitalize, italize and put a bunch of question marks. You could just put it in italics. You ain't no California girl foo'. Is he gay? Maybe. Maybe not. Intentional or not, our appearances affect the way which people judge us. Whether it be your bulging muscles or those twigs you call arms. That towel you wear on your head that Arabs You shouldn't put Arabs. You should put Muslims. Not all Arabs are muslim. wear, or those half beanies Jewish people wear. Even your race can send out a message to other people about you in a so-called tolerant and accepting society.

For example, somebody wearing a t-shirt that simply says "This is what a liberal looks like" and you just happen to be a conservative. What do you think instantly? Baby killing, environmental, religion hating, socialist, communist, welfare dependent, asshole. Along with the usual cocksucker, pussyass, dipshit, dickhead, douchebag, blah blah blah. xD Kinda pretentious you are. But it's in all of us. WHAT YOU'RE A LIBERAL? YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON. That could be in italics too, caps are a bit hard on the eyes. But are all liberals horrible people? No! I know because I'm one and I'm not a bad person! Unless I am a bad person and I'm just an ignorant little shit. But is that because I'm a liberal? Is it because I publicly advertised "Hey, I'm a liberal!"? Is it because of how I portrayed myself?

And what about these so called "gangsters?". A person is wearing a large shirt graphic shirt You repeated shirt and it sounds awkward., large baggy pants that are sagging You could phrase this better., a hat that's turned sideways, shaved head, and some bling. What are your immediate thoughts about that person? Poor, uneducated, uncivilized, incoherent, violent, asshole. You might say "Well I'm a civilized human being and I realize not everybody lives the same lifestyle as me", but you were thinking it! Not intentionally but subconsciously all those things were flying through your mind. And it's not because you're some pretentious asshole. Well maybe you are, I don't know. But mostly it's because of the stereotypes that society has set up for violent, uneducated, uncivilized people in our neighborhoods and in our cities. And the true is the same for the exact opposite dress of a person. You know what I'm talking about, suit, tie, combed hair, and that overly aggrandized businessman smile. You say to yourself "Wow, that person must be educated, professional, rich, civilized, charismatic, and just a great guy! Not neccesarily. You could also think: Bastard's probably cheating on his wife. He probably ripped off all his customers today. He probably even ripped off the prostitute he's off to see! He probably beats his wife too. Curses at her, smacks her around. He probably doesn't even know his son's age. Look at his cheesy little smile. Stupid ass. I'm talking to you Donald Trump.

Another thing that adds to to your "gangster" look is brawn. What better way to scare the crap out of people than to have big bulging muscles. Lol. The muscles that could rip the stitchings out of Levis. This didn't make much sense to me, although I understood what you were saying. There are better ways to describe that he is enormous. Imagine you have these big muscles and you're just walking around Kroger Kroger?picking up groceries. People would be avoiding you at all costs. People would be hiding behind those towers of 12 pack soda boxes poking you with a 10 meter pole. Then when you get to the register holy shit . That cashier can't avoid you like normal pedestrians can. The customer is always first! So while your putting your week's worth of groceries consisting of Rice Krispie's cereal, grape juice, whole grain bread, chocolate ice cream, and goulash (whatever that is) on the little runway thing, the cashier is trying to figure out where the meat, potatoes, and nails are in your diet! Lol.

And if your black, watch out! Because if you dress like a "gangster", have big muscles, and your black, people will be jumping off of planes just to not get turned into human pancakes. What you're not a racist? Doesn't matter! And let me prove it to you. You're walking late out at night in Brooklyn going home from a party or a movie or whatever. Then as you turn a corner you see a black buff guy walking towards you. What are your thoughts immediately? Please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me I TASTE LIKE GOULASH PLEASE DON'T EAT ME. The black guy doesn't eat you and you're relieved so you keep walking, turn another corner, and there's a white guy walking towards you. Are you scared at all? No! Lol, no. I was walking home from Brooklyn last night and I saw many white people and many black people, neither of which scared me. You probably just wave to him and keep walking. But why? Why are you scared of the black guy and not the white guy? Maybe the white guy is a serial killer. Maybe he just killed somebody. Maybe that black guy is just going to Toys R' Us to get his 8-year old daughter the newest addition to Barbie. Maybe he's been working hard at his job as an accountant at Chase bank and he wants to get home. You're scared of the black guy because in society we have placed stereotypes on black people that say they are violent angry people. And you might say "Well the statistics show this and that and-" blah blah blah. That black guy did nothing to deserve the manner in which you privately thought of him. He was just walking in the streets of Brooklyn at night.

And not only that, what about clothing for religious reasons. Now we live in a pretty tolerant society. All walks of life are safe from persecution here in the land of the free. Well except Muslims, Atheists, and Satanists. We're still a bit uncomfortable around them. But we are one of the best when it comes being tolerant of other peoples beliefs! Or so we think. What are you thinking when a guy with brown skin Tan is a better description.a turban, and a long beard sits with you on the plane? That's right, you're thinking terrorist! Now you may not actually believe that, but you're thinking it subconsciously! Why? Because once again we have set up a stereotype for terrorists. Now this maybe less stereotype and more prejudice but with all the fear of terrorists from the Middle East, racists have been using this opportunity to demonize these poor Arab people.

Now I understand that we live in a civilized age. And that we live in an age where cultures are widely accepted no matter how bizarre (well except necrophilia and canibalism). But even with those set in place, prejudices can still get the better of us. Doesn't mean we're racist. Not all the time. Doesn't mean we hate this group of people and we hate that group of people. Doesn't mean we're stereotypical, pretentious asses that need to get shot. The stereotypes and that society has placed in for us plus the personal prejudices that you have cause certain thoughts to instantly flow through your head when you see any of these people. They didn't say anything to you. They're not any of the things you think they are because of how they look (except dressing the way they are dressing). The only reason you assumed that they were that way, say uneducated for people who sag clothing, is because of the societies that have been placed by society societies placed by society? That doesn't make sense. and your personal prejudices that cause you to judge by a person's appearance. Whether it be the black guy at the street corner, the Muslim on the plane, the buff guy at the cashier awkward phrasing, or the guy wearing a liberal t-shirt.

Oh and of course, the gay guy in the bar This was a really great ending.

This was a very well written essay and the ending was superb. I have to go eat some more cereal but I feel you made a bunch of valid points in this. This needs to be rated, your writing comes across as awkward in some places and your grammar needs help but the actual meat of the essay is very good. I agree with most of what you said. :)

If you have any questions about my review or want another review, shoot me a PM. :)

Grade: B+

I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Sun May 22, 2011 5:51 pm
skwaag5233 says...

*sigh* attacking cursing. you know what cursing adds to a piece? nothing :3 you know what it takes away? nothing :3 And also this essay was not meant to be more casual then other essays so that was also a contributing factor. I will be more sensitive about my cursing in the future but writing an entire paragraph about my cursing is unnecessary. My grammar does need work and that's partly why I joined this site to share my thoughts on the world and to receive criticism about my writings (I actually had to spell check receive :O). As for popatemy's comment I know that's not what gay guys do in bars. What do they do? What everybody else does. Unless it's a gay bar. And even in that situation i think the extent of sexual interaction in that bar would be guys coming on to other guys. I'm saying how if a guy dressed like the way that I described in my first paragraph, people would instantly assume that he was gay regardless if he was doing so called "gay" acts. The point was he did nothing to make it blatantly obvious that he was gay and was still accused of being gay
"There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past."

"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."

-George Carlin

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Sun May 22, 2011 7:03 pm
Cole says...

The swearing took away from this piece completely. I see swearing as being very unprofessional. It took away from the ultimate message. If this were actually published in a book or paper, I would not be able to take you seriously.

Maybe rewrite it without swearing?

As for the message, I can agree. Stereotypes are terrible. As a passionate Christian, I face them everyday by judgmental people. It's not fun.

I will say this: I can tell this is something you are very passionate about. Keep it up! :D


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Sun May 22, 2011 7:53 pm
Mickixoxo says...

Oh wow. I totally agree. One hundred percent.

I actually disagree about the comments on the swearing. I don't think you have to edit it out or fix it in any way because it doesn't take away from the overall piece. In fact, I think that it would have been a boring, stuffy, drawn out article without it. It made me feel like this was more urgent... or... well maybe that's not the right word... I don't know. But I actually thought the swearing added to it. PASSIONATE!! That's the word I was looking for X3
BUT I do think you should change this line:

Did he start butt-fucking one of the guys in the bar?

That just seemed offensive to me. You should probably rephrase that so it's less.... hmm.... blunt.

Then as you turn a corner [comma] you see a black buff guy walking towards you. What are your thoughts immediately? Please don't eat me [comma] please don't eat me [comma] please don't eat me [comma] please don't eat me [comma] I TASTE LIKE GOULASH [comma] PLEASE DON'T EAT ME.

Grammar wise: You need commas. A lot. Of. Commas. Also, I don;t know about you, but I love goulash ;P
In general wise: Oh my god that was so funny X3 I was laughing SO. HARD. I almost cried X'D

Also, I love the ending. It's a really great closing sentence.

Overall, I really loved this article. It was definitely true and everyone can relate to it (whether they want to or not) and I think you did a great job of showing that. Although, you do have a... lack of punctuation? Specifically commas. Wherever there is a pause in the middle of a sentence, that is what a comma is for... <-- SEE?! I just did it there. I can tell you're passionate about this, and I think that you definitely got that out there. Great job :3
If there's a 50/50 chance of getting something wrong go for it anyway because there is also a 50/50 chance of getting it right

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ~Edgar Allen Poe

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Mon May 23, 2011 5:14 pm
Stori says...

Hey, let's practice what we preach here. This isn't the debate forum.

First of all, I know I've been guilty of racism. So has everyone except for Jesus. And second, welcome to YWS, Skwaag.

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Tue May 24, 2011 3:33 pm
SarahK says...

I get what you were trying to go with this, but you made too many mistakes.


Ok, I know I’m being rude, so I’ll stop there.

First off, I have a question. What the hell was going through your mind?!?!??!?! I’m sure, no, I’m positive that this was offensive to a lot of people. And not just the parts that were suppose to be rude, arrogant, and asshole-ish, but the parts that well, just you could have lessened up on.

You have a lot wrong with this. Read over everything. Edit, edit, and, oh, edit!!!

Hope I helped, and good luck next time.
Sarah K.

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Sun May 29, 2011 5:35 am
iampaulop says...

This is the first essay I have encountered here. I'm laughin with all the comments haha, Im sorry with that.
Anyway, as many other say, some words which is totally BLUNT ( I mean SUPER ) should be revised to lighter one. But I love your piece anyway, and IT IS NOT BORING =) Keep it up ..
It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities

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Sun May 29, 2011 6:05 am
SeeMySoul27 says...

First off I'd like to say this was really blunt. The bluntness, I find, really added to it. I mean when stereotypical thoughts go through our heads they are exactly that, just blunt.
Second, I agree one hundred percent with what you said.
Third, like some other reviewers before said, you need to work on your grammar.
Other than that cheers to you. :) well done.
There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder.
- Brian Aldiss

I tell the neophyte: Write a million words–the absolute best you can write, then throw it all away and bravely turn your back on what you have written. At that point, you’re ready to begin.
— David Eddings