
Young Writers Society

101 Things I Want to Do before I Die

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:53 am
Warrior Princess says...

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. This is my bucket list. Be warned, it's pretty long!

1. Kiss someone in the rain
2. Write and publish several novels
3. Save someone's life
4. Win a contest
5. Be in a movie
6. Be on a TV show
7. Get a scholarship to a good college (Juilliard wouldn't hurt!) ;)
8. Perform with a band
9. Record my own album
10. Get married
11. Have children (preferably three)
12. Be in a Broadway production
13. Work at Disney World (Wow. Ambitious.) :P
14. Buy my mom the Jaguar she's always wanted
15. Win the National Merit Scholarship
16. Take up painting
17. Write and illustrate a graphic novel
18. Sing a solo in my school's annual show choir production
19. Sing a duet with a hot guy :smt003
20. Prove that I'm not, in fact, a freak
21. Sky-dive
22. Bungee-jump
23. Climb a mountain
24. Play the piano on a street corner
25. Go to a wild dance party with my friends!
26. Ride in a limo
27. Publish a volume of poetry
28. Write and direct a play
29. Finish the novel I'm working on! (204 pages and counting!)
30. Play Juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet
31. Learn fencing
32. Learn karate
33. Start a charity
34. Just stand in Times Square and stare at everything
35. Visit Westminster Abbey
36. Burn something. Something big.
37. Give a speech
38. Meet the President
39. Be a waitress at a fancy restaurant
40. Fight someone (Not my noblest wish, but it's just something I've always wanted to do!)
41. Learn to play the guitar . . .
42. . . . and the violin . . .
43. . . . and the drums . . .
44. . . . and the harp . . .
45. . . . and the bagpipes. :shock:
46. Do a voiceover for an animated movie
47. Direct a movie
48. Guest star on Criminal Minds! (If it's still running by then. . . .)
49. Go to the Oscars (Or better yet, win one!) :D
50. Make a New Year's resolution (Still haven't done that!)
51. Act in a movie with my brother (He's also a good actor)
52. Have one of my books made into a movie :smt001
53. Visit the birthplace of Martin Luther King, Jr. . . .
54. . . . and Joan of Arc.
55. Design clothing
56. Meet Morgan Freeman (Hopefully he'll last that long!)
57. Learn how to salsa! :twisted:
58. Rap (I don't care what, I don't care where, but you would laugh at me if you knew how much I love to rap.)
59. Spend the night on a beach, and when I get enough money . . .
60. . . . live by the ocean
61. Go to a butterfly garden
62. Have a red rose-bush of my own
63. Live in a loft in New York City
64. Break a world record
65. Go to school dressed like a guy :mrgreen:
66. Dance with someone
67. Play an awesome, epic, and utterly fantabulous prank on someone
68. Go to summer camp
69. Go trick-or-treating
70. Design costumes for a movie
71. Write the screenplay for a movie
72. Visit England . . .
73. . . . and France . . .
74. . . . and Italy . . .
75. . . . and Ireland . . .
76. . . . and China . . .
77. . . . and Egypt.
78. Swim with dolphins
79. Sneak out with my friends
80. Go sailing on the ocean
81. Build a treehouse
82. Go scuba-diving
83. Bring someone to Christ, and eventually . . .
84. . . . do missionary work in a foreign country
85. Get a tiny dog that can fit in my purse :)
86. Prove everyone wrong
87. Watch a lunar eclipse
88. See a comet
89. Name a star after someone
90. Be rich . . .
91. . . . and famous
92. Just go on a massive shopping spree :P
93. Take debate class
94. Help my school's math team win some kind of championship *geek*
95. Babysit a bunch of kids at once
96. Have a daughter who looks like me :smt001
97. Learn photography
98. Live long enough to see The Silmarillion made into some kind of movie
99. Stand at the top of the Statue of Liberty
100. Have anyone bother to read this piece because it's so long and meaningless :|
101. Live each and every day to the fullest

You must be swift as the coursing river,
With all the force of a great typhoon,
With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

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9 Reviews

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Reviews: 9
Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:48 am
melcally says...

Warrior Princess wrote:I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. This is my bucket list. Be warned, it's pretty long!

1. Kiss someone in the rain
2. Write and publish several novels
3. Save someone's life
4. Win a contest
5. Be in a movie
6. Be on a TV show
7. Get a scholarship to a good college (Juilliard wouldn't hurt!) ;)
8. Perform with a band
9. Record my own album
10. Get married
11. Have children (preferably three)
12. Be in a Broadway production
13. Work at Disney World (Wow. Ambitious.) :P
14. Buy my mom the Jaguar she's always wanted
15. Win the National Merit Scholarship
16. Take up painting
17. Write and illustrate a graphic novel
18. Sing a solo in my school's annual show choir production
19. Sing a duet with a hot guy :smt003
20. Prove that I'm not, in fact, a freak
21. Sky-dive
22. Bungee-jump
23. Climb a mountain
24. Play the piano on a street corner
25. Go to a wild dance party with my friends!
26. Ride in a limo
27. Publish a volume of poetry
28. Write and direct a play
29. Finish the novel I'm working on! (204 pages and counting!)
30. Play Juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet
31. Learn fencing
32. Learn karate
33. Start a charity
34. Just stand in Times Square and stare at everything
35. Visit Westminster Abbey
36. Burn something. Something big.
37. Give a speech
38. Meet the President
39. Be a waitress at a fancy restaurant
40. Fight someone (Not my noblest wish, but it's just something I've always wanted to do!)
41. Learn to play the guitar . . .
42. . . . and the violin . . .
43. . . . and the drums . . .
44. . . . and the harp . . .
45. . . . and the bagpipes. :shock:
46. Do a voiceover for an animated movie
47. Direct a movie
48. Guest star on Criminal Minds! (If it's still running by then. . . .)
49. Go to the Oscars (Or better yet, win one!) :D
50. Make a New Year's resolution (Still haven't done that!)
51. Act in a movie with my brother (He's also a good actor)
52. Have one of my books made into a movie :smt001
53. Visit the birthplace of Martin Luther King, Jr. . . .
54. . . . and Joan of Arc.
55. Design clothing
56. Meet Morgan Freeman (Hopefully he'll last that long!)
57. Learn how to salsa! :twisted:
58. Rap (I don't care what, I don't care where, but you would laugh at me if you knew how much I love to rap.)
59. Spend the night on a beach, and when I get enough money . . .
60. . . . live by the ocean
61. Go to a butterfly garden
62. Have a red rose-bush of my own
63. Live in a loft in New York City
64. Break a world record
65. Go to school dressed like a guy :mrgreen:
66. Dance with someone
67. Play an awesome, epic, and utterly fantabulous prank on someone
68. Go to summer camp
69. Go trick-or-treating
70. Design costumes for a movie
71. Write the screenplay for a movie
72. Visit England . . .
73. . . . and France . . .
74. . . . and Italy . . .
75. . . . and Ireland . . .
76. . . . and China . . .
77. . . . and Egypt.
78. Swim with dolphins
79. Sneak out with my friends
80. Go sailing on the ocean
81. Build a treehouse
82. Go scuba-diving
83. Bring someone to Christ, and eventually . . .
84. . . . do missionary work in a foreign country
85. Get a tiny dog that can fit in my purse :)
86. Prove everyone wrong
87. Watch a lunar eclipse
88. See a comet
89. Name a star after someone
90. Be rich . . .
91. . . . and famous
92. Just go on a massive shopping spree :P
93. Take debate class
94. Help my school's math team win some kind of championship *geek*
95. Babysit a bunch of kids at once
96. Have a daughter who looks like me :smt001
97. Learn photography
98. Live long enough to see The Silmarillion made into some kind of movie
99. Stand at the top of the Statue of Liberty
100. Have anyone bother to read this piece because it's so long and meaningless :|
101. Live each and every day to the fullest


I read it and loved it. It's kind of creepy how much we are alike when it comes to random things. You got me thinking of rewriting my list (We had to write one when I was in the 5th grade). Some of these I've done and it's kind of weird to think how much "simple" things I've taken for granted like #53 visiting Martin Luther Kings home. I live in Georgia so going to his brith place, church, and burial place is kind of a normal field trip in school. #11 I wan 3 kids too, 2 boy and 1 girl. #2 of course I would love to do that! I've writen 156 pages so far; and I still have a few chapters to go :!: #61 I've done, there's a Callaway Gardens down here and they have a huge Butterfly garden. I would love to do #41-44 and 46, 52 would be cool, #5 I've always wanted to be an extra ever since I saw my cousin was in spider-man 2 as an extra.

I could go on forever how much of your list is like mine :D

BTW I've also done #100 :smt002

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:35 am
Mizzle says...

Hello, Warrior Princess! I hope your day is going well.

I took the time to read through your bucket list, unlike you probably thought. According to number one hundred on your bucket list, you called the bucket list itself meaningless and long and said that you doubted anyone would read it. Well, hun, I proved you wrong: I read it. And I did not think it was meaningless, and though it was long, I did not mind that. I have always thought about writing myself up a bucket list, especially after the movie The Bucket List, but have never really followed through and written one. Maybe because I have this remarkable idea that somehow scientists will come up with a way to live forever and, I don't know. I don't like thinking about death.

However, I can identify with a few of your bucket list wishes. Some of them were just brilliant! You do seem to have high goals, which is fantastic, and have definitely set the bar high for yourself in life, which I like a lot. You don't see a whole lot of driven young people nowadays.

Warrior Princess wrote:2. Write and publish several novels

I might not publish several, but I have always wanted to publish one. Great goal, young writer. ;)

Warrior Princess wrote:85. Get a tiny dog that can fit in my purse

Kind of reminded me of Legally Blonde and those type of movies.

Warrior Princess wrote:97. Learn photography

God, this is a good one. Perhaps my favorite. Message me anytime if you want some tips! I happen to be a photography geek.

This is cute. I hope you fulfill all your wishes on your bucket list.

- Mizz
"Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all, those wings will take you up so high."
-- Owl City, "To the Sky"
✯ ✯ ✯

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:36 am
StoryWeaver13 says...

Wow, I need to make one of these. I was glad to see that I've done at least some things on your list, but I haven't done too many. Well, I'm inspired to write my own, and even if this isn't exactly something to review it's definately an interesting way to learn about somebody. Hope you meet your aspirations.
Keep writing,
Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ~Lemony Snicket

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:11 am
TheAlphaBunny says...

Ahoy. :3
I really love reading things likes this since it gives some surprising insight about people. (And they're easy and entertaining, but that doesn't sound as fancy.)
Basically, I'm writing this dinky review to tell you that this inspired me, like Story said, to write my own bucket list. So thanks for the inspiration. ;)
Much loves,
"I can have oodles of charm when I want to." --Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:40 pm
Jenthura says...

3. Save someone's life

Someday, you will decide to talk to the annoying beef-and-cheese bald man while you wait at the stop light. You will pursue your discussion of broccoli even after the light turns green, saving you both from the semi that hurtles down the street, killing everyone who did step across the street.
I have prophesied.

65. Go to school dressed like a guy

Don't girls do that all the time these days?

89. Name a star after someone

Possible. But it takes money. I read somewhere that you can name a star after yourself (or someone else) and it goes down into history books as your star.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:50 pm
ziggiefred says...

Hello there :)
Yikes, this is a lot. I like your innovative list, haha. I think I should make one of these to keep my life entertained.

90. Be rich . . .

91. . . . and famous

92. Just go on a massive shopping spree
Yes, yes and yes! I think I'll be working on these three things this year :) .
This is very inspiring; thank you for posting it!
Keep writing and good luck!
The best is what you make it!

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:30 pm
Wondergirl59 says...

Cross # 100 off your list. Obviously, people have read this. This is awesome. My mom laughed at me when I made my bucket list. But ya never know, I just might die tomorrow. Or today, depending on my mood. Just kidding....Aneeewaaaysss, awesome. Awesome awesome awesome...Ok, said it all. Bye! :D
Life can be amazing if your slightly strange

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:34 pm
retrodisco666 says...


I went through after and checked off the ones I've done!

If this was my bucket list, I would be halfway to dead :s

cary thoughts. Fun read though!

~Retro Disco666
'I have loved to the point of madness, which for me is the only true way to love'
~Francoise Sagan

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:30 am
MatthewDawn says...

This is a pretty nice list, interesting. However, it seems as if you're just listing things (actually, that's exactly what you did). Having a list isn't bad, however you need to add a lot more detail to each item. I suggest adding more information such as how you want to do it, how you think you'll do it, why it is important to you, etc. Because you won't want to type 101 paragraphs, I suggest you compile them. The easiest example is the following:
Warrior Princess wrote:I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. This is my bucket list. Be warned, it's pretty long!
41. Learn to play the guitar . . .
42. . . . and the violin . . .
43. . . . and the drums . . .
44. . . . and the harp . . .
45. . . . and the bagpipes. :shock:

Make it all into one big category: "Learn to play instruments A-E"

I'm not trying to be over critical, you have a wonderful idea, I just feel it isn't a formal piece of writing, but rather simply a post made on a website. Also, get rid of the smilies, that makes it a forum post, something posted on the internet that will never be published. Smilies are used to express emotion, use words to do this.

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:37 am
PaperNessa says...

Three Words:

This was interesting.

Im not sure if this is what you want to do before you die or if this was written in the point of view of someone else, but i really liked this.(: it spoke to me. maybe i'll make a list.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:40 pm
LadySpark says...

you said burn something... might I suggest a couch?

Us West Virginia Uneversity fans LOVE to burn couches. Don't know why, we just do.
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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96 Reviews

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:58 pm
tinkembell says...

Cool list, geuss like everyone else said you need to cross off 100 a lot of the things you want to do are really easily done, very inspirational :)

Warrior Princess wrote:I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. This is my bucket list. Be warned, it's pretty long!

1. Kiss someone in the rain
2. Write and publish several novels
3. Save someone's life
4. Win a contest
5. Be in a movie
6. Be on a TV show
7. Get a scholarship to a good college (Juilliard wouldn't hurt!) ;)
8. Perform with a band
9. Record my own album
10. Get married
11. Have children (preferably three)
12. Be in a Broadway production
13. Work at Disney World (Wow. Ambitious.) :P
14. Buy my mom the Jaguar she's always wanted
15. Win the National Merit Scholarship
16. Take up painting
17. Write and illustrate a graphic novel
18. Sing a solo in my school's annual show choir production
19. Sing a duet with a hot guy :smt003
20. Prove that I'm not, in fact, a freak
21. Sky-dive
22. Bungee-jump
23. Climb a mountain
24. Play the piano on a street corner
25. Go to a wild dance party with my friends!
26. Ride in a limo
27. Publish a volume of poetry
28. Write and direct a play
29. Finish the novel I'm working on! (204 pages and counting!)
30. Play Juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet
31. Learn fencing
32. Learn karate
33. Start a charity
34. Just stand in Times Square and stare at everything
35. Visit Westminster Abbey
36. Burn something. Something big.
37. Give a speech
38. Meet the President
39. Be a waitress at a fancy restaurant
40. Fight someone (Not my noblest wish, but it's just something I've always wanted to do!)
41. Learn to play the guitar . . .
42. . . . and the violin . . .
43. . . . and the drums . . .
44. . . . and the harp . . .
45. . . . and the bagpipes. :shock:
46. Do a voiceover for an animated movie
47. Direct a movie
48. Guest star on Criminal Minds! (If it's still running by then. . . .)
49. Go to the Oscars (Or better yet, win one!) :D
50. Make a New Year's resolution (Still haven't done that!)
51. Act in a movie with my brother (He's also a good actor)
52. Have one of my books made into a movie :smt001
53. Visit the birthplace of Martin Luther King, Jr. . . .
54. . . . and Joan of Arc.
55. Design clothing
56. Meet Morgan Freeman (Hopefully he'll last that long!)
57. Learn how to salsa! :twisted:
58. Rap (I don't care what, I don't care where, but you would laugh at me if you knew how much I love to rap.)
59. Spend the night on a beach, and when I get enough money . . .
60. . . . live by the ocean
61. Go to a butterfly garden
62. Have a red rose-bush of my own
63. Live in a loft in New York City
64. Break a world record
65. Go to school dressed like a guy :mrgreen:
66. Dance with someone
67. Play an awesome, epic, and utterly fantabulous prank on someone
68. Go to summer camp
69. Go trick-or-treating
70. Design costumes for a movie
71. Write the screenplay for a movie
72. Visit England . . .
73. . . . and France . . .
74. . . . and Italy . . .
75. . . . and Ireland . . .
76. . . . and China . . .
77. . . . and Egypt.
78. Swim with dolphins
79. Sneak out with my friends
80. Go sailing on the ocean
81. Build a treehouse
82. Go scuba-diving
83. Bring someone to Christ, and eventually . . .
84. . . . do missionary work in a foreign country
85. Get a tiny dog that can fit in my purse :)
86. Prove everyone wrong
87. Watch a lunar eclipse
88. See a comet
89. Name a star after someone
90. Be rich . . .
91. . . . and famous
92. Just go on a massive shopping spree :P
93. Take debate class
94. Help my school's math team win some kind of championship *geek*
95. Babysit a bunch of kids at once
96. Have a daughter who looks like me :smt001
97. Learn photography
98. Live long enough to see The Silmarillion made into some kind of movie
99. Stand at the top of the Statue of Liberty
100. Have anyone bother to read this piece because it's so long and meaningless :|
101. Live each and every day to the fullest

"The rabbit always squeals in the jaws of the fox, but when has another rabbit ever rushed up to save it?" Damon Salvatore
;'( please, my lump, he just needs HUGS <3
Need a review? Just ask :)
Just keep writing, just keep writing, do-do-do-do-do

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96 Reviews

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:58 pm
tinkembell says...

Cool list, geuss like everyone else said you need to cross off 100 a lot of the things you want to do are really easily done, very inspirational :)

Warrior Princess wrote:I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. This is my bucket list. Be warned, it's pretty long!

1. Kiss someone in the rain
2. Write and publish several novels
3. Save someone's life
4. Win a contest
5. Be in a movie
6. Be on a TV show
7. Get a scholarship to a good college (Juilliard wouldn't hurt!) ;)
8. Perform with a band
9. Record my own album
10. Get married
11. Have children (preferably three)
12. Be in a Broadway production
13. Work at Disney World (Wow. Ambitious.) :P
14. Buy my mom the Jaguar she's always wanted
15. Win the National Merit Scholarship
16. Take up painting
17. Write and illustrate a graphic novel
18. Sing a solo in my school's annual show choir production
19. Sing a duet with a hot guy :smt003
20. Prove that I'm not, in fact, a freak
21. Sky-dive
22. Bungee-jump
23. Climb a mountain
24. Play the piano on a street corner
25. Go to a wild dance party with my friends!
26. Ride in a limo
27. Publish a volume of poetry
28. Write and direct a play
29. Finish the novel I'm working on! (204 pages and counting!)
30. Play Juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet
31. Learn fencing
32. Learn karate
33. Start a charity
34. Just stand in Times Square and stare at everything
35. Visit Westminster Abbey
36. Burn something. Something big.
37. Give a speech
38. Meet the President
39. Be a waitress at a fancy restaurant
40. Fight someone (Not my noblest wish, but it's just something I've always wanted to do!)
41. Learn to play the guitar . . .
42. . . . and the violin . . .
43. . . . and the drums . . .
44. . . . and the harp . . .
45. . . . and the bagpipes. :shock:
46. Do a voiceover for an animated movie
47. Direct a movie
48. Guest star on Criminal Minds! (If it's still running by then. . . .)
49. Go to the Oscars (Or better yet, win one!) :D
50. Make a New Year's resolution (Still haven't done that!)
51. Act in a movie with my brother (He's also a good actor)
52. Have one of my books made into a movie :smt001
53. Visit the birthplace of Martin Luther King, Jr. . . .
54. . . . and Joan of Arc.
55. Design clothing
56. Meet Morgan Freeman (Hopefully he'll last that long!)
57. Learn how to salsa! :twisted:
58. Rap (I don't care what, I don't care where, but you would laugh at me if you knew how much I love to rap.)
59. Spend the night on a beach, and when I get enough money . . .
60. . . . live by the ocean
61. Go to a butterfly garden
62. Have a red rose-bush of my own
63. Live in a loft in New York City
64. Break a world record
65. Go to school dressed like a guy :mrgreen:
66. Dance with someone
67. Play an awesome, epic, and utterly fantabulous prank on someone
68. Go to summer camp
69. Go trick-or-treating
70. Design costumes for a movie
71. Write the screenplay for a movie
72. Visit England . . .
73. . . . and France . . .
74. . . . and Italy . . .
75. . . . and Ireland . . .
76. . . . and China . . .
77. . . . and Egypt.
78. Swim with dolphins
79. Sneak out with my friends
80. Go sailing on the ocean
81. Build a treehouse
82. Go scuba-diving
83. Bring someone to Christ, and eventually . . .
84. . . . do missionary work in a foreign country
85. Get a tiny dog that can fit in my purse :)
86. Prove everyone wrong
87. Watch a lunar eclipse
88. See a comet
89. Name a star after someone
90. Be rich . . .
91. . . . and famous
92. Just go on a massive shopping spree :P
93. Take debate class
94. Help my school's math team win some kind of championship *geek*
95. Babysit a bunch of kids at once
96. Have a daughter who looks like me :smt001
97. Learn photography
98. Live long enough to see The Silmarillion made into some kind of movie
99. Stand at the top of the Statue of Liberty
100. Have anyone bother to read this piece because it's so long and meaningless :|
101. Live each and every day to the fullest

"The rabbit always squeals in the jaws of the fox, but when has another rabbit ever rushed up to save it?" Damon Salvatore
;'( please, my lump, he just needs HUGS <3
Need a review? Just ask :)
Just keep writing, just keep writing, do-do-do-do-do

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:03 pm
BenFranks says...

72. Visit England . . .

73. . . . and France . . .

74. . . . and Italy . . .

75. . . . and Ireland . . .

76. . . . and China . . .

77. . . . and Egypt.

I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't want to go travelling around. It is definitely an aspiration of mine. Except I'd replace England with America - being English and all that. I'd love to visit the middle east, which you may find odd, but I think the lifestyles over there are a hell of a lot different to what the news makes them out to be.

This is an interesting "piece", but there's nothing to critique. If I started poking holes in grammar, it'd be stupid. This is a personal bucket list, a pretty optimistic one to be sure, but all the same quite a lot of the things on it are all worthwhile experiences.


The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
— Patrick Star