
Young Writers Society

Dawn Reports.....some number

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Mon May 09, 2011 9:04 pm
Way2Dawn says...

Hell its been a while since Ive last posted something much less visit this site. Most likely the people who had read my previous 'reports' have left or no longer log on. So now I have new readers huh? Well guess I don't have to stay relative to my other works so that good. Whats going on with this site? Clubs? When did this happen? Everything from atheist to power rangers. I remember when all you did was post and people rather criticize or applauded you (but mostly criticize in my case and many others). But whatever on to what ever it was I was gonna write about.

What keeps a person sane? This isn't a rhetorical question I'm truly curious about this matter. When does one lose there sanity? How is insanity define? If one is declared mad by his/her peers does that in turn make him/her mad? If so then a certain degree of insanity must be characterized by the changing of time. For example many great minds challenged their contemporaries such as Christopher Columbus and Albert Einstein (I know not the most original example but I don't care its all the same). To speak out what is known to be a fact is completely ridiculous, yet they knew so much about what was not so. They had been criticized and labeled insane until their points where proven correct. Now proving that the Earth is not flat or redefining the scientific community is much different trying to convince one's friend that the sky is green, (what if the sky really is green what if blue isn't even a color or has been misinterpreted since the beginning of time?) yet if one where to prove the friend wrong who would be insane then? If there is a room of ten people and one of the ten only sees nine is he insane or is there only nine people? Or ten? Or eight? Or none at all. Or he might have just forgot to count himself. Is insanity defined by the world or what the individual believes? Now there are different degrees and definitions of insanity I understand this, but don't feel like getting into it at the moment maybe next report.

Where am I going with all this? Now wheres in fact I wanted to write about something completely different but just got caught up in this mostly likely you, the reader, have come to understand all this years ago and I have done nothing more then wasted your time but if your on this site then you have nothing better to do anyway. Should you want something much more detailed and contemplating my other reports are in my folder if you still have nothing better to do (this was one of my lesser works).

Your more then welcome to comment, review (because this is filled with mistakes i didn't catch in my 30 second revising and editing), or block me so you never come across trivial writing (from me) again.

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Sun May 29, 2011 11:07 am
ziggiefred says...

Hello there :)
Nope, it's still just me! It's been a while since I've seen your work posted on the site too.
Anyway, you're right about the typos in your article, but I just read through them to make room for my comment.

I think that the super intelligent in the past were declared 'insane', as you put it, because people were afraid of change. Along with primitive thinking, stepping out of the box was really not much of an option. I mean, here comes science, with all the concepts that try to define how things around us work, while almost everyone believes that this is so because of a higher power. Were the people insane? No, I don't think so. It's all to do with being indoctrinated by one song, sung everyday to them and also, looking up to their leaders. I think because for so long, there was no one to question things and how they are, changing what someone already believes is true is a challenge. If you believe for sure that the earth is flat, because of various reasons- and this has been perceived as true for ever, and someone tells you it's round, of course you're going to think they're insane.
To answer the questions you posed, one is declared in sane when they no longer see the world or life as you do. As to what keeps them sane, it's up to the individual.

Great thought provoking article as always.

Keep on writing ;)
The best is what you make it!

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Mon May 30, 2011 10:13 pm
Stori says...

I remember you, Dawn. My (other account) friend fire_of_dawn read your reports.

You make a good point here. Just go over this with a fine-tooth comb to catch the errors.

Maybe we're all just complex human beings with skewed perceptions of each other.
— Ventomology