
Young Writers Society

Life and it's friends. :)

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:44 pm
ahmedBurooj says...

The weather forecast for today, is Happy, with lots of love.

I volunteered at a Funfair recently. It was a Carnival, to raise funds, for special needs kids.
The unpredictable evening, began with predictable fun, as me and my mates (who had volunteered alongside me), stepped into our respective stalls, to lure in potential customers, screaming at the top of our voices, not giving our lungs a chance to recuperate the lost Oxygen.

Also, as I was a Volunteer, I got to go directly into the facility, and got a private tour of the art, made by the children.
Tapestries, Sewn cushion covers, and Paintings engulfed me in an overwhelming sense of insight, as I experienced the world, from their eyes.
One, showed children playing together. The other, showed the same (somewhat). Another showed a boy, and his Grandpa. After quite a tear-jerking tour, (thanks to my stall manager, whose name, I’d rather not mention*), I headed back to the stalls, determined to sell as much as I could, just to help out these kids.
After a while of some good bargaining, and selling quite a load of things, we headed off towards the stage, where the little ones where scheduled to have a show.

Standing there, amidst the throng, while the Children performed on stage, it hit me. They're no different than us. All they seek, like us, is acceptance; they don't want to outshine, or even shine, they just want to be a part of the crowd; they don't want eyes to turn. They merely wish to belong.

Live, to make a difference.
Live, and you may just as well, be the difference. :)

Isn't that what the final objective in life is? Eventually, it isn't the amount of money that you have, or the number of properties that you own, or even how good you were, academically. In the end, it's all about how many people cried at your Funeral, how many people even turned up.
After a heart-warming experience** I was astounded, by the wonderfulness of this planet, that we call Earth.

This is Life.

PS: As a public plea to all, I request anyone and everyone, who are reading this, to please, do all you can to help out in the cause of these little darlings. Oh and make them feel, like they belong.
Spread the Word. :)

*In all honesty, I actually seemed to have forgotten her name. How unfortunate.
**Well, that probably is the understatement of the millennia, but some things, just cannot be explained.
Last edited by ahmedBurooj on Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why can't we have drops of sunshine, and rays of rain?

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:09 am
captain.classy says...

Hi there!

This is cute. I like how you wrote about something that not a lot of people get to do. It's interesting and educational at the same time. Since I'm in journalism, I do have a tip for you and this article: you need a lead. "I did blah blah" is not a lead; it doesn't grab your readers in, making them wonder what happened, why they should be reading it. What you need to do is have a focus on this. This seems to be a features article, you're featuring the event. So what you need to do is pick out something interesting and focus on it. Maybe it should be your actual job, your headline being "A day in the life of blah blah takes an interesting turn," something that will grab their attention.

When you're writing an article you also want to be sure that you're using present tense. That means you're using no 'was' or 'did' and instead 'is' and 'does.' So you're basically going to have to re-write this, but that's ok. ^^

Lastly, I'd like more description on everything. I like how you sort of have an epiphany, so expand on that. Describe more of what you see that leads you up to the epiphany. I feel like it's just "I saw blah and blah and then I realized!" why does those things you saw matter?

I like this! Keep writing,


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Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:40 pm
ahmedBurooj says...

Thank you! :)
Why can't we have drops of sunshine, and rays of rain?

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Sat May 14, 2011 5:56 pm
snickerdooly says...

I really liked this! It was fun and interesting to read, also I thought you did a good job on talking about one topic unlike what others do. How the topic is meaninful and something that you came to realize. THanks for posting good job!
"Characters cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 153
Sat May 14, 2011 5:57 pm
snickerdooly says...

I really liked this! It was fun and interesting to read, also I thought you did a good job on talking about one topic unlike what others do. How the topic is meaninful and something that you came to realize. THanks for posting good job!
"Characters cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
— Helen Keller