
Young Writers Society

Wimminz (16+ for language/brutal honesty)

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:32 pm
Loller65 says...

A/N-This isn't in response to the "10- reasons why women are better than men" or whatever, just something I've had bouncing around for awhile...oh, and I don't care if this offends any of you, okay?

Woman. Without woman, there would be no man.


That being said, I really hate how they use their vaginas as a reason why they are superior to us.


I mean, I'm down with women's lib and stuff, but the extreme ones who burn bras and are all anti-man just...they just piss me off! What gets me is how some women act superior to men. What happened to good old fashioned equality? Why is it suddenly so important to be better?

We did this thing when I was in seventh grade. Every GT (Gifted and talented) student in our school district got a paper that had a few questions, the last of which being "What is your goal in life?". I put "To win an Academy Award for Best Picture/Director"/

One of the girls I knew, an eighth grader, put "Taking down stupid, sexist men in high places."

That made my blood boil. Just because a man has a higher position in the workplace than you doesn't mean he's a sexist. It just means that, oh, I dunno, HE MIGHT NATURALLY BE MORE CAPABLE THAN YOU. Some people are better at things than others. That's the way it works. And if a man is naturally better at say, accounting, than a woman, he's going to get higher up in the workplace than a woman who isn't good at accounting. That's how it works.

Now, I am by no means saying sexism doesn't exist, it does. I just hate how some women are quick to go "He's getting more favorable treatment than me. MUST BE SEXISM!". I just do.

I also know that, on average, women get payed less. While this could be due to sexism, that isn't immediately the answer, and I hate how it's treated as such.

And another thing. Women love to bring up how they were the last sect of our society to get all the privileges of a white male (A/N I said "white male" in reference to how in the 1830's only white males had full rights, not because whites are better) and how they're still downtrodden. Change takes time. Women have only been able to vote or run for office for less than a hundred years. A massive political upheaval like that takes time to adjust to.

Lastly, women getting pissed at me for liking the attractive ones pisses me off. It's basic instinct to be attracted to attractive members of the opposite sex. That is a basic need we must keep in tact if we, as a species, wish to continue. Sometimes, I see a woman (mine has never done this, thank God) get mad at her boyfriend or husband for looking at other women. The thing is, if that woman didn't want to be looked at, she wouldn't put it out there to see.

So yeah, that's why I hate (some) women.


I love the female race. My favorite thing in the world is an attractive woman. Call me a sexist pig all you want for liking pretty women, but that won't change my mind. They are awesome. And there are women that I like talking to. Usually, a woman who is insanely attractive is not good to talk to, whereas I rarely find a woman who is good to talk to that is insanely attractive. And I'm okay with that.


Now I'm sure all you female members (and maybe some of the annoying males*) are probably, at this point going


Because I had quite a bit more to say in regards of hate than in regards to love, but that is simply because the few nutjob women that inspired the Hate portion of this inspire much stronger feelings than those that inspired the Love portion of this. So yeah. There it is.

(inb4 YOU SEXIST I HATE YOU WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THIS?!?!?!/1/1!ONE?!?!SLASH! from thirteen year olds)

*Those allegedly non-homosex men who act all sensitive and say any woman besides the one he is dating (provided he's actually dating one) is his best friend.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:02 pm
Hecate says...

Hello there,
The person who wrote 'Ten reasons why women are better than men' here to review for you!

Anyway, when you capitalize you make yourself sound desperate for your reader's attention, as opposed to persuasive. I would suggest you use italics instead. However, don't overdo it.

I also noticed that you're having trouble explaining your points. That is okay, we're all here to learn after all.

Loller65 wrote:Now, I am by no means saying sexism doesn't exist, it does. I just hate how some women are quick to go "He's getting more favorable treatment than me. MUST BE SEXISM!". I just do.

'I just do.' while it may sound persuasive to you, it's not really. When you can't back up your point at all, you do not make a very good impression on your audience.

Now, as for the actual content, I didn't find it particularly hateful, if that's what you were going for. As opposed to that, you seemed to be, in a way, trying to excuse the reasons why sexism sometimes occurs by backing up your statements with flimsy evidence. Did you know that a woman and a man, hired at the same time to do the same job did not earn the same hourly wage? Now, you're going to say that this is because the man must have been better. Well, a few months later he was fired for incompetence and the woman had to do his job too. She did get a pay rise, which still did not match his starting salary. Now, this is the kind of stuff that should make people's blood boil. Just something to think about.

I found the 'Love' section a tad...shallow. You could do better that 'They're awesome'. Not a good enough reason once again. Also, your view (which was once again unsupported) was rather stereotypical of the male species.

This needs work, but it could be good.
Peace ;)

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:39 pm
Loller65 says...

It wasn't supposed to be persuasive. It was just my take on things. Just a rant.

"I just do" is not supposed to sound persuasive, it was meant solely to show that I hate it.

As for caps? It's supposed to be loud and glaring, like shouting, not attention grabbing.

Lastly, I wasn't going for hateful, I just figured a lot of people would take it as such. I was just speaking my mind.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

Go in fear of abstractions.
— Ezra Pound